Green tea and red wine
Red wine is beneficial for your mood, heart, immunity and recently, scientists proved that it can also keep you safe from baldness. When it comes to hearing issues, due to its antioxidants, the red wine protects the hairs in the inner ear, which are charged for protecting the ear from outer effects. Just like wine, the green tea offers you the same benefits.
Red onion and garlic juice
When it comes to hearing loss, this remarkable mixture is considered as most effective in restoring hearing. It is prepared by mixing 30ml of garlic juice and 30ml of red onion juice and is consumed once a day.
Garlic drops
Garlic is an extremely important and favorable ingredient. For instance, people from Sicily are using garlic for many ailments. The following recipe is incredible in the process of improvement of hearing:
Crush several cloves of garlic in olive oil. Make sure that the garlic has released its juice and then filtrate it through gauze. A few drops of the prepared mixture should be applied drops of the oil in your ear, and then, the ear is to be closed using cotton.
Honey and cinnamon
Use a combination of honey and cinnamon in order to preserve and improve hearing. The treatment is made twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.