
Firefighters Want Everyone To Know What They Should Never Plug Into A Power Strip

Oregon firefighters issued an urgent alert to warn people to never make one common mistake again.

Although autumn can be wet and warm, what remains a fact is that very soon, the weather will get much colder, so the beginning of the space heater season is inevitable.

This is why Oregon firefighters decided to emphasize the importance of one safety tip- Never plug your space heater into a power strip.

In a Facebook post last year, Umatilla County Fire District #1 in Hermiston, Oregon, wrote:

“The weather is getting colder, and people are pulling out their space heaters. We just wanted to remind you that you should NEVER plug a heater into a power strip. These units are not designed to handle the high current flow needed for a space heater and can overheat or even catch fire due to the added energy flow. Please share and stay safe this Winter season.”

The post went viral, with a large number of people admitting they were unaware of the dangers this practice can bring about.

After a house caught fire as a result of the misuse of the space heater, the Toledo Fire Department in Ohio issued a similar statement. We need to know how to properly use space heaters, as they can reach up to 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Follow these tips:

  • Place heaters on level, flat surfaces, and never on tables, carpets, furniture, or cabinets
  • Always plug it into a wall unit, and never into a power strip
  • Keep a minimum of three feet of space around it
  • Do not turn it on while sleeping or while you are in another room- when in use, always keep an eye on it

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, portable electric space heaters cause 1,200 fires annually.

Yet, the Oregon firefighters explained that there is nothing wrong with these heaters, but one has to know how to safely use them:

“The point comes down to proper use. Even the best equipment can fail if not used correctly. No one manufacturer is at fault, yet it’s all about the end user’s ability to use the product safely.”

To prevent electrical fires at home, make sure you:

  • keep all heat-producing appliances, such as heaters, kettles, hairstyling tools, unplugged when you do not use them.
  • Extension cords are meant for temporary use only
  • Never use a damaged power cord
  • Update the two-pronged outlets at home with a third prong
  • Install smoke detectors in all rooms
  • Call an electrician to come to your place and check the electrical system. If it is an old one, it might need to be upgraded.
  • Read the manuals well and follow the appliance directions

These are the signs that reveal that an appliance is overheating or the socket it is plugged into has been somehow damaged:

  • The appliance, power cord, or outlet is hot to the touch
  • Burning smell while the appliance is in use
  • Burn marks or discoloration around a socket or light fixture
  • A frequently tripping breaker or fuse
  • Every time you plug the appliance in, there are electrical sparks or shock
  • Flickering light even after the bulb is replaced



Sunglasses-Wearing Skull On Family’s Mantelpiece Turns Out To Be Man Missing For Eight Years

The analysis of a skull used as a decoration in one man’s home showed that it belonged to a man who went missing eight years ago.

It sounds curious to find out that an object you own has a long history behind. Yet, this was surely not the case with a man who used a sunglasses-wearing skull to decorate his home, as it was found to actually be the skull of a man missing for eight years!

The skull was found in March 2019 in the Gobey area of the county, ten miles from the home where it was later displayed. The homeowner from Morgan County, Tennessee, said that someone had given it to them, and he had no idea that the item was related to a murder investigation!

It was the skull of a 79-year-old Junior Will McCann who went missing in 2012.

District Attorney General Russell Johnson explained:

“Someone subsequently placed the skull on a fireplace mantle where a pair of sunglasses were added. The skull remained there until the Sheriff’s Office was informed of its existence.”

The police detectives got the tip that his human remains were displayed in the home of an unnamed resident.

They took the skull and sent it to be tested at the Regional Forensic Center and the University of Tennessee Anthropology Department. The analysis showed that it had belonged to the poor Junior Will McCann.

Johnson added that one of McCann’s relatives, who has passed away since then, may have been the murderer.

In a Facebook post, he wrote:

“An extensive search was made — at the time of the skull being taken ‘into custody’ by the MCSO, TDOC, and others — of the area where the skull had been found (according to the man who supposedly found it).

 Speculation and rumor has been that Junior Willie McCann was possibly killed by a family member who is now deceased as well.”

Human Skull Discovered Sitting on Fireplace Mantle for Over a Year and Sporting Sunglasses Positively Identified as Man…

Posted by Russell Johnson on Monday, October 26, 2020

While the homeowner has not been linked to the murder, many question his decision to adorn his home with the skull. The area where the skull was found was now carefully searched, but no further remains were found.

The police asked anyone with information relating to McCann’s death to contact the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office at (423) 346-6262.

Let’s just hope that the investigation would prove to be fruitful, and justice to the perpetrator can help the victim’s family and friend finally find closure.



Man Obsessed With Body Modification Gets Tusks Fitted To His Own Teeth

A 41-year-old man has modified his body in many ways- Now, he has two massive tusks fitted to his teeth!

The world is a strange place, as it is the home of us all, and we are all different. What the majority finds as “normal” is not a reliable criterion, because we all have the right to live our lives the way we want to.

One 41-year-old man from the tiny town of Iguatemi on the border between Paraguay and Brazil, Orc, is certainly not a common sight, as he is obsessed with body modifications.

The newest addition to his unique, quirky look is a pair of huge tusks fitted to his own teeth!

Orc has spent much of his life tattooing about 80 percent of his body, and the latest “enhancement” cost him about £400. A tattoo artist himself, he got his first tattoo at the tender age of just 15, and twenty years later, he started modifying his body.

He has many subdermal piercings, a split tongue, and tattooed eyeballs. Orc has no intention to stop, and although many find his looks extremely weir, he claims he’s only being himself.

He explained:

“I am trying to be myself, these are just my ideas, my inspirations coming from the heart. I am not inspired by anyone.”

His bizarre looks bring him a lot of attention, and surprisingly, he adds that most of the comments are positive!

He continued:

“They tell me good things that motivate me to continue. Bad people exist everywhere and are always around… but they don’t shake me.”

Orc is proud of the way he looks but admitted that his decisions haven’t been supported by all of his friends and family. His mother disagrees, his father “tolerates it”, while his friends find it “weird”.

However, he keeps going with a positive attitude and concludes:

“Live, be happy, travel, love. Do whatever you want. Life goes by fast and death is certain.”

Well, let’s be honest, he has a point!


Health Tips

9 Reasons To Start Eating Peanut Butter

We loved peanut butter as kids, but have we underestimated its health benefits as adults?

Many people simply adore peanut butter! Its sweet-savory and creamy flavor adds taste to whatever you spread it on! It is one of life’s simple pleasures, and if you agree, you would be delighted to learn that your body loves it as much as your taste buds!

Some avoid its consumption out of the concern that it is high in fat, but today we decided to convince them to reconsider this decision. In fact, peanut butter may provide a surprising number of benefits, as it is full of vitamins and minerals that can improve health.

Here are 9 reasons why you should incorporate it into your daily diet:

1. Blood Pressure Control

Peanut butter, apart from fiber and protein, is also rich in magnesium and potassium, and all of them can help you to keep your blood pressure under control. Note that it is important to choose peanut butter that does not have any added salt to it.

2. Lower Diabetes Risk

A 2002 Harvard study has shown that women who consume nuts and peanut butter on regular basis had a lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes than those who didn’t.

Researcher Rui Jiang, MD, of Harvard School of Public Health, explained that the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in peanut butter can improve glucose and insulin stability.

The study showed that women who ate a tablespoon of peanut butter at least five times per week had a 21 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes than those that didn’t.

3. Weight Loss

Many times people avoid peanut butter because they think the high amount of fat will cause weight gain. In fact, it is just the opposite. It can actually help losing weight.

It is a great source of protein, containing eight grams in just two tablespoons. It is also a source of nearly two grams of fiber, and also twelve grams of healthy fat. This will make you control your hunger and late-night cravings.

Plus, it causes a very low rise in blood sugar, as it is also very low in carbohydrates. This is great for people with type 2 Diabetes. Yet, even with these benefits, it is still high in calories, so don’t eat it with a soup ladle!

4. Brain Health

Peanut butter can help stimulate brain activity and memory since it contains various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, and niacin. These vitamins are helpful in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline.

Furthermore, it contains the bioactive compound Resveratrol, which may improve blood flow to the brain by up to thirty percent. This can decrease the risk of getting a stroke, and boost cognitive abilities.

5. Antioxidants

Peanut butter is high in antioxidants too, including p-coumaric acid, which has been found to reduce arthritis in animal studies. Actually, peanuts have as many antioxidants as many fruits.

6. Lower Breast Cancer Risk

In a 2013 research study, that followed nine thousand women from 1996 to 2010, it was discovered that the risk for developing breast cancer is nearly forty percent lower in those who consumed peanut butter three days per week.

In fact, researchers found out that eating peanut butter decreased the participants’ risk of benign breast disease.

Dr. Graham Colditz, the senior study author, says that approximately one in four women have a benign lesion, confirmed with a biopsy, and added:

“It’s very clear there is a strong link between the benign lesion and the subsequent risk of invasive breast cancer.”

He explained that it is unclear why peanut butter has these effects, but they suspect it might be due to the protein content.

Putting other benefits aside, preteen and teenage girls should consume peanut butter, if they are not allergic. Just a couple of tablespoons weekly could decrease the risk of breast cancer later in life.

7. Muscle Recovery

Peanut butter is abundant in protein, which can help your muscles recover from a strenuous workout. The International Society of Sports Nutrition advises people to consume high-quality protein in a two hours range after a workout.

8. Good during Pregnancy

Due to the high folate content, peanut butter helps in reducing the risk of neural tube defects in the newborn. Therefore, pregnant women, who are not allergic to peanut butter, should seriously consider consuming peanut butter regularly.

9. Improved Sleep

Peanut butter is a source of tryptophan, which increases the levels of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and serotonin, the hormone for happiness. This can calm you down and help you get a good night’s sleep.

To sum it up, the health benefits of peanut butter are numerous.

Yet, as with all things in life, you should consume it in moderate amounts. It is also crucial to note that you should avoid brands that add a lot of extra ingredients, like sugar, salt, and hydrogenated oil.

Look for all-natural or “just peanuts” peanut butter.

To reap all its benefits, enjoy a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter a day, a few days per week, and enjoy the enriched taste of your healthy recipes!



Friendly Corgi Stops And Hugs Every Single Dog He Meets On His Walks

One-year-old Corgi Wallace cannot help but hug every single dog he meets on his walks.

This year, things have become rather rough, and we were forced to keep a distance from others and isolate. This came as a shock for everyone out there who enjoy getting up close and personal, and love expressing their love in the old- fashioned way.

Luckily, things remained the same for dogs! Dogs are simply the best in showing their love for us, but some of them are simply amazing!

Meet Wallace, the adorable Corgi, who knows the best way to make things better- by hugging!

His owner, Noah Raminick, explains that Wallace just can’t help but hug every single dog he comes across on one of his walks! The year-old Corgi is playful and won’t let any of his fellows go past him without a hug.

Noah said:

“He first hugged his friend Charlie and we were blown away. They were hugging and kissing. Then he did it to a few other dogs he knows well and we realized it was a ‘thing.’”

No one taught or trained this dog into giving hugs, so it is his own way of displaying affection. Well, it comes as no surprise, knowing that his middle name is Casanova!

The name was given after the heart-shaped nose he had when he was born.

Plus, he is a true gentleman! He initially gets close to the other dog until it becomes comfortable with him, gives a brief sniff, and then gets on his two hind legs and wraps his little paws around the other canine.

Yet, not everyone loves hugging, don’t you agree?

For instance, Wallace’s Cavapoo cousin, Milo, is afraid of hugs, so he receives a few kisses instead!

The affectionate hugger doesn’t discriminate, and hugs all dogs he meets, small and large. He is fearless, having a Great Dane as a best friend, and “they always hug when they see each other.”

Wallace shares his love with humans too, and Raminick said:

“He’s the biggest sweetheart. He’s always very happy to be around people and other dogs. He loves to give face kisses to people and when he sees another dog, he’s always the one to initiate a play session.

His favorite things are morning and evening cuddles, playing fetch, and me chasing him around the house. I don’t think Wallace has any dislikes.”

Aww, Wallace is simply adorable!

I want one of these hugs too!

These are people’s reactions to this:



“Empty Nester” Couple Adopts 7 Siblings Who Lost Their Parents In A Car Crash

After losing their parents in a car crash, 7 children were adopted by an “empty nester” couple from California.

Parenthood is the biggest blessing in life. It takes a lot of love, strength, wisdom, patience, and knowledge to raise a child, but it is the most grateful responsibility in life.

Therefore, when those little ones leave the nest, many parents find it hard to get used to the new life, dedicated solely to themselves again. One such couple decided to do the thing they are best in- and fostered 7 siblings who had all suffered a terrible tragedy in May 2018.

Pam and Gary Willis, from Menifee, California, have five biological children on their own, so when Pam heard about the car crash that killed the parents of 7 siblings, she was heartbroken.

She said:

“I saw how much these kids needed someone to love them because they had no one else to go to. I called the adoption service every week to show them how much I wanted to help these children.”

She was persistent and determined to show her desire and power to help those children. One day, these efforts were rewarded.

Pam, 49, an attorney, and her husband, a US Navy veteran, welcomed Adelino(15), Ruby (13), Alicia (8), Anthony (7), Aubriella (6), Leo (5), and Xander (4) to their new home!

The mother said that it was “instant love” from the moment they met them. She looked at her husband, and they just knew “they were doing the right thing.”

They were used to helping kids in need, as they fostered children for several years. Yet, the sad story of these kids encouraged them to reconsider their adoption option.

When they came home, the kids had some issues with settling in, like gaining their trust and sleep disturbances, but the family soon bonded, and the kids have been “a joy” to have around.

They have already started calling them mum and dad!

After their trip to Disney Land, their connection became even stronger.

  • Recently, they also participated in a pumpkin patch event and the children were properly practicing safe mask etiquette!

  • The children are enjoying a nice pasta bowl together.

The ones that flapped their wings and left the nest soon came to meet their new siblings.

Pam said:

“My older kids were very welcoming and treated the younger ones like their own. It is pretty full-on looking after seven children so my older two daughters do help out whenever I need a hand.”

Now, these amazing people are the proud parents of 12 children, and they enjoy every minute of it!

In An Instagram post, Pam wrote:

“13 months of sharing our story. So much support and love from you all! I am humbled. Thank you for cheering us on through the hard days. Thank you for the positivity you share with us. Thank you for being my ‘village’!”

Yet, a large family always faces certain challenges, but they all claim they wouldn’t change a thing.

Pam added:

“We have never looked back since the day We met them and never doubted what we’re doing is the right thing to do. I have noticed how incredibly happy they are and that makes me so happy too because that’s all we ask for. The oldest of the seven, Adelino, said to me recently, ‘Thank you for giving us this life,’ and there is no other feeling like that.”

While the children may never forget their deceased parents, and they will never be replaced at heart, the new family has grown incredibly tightly knit.

In the attempt to give them a second chance for a decent life and a warm, loving home, these amazing people teach their children to love unapologetically and enjoy life.



23-Year Old Mother Made History With A Birth That Only Happens Every 480 Years

Back in 2013, a 23-year-old woman from the Czech Republic gave birth to quintuplets, and they were conceived naturally!

Giving birth is a miracle, and every story is unique, important, and beautiful in its own way. The newborn becomes the center of the world, a source of pure joy, innocence, love, and warmth.

Now, imagine all that- times five! Back in 2013, Alexandra Kinova became the first woman in the history of the Czech Republic to give birth to quintuplets.

Alexandra and her husband Antonin were waiting for their second child, as they already had a son, and were looking forward to meeting the new member of their family.

Yet, they were surprised when she took the second ultrasound and they learned they were expecting twins. They started to make plans for the new family of five, but they had no clue that their lives were going to change drastically soon!

After noticing that Alexandra’s stomach was growing very rapidly, doctors had to do a few more ultrasounds. After several examinations and consultations, they told her she was expecting four babies.

After a month from this shock, doctors had news to announce- they noticed a fifth baby, who was hiding behind the other four! They were expecting quintuplets!


The quintuplets were delivered after performing a cesarean section, as it is the safest way to prevent complications in the case of more than one baby. The entire process went very smoothly, according to the doctors at Prague’s Institute for the Care of Mother and Child.

The number of personnel for the procedure was greatly increased, and there were forty people present during the delivery. That included two midwives per baby.

After birth, the mother and the babies were put into intensive care in order to be monitored closely. They all appeared to be in excellent condition. Alexandra delivered four boys, named Deniel, Michael, Alex, and Martin, and a girl named Terezka.

The one thing that didn’t go according to the plan was that Antonin was absent during the birth. When Alexandra was in labor, he was on the train back home and couldn’t make it.

He said:

“I was crying all the way since I feared I would not manage it.”

Quintuplets are very rare. In most cases, multiples are a result of assisted reproductive techniques. Therefore, the chances of the spontaneous conception of quintuplets are about one in 60 million.

They can be fraternal (polyzygotic), which means there were five unique egg/sperm combinations, or identical (monozygotic), or there was one fertilized egg that split into two or more embryos or a combination of both.

They can be all male, all female, or, like in most cases, a mix between the two.

Monozygotic quintuplets will always be of the same sex. Monozygotic quintuplets, although, are born so rare that it is very hard to estimate the odds of that happening.

What makes Alexandra Kinova’s story even more exceptional is the fact that she didn’t undergo any fertility treatments. Plus, it is believed that her children are the first case of quintuplets in the history of the Czech Republic.

Dr. Alena Mechurova said:

“In this specific country, we have been actively recording statistics of birth ever since 1949 and in that time, there has never once been a mention of quintuplets. As a matter of fact, quintuplets are birthed in the Czech Republic once in every 480 years on average.”

Since 2013, the family has been enjoying their time together. Both grandmothers moved in with the family to support them, and they received an incredible amount of support from the community.

When their story got spread, people from all around the world offered them help. The government eventually decided to send them a nanny to assist the family.

Nowadays, all eight members of their family are in good health, content, and happy. We share their joy!



35 Hilarious Pet Haircuts That Made Animals Look Like People

A compilation of some of the cutest and funniest pet haircuts.

We have all had a bad haircut in life, as we love to experiment with our hair. This is why taking an old photo album out of the drawer is always a chance to get a good laugh!

Yet, it turns out that when animals have human hairdos, they are simply hilarious! They can even feel it- you can see the shame on their faces!

Therefore, we compiled a list of 35 pets with the most questionable hairdos ever, to remind you that you should always think twice before trying to make your pets look like people!

Be prepared- here they come!

1. Older than a decade!

This haircut is out of style for more than ten years, come on!

2. Canine combover

If the owners have managed to make the ear hair stay this way without hairspray, they are heroes!

3. The literal worst

Although he does have a handy built-in sun visor now, this style is just not suitable for anyone!

4. Heads or tails

The cat’s tail actually makes the dog look funny!

5. The eyes have it

Believe me, it is best to let your dog see out of both eyes.

6. You want some pie with that, sugar?

Aww, incredibly cute, but soo bad haircut!

7. Bangs- YES or NO?

Always NO!

8. Pretty (too much)!

Buenas tardes a todos!!!! Ya sabéis que para poner lindas a las tenéis más que pedir cita en el 692 18 18 13

Posted by Peluquería Canina Cris on Monday, February 29, 2016

Dolled up with bows and barrettes!

9. Canine Kate Gosselin

Too human-like for my taste!

10. Little piggy

A tiny and stylish guinea pig with a high ponytail.

11. Quarantine beard

Have you ever thought of grooming your pet’s beard?

12. Poor little piggy

Even he wonders why would anyone trim his hair this way!

13. Precious pup

So sweet and innocent!

14. Dog-hawk

Pretty badass!

15. 80s throwback

Ready for a house party?

16. Updo

Ok, so at least he is prepared for any special occasion now!

17. Pooped out after aerobics


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Rosy-“so mom gave me #bangs and a #ponnytail .what do u think.?” #doghair #doghairstyle

A post shared by bubba_rosy (@bubba_rosy) on

Oh, this is called volume!

18. Mutt makeover

Well, maybe this is not so bad after all, as the French bob and blunt cut are both “in” right now.

19. Side pony

The dog looks happy, and that’s all that matters!

20. Ribbons and bows

If she likes the accessories and does not chew them, we are happy.

21. Double braid


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Another cute yorkie hairstyle #rossysdoghairstyle #yorkie #yorkiesofinstagram #doghairstyle #smalldog #lovedogs #Varna #bathandbrush

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This is one way you can keep excess fur out of the way when you don’t want to trim it.

22. Street style

Funny but we love it!

23. Part it down the middle


24. Bun bro

You might not like man buns, but this doggo looks fabulous!

25. Long-haired stunner


26. Mullet madness


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Next haircut idea for noah? #dogmullet

A post shared by Cassi White (@cassiissassy1389) on

Can’t stop smiling! Huge!

27. Beach days

It surely isn’t comfortable to have your ears tied back this way.

28. Now with more scrunchie

A combo of all the retro and modern messy hairstyles ever.

29. The pouf

Too much!

30. Big hair


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If you didn’t know already, my colors are purple and pink 💜😜💖 #vivianthepartipoodle #flowerpower #prettyprincess

A post shared by 💜🐩 Vivian 🐩💜 (@vivianthepartipoodle) on

Big hair- don’t care!

31. Permed pet

Those waves are to die for!

32. The hare’s hair

Aww, incredibly cute!

33. The main mane

Are you jealous?

34. Karen redux

Zelda is a senior pup, so she might be just too old to want to change up her style.

35. Canine elegance


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Hair Goals 2021 #doghair #doghairstyle #dogfashion #doglife #prettydog

A post shared by Paris Beauty Supply Inc. (@parisbeautypro) on

Pure elegance!

I’m afraid we might have inspired you to visit your hairdresser!



Adorable Moment Panda Cub Follows His Keeper Around To Prevent Her From Leaving

A cute panda cub gives his best not to let his keeper leave his enclosure.

Animals show their love without constraints. Whenever they form a strong, trustworthy, and valuable bond with humans, they try all possible ways to show it and spend more time with us.

Margaret Gruen, an assistant professor of behavioral medicine in NC State’s College of Veterinary Medicine, says:

“Pets show love by being excited to see us, by greeting us, by vocalizing in ways that show us they’re excited to see us, by spending time with us and seeking us out to be with us.”

One 7-month cub in China, named Chun Sheng, was caught on video trying to stop his caretaker from leaving his enclosure. At first, the naughty animal blocked the doorway, but soon came up with another plan and started following the employee around.

She eventually managed to get out, after leading the persistent panda cub to one corner of the enclosure. The lovable scene was caught on video on October 22 at Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base.

  • After the cub blocks the door, Chun Sheng’s keeper lifts the panda up

  • Seconds later, Chun Sheng walks back to the doorway in an attempt not to be left alone

The cub was born in lockdown, on March 21, when the center was temporarily closed due to the coronavirus outbreak. His name means “born in spring’” in English. He weighed 176.7 grams (0.39 pounds) at birth, and he is said to have been a ‘very handsome boy’.

His mother is an 11-year-old panda named Zhi Zhi, and Chun Sheng is her third cub. Back in 2017, she gave birth to two male twins.

  • The cub tails the worker after she had no way but to walk to the other side of the enclosure

  • The cub continues to chase her

Being born during the COVID-19 lockdown, Chun Sheng has established a deep connection with his keepers. In the video, the cub initially stands right in front of the door, and in an attempt not to be left alone, tries to prevent the worker to leave.

He won’t go away, even after the caretaker petted him, and gestured him to walk. The woman tried to get away from the panda by walking away from him twice, but he followed her every movement.

  • After the woman left, the disappointed Chun Sheng stands on a step while looking at the door

  • He falls from the steps after taking a tumble

In the end, she enticed Chun Sheng to stay in a corner for a moment, and she quickly managed to escape out of the enclosure. At this point, the clingy animal realized he was left alone.

He then ran to the door and crawled onto the steps – but he tumbled down the stairs in a very funny way!

  • Chun Sheng sleeping in his incubator at two months old

This year Chun Sheng was the third cub born in the center. The 16-year-old panda Fuwa or the ‘lucky doll’ has previously given birth to two male cubs.

They were named after two well-known snacks from Chengdu and Wuhan – The place where the virus was first detected last December – to show solidarity to the inhabitants of the city that was the epicenter of the pandemic then.

The elder twin’s name is Reganmian, Wuhan’s hot and dry noodle dish. The younger one is named Danhonggao, after the iconic egg pancakes from Chengdu.



Toddler Rubs Hair Removal Cream On Her Head And Ends Up Looking Like Pennywise From It

18-month-old toddler entered the bathroom and applied hair gel in an attempt to look like her father. Yet, she took the wrong tube, and she used hair removal cream instead!

We all have our role models in life, and in the case of toddlers, they are their parents! Yet, the attempt to look like her father made one 18-month-old girl do a huge mistake! While she won’t remember it, her mother surely would!

This little girl, Maisie, of Hampshire, England, was home with her siblings and dad. At one point, her brother Ollie, 4, left the baby gate open in the living room, and this was a sign for Maisie and her twin Eva to start their adventure!

The girls went upstairs, and the naughty Maisie entered the bathroom, found her dad’s gel, and decided she wanted to copy him!

Yet, it turned out that it was the wrong tube, and she actually applied the Superdrug Hair Removal Cream on her hair!

Fortunately, things went well this time as her father came soon, otherwise, these creams can often pose serious health risks.

Unfortunately, mom wasn’t home, as she might have thought of a better solution to the problem.

The mother, Kristy, said:

“Rather than just shove her under the shower, Luke ran her a bath, got her changed and it took about 10 minutes before he even thought about taking it off.”

Kristy explains that when she called, her husband tried to tell her about the incident, but the phone broke up, and she guessed that Maisie “ got hold of some scissors.”

The father tried to wash the cream out, but when clumps of hair fell out when he shampooed the girl, he realized that Maisie had smeared the hair removal gel across her hair.

The result? The three-inch fringe of the girl was completely removed in the blunder, and her hairline now creep all the way to the center of her head!

When she came home, Kristy was in “pure shock”. Her daughter came to cuddle her, and the mom cried for an hour because she “absolutely loved her fringe [bangs].”

She was also mad at her husband and didn’t speak to him for a few hours. Yet, the next day, she started to see “ more of the funny side.” From a present point of view, everything looks funny. Mom has found a way to do a comb-over for their tot, which she admits that lasts only a while.

The girl likes to play with her new do! Her mom said that she found her new style “hilarious”, and as she was born with a full head of hair, she’s never been bald.

Now, the toddler “ keeps finding different surfaces to rub it up against because it feels funny.” Friends even got the idea to dress Maisie as Pennywise for Halloween, as her ginger locks and new hairline are just perfect for the costume!

Kirsty added:

“Maisie’s very independent, so we’ve always got to keep an eye on her to see what she’s up to. ‘Luke gets ready in the downstairs bathroom and Maisie sometimes goes in with him. The hair gel tube is the same shape as the hair removal cream, so she must have been trying to copy him. Somehow she’s managed to learn to unscrew tops off tubes and found the only tube of hair removal cream in the house.”

A tiny amount of hair has started to grow back, and the mother hopes that her girl won’t need to wear a hat when the weather gets warmer next year.

Yet, the whole incident taught her parents a valuable lesson. Kristy said:

“Me and Luke felt a bit of a failure for not keeping these things out of her way, but once I’d realized these things happen when you’ve got kids we felt a bit better about it. Parenting, especially with twins, isn’t easy, and if this makes even one other mum feel better then that’s great.”
