Dairy Health Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Foods For Healthy Skin

What we eat reflects on how we look and how we feel. Some food is hair-healthy, some food is good for our organism or mood and this is the food which can help you control the health and beauty of your skin.

-Milk is a good source of biotin, protein and other nutrients important for your skin, such as Vitamin A. Biotin plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin and proteins help in formation of new healthy cells. Low levels of vitamin A can contribute to dry, cracked and lifeless skin.


-Cheese is rich in calcium and selenium. Selenium protects the skin from damage caused by free minerals and helps hydrating dry skin. Selenium can be found in meat, eggs, mushrooms and cereals.

-Fish contain essential fatty acids that play an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Essential fatty acids are important for production of natural and healthy oily skin barrier. Salmon contains carotene, which will give your skin a beautiful pink glow and helps you maintain elasticity.

Tomatoes have a large amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps skin protect itself from UV rays. One study showed that respondents who ate one tomato per day, 12 weeks in a row, had 33 percent more protection against sunburn than those who did not consume tomatoes at all.

-Mango. Sweet and delicious, mango is the largest source of beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for skin to be able to constantly regenerate. If you do not have enough vitamin A in your body, the skin becomes dry and peeling. Lack of vitamin A is the most common cause of hair dandruff.

Vitamin A reduces the chance of skin burning during sun exposure. Other sources of vitamin A is autumn food like: carrot, pumpkin, young potatoes, sweet potatoes.

-Almond. Rich in vitamin E along with essential acids abundantly contained in almonds, they help internal skin hydration. It also protects skin from damage and premature aging and that is the main reason why almonds are integral part of anti-wrinkle creams.

-Nuts This is an excellent source of omega fatty acids, especially for vegetarians and people who do not eat fish. Omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for skin regeneration and hydration and maintaining its elasticity.

-Sunflower seeds. Seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that reduce skin stains and smooth wrinkles. Studies have shown that the skin of people who ate only two grams of seeds in period of six weeks was significantly improved. And also scars, acne and other skin irritations began to retreat. Moreover, sunflower seeds have hydration properties that positively affect skin.

-Green Tea. The benefits of green tea are large, it is especially suitable for calming skin inflammation. Besides polyphenols that calm inflammation, it also contains vitamins C, E and K, riboflavin, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.

-Water. Regular hydration is skin’s best friend and water is the best source is water. For nice skin glow  consume water more often.

Remember, most of the food healthy for our skin is also healthy for our whole body. So rather than focusing on which food is the best for your skin, concentrate generally on your healthy diet. Drink lots of water, eat more fruit and vegetable. Replace red meat with fish. Choose food that  is low in fat, consume fruit seeds as part of your regular diet. Eat some healthy desert instead of your favorite sweets. Stay, And Live Healthy With Us!



Healthy Desserts

You had one of those sweets crises again? Most of us have the same problem – we all like sweets. You thought immediately on those high calorie cakes ?  This time think healthy and act smart! Replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate and ice cream with frozen yogurt.

Sweet snacks are hard to resist, but each one of us want to look slimmer, have nice body and eat healthy food. Is it possible to respect that imperative when it comes to desserts? – It is possible! There are many delicious and healthy desserts that can satisfy the desire for sweets with just a small input of calories. We have singled out a couple of desserts which you can eat without worrying that you will gain weight.

Here are 5 delicious desserts ideas rich in vitamins and calcium.

Fruit salad

Bananas and mango themselves are sweet fruits, but will be even more delicious if you mix them with other fruits and add some fruit yogurt or lemon juice. You can also add other small fruit products and each time make your own different dessert.

Fruits in chocolate

Pieces of fruit dipped in chocolate are a great dessert. But choose dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate, which has a lot more sugar in it. There are many ways fruit combinations. Pudding is one of them.

Baked Apples

Baked apples are delicious and easy to prepare. Carve out the apple and fill it with something that suits your needs. Also add a little butter. Heat the oven to 175 degrees and place the apples and bake them for about 15 minutes.

Dates Fruit

When you’re lazy to prepare anything, open dates package. This fruit is not only very slight, but it is also very useful for your health. You can eat it with tea or milk. Dates are very nutritious fruit. They contain natural sugar in the form of glucose and fructose. Crushed dried dates soaked in water for one night are good remedy which strengthens heart and its vital functions. Dates are also very effective natural remedy for hangover.

Frozen Yogurt

If you like to eat low fat ice cream, use plain yogurt and instead of adding sugar, add fruit pieces, vanilla and cinnamon. Put it in the freezer and then enjoy it.


Spinach With Rice

According to some research, it has been proved that rice was used thousands of years before saving time.
Today rice is also one of the most important foodstuffs in many Asian countries.
According to the shape of the grain, rice is divided into:
– Round-grain rice
– Medium long grain rice
– Long grain rice.



  • 700 grams/1.5 lbs of spinach
  • pinch of salt
  • 150 grams/0.3 lbs of rice
  • 100 milliliters Oil /0.4 cups
  • 1 clove Onion
  • 250 grams/0.5 lbsTomatoes
  • 1 tsp Pepper


Preparation time: 35 min.
Cooking time: 50 min.

Boil the spinach in salted water for about 10 minutes (Or until it soften) . Rinse with cold water, and drain well.
In a pan with hot oil fry the finely chopped onion, and then add the spinach into the pan cut into slices, and let it simmer.
Add water occasionally.
Then add the rice and tomatoes into the pan, dressing with water and season with salt and pepper.
All that boil on low heat, and cook until the rice is well cooked.


10 Secrets For Healthy Hair

Beautiful hair makes us happier, more confident and of course more attractive. Therefore, everyone dreams of having a lavish shiny hair. But if you want to be proud of your bright and healthy hair, you should not  trust only cosmetics. What you “put” in your mouth is as important as what you put on your hair.

Nutrition affects hair – as it can go worse, so it can improve the look of your hair. Therefore, make sure to eat balanced food and enter vitamins and minerals which stimulate growth of strong and healthy hair.
What you should eat:

– Salmon and flaxseed. Fish is indispensable if you want to eat healthy and salmon is the best choice. This oily fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and iron. They are all “working” together in order to give you the desired hair shine. Omega-3 fatty acids maintain the health of your scalp. Insufficient consumption of food rich in omega-3 fatty acids can make make your hair dry and lifeless. To avoid this, keep including fish in your diet at least three times a week. If you are not able to eat fish that often, flaxseeds are a good substitute, as they contain good amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

– Veal and oysters. Veal and oysters improve the look of your hair, because they are rich in zinc. It is well known that zinc deficiency leads to hair loss and is believed that zinc helps fighting against premature hair blanching. Besides beef and oysters, zinc is present in nuts (walnuts, almonds) and lamb.

– Eggs and chicken meat. Hair is mostly composed of protein, so it is logical that eating protein-rich food can be an effective way to stimulate hair growth and reduce its loss. Eggs are rich in B vitamins, especially B12 and biotin (B7). Biotin is also called vitamin H (H coming from “Haar und Haut”, which in German means hair and skin). It is believed that the lack of biotin causes hair loss. Chicken is an amazing source of protein that can help you get rid of fragile hair.

– Carrots.Carrots contain vitamin A, which stimulates creation of sebum on the scalp. Sebum allows hair retain its natural moisture and improves the health of the scalp. High or low sebum secretion is damaging the hair. Deficiency of vitamin A  can be manifested through the appearance of dandruff and dry hair. To avoid this, replace unhealthy snacks with carrots.

– Lens. Maybe it sounds strange, but lens are rich in folic acid, which improves the health of red blood cells that supply the skin and scalp with necessary oxygen. Folic acid is also important for cells recovery, so it is important for hair growth.

-Walnuts and almonds. Walnuts and almonds, and other nuts contain omega-3 fatty acids (which act as hair regenerator) and zinc (which prevents hair loss). Besides walnuts and almonds, do not miss to include Brazilian walnuts in your snacks.


Baked Potatoes With Almonds

Almonds are rich in many minerals. 100 grams of almonds contain: 2.5 mg. manganese, 2.75 mg. magnesium, 3.4 mg. zinc, 4.3 mg. iron and 2.48 mg. calcium.

Also almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, and vitamin B6: riboflavin, niacin and thiamine. It has been proved that almonds protect against heart attacks,and daily consumption of about 45 g/1.58 ounces almonds reduce the risk of heart disease.


  • 1 tablespoon Salt
  • 50 ml/0.21 cups Oil
  • 1 clove of Onion
  • 1 kg/35oz Potato
  • 150gr/5.3oz Almonds
  • 100gr/3.5oz of sour cream
  • pepper


Preparation time: 15 min.
Cooking time: 30 min.

In a pan heat the oil, add the onions and almonds.
Fry until the onions and almonds get a bright color.
Then, place the mixture in the baking pan, add the potatoes cut into pieces, add salt, pepper and sour cream.
Bake at a low temperature, with occasional stirring, until the potatoes get a nice bright color.
Enjoy in this delicious recipe !

Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Diet & Weight Loss Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Low – Calorie Foods

It is obvious that if we want to lose weight or maintain a certain level, we should eat moderately and choose low-calorie food. Nobody wants to feel uncomfortable with their body, but remember that losing weight presents your lifestyle and you decide how will your body look. You can achieve that with healthy and proper eating, but the most important thing is to reduce the calorie intake in your body.

There are periods in our lives, when we feel that it is time to change something, i.e. to reduce our weight. Maybe there’s an important wedding or upcoming summer holidays and everybody wants to have a great body and look sexy in bikini.

We made a selection and we chose 8 best low-calorie food. As expected, the selection is consisted mostly of fruit, vegetable and some shellfish.


You have to eat 15 cups of Popeye’s favorite snack just to burn100 calories. Spinach is rich in calcium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin K, potassium and selenium. Also spinach contains a type of hormone that helps repairing muscle tissue.


Kiwi is one of the most delicious fruits. Actually kiwis are giant berries. They contains vitamin E, fiber and potassium and they also contain the daily requirement of vitamin C for our body, and vitamin K as well. Kiwis also have nutritional benefit for our skin.


Mushrooms are incredibly meaty and low-calorie food. Mushrooms are so diverse, but Portobello, Maitake and Shiitake are some of the many varieties. Small mushrooms contain 2 calories each and one cup of mushrooms contains 15 calories, which means you can eat many of them. Every mushroom kind contains some form of immune-boosting antioxidants with fiber, B vitamin and potassium, and they are good sources of vitamin B6, vitamin D, acid, copper, potassium, thiamin and niacin.


Cabbage is crunchy and sweet vegetable. It contains 22 calories per cup. Cabbage contains fiber, minerals, vitamins and some phytonutrients which help preventing cancer. Purple cabbage contains some natural “ingredients” that help blocking cancer growth.


Shrimps are delicious low calorie shellfish, an excellent source of protein. 16 shrimps contain less calories than 4-ounce chicken breast. Shrimps are rich in omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin D, sodium, potassium, selenium and with every shrimp meal you get a lot of proteins.


Broccoli is amazingly low-calorie food. It contains 31 calories per cup. Broccoli is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and it is also good for our health because it contains some antioxidants that can reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer.


Asparagus is known as detoxifying food. It is a low-calorie food and contains 27 calorie per cup. Asparagus contains high levels of vitamin K which protects our bones, amino acids acting like diuretic, it is also rich in vitamins and minerals, vitamins A, C, E, B6, iron. Interesting information about asparagus is the fact that it helps speeding the metabolism of alcohol (a hangover remedy).


Tomatoes are very low in calories, each tomato contains about half of the amount of calories that you will find in peaches, and apricots. Tomatoes contain 22 calories per medium tomato. It’s a good source of lycopene and antioxidants which can be rarely found in other food. It is  rich in fiber and vitamins A, C, and K. Tomatoes are excellent skin protector which helps eliminating radicals from ultraviolet rays and protect the skin from aging.

Diet & Weight Loss Fruits Healthy Drinks Vegetables

Fruit And Vegetable Juices

Juices are so easy to make and the benefits they provide are amazing. Drinking vegetable and fruit juices or tea will help you get rid of toxins in your body and boost your overall health.

Black currant – Black currant juice is great for lack of nutritional vitamins, gastritis, anemia , flu, bronchitis and angina. This juice fights viruses, strengthens the immune system and is rich in vitamin C.

Beetroot – Beetroot juice is an excellent “fighter” against fatigue, anemia and diseases in digestive system tract. Cleans the body and lowers the blood pressure. The best way to start consuming this juice is by using small amounts (1 tablespoon) or by mixing it with carrot juice. Try to reduce the amount of carrot juice in the mix every other day. Few hours before consumption, this juice can be stored in the fridge.

Cucumber – This vegetable juice affects blood pressure (brings it back to normal) and improves health of teeth, jaw, hair and nails. It is also used as a diuretic. Mix cucumber juice and carrot juice and this will help you fight rheumatism arteriosclerosis and paradentosis. This mixture is also useful for better memory.

LemonLemon juice has extraordinary effect on body alkalinization. It should be consumed with water (1:8).

Watermelon – Watermelon juice is excellent for treatment of diseases related to the cardiovascular system and kidney problems.

Orange – Orange juice is a powerful natural antioxidant.

Cherry – Cherry juice improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, increases appetite and is used in cases of cough to clear the throat.

Tomato – this vegetable juice is great for dieting and strengthens the immune system. It is full of minerals, vitamins and natural antioxidants.

Consuming these Natural Juices will help us improve our health, purify the body and refill it with energy. Enjoy the natural flavor!

Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition

Bodybuilders – Tips For Proper Nutrition

Save your gained results which can be difficult to achieve at the gym, don’t choose a diet if you do not know what shoukd you eat. Losing your body fat once and for all can be accomplished by proper nutrition. At the end of the day, if you eat more calories than you burn, you will get fat (fatty deposits). So you have to burn more calories than you enter.

Good thing about diet is that you can control the amount of calories you enter. So calculate your consumed and burned calories per day, and make some balance. Consume calories in small portions by comparing with what you can burn in daily activities, so there will be no need for additional cardio activities that are not so popular among bodybuilders.

Consume five to six small but well-balanced meals, in distance of three to four hours. Not all kinds of meat have equal value for bodybuilding. The most optimal choice would be steamed chicken breast.
Inproper eating time or no eating in general is equally bad as overeating. Calorie intake of proteins should be 50%, carbohydrates 40%, and fat 10%.

Muscle fiber is constructed from densely connected protein molecules damaged during training. Unlike people who are not training, bodybuilders need more protein to ensure muscle recovery and muscle tissue growth. Try to avoid simple sugars like cane sugar, syrups.

Do not eat sweets and farinaceous food before training. They rise insulin level and cause immediate spurt, which ends much earlier than you get to the gym. Drinking about 3-4 liters of water per day will help ejecting toxins from the body.

Without proper diet, you cannot achieve a competitive edge and obtain the definition and size you desire. Improper nutrition for bodybuilding is the main reason why bodybuilders can not gain better results. It takes 70% nutrition, 20% proper exercise and 10% are presented by your willingness for a perfect body. So make a simple rule to eat proper and you will be able to train better and then you will gain better results for sure. Keep On Rocking!

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

What You Should Drink To Lose Weight?

Honestly, this sounds very good. However, I would like you to have in mind that you need to combine these liquids with physical activity and of course a good and healthy diet for maximum effect.


1. Ice Cold Water
-You can burn 250 to 500 calories a day by drinking 8-10 glasses of ice cold water because …
In this way our body will burn calories i.e. fat, unlike warm water i.e.  bringing up the level of heat in your body.
Therefore, this simple “trick” can help you say goodbye to about half a kilo per week.
Just watch out not to inflamate your throat!

2. Coconut water
-Coconut water contains more electrolytes than most fruit juices and energy drinks without any additional sweeteners and artificial flavors.
Coconut water naturally boosts up the metabolism and gives you more energy which gives a significant contribution to more vigorous physical training.

3. Green Tea
-Studies show that we can burn 35-43% more fat during the day if we include 3 to 5 cups of green tea per day in our diet. The secret of green tea lies in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). So we all know that green tea is a powerful anti-oxidant. It’s effective in lowering the LDL cholesterol levels and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots.

4. Veggies and fruit juices
-Sipping a glass of healthy juice 30 minutes before meals reduces appetite and the need for food. According to measurements, this input contributes 135-150 less calories than usual.
In case you can not make juice, then two glasses of water before a meal can also “do the job”.


5. Low-fat milk

-Milk is a good source of calcium and helps you reduce weight through breakdown of fat in cells. This does not mean you have to drink tons of milk a day to get this effect, but adding milk in our daily diet can seriously help melting fat.
Various studies share a variety of facts about the affect of milk. Some say that milk consumption can increase calorie burning for up to 30-50% and some say that if we include 3-4 cups of milk per day in our diet, we can get up to 70% higher level of fat burning.

6. Smoothies and Yogurt

-It is not only the density of this beverage which will “stun” your appetite, it also contains calcium, yogurt also lowers fat in each cell (as previously mentioned for milk).
Studies done at the University of Tennessee, show that daily intake of yogurt in diet, can help you reduced 61% more body fat and up to 81% more fat in the abdominal area.
The results can be increased if we add fruits like raspberry, strawberry, blackberry etc.

Children's Food Fruits Grains Vegetables

Foods That Must Be Included In Your Children’s Menu

There is one unwritten rule: “If you tell your child that some food is healthy, your children will not eat it”. If you do not want to make diet “war” with your child, it is best to include some super foods important for children’s nutrition in your child’s menu and if it does not want to eat other types of food, then it does not have to eat them.

Cereals – are simple and practical package balancing blood sugar level, which significantly reduce the chances of obesity. Grains also have been associated with life prolongation, reduced risk of developing tumors, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Spinach – contains a large percentage of antioxidants, that protect skin from damage and have impact on improving immunity. Spinach has a high percentage of vitamin K and magnesium, elements related directly to bones quality.

Walnuts – a hand full of walnuts contains 2.6 grams of omega 3 fatty acids, which are crucial for brain development, immune system and cardiovascular system improvement. Walnuts contain a large percentage of melatonin, which helps children have quality sleep.

Blueberries – a large percentage of blueberries contain antioxidant polyphenol which protect blood vessels health and reduce inflammation. Like any other ball fruits blueberries reduce genetic tendencies for tumor development as well.