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Breakfast – The Most Important Meal Of The Day!

Here is the “cliche”:

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”

“Eat breakfast like a king!”

Eat “diamonds“for breakfast and have glow through the day!

Those who eat breakfast regularly, can tell you how useful it is. But what if you skip the breakfast? -You know that you should have a breakfast, but it’s hard if you’ve been awake until late hours and your stomach is still sleeping. We all know that breakfast is really important – and if you consume some healthy and balanced food in the morning, this can really help you “shine all day.”

So the question is, why are not we feeling hungry? Is there anything you can do about it?

Despite the “cliche “, we decided to go a little deeper into this topic.


To find the reason why you can’t “cope” with the food in the morning can be quite “tricky” mission. Regarding to our experience, the most common reasons are:

– Long-standing habit – you never have entered into the routine of breakfast;

– Perhaps you are not hungry in the morning because you routinely ate extensive dinner or snack at night before sleeping;

– Rely on a mix of strong black coffee so you can function until the lunch.

Those who don’t eat in the morning probably have heard all the reasons why they should try to overcome the “barrier” for which they skip breakfast. But in case you need to remind yourself – here’s a quick summary.


When you wake up in the morning, you’ve gone a long time without eating. While you are asleep, your body is forced to reach for the reserves so it can maintain your system.

So, if you don’t fill your tank in the morning, you will not have the mental and physical energy you need during your working day.

Breakfast habit is associated with better weight control and better nutrition in general. Most of those who have successfully reduced their weight are having breakfast every day.

On the other hand, people who skip breakfast consume more fat, cholesterol, calories, sugar and significantly less fruit and vegetables than people who think breakfast is the most important thing.


– Start with small and light breakfast

It is easy to create your breakfast habit with small, easily-digestible food rich in nutrients. Try with fruit protein shak or boiled eggs with fruit on the side.

– Including protein

Proteins are important because they are not only helping breakfast keep you satisfied, they also help you be mentally alert. One study found that those who eat high protein breakfast need 200 calories less during dinner.


Split your meals into smaller portions

You don’t need to eat the entire meal at once. One sip of your shake in the morning, or eat an egg, then eat some fruit in half an hour.

– Get up 15 minutes earlier

Additional 15 minutes in the morning can make a difference for those who are rushing to get out of the door. You will not only have time to do something quick and easy, you will also give your system the opportunity to wake up.

– Do not rely only on “coffee and muffin”

Many people think that they should not have a breakfast, if they have already had “some coffee and muffin” in a coffee shop or bar. But that coffee has an innocent look, because when consumed along with a muffin it can store more than 700 calories in your body.

Just like when your car  needs some fuel to go on. It is the same with your body, so you should never skip breakfast!

General Health

Several Reasons To Leave Sugar Out Of Your Diet!


If your intention is to continue consuming sugar, you should be aware of the health risks related to sugar consumption. Although many can not imagine life without sweets, one scientific research shows that sugar is not good for our health.

Тhe research results suggest many reasons why should we eliminate sugar and sweets from our diet, and here are some of them:

-Sugar is not food – it presents calories with low nutritional value which make your body use vitamins from other organs during the sugar processing.

-Sugar is full of calories which create fat.

-Sugar makes us nervous – there is a connection between increased sugar level and disorders such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia, due to high levels of insulin and adrenaline.

-Sugar causes diabetes, heart and kidney disease – excess sugar hinders the normal function of the pancreas.

-Sugar damages our teeth – sugar acts like an acid dissolving the enamel on teeth.

-Sugar destroys the immune system – inhibits the body to defend against diseases.

-Sugar creates wrinkles – the high sugar level destroys collagen.

-Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body.

-Sugar slows down the enzyme function.

– Sugar can cause hormonal imbalances such as increased estrogen in men and aggravates PMS in women.

– Sugar can cause tendon weakness.

– Sugar can increase your systolic blood pressure.

– Too much sugar damages the pancreas.

Our advice is to look up for “no-sugar added” options or products made with Stevia. (It is calorie-free and hundreds of times sweeter than table sugar). Avoid artificial sweeteners, and you can reduce the adverse effect of insulin absorption.

If you use sweetener packets, you should take Sun Crystals, a combination of sugar and natural stevia that contains five calories per serving. Change your granulated white sugar (which is highly refined) with organic, unbleached sugar or unrefined brown sugar (raw sugar) which is slightly purified.

Other natural sweeteners can be found in: pure maple syrup, barley malt, molasses, agave nectar, rice syrup and honey.

-The best sugar sources are: fruits, vegetables and cereals !

Hidden sugar often comes with other names, such as glucose, sucrose, dextrose, lactose, fructose …  But today we can find many products known as sugar-free.

Unfortunately, this often means that these products contain artificial sweeteners – chemical compounds not recognized by our body as food, so avoid saccharin and aspartame.

Sugar is found in all carbonated drinksjuices, cookies and other sweets, canned food, bread, beer, cigarettes, mayonnaise and various dressings, ketchup, dried soups, potato chips, instant tea and instant coffee.

Stopping the sugar consumption does not mean giving up of sweets!


The best way to get this is to eat quality desserts and sweets with grain sweeteners, such as barley, rice, corn, millet. These sweeteners look similar to honey but have milder flavour, and unlike honey contain complex sugar (polysaccharides).

These natural sweeteners are made of grains and contain maltose (grain sugar) and B vitamins. Such cereal sweeteners can be found in health food stores. The main source of high quality sugar are grains, vegetables and fruit.

Unlike white sugar, honey is an outstanding food, which by its composition fully corresponds to the physiological needs of the human body and in many cases can be a useful substitute for white sugar.


Fruits Grains Health Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Healthy Foods For Your Heart

Cardio-vascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. Of course part of the blame goes to our genes, lifestyle, physical inactivity, our nutrition and the stress. Sure we can help ourselves if we change our daily diet and our lifestyle. We are here for you offering useful and smart advices.

Indications of any heart disease may be overlooked, but the body will send signals that you should not be “deaf”. Interesting and useful new findings say that, even though you do not care what you eat, or you have not had a heart attack, by changing your eating habits, you can prevent a heart attack because it’s never too late, and you can not predict  your health condition in future.
The proverb says: it is better to prevent, than to cure…

Proper nutrition can help keeping the blood vessels healthy, without any dangerous clots and resilient enough to allow normal blood flow. With proper nutrition you can fight against increased cholesterol, and other fats in the blood, especially in cases of blood clotting.

Here are few types of healthy food good for your heart:

1. Fish – an universal cure for the heart

The best way to reduce heart disease is to eat fish, especially fatty fish, packed with fatty acids such as omega-3. There is reliable evidence that fish have the ability to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease. One important Dutch study found that intake of 30 grams of fish per day, or few meals per week decreases the risk of heart attack for a third. Of all the best fish types, we would mention:

-Salmon is an excellent source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. This type of fish is useful, because it decreases the risk of blood clots and keeps your cholesterol levels healthy.

-Mackerel is oily fish and it isa great source of omega 3 fatty acids. It is advisable to eat 2-3 meals a week combined with fresh salad.

Cod – this fish has a quality meat, and it’s a good source of protein. It is advisable to eat roast cod  with garlic and onion.

We have to mention that you should always combine  fish with fresh salads. Besides eating fish, it is the best to start every morning with a spoonful of fish oil.

2. Fruit and Vegetables                

-Apples can help preventing blood clots. They contain quercetin, which acts as a natural agent against inflammation. Apples contain a lot of vitamins and fiber. You can eat apples with a handful of almonds or walnuts, or you can add it to any fruit salad.

It is good to consume avocado as well. It helps increasing the HDL cholesterol level in the body, and decreasing  the LDL level.

-Green leafy vegetables are good for better retention of the memory as you age. Rich in vitamin E they also contain folate. Try consuming fresh spinach leaves or other green leafy vegetables in your salad instead of frozen green salad.

3. Oatmeal contains omega 3 fatty acids, phytoestrogens and fiber that keep your digestive system healthy. Oatmeal is a hearty treat. Enjoy your oatmeal by adding fresh berries or some different slices fresh fruit.

4. Olive oil is full of monounsaturated fats. Olive oil can reduce the risk from heart disease. You should use olive and cold pressed unrefined oil.

Other products good for healthy heart are:
-Grained fruit
-Onions and garlic
-Foods rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene.

Do not forget that regular walking, going to the gym, swimming and moderate physical activity, supported by healthy and proper nutrition will protect your heart and give you long healthy life.

Children's Food Dairy Fruits Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Healthy Food For Kids

Parents should provide healthy meals for their children so they can be mentally and physically prepared for the day. While eating healthy meals, parents should educate their children about the importance of healthy food, and teach them to some healthy living rules they can rely on. Include your children in the process of “Healthy eating”.

When you go shopping, let your children choose healthy food instead of you and let them be helping hand while you cook. Teaching your children eat healthy at a young age, will help them build some healthy eating habits. Although forcing your kids eat junk/fast food is a bad idea.

Children like healthy foods a lot. Parents often pass these healthy food, and go straight to fast food such as pizza, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, french fries, soda. Children should be aware of the effect of high-fat and high-calorie food, and eat more food rich in fiber, low in fat, rich in iron, calcium and other minerals and vitamins.



-Generally, children love to drink milk, but as they grow up, many kids drink less milk. After they turn 2, children should have their regular milk dose, including high-fat milk. Fat is necessary for the brain and nerves development. Advice: If your baby gains too much weight for its height, it’s recommended to switch high-fat milk to low-fat before the age of 2.

Milk is the main factor in building strong bones, because of the high calcium level. It is the best source of calcium. Milk is also rich in biotin, magnesium, selenium, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and many vitamins such as vitamin A, B12, D and vitamin K. Consumption of milk is effective in stimulating muscle growth and helping post exercise muscle recovery.

And if your child does not like drinking milk, try offering the flavoured kind of milk, or prepare fortified tofu, broccoli, white beans, or some cereals.


Peanut Butter

-Peanut butter is very healthy and it is made of dry roasted peanuts. Peanut butter contains protein, vitamins E and B3, folate, arginine, iron, zink, magnesium, dietary fiber and high level of antioxidant p-coumaric acid. Natural peanut butter does not have partially hydrogenated oils.

The best timing to start including peanut butter in your child’s diet is after the 14th month. Peanut butter is relatively high in fat, but it is often rich in polyunsaturated and mono-fat, so it is way better than other saturated fats, which can be found in other high-fat food.

Kids would love if peanut butter is included in many recipes, especially healthy cookies and candies. Peanut butter’s flavour can be combined with other flavours like oatmeal, chocolate, cheese, various types of sauces and with crackers and breads. Kids love this!

Fruit and Vegetables

-Fruit and vegetables enjoy deserved reputation of a great helpers  in our daily effort to stay healthy and fit, and are associated with the reduced risk of many serious diseases. Studies have shown that by consuming fruit and vegetable you can reduce the risk of cancer (such as cancer of the oral cavity, throat, stomach, colon and respiratory system).

According to this, the diet rich in fruit and vegetables is associated with the reduced risk of developing type of diabetesheart disease and high blood pressure (hypertension). Fruit and vegetables help in prevention of various diseases, but they are also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, contain low fat level and contain folic acid (green leaf vegetables).
Here are some useful and interesting tips,  how to make your children eat more fruit and vegetables:

Vegetable combination:

1. Make mashed pumpkin or sweet potatoes instead of regular mashed potatoes.
2. Power up pizza with tomato, peppers, mushrooms, pineapple, green garlic and spinach.
3. Add vegetables in the soup.
4. Fill roasted potatoes with wheat grains, young garlic, mushrooms and red pepper.
5. Be creative when serving the salad. Do not just make a  tomato and cucumber salad, you can also add some paprika, shredded mushrooms, grated ginger, onion chopped in circles, spinach leaf or any other favoured vegetables.


Fruit combination:

1. Add fruit in green salads – try adding pieces of pear, apple, grapes, mango, strawberries, almonds or blueberries.
2. Add a handful of blueberry, or grated banana in the dough for pancakes.
3. Add exotic fruits such as papaya, mango or pineapple in the fruit salad.
4. Blend some apples, ginger, carrot and orange, and serve it as a refreshing drink.
5. Pack fresh fruit in a plastic box, which the child will carry to school. Drain a little lemon juice at apples and pears to prevent it turn brown.

Little creativity and effort can stimulate your children eat more fruit and vegetables, enrich their diet, and thus get their body strengthened and boost their immunity.

Fruits General Vegetables

Facts About Healthy Food

Eating  well balanced and healthy food can help you reduce or maintain your weight, and it can also reduce the risk of diseases. Food amount and variety has a big influence on your health.

Food is divided in different groups. It is very important to be careful and consume food from different groups. Being healthy means eating healthy food.

Food gives the body the energy needed for daily activities like walking, gym, playing football or riding a bike. It is also necessary for the normal body functions. However, no matter what age you are, it is very important to eat  healthy food.

It is never late to start eating healthy food and improve you eating habits.

Here are some interesting and funny facts about healthy food:

– Almonds are member of the peach family.

– Banana is not a fruit, it is a herb.

– Coffee beans are fruit pits.

– Peanuts are actually legumes.

– Ancient carrots were purple.

– Apples are part of the rose family.

– Strawberries have more vitamin C than the oranges.

– Avocados are poisonous to birds.

– Tomatoes were thought to be poisonous.

– The water from the young coconut can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.

– One can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar.

– Canola oil is actually rapeseed oil.

– For the past 30 years, the number of overweight teenagers has been tripled and also the number of overweight children has been doubled. This is a very worrying fact!

– Over 300,000 deaths per year are caused by poor nutrition and a lack of physical activity.

– In the US, the average adult drinks are about 550 cans soda per year.

– In the United States, the first cause of death is smoking, the second is obesity.

– Diabetes is increased by 33% in the past 20 years, because of the increased number of overweight people.

– It takes 20 minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full.

Did you know that….

-Goat’s milk is more popular around the world than cow’s milk.

-Honey is used in antifreeze and in the middle of golf balls.


-A hardboiled egg will spin, a soft boiled egg won’t.

-About 150 people per year are killed by coconuts.

-American people ate 33% more spinach in 1931 when Popeye became popular.

-Rice is the main food for half of the world’s population.

-The average American or Canadian will eat almost 12 pounds of cereal per year.

-Ketchup was sold in the 1930′s as medicine.

-The average French eats 500 snails per year.

-Watermelons cost up to $100 in Japan.

Fruits Health Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Eat Healthy

Proper and healthy food has become one of the most important problem in the modern world. Lifestyle and routines in modern families with both working parents, disables the mother and father devote the necessary time for the daily healthy meals.

Each of us, lucky to be raised by unemployed mothers and grandmothers, knows the value of carefully prepared meal.

Human health, efficiency, mood and creativity are related with the food we consume every day. Proper and healthy food helps the individual to cope more easily with life’s difficulties, and offers protection of many physical and mental illnesses.

Healthy eating provides more regular physical and spiritual development of children, and more joy and love for each other.

It has always been known that, what we eat is what we are, because everything on our planet has its own vibration and impact on the environment. Hence, what we consume influences the function of our entire system, our thoughts and feelings, behavior, attitude towards the whole life and of course, our health.

Even the famous Greek physician Hippocrates said, “Your food shall be your medicine.” Modern medicine, after decades of research came to the conclusion that the cause of many illnesses  is the nutrition.

Healthy food is food that does not contain too much preservatives, fat (especially animal origin fats), and is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals – the plant-based food, fruit, whole grains and seeds. “And God said, Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food”, was written in the First Book of Moses, called Genesis (Genesis 1:29).

Healthy eating means eating simple and organic and healthy diet means moderate eating, not too fast and voraciously, but to be aware of the health benefits of the food we consume every day, and making a balance, so the food is not too cold or too hot, too salty or too spicy…

Eating various foods, but properly combined, is essential for proper nutrition. Normal and healthy body function requires consuming all ingredients necessary for the cell renewal in proper quantities.

If we were able to meet and follow our body’s needs, we could avoid illnesses and fast aging. By consuming unhealthy food we poison and destroy our body unconsciously, we shorten its natural function and health span.

Proper diet means following the appropriate meal time and not to eat uncontrollably, at any time, without any thinking. However, you should not skip the meals and bring the body into a state of malnutrition, because it can lead to destruction of certain brain cells, unstable nervous system and reduction of the body resistance.

Remember: Health comes from your mouth, you are what you eat!

Dairy Fruits Low - Fat Protein Foods

Healthy Breakfast Food

As we all know, and nutritional experts have also confirmed, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. People who eat inappropriate food for breakfast, or skip the breakfast, have problems with metabolism, concentration and weight. So here are the top food types that will help you make your breakfast healthier and more powerful.

-Start your day with good mixed breakfast – eat oatmeal (e.g. oat with some fruit – like banana or strawberries and low-fat milk). Oatmeal contains wide array of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants and it’s a good source of iron, protein and carbohydrates. Having oatmeal for breakfast helps you lower your cholesterol level, blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and some certain types of cancer. It’s packed with fiber that absorbs water, which significantly slows down your digestive process, eliminates hunger and controls your weight.


-Eggs belong to the group of healthy breakfast food. Great source of protein. One egg contains 6g of protein. Besides proteins, eggs are rich in calcium, vitamin A and D. Eating eggs is good for healthy skin and eyes, because of the antioxidant lutein. People who eat eggs for breakfast feel replete for longer, while losing fat and transforming it into muscle at the same time. This is something very important for bodybuilders to know.


Yogurt is rich in calcium, protein, riboflavin and vitamin B. It contains varying amounts of fat. One cup of low-fat yogurt has 9.3g of protein, 253g calories, 4.6g fat. Consummation of low-fat yogurt, helps you reduce your weight, because of the calcium. Proteins in it give you an extra edge if you are trying to get leaner. If you need to save calories and unnecessary sugar you should choose plain yogurt. For some extra sweetness, mix it with some fresh fruit.


Frozen Fruit Smoothies
Smoothies are rich in nutrients, they are delicious and tasty choice for your breakfast. Adding oats to them is perfect way to get more energy. USDA recommends that half of our meals must consist fruit and vegetables.

Frozen fruit smoothie recipe: one frozen banana, 1 cup of frozen fruit ( strawberries, mango, cherries…) one cup of low-fat milk, or ½ cup of vanilla, or plain yogurt, 2 to 3 tablespoons honey, ¼ quick cooking oats ( not instant). Put the ingredients in blender and mix them well.

Remember: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you should start the day by eating healthy and powerful breakfast, which will provide you good energy till your next meal.

Fruits Health Vegetables

Healthy Foods To Eat

Every day our body needs vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Eating a healthy food is important part of maintaining a good health. Also eating healthy foods, can help you to feel great and fresh through the day.

Today will be presented the 5 super-healthy foods, that are proven as a disease fighters and energy boosters. Add them to your daily diet, and get on the track for excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.

1. Lemons
– One lemon has more than 100 percent of our daily intake of vitamin C. Lemons contain calcium, magnesium, citric acid, vitamin C, dietary fiber, limonene and pectin. All these, boost the immunity of the body, and they protect the body from many infections. Consuming lemons may help to strengthen bones and increase the “good” HDL cholesterol levels. Citrus flavonoids are found in lemons, and act as an anti-inflammatory, and also may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

2. Apples
– In 2004 USDA scientists investigated over 100 foods, and the red delicious apple was ranked on 12 place. Apples are good source of pectin, which can lower the blood cholesterol, also they are a good source of vitamin C – an antioxidant that protect our body’s cells from damaging. This fruit is low in saturated fat. Eating an apple has a positive influence on our body like: get whiter and healthier teeth, avoid Alzheimer’s disease, protect against Parkinson’s, control your weight, boost your immune system, etc.

3. Almonds

– These tear-shaped nuts are full with – calcium, magnesium, iron fiber and riboflavin. Like all nuts, and the almonds contain plant protein, this means, that you do not have to eat so much meet. Almonds provides the following health benefits like: Lower LDL-cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, providing double-barreled protection against diabetes and cardiovascular disease, almonds may help you to reduce your excess weight, and also almonds are natural source of energy.
They are healthy snack by themselves, and they make a good addition to foods like desserts, snack mixes, salads and rice pilaf.

4. Broccoli
– One stalk of broccoli contains 115 percent of your daily vitamin K, and almost 200 percent vitamin C. Broccoli are a good source of folate, they also contains phytonutrients — that is a group of compounds that can prevent diabetes, some cancers and heart disease. They are a good source of vitamin A, and are good source of energy-producing vitamin B1, protein, and iron. Also the broccoli are good for the eye health.

5. Sweet Potatoes

– One of the best and healthiest vegetable. This veggie is full with carotenoids, fiber, and potassium. Good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6 that may help you to reduce the risk of some cancers and slow the aging process. Like all vegetables, they are low in calories. Bake some, and then mix them with some mashed pineapple for extra sweetness.