60 Minutes On This Bicycle Can Power Your Home For Twenty-Four Hours

Have you ever dreamt of powering your household without paying the huge costs? Can you imagine achieving it, and take care of your body figure at the same time?

Well, this was the amazing idea of the founder of the Free Electric hybrid bike, Manoj Bhargava.  He uses mechanical energy in the simplest way possible in order to transform an hour of exercise into supplying a rural household with energy for 24 hours.

His mechanism is simple- the flywheel is activated when you pedal, and this powers the generator and charges a battery. 

According to Bicycling:

“The Free Electric is made with standard bike parts, which makes it easily fixable by any mechanic around the world. The bike is cheap, clean, and practical in terms of providing energy to those who need it most on a global scale.

Bhargava says:

“Our target is to begin with India, but really it can be used anywhere. There are 1.3 billion people around the world who are still living without access to electricity.”

Moreover, he claims that the Free Electric essentially creates “better health, more leisure time, better access to education, and opportunities for entrepreneurship—it could literally change the world.”

Have you ever heard of a better motivation to start exercising? The featured video gives you an opportunity to see this bike in action:

Source: www.goodshomedesign.com


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