Psychologists Recommend Mothers Should Take Breaks Also known as “Mom-cations”

Moms work harder than anyone on this planet. They work 24/7, and this “job” comes accompanied by emotional and financial stress.

Moms deserve mom-cation. It’s a brief vacation moms have, and it doesn’t include their husband or kids. Mom-cation is usually a fun trip for tired moms, and psychologists confirm that moms really need to travel solo. These trips have a beneficial effect on moms’ relationship with their families.

Mom-cations improve their overall well-being

Taking a mom-cation is beneficial for the husband and kids, too. Dr. Nava Silton, a psychology professor, says kids need to see the balance in the family which is of great help for the family situation.

Moms raise a child while keeping everything under control. They are always present at school activities, and let’s not forget that moms also do the cooking and planning. Moms often feel as if they are the only person to make the kids follow their schedule and run the household.

Before taking the trip, moms should give their spouse or other family member and friend a detailed care plan.

One mom says she was a better mom after taking her mom-cation. She had enough time to rest and relax. Her patience was back and she was a better wife, too. She appreciated more the “things” she had at home.

All moms need is a couple of days off. Having a coffee with their best friend is also helpful. This has a beneficial effect on their mental, physical and emotional health.

Mom-cation is a must for every hard-working mother out there. Mothers do everything around the house because they are expected to do so. They do the laundry, cook, iron, clean, pick up dirty clothes, feed toddlers, etc. It’s tiring and exhausting, and moms deserve a vacation!



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