4. Chronic Renal Failure
According to Holick, patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (especially those requiring dialysis) are not able to produce an active form of vitamin D.
These individuals should take 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 or one of the analogs to support the metabolism of calcium, to reduce the risk of renal bone disease and regulate the level of parathyroid hormone.
5. Diabetes
A study conducted in Finland involved 10,000 children which received 2,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D3 in the first day of their life. The children were observed for 31 year and each of them had 80% lower risk of Type 1 diabetes.
6. Asthma
Vitamin D can reduce the severity of asthma attacks. Studies conducted in Japan showed that asthma attacks in children of school age were significantly reduced in those who received 1,200 IU of vitamin D supplement every day.
7. Periodontal Disease
People who suffer from this chronic gum disease that causes the gums to swell and bleed, should consider increasing the vitamin D intake, so their body could produce defensins and cathelicidin, compounds with microbial properties which are able to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth.
8. Cardiovascular Disease
Heart failure is associated with the vitamin D deficiency. A study conducted at the Harvard University involved nurses, and found that women with low level of vitamin D (17 ng/m [42nmol/L]) had 67% higher risk of developing hypertension.
9. Schizophrenia and Depression
These disorders are associated with the vitamin D deficiency. The results of a study showed that the maintenance of adequate vitamin D intake in pregnant women and during the childhood is essential for the vitamin D receptors in the brain responsible for the brain development and the mental state at a later stage in life.
10. Laziness
If you often lack a desire for physical activity, blame it on the vitamin D deficiency. Mood swings are another sign that your body needs food rich in vitamin D.
11. Brittle Bones
Vitamin D stimulates the bone growth, so if you lack vitamin D, your bones will become extremely fragile.
Prevention is More Than Important
These diseases and disorders are associated with the lack of vitamin D, but you should not be worried. A proactive approach to prevention can help you avoid many chronic diseases associated with the vitamin D deficiency. On the other hand, you could save thousands of dollars, not to mention the peace you would enjoy. A simple nice walk in the sun is just enough, and be sure to carry an umbrella in the rainy days.