During the stay-at-home period, we all try to find some amusing time-killing activities, take up new hobbies, or spend the time reading, watching films, or decluttering the home.
According to what I have witnessed so far, many of us have started cooking more and numerous recipes have gone viral these days.
Baking is one of the best things you can do in the kitchen ever, and it has undoubtedly become everyone’s favorite quarantine pastime.
Yet, it might not be always successful!
The trend to share failed kitchen experiments might have started after writer Hend Amry shared a photo of the “world’s most failed banana bread attempt” with a hashtag reading #myshame.
Many Instagram and Twitter users have hoped for homes filled with pleasant, tasty smells of freshly-baked breads and cookies, but judging from their photos, they only managed to get burnt loaves, misshapen disasters, and batter spilled out all over the pans.
The following collection shows some of the most hilarious baking fails people have shared on social media.
Can you imagine the disappointed face of the baker after opening the oven?
Perhaps baking is not for us all, right?