5. Milk And Dairy Products
Consuming low fat milk and dairy products should be part of every diet.
Most people know that these products contain large amounts of calcium which is the main reason for their efficiency in bone strengthening. But, not that many people know that calcium stops weight increasing, because it accelerates the fat burning process.
Consuming milk and dairy products will maintain your waist thin and it will also help your body fight osteoporosis and high blood pressure.
6. Lean Meat
Fish, chicken, turkey and beef are considered as lean meat. This meat contains protein, but that is not all. Chicken contains B12, B6 and potassium, beef -- zinc and iron, fish -- omega-3 fatty acid.
Lean meat helps you fight obesity, participates in muscle creation process and strengthens immunity.
7. Oatmeal
Even though it is not the most delicious food you have ever tried, oatmeal is really powerful, because it contains lots of nutrients. It is best to consume it without adding sugar or other spices.
Oatmeal will keep you full for longer period of the day and it regulates insulin level in the body, which stops fat storage. It increases energy and lowers cholesterol level.
Oatmeal protects against colon cancer and heart diseases.
Extra tip: For a nicely shaped and flat tummy, you should eat 6 times a day in order to keep the balance between consumed and burned calories.
If you maintain a difference of consumed and burned calories within 300-500, you will burn fat and tone your muscles.