The composition of the spine, or the vertebral column or spinal column, consists of series of bones, vertebrae, which are stacked one upon another.
The spine has 4 regions, cervical (neck), which is made up of 7 cervical vertebrae; lumbar (low back), thoracic (chest/trunk); and sacral (pelvic).
The most important function of the cervical spine is to support the weight of the head, or around 10-12 pounds. The cervical spine has the widest range of motion, mostly due to the 2 specialized vertebrae, whose role is to move with the skull.
These vertebrae are the smallest in size, and the first one is known as the atlas, and is greatly different from all the others, having a shape of a ring, with a couple of big protrusions on the sides, which serve to support the weight of the head.
The other cervical vertebra is the axis, which is also unique, as it has a bony peg-like protrusion on the upper surface, known as the dens or odontoid, which fits within the ring structure of the atlas. The neck curve is called the lordosis curve, and resembles a “C” in reverse.
The thoracic spine protects the organs of the chest, in particular, the lungs and the heart.
The thoracic cage, which protects the chest organs, consists of 12 thoracic vertebrae with one rib attached on each side. It has a normal kyphosis, or “C” curve. Yet, the thoracic cage makes it not as mobile as the lumbar and the cervical spine.
On the other hand, the lumbar spine contains five lumbar vertebrae, which are biggest in size, and are aligned in a reverse “C” such as the cervical spine, forming a normal lumbar lordosis.
In comparison to the cervical and thoracic vertebral bodies, these 5 lumbar ones ate largest in diameter, and bear the weight of the spine.
The following exercise is extremely easy and simple, but it provides amazing effects. Just watch out the video below and follow the instructions and you will successfully adjust your spine and avoid spine issues.