100,000 Person Study Reveals This Causes Early Death

The National Dairy Council would like you to accept, “There is no evidence that protein-rich foods such as dairy foods adversely impact calcium balance or bone health.” But these same dairy people know this is untrue and they state elsewhere, “Excess dietary protein, particularly purified proteins, increases urinary calcium excretion.

This calcium loss could potentially cause negative calcium balance, leading to bone loss and osteoporosis. These effects have been attributed to an increased endogenous acid load created by the metabolism of protein, which requires neutralization by alkaline salts of calcium from bone.”


The More Milk You Drink, The More Inflammatory Molecules

The best clarification of the negative wellbeing impacts of milk are the harming irritation created by galactose, a breakdown result of lactose, the primary sugar in milk. In a different gathering of individuals, the group found that the more milk that individuals drink, the more inflammatory molecules there were in their urine.

Furthermore, the ones who reported consuming a great deal of cheese and yoghurt had a lower possibility of cracking a bone or dying for the time being of the study than the ones who consumed low measures of the dairy products. This encourages the inflammation theory in light of the fact that yogurt and cheese contain considerably less lactose and galactose than milk.

Cancer Fuel

One of the 60 hormones is an influential GROWTH hormone called Insulin- like Growth Factor ONE (IGF-1). By a monstrosity of nature it is indistinguishable in cows and people. The food you consume can impact the extent to which IGF-I circles in the blood. Diets which are higher in general calories or in creature proteins have a tendency of supporting IGF-I, and there is by all accounts a particularly troubling part played by milk.

Look at this hormone as a “fuel cell” for any cancer (the restorative world says IGF-1 is a key variable in the fast development and expansion of breast, prostate and colon malignancies, and we think that in all probability it will be found to advance ALL tumors).

What makes the half of hefty American shoppers think they require MORE growth? Customers don’t think anything about it on the grounds that they have no idea to the issue…  nor do the greater part of our physicians.

Studies supported by the dairy business demonstrate a 10% expansion in IGF-1 levels in juvenile girls from one pint a day and the same 10% increment for postmenopausal women from 3 servings for every day of nonfat milk or 1% milk.

IGF-1 advances an unwelcome growth too–like cancer growth and quickened aging. IGF-1 is a standout amongst the most compelling promoters of cancer growths ever found. Overstimulation of development by IGF-1 prompts premature aging too–and lessening IGF-1 levels is “anti-aging.”

A survey published by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research in 1997 revealed that cancer risk synchronized to milk consumption in a lot of studies.

Purification Masks Low-Quality Milk and Destroy Nutrients and Enzymes

The reason why people still drink milk is because they think it’s secure due to pasteurization. On the other hand, heat demolishes an extraordinary number of microorganisms in milk and therefore covers the proof of dirt, pus and grimy dairy practices.

It’s less expensive to deliver dirty milk and execute the microorganisms by high temperature, than to keep up a clean dairy and keep cows sound. To battle the increment in pathogens milk experiences ‘clarification’, ‘filtering’, “bactofugation” and two “deariation” medicines. Each of these medicines uses high temperature going from 100-175 degrees Fahrenheit.

Dairies depend on numerous hotness medicines to veil their substandard clean conditions: milk loaded with pus, manure and debris. Shopper Reports discovered 44% of 125 sanitized milk specimens contained upwards of 2200 organic entities for every cubic centimeter (fecal microbes, coliforms).

Sanitization additionally destroys vitamin C, and harms water solvent B vitamins lessening the supplement estimation of milk. Calcium and different minerals are made inaccessible by purification. The Maillard response, a compound reaction in the middle of proteins and sugars, happens at higher heat and causes browning, while discoloring the milk.

Milk chemicals, proteins, antibodies and also advantageous hormones are executed by sanitization bringing about devitalized “lifeless” milk. Milk chemicals help digest lactose and both enzymes and milk proteins help to retain vitamins. Defensive enzymes in milk are inactivated, making it more helpless to waste.

In the long term, purified milk is not refreshment that can be proposed to either keep up or progress wellbeing. It has no critical wholesome worth and there is a far more serious risk in devouring it than not. There are likewise a lot of other options, including coconut milk, nut milks (i.e. almond, cashew), and hemp milk which far surpass customary cow’s milk as far as nourishment and wellbeing advancing properties.

Other sources linked in Natural Cures Not Medicine’s article:


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