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Kale – The World’s Most Powerful Superfood

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What does “superfood” mean?
First it was blueberries, and spinach, and white tea, cranberry and …

Tangerines – Health In A Small Package

If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on health topics and natural remedies.
Compared to other similar fruit tangerines are a lot smaller, but equally powerful as …

10 Amazing Uses For Baking Soda

Even though you have this product in your kitchen, some of you still do not know the benefits baking soda provides.
1. Get ready for your favorite manicure
Take some baking soda and add some water. Use a piece of fabric and …

4 Most Powerful Food Products October Offers

Besides announcing cold weather, October brings the healthiest autumn food too. Read which are the most powerful super-foods in October…

Pumpkins are a food product especially rich in nutrients necessary and important for your organism, such as: Vitamins A, B, C, …

Muscat Nut – Solution For Your Digestive Problems

Many chefs use this interesting food product to spice their specialities, but many people have not even heard of it. Read today’s article and discover the truth about muscat nut and its incredible power over the digestive system…
Muscat nut eases …

7 Magic Uses Of Eggs

Surely you are well aware that eggs are an indispensable source of protein and are also rich in vitamins and minerals.
But despite being healthy, nutritious and can be prepared in many different ways, eggs are a great friend of your …

Tomato – A Powerful Keeper Of Our Health

Tomato, or red tomato (lat. Lycopersicon lycopersicum) is a garden plant with a mixed position between fruit and vegetable. There is no single person who has not tried and enjoyed it. Tomatoes are used in many recipes, salads, sauces, soups, …

Maca Root – Healthy And Beneficial For Human Body

Maca (Lepidium Meyenii) has tonic effects on biochemical body functions. The most important effect maca has is its ability to improve endocrine function.
Endocrine system includes all the glands and secreted hormones which control important processes, such as fertility, sexual function, …