6 Amazing Benefits of Napping

On the other hand, you have countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in these countries, and as most of you know, afternoon naps are something completely unknown to these nations. What is even worse, taking a short afternoon nap could end up costing you your career.


Now that you know how napping is beneficial in terms of your heart health, it is time to learn more about its other benefits. There are several of these, but as the title of our article suggests that we are going to discuss six benefits, we give you the remaining five. That is right, there are five more to cover and here they are:

Improved cognitive performance:

  • Increased alertness
  • Improved memory
  • Improved relaxation
  • Reduced stress

Does The Length Of A Nap Affect The Benefits?

Scientists could not decide over this. Even when you take a short 20 minute afternoon nap you can still enjoy all the benefits of napping which we already mentioned. However, the length of your afternoon nap still determines what sort of benefits you are likely to enjoy. According to the WebMD, napping is divided into different categories:

20 Minute Nap – Short 20 minute naps, also referred to as ‘power naps,’ do enhance the memory, and they have a more dramatic effect on your mental alertness and motor learning skills.

20 To 30 Minute Nap – It is enough to enhance your creativity, and also boost your memory as well.

30 To 60 Minute Nap – This type has an amazingly beneficial impact on your decision making skills. It is enough to improve that part of your memory that is held as responsible for memorizing things such as the alphabet, directions and etc.

60 To 90 Minute Nap – By taking this type of you will sure get REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which makes it the most beneficial of them all. Once you reach REM sleep, you have provided your brain the opportunity to resets itself.

In other words, it is like as if you are starting at beginning again. Many studies have shown that this type of nap dramatically affects the brain in terms of the problem solving topic. There again, NASA conducted some studies, and all of these gave the same result.

Why Is Napping Sometimes A Bad Idea?

Yes, it is time for some disadvantages. For example, when some people take their afternoon nap, they risk their goodnight’s sleep and have problems falling asleep. T

his can sometimes result in sleep deprivation. Others feel great when they wake up early in the morning after a good and long sleep, but whenever they take a short nap, they feel dazed and find it hard to concentrate on their activities. And last, it is the career issue, of course, if you live in a culture where napping at work is frowned upon.

If you can afford yourself a nice nap during the day, then we would most certainly recommend that you do so. And, yes, please do not tell your boss it was us who told you all these fantastic benefits of napping.

Source: www.healthy-holistic-living.com


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