The best garlic recipes
Honey garlic
- 1 garlic bulb
- Raw honey
- You will also need a smaller, preferably 4oz jar.
Peel and crush the cloves using the back of your knife. Let them rest for 15 minutes. Transfer the activated cloves into the jar, and drizzle just enough honey to submerge the cloves.
Seal the jar, and let it rest for 3-5 days.
The goodness of garlic will infuse in the honey, and the garlic will take some of honey’s sweetness.
After 3-5 days, store the jar in your fridge to preserve its freshness throughout the season.
Take 1-2 garlic cloves a day.
LGG Elixir
(Makes 2)
- 2 tbsp raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
- ¼ tsp lemon zest
- 3-5cm fresh ginger, peeled and grated
- a pinch of cayenne pepper
- 2 cups filtered water
- You will also need a tincture bottle and a wide-mouth Mason jar.
Boil the water, and let it cool slightly. Press the garlic cloves and let them rest for 5-10 minutes.
Get your vinegar, lemon juice, garlic, ginger and cayenne pepper inside a teapot.
Pour over the slightly cool water, and let the mixture rest for 5 minutes, so the ingredients infuse well. Always enjoy your elixir freshly prepared.
Garlic tincture elixir
- 1 cup garlic, minced
- ½ cup raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar
- ½ cup raw honey
- a pinch of black pepper
Mince your garlic and put it in a jar so its essential components can activate. Mix the vinegar and honey in a separate bowl, and pour the mixture over the garlic.
Store the jar in a dark and cool place for a month, and make sure that the content does not touch any metal pieces.
Strain it into a tincture bottle, and keep it in your fridge. You need 10-20 drops of the tincture, and you can always dilute it if its taste is too strong for you.
(other included sources linked in The Healthy Soul’s article: