Health Vegetables

All You Should Know About Spinach And Cucumber

Spinach is a one-year or two-year plant with succulent green leaves and class formed flowers, and it is the richest vegetable in chlorophyll. Due to the presence of minerals and vitamins, spinach is called “king of vegetables”.

Just 100 grams of spinach contain about 1400 milligrams of mineral ingredients. There is no other veggie that can be compared with the spinach, taking in consider the amounts of magnesium – 56 milligrams.

Spinach is extremely rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc, iodine and cobalt.

Spinach is rich in vitamins as well, especially vitamin C – 60 mg, and also contains B complex vitamins. The presence of carotene, 4.1 milligram, provides provitamin A.

Calorific value of spinach is not big – 22 kcal, because it contains little proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Due to the presence of oxalic acid, it is recommended for people with kidney diseases to avoid spinach.

Spinach is a perfect metabolism booster. Due to the significant presence of cellulose – 620 milligrams – spinach has a main role in digestion and body cleaning.
However, it’s not recommended to prepare spinach as pottage with flour or animal fat, because it can cause serious health problems (diarrhea).

  • When spinach leaves are young, it can be eaten raw as a salad.
  • Spinach is most delicious from March to May, because it is his natural period of growth, but you can find it in winter season as well.
  • When you buy spinach, pay attention for the leaves to be solid and clear green.
  • While cleaning, cut out the roots and carefully wash each leaf separately under cold water.
  • Once you cooked the spinach, do not reheat, because reheating spinach can cause nitrite production (Nitrate itself is totally harmless, but it can be converted to nitrites, and then to nitrosamines, some of which are known to be carcinogenic. Enzymes present in bacteria convert nitrate to nitrite).

Due to the large amount of water cucumber has a low energetic value (100g contain 14 kcal), but water contains 1.8 g carbohydrates, 0.7 g protein, 0.5 g fat and will keep you away from dehydration.

Cucumber is good source of potassium, followed by phosphorus, calcium, sodium, and most vitamins like C and B. Fresh 100 Grams of cucumber contain 0.4 cucumber plant fiber.

The cucumber juice is a great way for maintaining health of connective tissue, muscles and cartilage.

Cucumber acts anti – cancer and anti-inflammatory – because of the antioxidants and caffeine acid. Cucumber is an excellent diuretic because of the large amount of water.

Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Healthy Dinner

“Have breakfast as a king, eat lunch as a king, and have healthy dinner as if you were poor”, old and wise saying you should stick to when it comes to meals. As the saying goes, the last meal should be  simple and humble so our stomach will not be upset before bedtime.

After the meals, our stomach needs bigger percent of blood and the pressure falls so we feel tired because all body functions are directed to food processing. If the food is oily, bitter or overly sweet, our body has more problems in food processing and this is the point where it comes to bloating, stomach ache, nausea, so the last meal should be simple, but rich in water and protein.


The dinner should be sufficient, because you will feel hunger after you go to sleep, so do not cancel the dinner in order to lose weight. We have created a healthy list of meals with real nutritional value, high in fiber, low in saturated fat and rich in antioxidants, minerals, proteins and everything that the body needs before bedtime

1. Black pepper, beef, and rainbow vegetable, stir fry

-Stay healthy and feel full with this perfect combination of beef and vegetable. Beef is good source of protein, and contains a good amount of Zinc which is helpful in preventing the damage of blood vessel walls.

2. Garlic Spinach Chicken with spicy Wedges and Salsa

-Packed with protein and iron, this healthy dinner offers an energy boost for each member of your family. Chicken is rich in protein and spinach has big percent of tryptophan, an essential amino acid.


3. Chicken breasts with shaved brussel sprouts

-Brussels Sprout is important fighter against cancer. This dinner is very lean, with 305 calories and only 3.1 grams of saturated fat. It is also rich in potassium which helps lowering your blood pressure.

4. Black-Eyed Peas with Pork and Greens

-Greens are rich source of minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium, and vitamins like E, K, C and many vitamins of the B complex. Black eyed peas are rich in fiber. They are rich in potassium, protein, iron, and low in fat and calories. Pork (always choose organic) contains thiamine, potassium and riboflavin.

5. Beer-Battered Fish Tacos with Tomato & Avocado Salsa

People who like eating fried fish can get the same taste without all the calories and salsa adds fresh, clean note. Serve with diced mango, add some black beans and a bit of light sour cream.

6. Omelet and vegetables

Omelet with lots of vegetables is very healthy dinner and combined with cheese, it has a wonderful taste and will not change your body line.

Remember: Eat dinner few hours before bedtime. After that, you can have a glass of healthy drink.

You should try some of these super-healthy dinner ideas tonight in order to be healthier and leaner.

Diet & Weight Loss Fruits Low - Fat Protein Foods

Effective Fat Eliminating Foods

When people aim to bring the body to the perfect line, they usually look for things  promising to be fast and effective in weight loss. However, we should always carefully consume food with positive impact on our health and skin.

We are all looking forward to the upcoming season of chestnuts, tangerines and pumpkin, so it is nice to know that these food products, in addition to guaranteeing for our health, they also help us lose weight naturally.



Who could resist the smell of roast chestnuts? Chestnuts have low fat components, high starch and vitamin C. Chestnuts provide high energy capacity because they are rich in starch, which is known to be one of the greatest allies of the good body line.



Tangerines are similar to oranges, which means they are rich in vitamin C and B, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium. This sweet fruit hydrates the skin and makes it shiny, can be consumed in large quantities, evenly splitted throughout the day. One of the benefits vitamin C provides is stimulating the process of fat burning and helping the body produce L-carnitine, substance responsible for speeding up our metabolism.


Pumpkin almost always reminds us of autumn and is most often called “Autumn Queen”. By consuming 100g cooked pumpkin you bring only 28 calories into your body. Pampkin is rich in complex carbohydrates which help maintaining blood sugar level stable and is especially rich in beta carotene, vitamin C, E and B. Pumpkin can stay fresh even a year after being picked and during this period its nutritional values do not change. In order to preserve as many nutrients as possible, it is recommended to simply roast it in the oven.



This fruit stands out as an highly valued fruit because of its antioxidants known for protecting the body from free radicals. In addition to this, pomegranates are rich in folic acid, vitamins, fiber and are also known as low-calorie food product. This food product helps the process of weight loss, because it reduces the possibility of fat storage in the body. You can  use its best quality if you consume this product fresh, but remember to eat the seeds as well.

Fruits Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Healthy Party Foods

We all love going to a party. From time to time, there is something about being together with your friends, smiling with your best friend which really helps us reduce   the stress of balancing everyday activities and family problems.

These days so many people are trying to live healthier, but choosing tasty, diet-friendly food and healthy drinks can be a real challenge. Party food should be easy to make and easy to eat. But could it also be relatively healthy?

-The following tips will help you choose healthier food and the recipes are less expensive and healthier alternatives to chips, pretzels, large tuna dish, cheese-sticks, high-fat family-sized pizza, hot wings and many more.

If you are throwing a party try following these tips:

1. Finger Food Recipes -Use non-stick cookware for minimal use of oil, or use low-calorie veggetable spray.

Toothpick Combos E.g. Organic turkey meat with olives and organic cheese.

Tortilla Roll-ups E.g. Cream cheese, organic ham, greens and onions.

Fruit Kabobs

Mixed Snacks Ideas


2. Dip and Spread Ideas -Use low-fat or fat-free yoghurt and reduce fat in dips and  creamy dressings.

  • -Salsa
  • -Guacamole
  • -Bruschetta
  • -Fruit Dip
  • -Smoked Salmon Dip
  • – Layer Dip

3. Sandwiches –Use low-fat cheese and organic meat.

  • -Chicken Salad Sandwich
  • -Egg Salad Sandwich
  • -Tuna Salad Sandwich
  • -Veggie Sandwich
  • -Organic Meat and Organic Cheese Sandwich
  • -Strawberry and Cream Cheese Sandwich


4. Salad Recipes -Use lemon juice or flavored vinegars to enhance the flavor of your salad.

  • -Spaghetti Salad
  • -Beans Salad
  • -Fruit Salad
  • -Veggie Salad
  • -Tomato-Corn Salad

5. Dessert Ideas -Forgot high-fat cakes and pastries and serve healthy desserts instead!

  • -Homemade Ice Cream
  • -Apple Crunch
  • -Fresh Berries
  • -Exotic Fruits- Mango, Papaya, Kiwi
  • -Yogurt and Granola Cups


6. Drinks-Offer alcohol free drinks. Look for some tasty lemonade or any healthy drink.

  • -Pink Lemonade
  • -Fresh Squeezed Lemonade
  • -Ice Tea
  • -Light Punch
  • -Sparkling Juices
  • Smoothies

And if you are invited to any upcoming party, follow these tips:

1. First of all, do not go hungry, because everything looks delicious when you are hungry.

2. Reduce alcohol consumption. Just enjoy some healthy drink!

3. Take a walk around and make a good selection of healthy portions.

4. Select something nutrient rich, if you would like to have some appetizer, like bruschetta or shrimp in cocktail sauce.

5. Enjoy desserts in small portions.

Parties help us to reduce stress and have fun with our friends and family, but do not forget to eat and live healthy at that event, because no one is going to take care of you and your health as you do. So follow all these healthy party food tips and recipes and stay healthy during your long expected party, or even your friend’s.

Health Low - Fat Protein Foods

Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

What are omega-3 fatty acids?
Omega-3 acids are actually acids that needs to our body for effective daily function. There are three types of omega 3 fatty acids, which are:

DHA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid)
ALA (Alpha-linolenic acid)

Studies have shown that the highest concentration of fatty acids DHA and EPA can be found in fish that live in cold water or in fish such as: salmon, mackerel and tuna.


ALA fatty acid can be found in some hazel fruits and certain vegetable oils. Important to mention is that the body converts ALA acid into DHA and EPA acid.

Great for the body and the heart.

Over the last ten years, several studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids significantly improve heart health and reduce the risk of cardiac complications. Also, studies have shown that men with the lowest levels of omega-3 in their blood have a 81% more likely to experience sudden cessation of heartbeat (heart attack), of those men who have high blood levels of omega-3 acids.

Omega -3 acids helps in the work of our hearts, in a way that:

Lower the level of triglycerides.
Lower the level of high blood pressure
Reduce the risk of heart attack.

Omega-3 acids are useful for the rest of the body. For example, they can help in some inflammation, such as arthritis or pain in menstrual cycle, also they are useful for the people who suffer from osteoporosis.

Omega-3 acids have a beneficial effect on mental health. Studies have shown that depression was more common in individuals who consumed small amounts or not at all consumed omega-3 fats acids. Today many experts use programs that include omega-3 fats in order to improve patients mental health.

Individuals suffering from anorexia have extremely low levels of fatty acids in their diet.

As “excess fat” means weight loss?

Omega-3 acids are not only good for our general health, but also can improve the result of diet and exercise for weight loss. Studies have shown that people who are trying to lose weight with the help of exercises and diets, they can better control blood sugar and cholesterol, if omega-3 fatty acids are part of their diet.

How much omega-3 should have in the diet?

Experts recommend every day to enter minimal 500 mg. Omega-3 fats. The best way is fish, especially “fatty”, to be part of our diet.

Note:Keep in mind that some types of fish may contain high levels of compounds that are unsuitable for women who plan to become pregnant, are already pregnant, or those who have a small baby / child nursing.

Diet & Weight Loss

Weight Loss And Diet Tips

Newspapers, websites and TV programs are packed with various diets, whereby you “quickly and permanently” would reduce unnecessary weight.

Despite diets, often are advertised and preparations (tablets, capsules and teas …), which effectively reduces overweight “quickly and shortly.” However, all these tips (and ads) can often be ineffective, and sometimes life threatening.

The diet will not do her own “job”, unless the person alone and firmly resolved to be seriously dealt with their unnecessary pounds.

Caution by experts:

Diets that are based only on one type of groceries or starvation (some time), can impair health (tiredness, dizziness, decreased immunity, anorexia …), because keeping such diets may excessively reduce fat, vitamins and minerals. Characteristic is that diet based on eggs, which may lead to increased level of blood cholesterol.

Diets should not be short-term and rigorous. Sudden and rapid diets may lead to sharply weight loss and health deterioration due to the low intake of vitamins and minerals than body needs.

Moreover, after such diets comes to yo-yo effect, so after finishing the diet, weight “back rapidly.” Also dangerous is after the successfully diet to take big unhealthy meals, or eat too much candy.

For effectively reducing the unnecessary weight, it is important to deal with some light physical or sports action, to burn up the unnecessary calories and tighten the muscles during weight reduction.

And the performance of physical activities should be done on the advice of an expert, would not have led to inflammation of the muscles or some injury.

In all of the diets it is important to know what you should do after, because when you are finished with the diet, you should continue with healthy foods, and moderate physical activities to be held the aimed (reduced) weight.

Diets are justified especially if overweight begins to endanger health. Then with the help of diet should as soon as possible to reduce the unnecessary pounds and maintain on that level.

Experts advise to avoid diets that are based on calories, because it is really difficult diet.


It is best when a person decides to change the way of life, to give up bad habits and several years to comply with the regime of moderately low fat diet and regular physical activity or sport. After a while, this way of life will become a habit and weight will stabilize.

In this way of healthy eating and living, the person will normally eats, and occasionally consume more food, that does not disturb the correct rhythm of life.

Follow  us, there will be more studies about Diets, when and which are the best diets to prefer.

Diet & Weight Loss Fruits Low - Fat Protein Foods

5 Fat Burning Healthy Breakfasts

When it comes to weight loss, breakfast is your best friend. That is what people who have managed to lose weight and maintain their weight for several years say. When you skip breakfast, you have more chances to eat large amounts of food during the day. Every morning you can enjoy in the flavor of these healthy breakfast ideas and burn fat at the same time.


Eggs are now considered as valuable supplies. Thanks to the proteins you will keep the hunger away for longer and these proteins will also help you consume less calories throughout the day. At the same time eggs are easy to prepare and  relatively cheap product.

-Peanut Butter

Unsaturated fat, proteins and low sugar peanut butter maintains blood sugar level stable. Smear on it rye bread or add 1-2 teaspoons in cereals.


Blueberries are rich in fiber and  do not contain a lot of sugar as other fruits.  Blueberries especially help you melt the fat out of your body. A research showed that  blueberries can reduce growth of fat cells for up to 73%.

-Rye bread

Eat rye bread instead of wheat bread. A study published in “Nutrition Journal” showed that people who ate rye bread  were not hungry for longer than those who ate other types of bread with the same calorific value.



Grapefruit proved to be extremely effective for weight loss and fat melting. However, be careful if you drink medications because grapefruit can hinder the function of enzymes that break down medications and in that way affect their performance.

We hope that you are already eager to taste some of these healthy breakfast ideas and tomorrow morning you will add some of these 5 healthy products which are real fat burners on your menu.

Fruits Vegetables

Organic Food

We all know the saying “Health comes through the mouth” which is especially true  for organic food produced in environmentally clean, unpolluted soil which is not chemically treated. Only organic food can provides us everything we need for normal body function. Most organic products contain more nutrients, vitamins and minerals than conventionally produced food.

Natural, environmentally friendly, organic and microbial fertilizers are used in organic production and animals are fed exclusively with natural, ecological food. Organic products look the same as products not labeled as “organic products”, but the first difference you will notice is intense smell and taste.

Why should we consume organic food?

– Better taste – Organic fruit and vegetables grow slowly and have up to 30% more dry materia level which contributes to a better taste.

– Positive effect on our health – Organic food contains more vitamin C and essential minerals including as calcium, magnesium, iron and chromium, as well as antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer. Organic milk has naturally more omega 3, vitamin A and vitamin E, and other antioxidants.

– No harmful additives – Only 32 out of 290 food additives used in the EU and USA, are allowed in organic food production. Hydrogenated fat and sodium dangerous glutamine (MSG) are some of the banned additives associated with many health problems.

– No pesticides – Banned pesticides are also known as causes of many diseases.

– No genetic modification (GMO) – Organic food can not be genetically modified.

– No antibiotics – Antibiotics are normally added to the standard diet of domestic animals, so, thus accelerating growth, this leads to antibiotic resistance in people or similar.

– There are no “hidden” pollutants – Environmental pollutants, become part of the organic food that manages to depreciation.

– High standards – Organic farming and food are inspected at least once a year.

– Animal care – In organic agriculture, animals enjoy life conditions similar to their natural life conditions– free and comfortable movement.

– Environment care– Organic farming contributes to biological diversity of life on the farm.

In one research project experts made a comparison and got  these numbers: organic food contains 27% more vitamin C, 21% more iron, 29% more magnesium and 13% more phosphorus.

So it is recommended to include more organic food in your diet. Very soon you will notice the positive impact on your health. Organic food is  significantly approved  as part of your lifestyle and daily diet.

Dairy Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

New Trends In The World Of Healthy Foods

New industrial technologies and products were presented on the natural products fair held in Baltimore.The media chose three particularly interesting products which more often take place in the menu of people interested in better and healthier food.

Kale chips

If you like snacks, kale chips is much healthier alternative to the classic potato chips and can be easily prepared. This will satisfy your appetite for a while, without any worries about calories and fat and in the same time you will bring many nutrients in the body.

Chia seeds

Chia seed is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and contains more proteins than any other seeds. This type of seed is rich in antioxidants, calcium and iron and contains many vitamins and minerals including magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins A, E, D and B. It is great in regulating your body weight, strengthens your hair, skin and reduces blood cholesterol level. You can add it in salads, sauces or simply mixed with other cereals or yogurt.

Greek yoghurt

Mostly because of its positive qualities, more and more people interested in healthier lifestyle replace regular yogurt with Greek yogurt. The main difference between these two types of yogurts is the thickness of the Greek yogurt which contains twice as much proteins as the regular yogurt. This yogurt can be classified between plain yogurt and sour milk.


Diet & Weight Loss Fruits Grains Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Fat Burning Foods

Periods such as spring and summer bring nice weather, and thus bring shorter clothes and gorgeous body. But there were some who could not get into their wardrobe from last summer, and many who are not satisfied with their own shape of body, or from the increased level of fat in the body.

Bad habit, unhealthy diet, stress, and reduced physical activity are a consequence of your dissatisfaction with how your body looks, and overnight it can not suddenly be avoided, but requires a process of gradual melting calories and regular physical activity. To regulate your weight is to clear from the unpleasant fat.



We are proposing a natural way to “melt away” the fat with wholegrain cereals, seafood, Fish and certain fruits and vegetables. Healthy fat burning foods that we have chosen will not act only for fat loss, but also will have positive affect on your health.

Green tea temporarily speeds metabolism, keeps the body burning fat and lowers the cholesterol. Also it is rich with oxidants, good with anticancer action, used for infections and cooling, and for high blood pressure.

-Whole grains (Popcorn, Bulgur, Oats/Oatmeal, Corn/Cornmeal, Brown rice, Rye, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Millet, Sorghum). Our body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods.

-Bitter pepper, curry, chili or hot peppers encourage the exchange of substances in the body, regulate the blood circulation and open the pores, and that all together accelerates the breakdown of fats in our body.

-Lean meats (Chicken, Turkey, Venison, Bison sirloin) the most complete source of protein. Protein has a high thermogenic effects. Also increases muscle and strengthens the immune system.

-Because essential oils in its composition, and a very distinctive taste, Root Celery accelerates digestion and exchange of substances in the body and stimulates the secretion of fluids.

-The largest source of iodine, which helps in the exchange of matter and energy processing, located in Marine Algae that do not contain fat and they are stimulating the production of hormones in the body.

-All seafood and all kinds of fish, due to the large squid of proteins that contain, positively affect on fat burning, clean the intestinal and protect against heart disease.

-Beet is extremely powerful fat burner. It speeds up the metabolism, lowers the cholesterol and fat deposition in blood vessels.

-Beans and Legumes (Navy beans, Lentils, Black beans, Butter beans, Edamame, Kidney beans, Lima beans, Mung beans) belong to the group of fat burning foods.They  are good source of fiber, build muscle, help burn fat, regulate digestion.

-Grapefruit contains enzymes that reduce the level of insulin and glucose in the blood, is too rich in vitamin C, clear the body from the unnecessary materials, natural is recommended for people with high blood pressure.

-Eggs build muscle and burn fats.

-And of course, we did not forger the Water. Water is the most important in the diet. Daily is required to drink 2 liters of water. Also regulates metabolism, so those who have excess weight, it will take more than the stated dose per day of drinking water.

And remember, fat burning foods can be tasty and sweet in so many ways !