Broccoli does not form a closed bulbs flowers, their bulbs are composed of green to bluish light buds flowers, which are on conifers. Also, although very rare, but there are and other types of broccoli like:
-- Purple
-- Yellow
-- And the rarest is white breed of broccoli
Broccoli, unlike of the most vegetables are less tasty if used fresh.
- 30 ml Oil
- little Parsley
- 300 grams Tomato
- 600 grams of broccoli
- bit small spoon Pepper
- pinch of salt
Preparation time: 30 min.
Cooking time: 35 min.
1. Boil the cleaned broccoli in salt water for short time. Then drain away, and store the water.
2. Add little oil in any pot, then add the juice from the tomatoes, season with salt, pepper and the finely chopped parsley, and mix it together.
3. Then add broccoli, and match the pot, boil over low heat, until the broccoli are fully softened.
4. If it necessary, add some water from the pot, which were boiled the broccoli.
Have a good appetite.