Dairy Fruits Grains Vegetables

Healthy Food Pyramid

Healthy food pyramid presents healthy choice of food for your everyday menu.The pyramid contains variety of food in certain doses necessary to meet the daily needs of your organism. The pyramid is a reliable guide to plan your healthy diet. In the base of the pyramid you can see weight control and daily body workout because these two elements have strong influence on your health.

Healthy food pyramid shows that you should eat more food from the bottom of the pyramid (vegetables, whole grains) and less from the top (sweet  drinks, red meat, salt).

Different food for different populations

The base of the pyramid, which also shows the largest amount of food necessary to be consumed during the day is different for all population groups.

Nutrition for elderly people

The base of the food pyramid for the older people is filled with water. Due to loss of skin elasticity and constant danger of dehydration, people older than 65 years should drink water with every meal.

Nutrition for kids

Food pyramid for kids is different because of the higher amount of fruit and vegetables, vital source of vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development. Children need to import a large quantity of calcium (1300 mg per day, compared to 1000 mg daily required dose for adults) for proper development of bones.

Physical activity for adults

Latest pyramid for adults includes physical activity. Adults should be physically active at least 30 minutes every day. Recommended daily intake of calories is 2000 kcal.

Whole Grains

The body uses carbohydrates mostly as source for daily energy. Half of the grains  consumed during the day should be integral. Whole grains are best source of carbohydrates. You should avoid white flour. Whole grains include oats and rice.  Our body needs to import about 180 gr whole grains per day.


A diet rich in vegetables has bountiful benefits. Vegetables helps in  reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke, protect against some cancers, lower blood pressure etc. You should eat about 200-300 grams versatile vegetables every day.


A nutrition rich in fruit has bountiful benefits as well. You should consume fruits every day, especially citrus.You should avoid juices with artificial flavors.

Nutritional oils for better flavor

Oils are essential part of the diet because they improve the taste of food and provide necessary nutrients including vitamins D, E, K, and A. Mostly used nutritional oils  are vegetable oils and fish oil. You should consume less hard fats like butter, margarine and pork fat.

Milk and dairy products

You should consume milk and dairy products bring the required amount of calcium in the body. Experts recommend 3 cups of milk per day.

Eat fish once a week

You should consume 170 grams of meat and meat products every day.It is recommended to eat fish because it is rich in omega 3.It is advisable to eat one boiled egg per day because eggs are rich in iron.

Proper ways of preparing food

To maintain its nutritional values, you should prepare food properly. Experts recommend boiling or steam-cooking, rather than frying.

Children's Food Grains Vegetables

Follow These 8 Tips To Develop Healthy Eating Habits

We can all agree that most people are slaves of their unhealthy habit. When it comes to food, they usually shop in the same market, buy the same food and prepare the meals in the same way. But if you are seriously interested in eating healthier food, you need to change something in your habits and lifestyle.

Many people find it difficult to change their habits and diet, because they are accustomed to a particular type of food and drinks and are less interested in trying different meals than their regular.

As time goes by, habits become routine and it is difficult to make some changes. Even those who have changed their bad habits can easily return to old habits, in any moment of stress.


According to dr. John Foreyt, director of the Center for Research on the behavior of people in Baylor Medical College, the fight against bad eating habits and lifestyle is divided in three procedures:

– Be aware of the bad habits which you are willing to change
– Discover the source of those bad habits and why are they here
– Discover how to change bad eating habits in the best way and add some regular physical activity

Here are some ideas to help you introduce healthy eating habits in your everyday life which can improve your body line and mental health.

Chewing Food

-If you chew your food slowly, you will eat smaller and more frequent portions. This happens because our stomach is sending message to our brain that it is full 20 minutes later. So chew slowly, it is healthier.

Eat More Food

-Starving is not a solution if you are trying to lose weight. All you need is to eat well. Focus on eating smalls meals with all required nutrients included.

Eat Grain Food

-Grain food is important source of fiber essential for intellectual and physical growth.  Grain food is also a good source of carbohydrates and proteins necessary for normal function of your organism.

Avoid Red Meat

-Lower your cholesterol to normal level. Eating Fish or chicken as your daily meat intake will help you achieve this.

Eat Food Rich In Calcium

-You must eat calcium enriched food and try to add this new rule in your healthy habits list. Milk is the best source of calcium. One or two glasses per day is enough. If somehow you can’t drink milk, try consuming almonds, mustard greens or red kidney beans.

Use Less Salt

Salt is main cause for water retention. So avoid eating salt if you have problems with high blood pressure.

Eat Garlic and Onion

-Onion is decreasing  the blood pressure and garlic is used to reduce the cholesterol level.

…and most of all  Feel The Flavors and Notice The Changes

-Eating well is not always enough if you do not feel and enjoy in the flavor of the food you eat. Tasting and enjoying healthy food in real sense will give you satisfaction and you will feel better. Experts believe that you will be more successful, if you gradually introduce changes.

You will notice how healthy food works on you and what kind of positive changes it is making. As time goes by, you will change your bad habits and the organism will absorb only healthy food,  so you will know it is better to have healthy body and soul.

Dairy Fruits Low - Fat Protein Foods

What Is A Balanced Nutrition ?

Speaking of healthy lifestyle and maintaining optimal body weight, we often come across the term balanced diet. Have you ever wondered what does balanced nutrition mean? By balanced nutrition we refer to proper nutrition, including many smaller meals throughout the day and having balanced diet means consuming all the necessary products. Our body needs 40 different nutrients used for the growing process, tissue renewal and daily energy supply.

Here is a list of the most important nutritive components needed by every organism:

Water presents the essence of our life and constitutes the largest part of our body. Water is an integral part of lumphatic system and blood and with its help the necessary nutrients are delivered to each cell in our body. Water also helps discharging unnecessary and harmful substances from the body.

Proteins-affect tissue growth and recovery. In addition to this, protein assist in the production of hormones and enzymes  necessary for normal function of all processes in the body. Proteins can be found in: meat, fish, milk, dairy products, eggs, nuts, beans …

Vitamins and minerals are needed in very small quantities and therefore are called micronutrients. Vitamins and minerals help the normal growth and function of the body and protect us from many diseases.

Carbohydrates  are the main source of the energy our body needs. There is a variety of healthy food that contain carbohydrates, including whole grains, seeds, plant-based foods, but the best source of carbohydrates are potatoes.

Fiber can be found in those parts of the products excluded from the cooking process. Fiber favorably affect the digestive system, blood vessels and heart.


Our body needs all of the previously listed nutritive components and science helped us come to the proper proportionate doses of these nutrients.

When some of the necessary ingredients is insufficiently brought into the body different infections and diseases attack the organism.

Modern fast food (in developed countries), the body absorbs more than the necessary: fat, protein, cholesterol, sugar and salt. This type of diet leads to obesity and health deterioration. Obesity has become a “disease” of modern world and most of the cases are noticed in America and gradually spreaded in other developed countries.

This facts lead us to the importance of the balanced diet and to the conclusion that by consuming all the necessary products in required portions we can sure enjoy our healthy life and prevent obesity.

Fruits Healthy Drinks Vegetables

Healthy Drinks

Healthy drinks are easy to prepare and their benefits are amazing. They should be consumed immediately after preparation or at least one hour after preparation, because after an hour ingredients start to oxidate, which greatly reduces their nutritive values. Natural juices can effectively help us recover from various diseases. Certain juices support the whole organism and some treat specific diseases.

Why should we drink juices instead of eating fresh, red and ripe fruit?

“Because digestion of solid food lasts for hours and the body digests and absorbs juices very quickly, in just few minutes. Juices are constructive material because they are the fastest way to enable the organism with all necessary amino acids, mineral salts, enzymes, vitamins, feed the blood and tissues and clean wasted toxic substances and discharge wasted products.

We have listed some healthy juices and their healthy benefits:

Pineapple – Pineapple juice is excellent for improving the functioning of kidneys and liver. Pineapple juice is also recommended for treating angina.

Peach – Peach juice strengthens heart muscles and cures heart arrhythmia. Helps with anemia, it is good for the nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

Orange – Orange juice is a powerful natural antioxidant.
Red currant – Red currant juice is recommended for cardiovascular diseases, ulcers, skin diseases, rheumatism and colds.

Grapes – Grape juice helps with fatigue and stressful situation. Cleans kidneys and liver and reduces cholesterol.

Grapefruit – This fruit juice is natural cure for insomnia. Lowers cholesterol and returns the blood pressure to normal.

Apple – Apple juice helps with obesity and diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney disease, arteriosclerosis, kidney stones and dysentery. It is pretty good for people who have high mental activity.

Apricot – Apricot juice strengthens the heart muscle. Regular consumption helps with arrhythmia.

Pear – Pear juice helps with kidney stones.

Cabbage – Cabbage juice is used for gastritis with low acid, stomach ulcers and diseases of the spleen and liver. Strengthens blood vessels, restores fat level in normal and helps in healing wounds.

Carrot – Carrot juice improves vision, strengthens the body and helps in returning the body to normal after illness or mental and physical exhaustion. Heals the gastric ulcer and helps with anemia, cancer and tuberculosis. Carrot juice increases the appetite and strengthens teeth and immune system.

How much juice should we drink a day?

“As long as it is our pleasure. But before preparing the juice, you need to be sure that the fruit and vegetables are of quality and well washed. By consuming natural juices we will improve our health, purify the body and refill it with energy.
Therefore we can say that  juices are delicious, the healthiest and the safest remedy. Who could say no to glass of refreshing juice!?

Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Healthy Lunches

Ready-to-take meals sold everywhere can be high in fat and calories, making it harder to eat healthy and keep those pounds off. Lunch can be really unhealthy,  people eat lots of fast food, huge portions, or worse eat nothing at all. But some simple healthy planning can change your lunch. completely Healthy, well-balanced meals can be quickly prepared and can cost much cheaper than some junk food.

Healthy lunch sets you up for a high-energy afternoon and stops the evening binge eating. Our guide to good healthy lunch ideas will help you be thinner, healthier, and happier. Try these ideas and your body and wallet will thank you for it.

1. Hoisin-mango chicken sandwich

-Roast Chicken (Skinless). Chicken is rich source of protein, required to perform a number of vital functions in the body. It also contains many essential vitamins and minerals. In chicken you can find vitamin B6 and B3, necessary for fat and protein metabolism, carbohydrate, production of red bloods cells. Chicken is also rich in selenium, phosphorus, potassium, amino acid and zinc.

-Mango adds a dose of iron and sweet and juicy taste as well.

-Red onion is the best natural source of quercetin (cancer fighting nutrient), which may reduce sugar levels and lower cholesterol.

-Hoisin sauce kicks up the heat without packing on uninvited calories.

This sandwich is poor with veggies, so you can add some mixed-green salad and you will have tasty and healthy lunch!

2. Goat cheese, red pepper and fresh mint

-Goat cheese contains eighty calories and six grams of fat per ounce which means it is a good choice if you are trying to stay thin and fit. Also, this type of cheese boosts metabolism, and a study of 2012 proved that it is good for your brain.

-Red pepper is a good source of the carotenoid, which helps preventing prostate cancer, cancer of the cervix, pancreas and bladder. Peppers are especially rich in vitamins A, C, and K which prevent cell damage, diseases related to aging and also support immune system function.

-Fresh mint has sedative, disinfectant and cicatrizing properties. It helps liver function and calms indigestion. Mints are rich in menthol, menthone, vitamin C, limonene and antibiotic substances. It has good affect on the digestive system because of the menthol.

Roll up these healthy products in tortillas and your healthy lunch is ready in 10 minutes.

3. Chili-Spiced Salmon Salad

– Canned salmon prevents cardiovascular disease, rich in calcium, vitamin B-12, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids and keeps you mentally sharp.

-Lettuce (torn into bite-size pieces) is a rich source of vitamin K, vitamin C and folates. It also contains vitamins, like vitamin B-6, thiamin. Considered as healthy low-calorie veggetable, lettuce is rich in minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

-Avocados (diced) prevent growth of breast, prostate and oral cancer. Avocado protects eyes as well. Due to the high percent of lutein, avocado is known for its preventing characteristics  regarding macular degeneration and cataracts, two damaging age-related eye diseases. It is also good for keeping a healthy heart, stroke prevention and lowering cholesterol level.

-Pink grapefruit (sectioned) lowers body triglycerides. May help in weight loss, lowers cholesterol level and reduces the risk of cancer.

-Canned beets (drained and diced) are rich in vitamins C, B-6 and K and  magnesium as well. Beets have pigments called betalains which provide health benefits as antioxidant support, reducing the risk of heart diseases and lowering inflammation.

Nuts (shelled and chopped)

-Red onions

In the mixture of these ingredients add some dressing, for example, extra-virgin olive oil, white wine vinegar, fresh orange juice, mustard, salt and chili powder and your healthy lunch is ready!

We hope that we gave you some mouthwatering recipes with their healthy benefits, which will help you maintain healthy and tasty diet.

Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Healthy Salads

By adding salads to our daily nutrition we can most certainly say we enjoy one of the healthiest lifestyles. Fresh fruit and vegetables have the highest value for our body and health.

Apart from being very tasty, salads are the main source of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients. We must strengthen our enzyme resources to provide quality digestion so the body can absorb quality nutrients from food we eat.

Eating fresh food as salad is very important. Having healthy salad with your main dish, especially meat, facilitates food digestion. It is very important to start almost every day with a  healthy salad.

It is strongly recommended to use the root, fruit and leafs from different vegetables in the salad recipe. Also we must not forget that some  salads are healing. To improve the taste and the quality of your salad, add some fresh spices, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice.

When you prepare your favorite salad, always remember:

– Vegetables and fruits should be fresh and thermally rough.
– You should always use season veggetables and fruit.
– It is recommended for foods to be organically grown and not chemically treated.
– The salad should be consumed right after you prepare it, because later ingredients will lose on their quality.
– If you add leguminous veggetable, like beans, the salad can be served as a main dish.

Try these healthy and tasty salad recipes:

Healthy Potato Salad

A potato salad with a creamy dressing is always a good choice, and the mix of  cucumber, green onions and fresh herbs is sure to become your favourite healthy salad. Potatoes are full of healthy nutrients, particularly if the skin is left on.

Garlic-Tomato Salad

When tomatoes are at their peak of sweetness, this healthy recipe is particularly delicious. It is eye-catching too, if you prepare the salad with a mixture of different-colored tomatoes—new varieties are coming on the market all the time.

Mexican Avocado Salad

Love guacamole? Then you’ll enjoy this low-carb Mexican salad! Serve it as it is or leave out the lettuce and mix the avocado into the tomato mixture to serve this specialty as salsa over grilled chicken breast or fish.

Corn, Crab and Tomato Salad

Protein explosion, crunchy sweet corn, and juicy tomatoes – this healthy summer salad is Sharon Richters favorite, registered dietitian from New York City. “I love that I can use fresh Jersey corn from the farmers market and basil from my herb garden” she says. “And the red tomatoes provide lycopene, which helps protect my skin from sun damage.”

So don’t give up on salads, they can keep your hunger away for longer, salads are always a low-calorie option and a healthy way to satisfy your daily needs.

Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Healthy Autumn Foods

Orange is the color of autumn and is associated with healthy food. It’s know that leads people to think about food and stimulates the feeling of hunger. Abundance of orange food is what you need this season. Therefore we recommend the top three incredibly cute and equally delicious and healthy orange products that belongs to healthy autumn foods.


Carrots are extremely nutritious and healthful vegetables that can significantly contribute to improving our health. They are a rich source of beta-carotene (a powerful antioxidant that participates in blocking harmful oxidizing processes in the body, one of the provitams of vitamin A). One study found that people who consume more carrots have a 40% lower risk of developing the degenerative eye diseases, particularly macular degeneration, unlike the others.

100 grams of fresh carrot has 41 kcal, negligible fat, provides 8285 mcg of beta-carotene and Vitamin A 16.706 IU. It also has high levels of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin K, biotin, fiber, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Eating carrots may help to reduce the risk of premature aging (wrinkles, acne, dry skin, age spots), heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is cheap super healthy food that contains little sugar, and the fiber concentration is high. Not in the group of fat foods, but gives energy and it is recommended in the diet of diabetics.

It’s a big source of vitamin C (to boost the immune system), vitamin E (prevents aging of the skin), vitamin B6 (to turning nutrients into energy, especially proteins), vitamin A (very important for good vision, healthy skin and for the hair) vitamin D (essential for strong bones and teeth), and minerals – potassium, calcium magnesium and iron. The ingredients of sweet potato positively affect on brain activity, help to prevent heart disease and stroke, stress, resistance to infections, asthma, arthritis, gout, colon cancer etc..


Pumpkin is a unique orange fruit, and the imagine the list of autumn foods without pumpkin is impossible… Eat boiled, fried or roasted. One cup of pumpkin puree has 42 kcal 12 grams carbohydrate, 3 grams fiber, 2 grams of protein, 37 mg calcium 22 mg magnesium, 1.4 mg iron, zinc 1 mg, 0.50 mg selenium, 12 mg Vitamin C, Vitamin E 3 mg, and 2650 IU of vitamin A.

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of minerals, vitamins, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. In folk medicine pumpkin seeds are used as a means for regulation of urinating and against intestinal parasites. Studies confirm that the gourd is useful in enlarged prostate, diabetes, macular degeneration, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart disease and various skin diseases.
Enjoy in these delicious orange autumn healthy foods.

Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Health Low - Fat Protein Foods

Healthy Zinc RIch Foods – Strengthen The Immune System


If you often feel exhausted or  ill, most probably you need the extra energy provided by products containing zinc …

Zinc is the second most component element in the human body, right after iron. But still, many do not know how important is zinc for the proper functioning of the human organism.

Zinc contributes not only for a good feeling and mood, but also for a good look. Specifically, this mineral regulates cell growth and wound healing, participates in protein synthesis, affect fertility, helps the reproductive cells, strengthens the immune system and protects the organism against free radicals.

If you want to stay healthy during the winter, consume more foods rich in zinc. Natural source of zinc are:

Beef  – This type of meat contains the highest concentration of zinc. Low fat beef  contains about 10mg of zinc per 100g serving, and 18mg of zinc per pound.

Chicken – Chicken meet is also good source of zinc. 100g chicken contains  2.25mg of zinc.

Tuna – One of the best sources of zinc. 100g tuna contains 1mg of zinc and 1,04 mg of vitamin B6.

Pumpkin seeds have one of the highest concentrations of zinc available in a non-meat food. 1/3 cuppumpkin seeds contains 2.6 mg zinc.

Peas – 1 cup boiled peas, contains 1.9 mg of zinc.

Shellfish is the most powerful natural source of zinc. Shellfish including lobster crab, mussels and clams, is the best natural zinc foods. Portion of about 100g crab contains 7.6mg of zinc.

Zinc affects the enzyme function, some of which affect the immune system. Zinc stimulates the production of white blood cells in the bone marrow and maturation of the so-called T-lymphocytes, which protect the body from diseases. Also, zinc prevents inflammation and suppress the virus. If you supply the body with enough zinc, you can ease the symptoms of cold and recover faster.

Zinc acts as an antioxidant which neutralizes the effects of free radicals, preventing cancer. Besides, zinc stimulates the production of blood, which is very important for people with cancer who are undergoing radiation treatment, which reduces the number of red and white blood cells.

If the body does not get enough zinc, fatigue and poor appetite are completely expected reactions. Zinc also strengthens the sight, and lack of zinc causes night blindness. This mineral strengthens the nails and prevents hair loss.

Experts recommend consuming at least 10-15 milligrams of zinc per day. Your needs of zinc most certainly depend on individual factors, such as age, sex and physical fitness. During menstruation, women lose a significant proportion of minerals and therefore in this period they should include more food rich in zinc in their diet. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and chronically ill, need 25 milligrams of zinc per day.

Also, athletes need more zinc, because in one liter sweat they lose about 1.2 milligrams of zinc.  Their increased muscle mass, in return, needs larger amount of zinc. Because the body does not produce zinc reserves itself, it is not possible to come to an overdose.

Children's Food Fruits Vegetables

Healthy Snacks

Snacks are an important part of our diet. Even if you take time to eat three healthy meals a day, you may still feel hungry in any time of the day. What’s the best solution? -Healthy snacks.
Including snacks in your everyday diet is very important because sometimes your meal will not satisfy the needs of your body.

Having healthy food as snack will keep your energy and concentration at high level. Taking snacks can keep your hunger away until your next healthy meal. The latest research about snacks shows that most of us are one of the two types. We are either salty or sweet snackers.

If you like eating fruit you will take sweet snacks and those who are veggie lovers eat savory or salty snacks more often.


Nuts are the best choice if you are salty/savory snacker. They are full of great monounsaturated fats and keep your hunger away for longer. A small handful of nuts is  acceptable serving size. You can also consume peanuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts or soy nuts. There’s research that shows you will not gain weight if you have nuts for snacks.

WARNING: A small but growing number of children have severe peanut and/or tree nut allergies. Check to make sure none of the children has an allergy, before giving them peanuts, peanut butter, or other nuts as a snack.

Popcorn is a great snack. It takes up a lot of volume and have less calories. Always have low-fat popcorn prepared in a paper bag in your microwave. These are filling, satisfying, have a lot of fiber and should be included in every salty snacker’s pantry.

Low fat cheese provides calcium, but often its saturated fat price tag is too high. Even when it is a low fat cheese, try to serve it with other healthy snacks. Cheese is 2nd source of heart-damaging saturated fat in children’s diet. Always choose reduced-fat cheese.

Vegetables can be served raw with dip or salad dressing
Broccoli, Carrot sticks or Baby Carrots, Celery Sticks, Cucumber, Cauliflower, Snow Peas
String Beans, Snap Peas, Peppers and Tomato slices or grape and cherry tomatoes.

And what about the healthy sweet snacks?

A lot of people have the same problem -weight problem. That’s the result of eating too much chocolate and sweets. So switch the chocolate bar with a hot chocolate drink. There is a big difference. An 8-ounce mug of hot chocolate contains only 140 calories and 3 grams of fat, instead of the average chocolate bar that contains 240 calories and 13 grams of fat. So if you like eating sweet snacks, keep your fridge full of fruits. That’s the best way to have healthy sweet snacks at anytime.

Fruit is naturally sweet healthy snack, so most of the children love it. You can eat whole pieces, cut it in half, sliced, cubed or in wedges.

-Try Dried Fruit– apricots, cranberries, raisins, pineapple, papaya and others with no sugar added, or maybe just a little.

-Try Frozen Fruit– freezing grapes, or get frozen blueberries, peaches, strawberries and melon.

Granola is perfect as a portable snack when you are out, it really goes a long way. Here are two  free recipes for perfect granola: 1st: Oats, nuts, fruit, and some honey or brown sugar and the 2nd one: Pineapple, Sunflower seed and Papaya.  Enjoy it!


Trail Mix –Trail mixes are easy to make and store well in a sealed container. What you need for making a trail mix is: peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, sunflower seeds and dried fruits like, apple, pineapple, apricots, raisins or cranberries. Mix some of these healthy food products and you will get a healthy Trail Mix.

So it’s natural to feel hungrier at certain times. You need to have some healthy snack when you’re hungry, and having the right snack on hand makes this work for you. So snacks are the best way to satisfy your hunger and get all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.
Remember: Snacking is important, and always have healthy snacks with you !

Health Low - Fat Protein Foods

Healthy Facts About Fish

Doctors and healthy food experts often repeat the recommendation: we should include more fish in our meals. As an example, Japanese and residents of coastal countries, on average, live longer and have a lot fewer problems with cancer and cardiovascular diseases, because they often have fish in their healthy meals.


If we look at the advertising campaigns of large and small pharmaceutical companies, we can notice that every campaign recommends capsules containing omega-3 fatty acids.

Even if modern medicines and drugs are rich with necessary vitamins and minerals, the healthiest way to get vitamins and minerals into the body is through natural and healthy food.

For this reason, it is necessary to consume fish several times a week, so our body will absorb all nutritious and medical ingredients.

What do fish meat and oil contain?

What makes fish as healthy food special is the fact that it does not contain many calories and is rich in some beneficial nutrients that the body needs. Here are some of the important ingredients that can be found in fish: copper, B-complex vitamins, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, selenium and zinc.

How does fish affect our health?

It has been proven that fish meat and fish oil, both considered as part of our regular diet, reduce the probability of heart attack, protect bones, prevent the occurrence of cancer and slow down the aging process.

Here are some diseases and pains against which fish acts like a medicine:

Acne, anemia, blood vessel disease, heart disease, obesity, memory loss, depression, impotence, some types of cancer, infertility, insomnia, osteoporosis, increased blood pressure, premenstrual syndrome, skin problems, menopausal problems, problems in pregnancy, chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased blood levels of triglycerides, stress, hypertension and slows down the aging process.

Eventhough fish is considered as healthy food, some people seem to be hypersensitive to fish and they should avoid eating fish. In situations like this, you should consult your doctor and ask for advice about the way you should consume the required nutrients in regular amounts.

Fish as healthy food  contains significant amounts of biologically valuable proteins, relatively low fat, not that much carbohydrates and a large amount of vitamins and minerals considered as important part of human nutrition. People should include fish in their meals as much as it is possible, because the body can not synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fish is the main “brain food”.

Many studies support the conclusion that eating a single meal of fish per week increases the normal-age related intelligence by 10% to 13%. This is the equivalent of being three or four years mentally younger. So Keep On Eating Fish And Feel Younger And Healthier !