After the public saw the photos of the owner of the Jimmy John’s restaurant posing with animals killed on trophy hunting expeditions, numerous people reject to visit and eat at his place.
According to Business Insider, Jimmy John Liataud was on a trip to Africa several times, and participated in big game hunting, where he hunted rhinos, elephants, zebras, and leopards.
On the first picture, he poses with a ‘gravely endangered’ black rhino, whose death brought Mr. Liataus $350,000.
On the second picture, he poses with an elephant.
In the period between 2011 and 2014 alone, even 100, 000 elephants have been killed by poachers, and National Geographic reported that the popularity of the beasts among game hunters led them to the brink of extinction.
According to the estimates of experts, elephants would be entirely extinct in Africa by 2020.
Other included sources linked in David Wolfe’s article:
Huffington Post
National Geographic
Business Insider