3 Powerful Beverages To Treat Arthritis & Joint Pain Naturally

Arthritis is an inflammation that affects joints. Its affect depends on the type of arthritis you are diagnosed with. It is either the case of a worn out cartilage, lack of synovial fluid, autoimmune infections or a combination of different factors.

Regardless of the root cause, each type of arthritis is accompanied with severe pain. We suggest that you try some natural remedies and relieve your pain.


Juice Therapy

According to health experts, the juice therapy is an amazing, long-term treatment that will help you relieve joint pain. Natural juices do miracles, and there is still no evidence regarding their possible side-effects.

One of the great benefits of this therapy is that it not only eliminates pain, but also strengthens and rejuvenates your organism, and boosts your energy. Do not worry about the dosing, because natural juices are completely safe and there is nothing wrong with “overdosing.”

You can use natural juices to relieve arthritis pain and heal your joints. In this article we have covered the top 3 juices you should drink regularly:

1. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is great for the joints, because it is packed with bromelain, an enzyme known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Pineapple juice does miracles in the treatment of sport injuries, joint pain and postoperative swelling. In addition to this, pineapple juice acts as a fuel for your body. It contains all the minerals and vitamins your body needs. Drink 300-350 milliliters of pineapple juice every day.

2. Cherry Juice

Cherries contain anthocyanins, known as strong anti-inflammatory agents. They relieve arthritis induced pain. Cherries are rich in beta-carotene and copper. These both work great in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Raw Potato Juice

Raw potato juice is the most effective natural remedy for arthritis, and it has been used for centuries. The traditional preparation method consists of slicing the potatoes and soaking the slices in a glass of water overnight. Remember, you should not peel the potato. Drink the juice in the morning, before you eat or drink anything.


Make sure you use natural fruits, and prepare your juice using a juicer or a blender. Store bought juices do not provide the benefits you need, and they are often loaded with sugar and preservatives.

Source: www.healthandhealthyliving.com


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