
Girl, 8, Pulls A 1,500-Year-Old Sword From A Lake In Sweden

Two years ago, a girl from Sweden found a 1,500-old sword in the shallow waters of a lake.

When we were kids, whenever we were outside, playing in the garden, in the woods, or at the beach, we all dreamed of finding something centuries-old, valuable, and unique.

Treasure hunting games are always among the children’s favorites, but can you imagine being so lucky to actually come across a 15-centuries-old sword in a lake? Well, one then-eight year- old girl from Sweden was!

Saga Vanecek and her family had a cottage on Lake Vidöstern in Tånnö, an area of southern Sweden. Two years ago, the water level had been very shallow, due to drought, and according to her dad, it was the hottest summer in 260 years.

Luckily, these were perfect conditions for the girl to discover the ancient relic!

Saga said:

“I waded into the water and it was very soft on my skin and refreshing, a little bit cool but not too cold. It was a nice feeling because the sun was shining and I was very hot.

Daddy was begging me to rush so he could watch the World Cup final, but I like to take my time about things so I ignored him.”

She was looking for skipping stones, and crawling along the bottom of the lake when she spotted it:

“My hand and knee felt something long and hard buried in the clay and sand. I pulled it out and saw that it was different from the sticks or rocks I usually find.”

Even though she didn’t know what it really was, she realized it had a handle on one end and a point on the other, so she picked it up in the air, and turned to her father:

 “Daddy, I’ve found a sword!”

At this point, her father said this little heroine looked like Pippi Longstocking!

Andy Vanecek initially thought his daughter had found an unusual stick or branch in the water. Yet, Saga got upset when he asked to have the weapon, explaining that it was “her sword”, but as it eventually started bending, she gave it to him.

The girl went to tell her mother and other relatives about her discovery, and the father started investigating the matter. Saga said he went to show it to their neighbors, “whose family has lived in the village for more than 100 years” and they thought it looked like “a Viking sword.”

Yet, when the sword was taken to an archaeologist, the excited woman estimated it to be over 1,000 years old!

Further testing showed that the valuable find was more than 1,500 years old. The family was then asked to keep the discovery a secret until archeologists could check the lake for other artifacts.

Saga added she confided to only one of her best friends, Emmy, who told her parents about it, but they “promised not to tell anybody else.” Saga’s sword is now in a museum, but the girl is hoping to raise enough money for a replica she can keep.

Saga’s father added that they find it “cool”, that the sword his daughter found will be in a museum, “and it might even say ‘Saga’s sword’ and it might be there for thousands of years.”

Mikael Nordström from the museum, explained:

“It’s about 85 centimeters long, and there is also preserved wood and metal around it. We are very keen to see the conservation staff do their work and see more of the details of the sword.

 The conservation process takes quite a long time because it’s a complicated environment with wood and leather, so they have several steps to make sure it’s preserved for the future.

Why it has come to be there, we don’t know. When we searched a couple of weeks ago, we found another prehistoric object; a brooch from around the same period as the sword, so that means – we don’t know yet – but perhaps it’s a place of sacrifice. At first, we thought it could be graves situated nearby the lake, but we don’t think that anymore.”

Afterward, archeologists also excavated an 18th-century coin. Interestingly, the friends of the family had joked that the discovery made Saga the new Queen of Sweden, and many agreed with them!



This Math Problem Is Making Everyone Question Their Education

Math can be fun if you remember some basic rules.

Math is not everyone’s cup of tea, you must agree. Yet, I believe it can be much more fun than most of us think, if we understand its simplicity.

Math is a combination of operations, and if you learn how to play right with the numbers, you will actually find it very amusing and challenging. Math can teach you new ways to understand the world.

Therefore, we share one simple math problem with you today- and if you remember some basic math rules from school, you will solve it easily. Yet, it might look very problematic and difficult for many, so we will help you.

Take a look at the image below, to recall the basic principles of PEMDAS:

Here is what to do:

  1. Do what’s in the parentheses first, if any. (in this situation, there are none).
  2. Do the exponents (again, there are none).
  3. Do any multiplication or division, whichever comes first from left to right (-25 x 0 =0).
  4. Next, do 50+50-0+2+2.
  5. Do the addition and subtraction from left to right, 50+50 = 100.
  6. Next, 100-0+2+2.
  7. The answer is 104.

You might find the following acronym easy to remember:

Now, let us try solving the math puzzle 7(7-2×3) =?:

  • Solve the multiplication in the brackets first: 7 (7- 6)
  • Next, do the equation within the brackets: 7 (1)
  • In the end, solve the multiplication: 7 x 1 = 7


Math can be fun, indeed!


Animals Life

Naughty Pet Cat Tries To Stop His Owner From Doing Her Homework By ‘Seizing’ Her Pen

Zai, a seven-month-old American shorthair from China, does his best to distract his best friend while the girl is doing her homework.

Most kids find homework difficult or boring to complete. Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way, and one adorable kitten proves it! This naughty cat manages to make doing homework much more challenging!

Footage reveals the moment a little girl from China tries to concentrate on her homework, but her naughty cat is constantly distracting her.

The 7-month-old American shorthair, named Zai Zai, tries to grab her pen while lying on the table!

After spending 5 months together, the pair have been inseparable, and according to the mother of the girl, the cat never leaves his best friend alone.

  • A seven-month-old American shorthair in China, Zai Zai, keeps lying on the desk and playing with his best friend’s pen, while the girl is trying to do her homework

  • The girl struggles to concentrate, but the naughty American shorthair is determined to distract her by any means necessary

The mother filmed the cute video while she was helping the daughter with the homework in Jiangsu Province, eastern China. The naughty pet decided it was time for fun instead!

While the kid is doing the homework, while lying on the desk, the cat tries to grab the pen, over and over again. He even bit it to make the girl stop writing.

The mother shared the video online and wrote:

‘One doesn’t like studying and the other doesn’t let [her] study.’

  • The parent of the girl filmed the entire scene while she was helping her daughter with homework at their home in Jiangsu Province of eastern China

  • The girl and the pet has been inseparable for five months now since a friend gave the cat to the kid as a present

The mother explained:

“My daughter had always wanted a cat, so my friend bought her one as a present. The cat would watch her do homework and they would sleep together sometimes.”

Yet, she was surprised that the clip became trending on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok:

“I just thought it was funny and filmed it casually. I didn’t think so many people would enjoy it as well.”

  • The child and her pet cat like sleeping and playing together

Netizens were delighted to watch another video of a cat in China, that has been recorded sneaking behind a fisherman, while trying to steal fish from his bucket.



Terrifying Moment Diver Comes Face To Face With Giant Anaconda Captured On Video

Diver comes face to face with a giant anaconda in a river in Brazil, and he follows it to capture more footage!

Being afraid of snakes sounds perfectly normal, as fear of these slithery creatures is one of the most common phobias. Scientists believe that most of us learn to fear snakes very quickly in life, and their features and habits give us the willies throughout our entire life!

Even if you are one of those who do not fall into this category, I bet you find anacondas terrifying! For the rest of us, they are a magnified version of our worst nightmare! Although they are not venomous, the strength and size of anacondas leave us horror-stricken!

What’s more, these snakes can remain underwater for up to 10 minutes. While they live in marshes, swamps, and murky streams in South America, the Formosos river in Brazil is probably the only place where they enjoy swimming in crystal clear waters.

It was there when two people had a once-in-a-lifetime encounter! The hibernation period of this dino-like reptile lasts from the end of July to the beginning of August.

Back in July 2019, Juca Ygarpe and Bartolomeo Bove met a colossal anaconda, weighing about 198 lbs (90 Kgs) and measuring 23 foot (7m)! In the footage they filmed, the anaconda can be seen enjoying the time on the bottom of the river.

When it notices the camera, it starts snooping around it, flicks its tongue, and swims off. To capture more footage, Bove, an expert shark diver, and underwater videographer, decided to follow it!

His video is a perfect opportunity to learn more about this amazing creature.

He maintains that people have mislabeled anacondas as being aggressive:

“The rivers and the bodies of water around the Bonito area are the only places in South America here anacondas can be found in crystal clear waters, and therefore diving with them is possible.

As shown in the footage, the anaconda swims calm and peaceful completely indifferent to our presence. Sometimes she comes closer, curious about my camera, licking the lens.

The behavior of the anaconda debunks the myth that it is an aggressive and violent creature that can endanger people’s lives.”

The green anaconda is the largest type of snake on earth, which can reach and up to 30ft (9.1 meters) in length, and 550 lbs (250 Kg) weight. This fast snake kills the victim by wrapping its body around it while constructing its breathing.

Green anacondas have a diverse local wildlife diet, which consists of turtles, wild pigs, capybaras, and even jaguars!

These astounding snakes can adjust their jaws to be able to devour prey much larger than themselves. Yet, Bove described his experience as unbelievable and hopes that the footage he documented can reveal another side of these snakes.

He added:

“No words can do justice to the sensations that I was really feeling during that experience.”

We believe you!

Watch the video below:



Asteroid Named After ‘God Of Chaos’ Headed To Earth Is Picking Up Speed

A huge asteroid is heading towards our planet with an increasing speed, and scientists say it may even collide with the Earth in 2068.

It seems that the planet has become a much quieter and peaceful place since the beginning of the year and the coronavirus pandemic that keeps threatening the world. Yet, this does not mean that things in the universe stand still too!

In fact, an asteroid named Apophis, after the ancient Egyptian god of chaos, is heading towards our planet fast!

According to scientists, the asteroid may even collide with the Earth in 2068. The 330-meter wide asteroid was discovered in 2004, by researchers from the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy.

They gave the asteroid the name Apophis, after the Egyptian God of chaos, or the serpent god who tried to swallow the sun. Since then, they have been tracking Apophis, and so far, they have realized that it will come near to our planet in 2029.

Forty years later, they believe it might hit the Earth!

Namely, the speed of the asteroid is extremely increasing, due to the Yarkovsky Effect. This effect occurs when the thermal radiation of the asteroid is not cohesive, and parts of it are heating up faster than others.

Although scientists initially predicted that Apophis will only shoot past our planet in 2068, based on its speed back then, the Yarkovsky effect now makes it challenging to predict its movements over time.

The effect might cause a slight change in the route of the asteroid, so this is why scientists say that there are chances that it could collide with Earth.

Dave Tholen, a researcher from the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii and a co-author of the pending study, explains:

“Without taking Yarkovsky drift into account, Apophis is still a threatening object, just not in 2068. With Yarkovsky taken into account, the 2068 impact scenario is still in play. Small, but non-zero.”

The risk is small, but scientists claim that the asteroid must be monitored. It is one of the third-highest threat on NASA’s Sentry Risk Table, and there’s a 1 in 150,000 (or 0.00067%) chance that it will hit our planet on April 12, 2068.

Such events happen on our planet about every 80,000 years. This asteroid is more than three football fields wide and is full of nickel and iron. In case it hits the earth, it would release the equivalent of 1,151 megatons of TNT.

To sum up, even though the risk is low, it still exists. In the next few decades, Apophis will be monitored by scientists, so we could have the opportunity to act on time before it causes some serious devastation.

Next year’s DART mission by NASA and SpaceX will involve a small spacecraft that will slam into a tiny asteroid to knock it off. This would be just a practice round for the plan to deflect potentially killer asteroids.



One-Day-Old Baby Dies After Family Rottweiler ‘Attempted To Bury The Child’

A tragedy happened to a family living in Hamilton, New Zealand, when their dog killed the newborn baby.

Nothing can be more traumatic and tragic than the death of a newborn baby. After being mauled by the dog, a day-old infant from Hamilton, New Zealand, has lost his life.

The little angel was attacked at a property in Enderley, North Island, and the dog left him barely alive.

Even though the infant was quickly taken to Waikato Hospital, and was being treated at the intensive care unit, he died after a whole night struggling for his life.

According to a police spokesperson, they “are continuing to make inquiries, and are liaising with relevant agencies.” The family rottweiler viciously attacked the tot at around 7 pm while his mother was in the toilet.

One neighbor, Karen, found that the dog has escaped the property earlier that day, so she returned it to the fenced-off section. Later, she found the mother sitting on the grass verge next to the road, gently holding her dying baby, worried, and horrified.

She said:

“I sat beside the mother and put my arm around her. The baby boy was crying really hard. He was just so little.”

She explained that the poor little thing was “all dirty and had bits of blood on him”, and added that the dog had afterward tried to bury the baby in the garden!

Karen said she felt guilty for taking the dog home earlier, and said:

“The whole thing is horrible, every time I close my eyes I just see him.”

She went on to add that the mother has two dogs that she had gotten recently, and she told her that it was the rottweiler that attacked her baby boy. Now, the canines have been taken and placed in a council pound.

Hamilton City Council animal control manager Susan Stanford reported that the police contacted staff from the pound a little after 7 pm to deal with a reported dog attack involving a newborn.

She said:

“Staff collected the dog and it is now secured at the council’s animal control facility. Further decisions regarding the animal will be informed by the ongoing police investigation.

This is a traumatic time for all involved and our thoughts are with the families and individuals involved.”



Aunts Are Really Special And Important, Here Are 9 Reasons Why

The role of the aunt in the life of a child is incredibly important.

Our family is our root, the source of everything we become later in life. It is the only place we keep on coming back whenever we go, where we feel genuine, unspoiled love and care.

Every family member has a special role in the shaping of who we become as adults, but aunts are undoubtedly the most fun of them all! Aunts have always been a crucial factor in the lives of children.

Nowadays, being an aunt is a lifestyle! Aunts are often referred to as second mothers, teachers, and best friends, and their love for their nephews and nieces is exceptional!

Parents are teachers and guides in life, grandparents tend to spoil the kids, and aunts do both! Aunts positively affect children, and time spent with them is invaluable!

Being an aunt is a remarkable experience, and here are 9 reasons why her role in the lives of her nephews and nieces is so important:

1. They won’t miss a chance to hang out with the kids.

Aunts enjoy the time they get to spend with the kids, so they often take them to new, exciting places, museums, theme parks, concerts, and always have a new adventure in mind!

2. Aunties are always ready to give love and affection.

Aunts feel an extremely strong connection to the children, so their constant cuddles and kisses, affection, care, and devotion, only strengthens this special bond.

3. Aunts would listen to the problems that children can’t share with their parents.

When the nieces and nephews need advice or help, the aunts are always there for them. That goes double for the problems the kids and teenagers don’t want to talk about with the parents. Aunts are always there to lend a helping hand, advise, and find a solution to a problem. Plus, they always keep the secret!

4. Aunts stay kind even when the children behave badly

Aunts are gentle and calm, and they find a nicer way to explain the mistake to the kids. They don’t need to punish the children for their mistakes or misbehavior but correct their actions in a more acceptable manner.

5. Aunts are happy to have more nephews and nieces.

No matter how many nieces or nephews they have, aunts are always extremely excited to welcome a new one in their life! They can’t wait to spend time with them and create a special bond.

6. Aunts teach values.

Aunts teach the children about the right things in life and real values.

7. Aunts have a different view on life.

Often, aunts see things from a different perspective than parents. Therefore, they provide kids with different knowledge and help them learn things that would be very useful later in life.

8. Never miss an anniversary.

Aunts are always there on any special celebration, from birthdays to graduation. They will be there at any cost. Additionally, they buy amazing presents, just to spoil their nieces and nephews!

9. Aunts love taking care of the children.

When the parents are busy, aunts would gladly come round and care of the nieces and nephews, or take them to a new adventure, to make new memories! The role of aunts in the lives of kids is simply outstanding, and we gave several reasons why!

Aunts make our lives happier and funnier!

If you have a fantastic aunt you love dearly, don’t forget to celebrate the national Aunt and Uncle’s Day on July 26th with her!

Show her how much she means to you, organize a family gathering or a weekend getaway, give her a present, or find your own way to spend some quality time together!

Enjoy it!



Woman, 22, Spends Thousands On Lip Injections Aspiring To Have The World’s Biggest Lips

A 22-year-old student from Bulgaria wants to become the woman with the biggest lips in the world- she has lost count of the number of lip injections she had done so far

Beauty standards and fashion trends change over time, but what remains always in style is the sense to never exaggerate. Nothing overemphasized looks good, I believe.

Nowadays, some people turn to aesthetic surgery to correct their bodies in the way they believe they should be, and this often ends up in a complete failure.

The world is the home of many real-life dolls, who keep spending thousands of dollars on such procedures and have forked out a fortune to achieve their plastic fantastic dream.


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#bulgarian #barbie ❤️

A post shared by Andrea Ivanova (@andrea.andrea345) on

One girl from Sofia, Bulgaria, Andrea Emilova Ivanova, has quadrupled the size of her lips and has no intention to stop until she becomes the woman with the world’s biggest lips.

Her ever-growing pout shocks Instagram users, and the 22-year-old philosophy student has had her latest lip injection now.


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👄🥰 Щастието е сила!! #bulgarian #girl

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Her transformation has started two years ago, but she admits she has lost count of how much money she has spent so far. Every treatment costs her around $170.

Even when her mouth was quadruple in size, she kept on trying to be ‘more fashionable’, and she went to almost every clinic for aesthetic procedures in Sofia, putting ‘almost all kinds of lips fillers’.

Andrea claims she loves the way she looks, no matter how harsh the criticism from others gets. She adds that her lips are “lovely”, and she loves them.


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#bulgarian #barbie 💓💕💖💙

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Back in April, she had her 20th hyaluronic acid lip injection, and she then said:

“I like my new lips a lot, it was hard to eat after the injection, and two to three days after the procedure gets more difficult. I feel great to have even more but some doctors think it’s enough, though I still want them bigger. My doctor said he will do more injections for me but said I have to wait for at least two months.”


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#love #lips #bulgarian #barbie 💋👄💞🌬️

A post shared by Andrea Ivanova (@andrea.andrea345) on

Numerous fans praise her transformation and compliment her look, and some even propose to her online!

Of course, numerous others disapprove of her transformation. She said she receives both, positive and negative comments, but “women write most of the negative” ones.

Andrea claims that in the end, what matters to her is that she loves her own look. She sees herself as unique. And she claims she doesn’t copy any celebrity when it comes to her aesthetic transformation.

Yet, Andrea explained that the trend of big lips is very fashionable in her country, and a lot of girls include lip fillers in their beauty routines.


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#love #lips 💋💗👄

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She adds:

“I can’t give any indication of how big is too big, or can lips be too big, because for each person, “big”, “bigger” and “too big” are different concepts. I’m broadminded and I think people should be free to choose, which one is for them big, bigger or too big. There are no boundaries for me.”



Straight, Happily Married Father Has Been Wearing A Skirt And High Heels In Public For Four Years

A straight and happily married businessman wears tight skirts and high heels in public- He claims clothes have no gender

Although they are sometimes very useful, labels are not something that we can all agree on. We are all very different, and we see the world from a different perspective.

This emphasizes the need to redefine things, or to ditch all definitions whatsoever! One businessman claims that clothes have no gender, and he proves it- by bringing the business suit to a whole new level!

Mark Bryan, a 61-year-old robotics engineer from the USA, is living in Germany. He is a straight man, happily married, with three children. Yet, when he goes to work, he loves to wear pencil skirts and eight inched heels. He pairs them with the typical business button-up for men.

He explains:

“Clothes have no gender, but I do refer to my shirts as men’s; just to be clear, I do not wear blouses. Even if a say I wear a men’s shirt and a women’s skirt and heels, it’s all non-gender clothes to me.”

To promote his outfits, he has been posting photos of himself on Instagram in the last 4 years.

On his account, @markybryan911 shares, he explains:

“I am just a straight, happily married guy that loves Porsches, beautiful women, and incorporating high heels and skirts into my daily wardrobe.”

While he adds that he has always respected the power that women who wear tight skirts and heels in the workplace display, he explains that his style is just because he can!

As he says, he likes to mix the genders, so he prefers “a ‘masculine’ look above the waist and a non-gendered look below the waist.”

The reactions have been mixed, but he doesn’t let other people’s opinions affect him. He says it all started at college with his then-girlfriend. She wanted Bryan to be dressed in a skirt and heels while they were dancing.

She helped Bryan to develop a new perception of the clothes’ gender, and he is doing this ever since. Brain says that in most cases, it’s men who have a problem with his outfit in public. At his office, his coworkers are shocked and confused by his appearance.

Men often ask him about his sexual orientation, and while he usually tells them that it’s not their business, he sometimes explains that he is straight.

Brain says:

“But there are times I’ll go off on some, mostly men when asked. I’ll respond with something like “why would me wearing a skirt make you think of my sexual preferences?” or “would you ask that same question if I was wearing pants?”, or “Do you ask a woman wearing a skirt and heels her sexual preferences?”

Since he started wearing skirts and heels, Brian has been married three times.

One day, he explained to his son and two daughters why he was dressing the way he did. He said he liked wearing skirts and heels, so it was not sexual, and they should worry about him being gay.

His wife and his children support him. He is very lucky that they understand him and want him to be happy. His family also shares the opinion that clothes have no gender.

Brian initially wore heels and pants, and the style slowly evolved into wearing skirts and heels at the office over time. The first time he wore a skirt, he felt nervous. Afterward, he realized that people rarely pay attention to other people’s outfits.

From then on, he wears his outfit everywhere he can, when he goes shopping, in the park, on the train, and even when he’s fixing up cars! He gets helps from his wife of 11 years when he chooses his outfits, and his daughter often asks to borrow his shoes, although they are too big.

Brian has chosen to continue the practice of wearing smart women’s business attire even during the pandemic when most of us have decided to dress casually while working from home.

Technically speaking, this should not be a problem. No one should be judged or ridiculed by the clothes they wear. To Bryan and people like him, the only important thing is to be happy, even if that means defying people’s opinions about clothes and gender.

Strangely enough, there are many people like Bryan who choose to live an unhappy life, just because of the opinion of society.

Despite his claims that he is straight, Bryan is spreading awareness for the LGBTQ + community. A variety of queer people, especially the transgender community, struggle with the everyday dilemma on what is and what isn’t acceptable to wear in public.

There aren’t enough accessible resources for the LGBTQ+ community to find this kind of motivation. Surely, daily, the LGBTQ+ community is working very hard to normalize clothes not having a gender.

Not many heterosexual people offer their help in this struggle, and if they did, it could dramatically improve things.



School Teaches Teenage Girls How To Change Tyres And Check Oil Levels As Part Of New Initiative

Teenage girls in a school in Sydney, Australia, have participated in a workshop that taught them the importance of car maintenance.

Things have changed a lot in the past several decades, and women no longer live in a male-dominated world. Therefore, apart from equal rights, men and women share the responsibilities as well, so the education system has to catch up to this dynamic.

Young women need to feel independent, capable, and confident to enter the adult world, and one school in Australia decided to help them in this, so they taught them the importance of car maintenance.

Stella Maris College is an all-girls Catholic school in Sydney. The school was contacted by Galmatic, Sydney’s “car educators”, and this was the beginning of the workshop that taught Year 11 girls to change a tire, check tire pressure, monitor oil and coolant levels.

The students were also given instructions on what to do in the case of an accident.

According to the website of Galmatic:

 “At Galmatic we help Australian Women and Teenagers to feel comfortable behind the wheel through our hands-on car maintenance workshops and online courses.”

Eleni Mitakos, who has run Galmatic for the past 13 years, explained:

“We teach up to 100,000 teenagers a year in schools, across all parts of Sydney. […] The primary aim is for teenagers to feel comfortable behind the wheel. Ultimately they are driving very big vehicles which can be very expensive if not looked after properly. […]

We can’t stress enough to all our students you should never ignore a problem with your car, you need to address it for your own safety.”

Moreover, the assistant principal for wellbeing at the school added:

“We had three groups of roughly 40 girls in what we call an incursion (event on school grounds). The feedback was very positive, the ladies from Galmatic were very patient and thorough in what they were explaining. All the teaching staff and our principal Elizabeth Carnegie felt a workshop like this would be beneficial for many reasons, mainly skills the girls need to learn before they leave school.

It was also important to show the girls that they have the capabilities to handle situations themselves once they are on the road, rather than rely on someone else.”

The initiative impressed everyone! The workshop was popular among the students, and the whole idea was received well. People said that young people need to be taught relevant skills these days, and the skill of knowing a car inside out is as vital for a teenager, as “cooking, sewing, and taxes.”
