
Young Girl, 7, Single-Handedly Is Trying To Raise $100,000 For Her Dad’s Cancer Treatment

A father-of-four was diagnosed with stage three brain cancer and the family raises funds to fly him to Sidney for surgery- His 7-year-old daughter auctions hand-painted tea towels to help raise money for the $100,000 trip.

Life is unpredictable and can change in an instant. This has happened to a family back in March 2019, when a father-of-four was diagnosed with stage three brain cancer.

Diego Wernicke, a tattoo artist, had a seizure in front of his two eldest daughters, Luna, age five, and Mili, age three, outside their home in Gold Coast. The girls called for help from the neighbors, and the 47-year-old father was rushed to the hospital when doctors discovered his cancer.

The tumor is in a high-risk area of the brain, so doctors refuse to operate on it. Now, Diego’s wife, Hayley Allen, 32, struggles to fly her husband to Sidney, as the renowned brain surgeon Charlie Teo is their only hope.

Meanwhile, their 7-year-old daughter auctions hand-painted tea towels for up to $130 each to help raise money for the $100,000 surgery.

  • The Allen family: Hayley Allen, 32, Diego Wernicke, 47, Folk, five months, Luna, seven, Inca, two-and-a-half, Mili, five

  • Luna auctions hand-painted tea towels for up to $130 each to help raise money for her father’s surgery with Dr. Charlie Teo

  • Without the surgery, the short prognosis ensures their five-month-old son Folk, won’t be able to create memories with his father

The mother, a former freelance photographer, said:

“Charlie Teo believes he can get 99 percent of the tumor out. They can never give you a definitive answer, but the operation would potentially add years and years on to his life, compared to the 12 months or so he has now.”

In the case of the short prognosis, the 5-month-old son Folk, who was conceived before the discovery of the tumor, won’t get the chance to create memories with his father.

Yet, to do the surgery, Mr. Teo must be invited to Queensland by a public hospital, something that has not happened in 35 years.

  • A tea towel hand-painted by Mr. Wernicke’s daughter Luna

  • The couple have started fundraising to be able to pay for the trip to Sidney

The family asked for doctors letters and recommendations in an attempt to fly him over the border, but had no luck, so they started fundraising to fly Diego to Sydney.

Ms. Allen says they will keep struggling, so she could tell their children she “tried everything to keep their dad alive.”

The first seizure of the father had a huge impact on their 7-year-old daughter Luna. The mother explained the girl has broken down, “crying “I don’t want Daddy to die”.

They have even got her seeing a therapist to talk to during these difficult times.

  • Mr. Wernicke lying in hospital during his treatment for a stage three brain tumor

  • Diego with one of his young children in hospital

  • Ms. Allen said Mr. Teo told the family he could operate tomorrow if the family secured the funds

The incredible little girl has been auctioning painted tea towels on Instagram to help fly her father to Sydney. She has contributed $600 so far, with the highest bidders handing over $130 for a single towel.

Ms. Allen added that Mr. Teo told them he could operate tomorrow if the family secured the funds. During this time, the family gives their best to stretch every cent and provide Diego the treatments he needs, pay the rent, and buy food.

  • Luna has been auctioning painted tea towels on Instagram

  • Ms. Allen said she likes keeping busy to avoid the stress of looking after their children and her sick husband

“It has been hard because Diego hasn’t been able to work since he got sick, and he can’t drive so I have to take the kids to school and take him to appointments.

At the beginning of this year, we had no money and dropped the amount of cannabis oil we were giving him, then he had more growth, all the while I was about to have our little boy.”

The family was forced to move to a more affordable area in Beaudesert during his first six weeks of chemotherapy.

Ms. Allen says that she keeps herself busy so she could cope with the entire situation:

“When I stop, my brain starts ticking over and it becomes very overwhelming, so I’m very active and try to stay focused on what I’m doing.”

In a post on the GoFundMe page, she said she ‘felt awful’ for being ‘another person asking for lifesaving treatment’, but she knew she had to try. While the treatment costs $100,000, the family will need more for their travel and quarantine, so they have set a GoFundMe goal of $150,000.

People have been incredibly kind and generous so far, and the family hopes they would be able to raise the rest and the father can get for the surgery that can save their lives for the better.



Fraudsters Dupe Doctor Into Buying Aladdin-Style Magical Lamp For £72,000

A doctor in India was tricked into buying a magical, wish-granting lamp for £72,000- Fraudsters have been arrested and will remain in custody ahead of charges being filed

Sadly, fraud is all too common in our world today. Fraudsters patiently wait for their next victim, and they prey on the vulnerable and inexperienced.

They would use all their skills and knowledge to use people and take what they want from them. Yet, one doctor in India was scammed in a very unusual way!

Two scammers allegedly tricked him into buying an Aladdin-style wish-granting lamp for £71,842! What’s more, they even conjured up a fake genie.

Laeek Khan, who worked as a doctor in London before he returned to India, went to the police in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, after realizing that this lamp had no magical powers whatsoever.

Amit Rai, a senior officer said:

“The cheats had struck a deal for much more but the doctor had paid about seven million rupees (£71,842).”

He stated that they arrested the fraudsters, and they will remain in custody ahead of charges being filed.

  • Laeek Khan went to the police in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh after he realized the lamp he bought had no magical powers

Rai added that the wife of one of the fraudsters was also involved in the fraud, and she is “on the run’. When he filed the complaint, Khan explained that one of the men pretended to be an occultist and made a ‘jinn’ – a paranormal figure – emerge from the lamp.

When he asked to touch the genie or take the lamp home, they refused him, with an excuse that it might cause him harm.

Finally, they persuaded him to buy the lamp, claiming it would bring him health, wealth and good fortune. Khan said that he later figured out that the genie was, in fact, one of the men in disguise.

Rai added:

“The men have also cheated other families using the same modus operandi. The total amount of money involved runs into several million rupees.”




Loyal Golden Retriever Spends Two Weeks Walking 62 Miles To Find Her Owners

After being left to be looked after by a friend, one dog in China walked 62 miles in 14 days to reunite with her family!

One thing comes to our mind whenever we think of a dog- loyalty. Canines are our best friends for a reason- their unconditional love, devotion, and loyalty is something we seek and appreciate all our lives.

The tireless quest of one family dog in China to find her owners melted millions of hearts! After the family left their pet with a friend to be looked after temporarily, Ping An, the one-year-old golden retriever, walked more than 62 miles in 14 days just to get back home!

The entire adventure left her injured, thin, and with bleeding paws. Limping, the faithful dog was spotted by a group of workers. They rescued him and tracked down her owners.

  • A loyal family dog in China was left to be looked after by a friend until the home was being renovated.

  • The one-year-old golden retriever decided to walk more than 62 miles to get back home, and she was spotted 14 days later, injured, and with bleeding paws.

Back in June, the family was occupied with renovating their home in eastern China’s Qidong city, so they asked a friend to take care of their dog, so she wouldn’t be upset by the persistent construction.

They drove more than two hours to leave Ping An at the friend’s house in Nantong, which is more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) away. About four months later, the family learned that their pet had escaped their friend’s house.

What they didn’t know was that their beloved dog struggled to find them.

  • The family renovated the home in eastern China’s Qidong city, so they asked their friend to look after their beloved pet

After 14 days and 62 miles, the dog was eventually seen by a group of workers outside an office in Qidong city on Oct. 26. When she was found, her paws were bleeding, and she was thin and injured.

The rescuers said that she also ‘looked ‘quite depressed after she was unable to find her owners.’ In the pictures they took of the dog, Ping An can be seen undernourished, sad, with her head down, lying on the road.

The workers took care of the dog and tried to track down her owners by sharing information locally on WeChat, a popular Chinese messenger app.

  • The workers who found the dog tried to track down her owners by sharing information locally on WeChat, a popular Chinese messenger app

The post has been seen by the family in only a day! They recognized her and immediately went to pick her up from the site! A video shows them reuniting after 4 long months, and the happy owners stroking and hugging the golden retriever.

They said:

‘Ping An, you’ve worked hard. You just stay home from now on. [We] would never send you away.’

Touched by her loyalty, the family promised to keep her by their side for the rest of her life.


A similar thing happened in China, when another dog, Dou Dou, walked 37 miles in 26 days to find its owners. Dogs are simply the best!



The Amethyst Mushroom, Looks Like It Contains The Entire Galaxy

Amethyst mushrooms are spectacular spores gleaming with purple and hues of blue and green.

Diving into the enchanting world of nature will never fail to charm you. It seems that there are countless wonders out there to amuse us, and countless more waiting for us to discover them!

If you have ever seen amethyst mushrooms, I bet you could never forget the sight! An entire galaxy in a single mushroom!

These mushrooms, Elaeomyxa Cerifera, have been identified in 1942. They are found on large logs or stumps covered with leafy liverworts and moss. The fruiting structures split open to release the extravagant sparkling spores.

Among the many, one scientist, Sarah Lloyd, fell in love with these mushrooms the moment she spotted them on her property. Since then, she has collected about 1,700 matchboxes full of various species of fungi.


The glittery mushrooms are in bright colors, gleaming with purple and hues of blue and green. If you ever visit Tasmania, take a closer look to witness the luxurious fungi!

Note that these mushrooms are not the same as the Laccaria amethystina, Amethyst Deceiver mushroom:


Animals Life

Video: Florida Man ‘Nibbled’ By 13ft Alligator ‘Buddy’ While Taking A Dip

Video reveals the terrifying moment when Elvis the 13ft alligator took a ‘nibble’ at John Braje’s shoulder.

Being close to animals is easy and grateful, but sometimes, if they are larger, stronger, and dangerous, things can go in the wrong direction. Therefore, one has to be extra careful and skillful to prevent incidents.

Luckily, when John Braje went swimming in the Miami lakes in the Florida Everglades with his friend, a 13 ft large alligator, and the predator nibbled him, he knew what he had to do.

The self-confessed adrenaline junkie later explained that this was not the first swim the two of them had together, but it was the first time the alligator, named Elvis, had bitten him.

The entire thing was recorded on video, and the alligator can be seen going towards Braje and biting him on the shoulder. Luckily, he reacted very quickly, jumped out of the water, and remained unharmed.

Braje shared the video of the incident on Facebook and wrote:

“SO, I got nibbled on by a 13 ft gator today,lol..🤣😂

Thinks just because he’s bigger than me, that he could bully me!!!🐊🐊🐊


No hard feelings though. He was just displaying dominance or maybe even just curious. IF he wanted a bite, I wouldn’t be on FB right now, lol..

He’s still my buddy & ill be back in with him soon..”

After the initial shock, some people even joked, calling him the true “Florida man”.

Many were worried, commenting on his bravery/ stupidity, but Braje explained that this is neither the first time his friend does it:

“I’ve had plenty of interaction with him in the past. I think maybe because there were a lot of people around, he felt he needed to display dominance but normally he’s really chill… IF he wanted more, he could have got it. That’s my buddy.”

Watch the terrifying video below:



2 Guys Create Vegan Leather Made From Cactus That’ll Put An End To Animal Cruelty

Mexican entrepreneurs designed vegan-leather- their cruelty-free, and animal-exclusive method creates quality leather from nopal, a type of cactus.

As our planet is under an increasing threat from global warming, both, consumers and manufacturers Are becoming aware of the growing need for environmentally-conscious products. The popularity of eco-friendly brands is on the rise, and experts hope that over time, we will all make this important switch.

All-natural products ensure safety from all dangerous chemicals, improve the quality of life in terms of mortality, age, diseases, and illnesses, and ensure the safety of families and the planet.

Yet, leather can be eco-friendly too! In the last decades, the textile industry has faced an important issue-activism over the production of leather from animal hides.

Although leather is used in the industry in various ways, and many claim that it is just a by-product of the food/meat industry, animal activists and conservationists fight to put an end to cruelty and advocate for alternative solutions to leather.

Therefore, scientists and researchers have come up with numerous alternatives to leather over the years, such as waxed canvas, pinatex, and leaf leather.

Yet, the product by two Mexican entrepreneurs seems to be able to fill in the big shoes perfectly!

To create an alternative that fits the fashion specifications for toxin-free products that may last up to 10 years, Adrián López Velarde and Marte Cázarez, founders of Adriano Di Marti, created Desserto!

This vegan, cruelty-free, and animal-exclusive method creates quality leather from nopal, a type of cactus.

According to their website:

“Desserto is a highly sustainable plant-based vegan-leather made from cactus, often distinguished by its great softness at touch while offering a great performance for a wide variety of applications and complying with the most rigorous quality and environmental standards.

The aim is to offer a cruelty-free, sustainable alternative, without any toxic chemicals, phthalates, and PVC. The result, Desserto, the Cactus Vegan-Leather, is partially biodegradable and has the technical specifications required by the fashion, leather goods, furniture, and even automotive industries.”

The Desserto’s ranch is 100% organic and no herbicides or pesticides are used. Cactus leaves are harvested, left to dry out in the sun for 3 days, and then they are processed and incorporated into the patented Desserto.

The excess cactus left after production is packaged and sold to the food industry. The location of the ranch is in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico.

The two entrepreneurs aim at producing the vegan-leather without causing any damage to animals and plants. They cut the broad lives of cacti only, not to damage the tree or the root, and after 6-8 months, they harvest the leaves again.

As cactus is perennial, they only have to plant once in 8 years, but they tend to cultivate more trees in the area as frequently as possible. In this way, they also enrich the soil with microflora and microfauna.

They have not cut down any trees for the production of Desserto so far. Desserto leather is only partially biodegradable and has a durability of at least 10 years. The company is already conducting sales of the vegan-leather, so you might soon purchase your new leather purse made of 100% cactus!

The Desserto products were showcased at the International Leather Fair, Lineapelle in October 2019, held in Milan, Italy, and the company received massive recognition. Big names across several leather-consuming industries showed their interest in Desserto.

Adrián López Velarde, the Vice President of Adriano Di Marti explained the idea behind it all:

“I had the idea after working first in the furniture and later in the automotive industry and Marte Cázarez in the fashion industry, where we identified that the problem of environmental pollution was serious.

As a result, we were genuinely interested in reducing environmental impact, so we decided to leave our jobs and start Adriano Di Marti, a company to focus on developing Desserto, which nowadays is known as cactus or nopal vegan leather.

After two years of research and development we managed to produce a suitable material that complies with the features and technical/mechanical specifications required by those industries that use animal or synthetic leather; also, thanks to its organic composition, it is breathable, which makes cactus or nopal vegan leather similar to animal leather.”

When it comes to manufacturers interested in using Desserto, he added:

 “As our material is highly sustainable and cost-competitive, and it complies with required specifications, it is an alternative that offers a win-win scenario.

They will not only benefit from developing a high-quality, sustainable range, but they will also have a competitive edge: they will contribute to caring for the environment and they will meet the growing end-consumers’ demand of using environmentally friendly materials.”



Martian Meteorite Discovered In Sahara Desert Is Evidence Of Water On Red Planet 4.4 Billion Years Ago

In an 84-gram meteorite found in the Sahara Desert, scientists found evidence that water existed on Mars 4.4 billion years ago.

Life exists everywhere there’s liquid water on our planet, but is it the same on other planets? Water on the Earth, Mars, and other large bodies have intrigued planetary scientists since forever.

Experts have come up with many theories about the origins of water. While some believe it came from asteroids and comets post-formation, others maintain that it occurred naturally during the planet formation.

The analysis of the mineral composition of Martian meteorite NWA 7533, found in 2012, supports the latter. Namely, it showed chemical signatures of oxidation, which would have been a result of the formation of water.

The meteorite belonged to a celestial rock that broke up on entering Earth’s atmosphere.

Planetary scientists already knew that there has been water on the Red Planet for at least 3.7 billion years, but this discovery showed them that water was present on Mars another 700,000 years before their estimate.

  • Martian meteorite NWA 7533, is worth more than its weight in gold.

This means that water is possibly a natural byproduct of some process early on in planet formation. Such discovery could affect theories on the origins of life, water, and extraterrestrial life.

Back in 2013, scientists revealed that the 85-gram meteorite is the oldest Martian meteorite, old 4.4. million years.

Study author Professor Takashi Mikouchi at the University of Tokyo explained:

“Our samples of NWA 7533 were subjected to four different kinds of spectroscopic analysis – ways of detecting chemical fingerprints.

We found strong evidence for oxidation of magma. Igneous clasts, or fragmented rock, in the meteorite are formed from magma and are commonly caused by impacts and oxidation.

This oxidation could have occurred if there was water present on or in the Martian crust 4.4 billion years ago during an impact that melted part of the crust

[This] would have contributed to planetary warming at a time when Mars already had a thick insulating atmosphere of carbon dioxide.”

  • These findings might indicate that water is possibly a natural byproduct of some process early on in planet formation

Almost ten years ago, scientists found two meteorites in the Sahara Desert, NWA 7034, found in 2011, and NWA 7533, found in 2012. For their analysis, Mikouchi and his team obtained a sample from the latter.

It was named after its landing spot of North West Africa, and the number is the order in which meteorites are officially approved by the Meteoritical Society, an international planetary science organization.

Comparisons from evidence brought by Mars landers showed that both meteorites came from Mars. In the case of NWA 7533, comparisons were drawn from NASA’s Viking mission in the 1970s.

Mikouchi explained that “some of these meteorites contain trapped gas which matches with the Martian atmosphere analyzed by the Mars exploration mission, NASA Viking.”

He added that both meteorites, NWA 7533, and NWA 7034, known as ‘Black Beauty’, are all part of the same group of at least 10 fragments, all with different numbers:

“These Martian meteorites have distinct, but identical oxygen isotope ratios from other extraterrestrial materials, so we know that they came from the same parent body.

 All of them fell on the Earth by the same event, but probably fragmented during atmospheric entry and scattered in the Sahara desert. Later people picked up separately and the fragments acquired different names.”

  • Black Beauty, or NWA 7034, is 2.1 billion years old and water-rich

NWA 7034 is the second oldest meteorite after NWA 7533, found to be 2.1 billion years old. In 2013, scientists said that it had evidence of more water than any other Martian meteorite found on Earth.

After buying it from a Moroccan meteorite dealer, one American donated part of this meteorite to the University of New Mexico.

Many Martian meteorites have been found in the Sahara by Bedouin tribesmen, who know they are high-priced in the marketplace of Casablanca and can fetch up to $10,000 per gram.



‘Wondrous’ Ancient Pool Never Seen By Humans Discovered 700 Feet Deep In New Mexico Cave

A milky blue ancient pool was found 700ft below ground in New Mexico Cave, and it is believed to have never been seen by human eyes.

Our planet is a fantastic place, a treasure trove full of wonders left for us to discover and marvel at!

Can you imagine how many of its truths are yet to be brought to light? How many surprises are left for us to uncover?

In New Mexico, a splendid network of “virgin” cave passages has been found underneath Carlsbad Caverns National Park. It is believed that no human has ever seen this marvelous pool, which lies 700 ft. below the park.

As posted to their official page on Facebook, Carlsbad Caverns called the site “completely pristine” and stated that they consider that the bacteria which live in the water had “evolved entirely without human presence.”

The extraordinary pool in the cave network is surrounded by white frosted rock, and filled with milky aquamarine liquid which looks like thick lime yogurt.

Carlsbad Caverns natural and cultural resources chief Rodney Horrocks explained that it “has been isolated for hundreds of thousands of years and had never seen light before that day.”

Exploration in caves sometimes yields small, yet wondrous sights. This cave pool, found in Lechuguilla Cave, appears to…

Posted by Carlsbad Caverns National Park on Sunday, May 31, 2020

The passage was first found in 1993 and it lies 700 feet below the entrance to Lechuguilla Cave, which is in the top 10 longest caves on Earth. yet, no one had entered the network until last year.

Wisshak and his team went on multiple “rope drops” in the course of the expedition, and mapped out 1.3 miles of passages. Wisshak posted on Facebook that exploration in caves “ sometimes yields wondrous sights.”:

“This cave pool, found in Lechuguilla Cave, appears to be completely pristine. The edges beneath this pool appear to be ‘pool fingers’, which could be bacterial colonies that have evolved entirely without human presence.”

While some may find the discovery of the alien-like cave disturbing, geoscientist and expedition leader Max Wisshak said that the water inside is in fact “crystal clear,” and its creamy appearance is in fact just an optical illusion.

Horrocks explained that the pool has a width of approximately one foot, length of 2 feet, and depth of several inches. They believe the water has come from ancient rainwater that dripped through the limestone placed above, flowed along the walls of the cave, and fell into the pool.

Microbiologists have already found new microbe species in the pools of Lechuguilla Cave– such as the “Lake of Liquid Sky” discovered in 1993.

Therefore, this discovery could provide further results. The time of the formation of the cave network is unknown, but the expedition also found many bat skeletons, and some of them are believed to be thousands of years old.

Wisshak explained:

“Such untouched pools are scientifically important because water samples are relatively free of contaminants and the microbial organisms that may live in those pools are only those that belong there.

Contamination can occur from the surface above the cave, but in case of Lechuguilla Cave, that’s not a big issue, since it is situated in a well-protected wilderness area. Contamination can also occur via aerosols in the air. However, a newly discovered pool in Lechuguilla Cave is about as pristine as it gets.”

The team took many special precautions to prevent contaminants from reaching the pool. No visible signs of life were found inside, except for the bat skeleton remains.

Wisshak is currently applying for grants to continue his research at Lechuguilla Cave and the rare barite crystals. There were several similar pools in the cave network, and the largest one has been named the “Lake of Liquid Sky”.

There are 118 caves at Carlsbad Caverns National Park found until the present day, but it is believed that many more are out there, waiting to be discovered.



Puppy Is born With Green Fur In The Philippines And Is Named Wasabi

Recently, a family in the Philippines welcomed a green-tinted newborn puppy to their home. Days before, the rare phenomenon occurred in Italy too.

The birth of new puppies is always a reason to celebrate in the home, but one family in the Philippines witnessed a very rare phenomenon!

Namely, among the bundle of other black, brown, and white newborn pups sleeping with their mother, Chona Lacsamana spotted a unique one- colored light-green! The small puppy with green fur was born inside Chona’s house in La Union province on 25 October.

  • The newborn puppy with a light-green coat, called Wasabi, was born in the Philippines

  • The owner, Chona Lacsamana, found the litter on 25 October. Wasabi clambers to feed from her mother in La Union province in the Philippines.

Chona quickly named it Wasabi, after the green spicy Japanese condiment, and initially thought it was stained from blood during birthing.

Yet, she then inspected it to confirm its color. Since they are the mother’s first babies, the puppies won’t be put for adoption.

Chona explained:

“We will take care of the dog together with its siblings and mother. They are all special for us.”

  • Wasabi rests near his mother. The puppies are the first babies of the mother, so they won’t be put up for adoption

  • Wasabi clambers to feed from her mother.

  • Wasabi clambers around his brothers and sisters.

This phenomenon is extremely rare and occurs when the fetus comes in contact with a green pigment called ‘biliverdin’ while inside the womb.

  • Italian farmer Cristian Mallocci could not believe his eyes when he saw the green-tinted puppy

  • The tiny dog, named Pistachio, was part of a five-dog litter

  • Pistachio’s peculiar color will start to fade over time

Yet, just a few days before the birth of Wasabi, another puppy with a green coat was born on a farm in Sardinia! Italian farmer Cristian Mallocci could not believe his eyes when he saw it!

It was part of a five-strong litter, and the rest of the siblings, and the mother, were white. The green-tinted puppy was named Pistachio!



Injured Dog And Her Seven Puppies Are Pulled From Under Home That Was About To Be Demolished

After people noticed stray dogs entering a hole dug under a house that was scheduled for demolition, they notified authorities- in a two-hour operation, members of the animal rescue organization rescued seven puppies from underneath the house.

Living surrounded by happy, friendly, and content neighbors is a blessing, so fostering a positive community spirit is very important. In this way, we can have a positive impact, support our health and wellbeing, and empower others to connect and bond.

Each member in a community counts, and we should all be willing to participate in activities that promote it. On October 14, in Phoenix, the neighbors’ concern and desire to help save the lives of seven newborn puppies!

The tiny puppies were rescued from underneath a house in an exhausting operation that lasted for two hours after people noticed their parents constantly crawling under it.

Team members from the animal rescue organization Arizona Humane Society in Phoenix were contacted several times by people and told that stray dogs kept going into a hole dug under a house that was scheduled for demolition at the beginning of this month.

The Arizona Humane Society explained:

“When the EAMTs [emergency animal medical technicians] arrived on the scene, witnesses stated that they believed the female dog had recently had puppies but they were nowhere to be found.”

  • An injured mother dog and her seven puppies were rescued from underneath a home that was going to be demolished

  • People called the Arizona Humane Society in Phoenix to inform about stray dogs who kept entering a hole under a house that was scheduled for demolition

Theresa Scheckel, who works as an emergency animal medical technician, noticed that the female dog, a Labrador-Pitbull mix, is likely to be nursing. They decided to dig holes on the two sides of the house with the assistance of her partner Dan McGrath, to check if the puppies were under it.

McGrath slid into the bigger hole and found the dogs in a bundle. There were five males and two females in the bunch, no older than two weeks.

While being underneath, he slid the puppies to Scheckel using a gurney, and she pulled them out one by one.

  • Emergency animal medical technicians Theresa Scheckel and Dan McGrath dug holes under the house to see if they could find the puppies

  • While under the house, McGrath used a gurney to slide the puppies to Scheckel, who pulled them out from underneath, one by one

The organization explained:

“After two hours of digging holes, locating the pups, and sliding each one out one by one, the pups and mom were reunited before heading to the Arizona Humane Society’s trauma hospital for medical exams.”

The mother had piercing wounds to her body and officials stated that she probably got them by repeatedly going underneath the house to take care of her little newborns.

  • Some of the puppies snoozed on the ground while they waited for their siblings to be rescued.

  • There were five males and two females in the litter, no more than two weeks old.

  • The mother and her newborns were reunited before heading to the Arizona Humane Society’s trauma hospital for medical exams

The Arizona Humane Society added as the demeanor of the “sweet, attentive mother’ is “ just as sweet with people as it is with her puppies.”

They stated:

“The mom and puppies are now resting comfortably in the Arizona Humane Society’s Mutternity Suites, an extension of AHS’ trauma hospital. Mom and puppies will soon head to an AHS Foster Hero home to continue their journey until they are old enough to eat on their own.”

In a few weeks, the dogs will be set for adoption.
