17 Priceless Parenting Life Hacks Moms And Dads Need Urgently

Being able to create life is the biggest miracle in life. A baby in the house, especially for the first time, is an unforgettable experience that fills the home with love, purity, excitement, positivity, and well..chaos.

Apparently, a first-time parent with little prior experience in most things finds it hard to adjust to the new responsibilities, which include much more than just changing diapers, feeding the baby, and burping.

The first few months can be especially difficult for new parents, so in order to survive, many people become more creative than they ever imagined they could!

The following 17 creative solutions will be of great help next time you face a problem:

1. Here is how to prevent injuries to your baby’s head

2. You can use these pool noodles on the walker to protect walls and everyone else’s feet

3. You can feed both babies hands-free.

4. Use the adhesive top from baby wipes as makeshift socket covers.

5. Use stickers to keep kids busy and entertained during a long flight.

6. Bring a full (of money) diaper while keeping your kid entertained.

7. You can make a DIY pool out of your shower curtain.

8. Heat wax warmers under the sun to get rid of the smell from your car’s interior.

9. Dad sticks each type of band-aid outside the Ziploc baggies to be able to recognize them quickly.

10. Your kids will love to eat from the watermelons cut as sticks.

11. Here is what you need to do to heat up multiple plates in the microwave at once:

12. Use pool noodles as door bumpers to prevent fingers from getting caught indoors.

13. Stuff a marshmallow in the bottom to stop dripping ice-cream melts.

14. Warm-up sack of rice in a flannel cloth to warm up the baby when sleeping.

15. You can also use rubber gloves.

16. This is a great way to reward your kids.

17. Make a simple portable bed by sewing 4 pillows into one.

These parenting life hacks can be life-saving in times you desperately need assistance, so try them out!

If you also get creative on a daily basis to ease parenthood, share your wisdom with us and help others in a similar situation!

And remember not to worry too much, as you’re already a natural at caring for your baby!

Sources: waterballoon.me


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