How To Use Lemon Peel As a Medicine


Disinfection agent

Lemon rind has antibacterial effect, making it the perfect disinfectant agent for the kitchen surfaces. It is especially recommended for those kitchen surfaces that should not be cleaned with agressive cleaning products. Splash some hot water on the surface and rub on some shredded lemon rind, and you can add the juice as well.

Natural cleaning product for your microwave

Fill half of a ceramic bowl with some water and add some shredded lemon rind. Put the bowl in the microwave for 3 minutes, on the highest temperature. Let it boil. The steam will remove any stains and neutralize the unpleasant odors.


Remove Limescale

Boilers are often full of limescale deposits, as well as the sink. To remove the limescale successfully, take a large pot and add the peel of one lemon, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 3dl of water, and cook on high heat.

When the mixture boils, take it off the stove and strain well. Apply the mixture on the areas covered with limescale. Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse with cold water.

Insect Repellent

Ants and other insects often invade our homes. To make it less attractive to them, put some lemon rind on the corners. Cut the rind into pieces, and make some small cuts on the surface so the aroma can be easily released. The essential oils will keep anyuninvited guest away from your home.


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