It has the highest concentration of antioxidants, compared to any other food in the world. These antioxidants include polyphenols, catechins and epicatechins. Cocoa has more antioxidants than black wine, blueberries, acai berries, rosehip, and goji berries TOGETHER!
It is really beneficial in relieving stress, thanks to its high mineral content (especially magnesium). Magnesium is vital for more than 300 processes in the organism -- ranging from digestion to heart and brain function.
Cocoa contains catechins, polypenols that are believed to protect against heart diseases, cancer, and many other diseases.
Moreover, cocoa is an excellent source of iron, chromium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin C. 28g of cocoa will provide up to 314% of the recommended daily intake of iron.
According to the results of the study conducted at the International Diabetes Institute in Australia, diabetics who consumed cocoa regularly had significantly better blood pressure and lower risk of heart disease and heart attack.
This wonderful plant also contains PEA (phenylethylamine). It is a set of compounds that your body secretes when you are in love, so it is not surprising that many replace the need of love with chocolate that is rich in cocoa.
Cocoa also contains serotonin and dopamine, hormones of happiness. Cocoa bean is rich in omega-6 fatty acids that nourish the brain and help the overall functioning of the organism.
Taking into consideration the above, make sure that cocoa becomes part of your everyday diet as soon as possible.
However, eating regular chocolate (it may be dark as it can be) does not mean that you consume healthy cocoa. Unfortunately, during the production process cocoa is cooked on high heat, so it loses most of its nutrients and healing properties.
Buy pure, organic cocoa and enjoy its benefits! May the food of the gods be your food as well!