Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition

Vitamins for Muscle Growth

Balanced diet naturally helps the construction and repairing of muscle fibers, includes proteins and amino acids, but essential vitamins as well. There are many vitamins which help the development of muscle tissue. Some vitamins also help faster muscle recovery after some strenuous exercise and other physical activities.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for cell growth in many tissues, including muscles. Vitamin A can be found in food products including: meat, beef, chicken liver, cheese and whole milk and also in vegetable and fruit such as: carrots, kale, spinach, melon, apricot, peach and papaya.


B-complex vitamins are necessary for the metabolism of proteins. After water, proteins are the most common compound of the body and the main source of energy. Your body needs proteins to build and maintain muscle mass. B-complex vitamins include B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine) and B12 (cobalamin), pantothenic acid and biotin.

These vitamins are water soluble, which means they are not stored in the body. B complex vitamins must be replenished every day. These vitamins can be found in red meat, beef, chicken, eggs, milk and in citrus fruits and leafy green vegetables as well.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C not only helps healthy muscle grow, it also helps in faster injury recovery. Vitamin C helps the body create protein collagen, which is found in muscle tissue and is considered to be essential for wound healing. It also helps the body absorb iron, which is an essential mineral in bodybuilding. Iron helps muscles recover during hard training by providing oxygen. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, melon, red peppers, broccoli, tomatoes and potatoes.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has powerful antioxidant function in the body. This vitamin neutralizes harmful free radicals and protects cells from destruction. Vitamin E is important for the growth and recovery of muscle cells. Diets with low intake of grains food products can easily cause vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E can be found in grain food products, green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils such as sunflower and olive oil. Walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are also a good source of vitamin E.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D can be found in various food products, but our body produces vitamin D as well. This vitamin plays an important role in our body, but its most important role is regulating the absorption of minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is necessary for muscle contraction. Lack of calcium in muscles makes having hard and full muscle impossible. Calcium is necessary for bone development to withstand the increased muscle mass.

Phosphorus enables fast and strong muscle contraction during training, especially in exercises where weights are used. Milk, dairy products, cereals and fish are some of the food products rich in vitamin D.  Drink at least one glass of low fat milk every day and try to make this a long-term rutine.


Healthy Food Guide

-These days  the British nutritional foundation announced the list of food supplies that protect our body and its authors believe that people who will strictly follow these tips could ensure a quality life in the future without any disease.

Are the British just repeating already known facts or do they offer some revolutionary solutions, see by yourself.


Group of nutritionists from several reputable universities such as Oxford and Surrey, were carefully drafting a healthy life guide for more than 3 years in which they published many useful tips on how to consume appropriate food products which will protect the heart, brain, bones, eyes and how to avoid serious and dangerous diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

“We need urgent measures in order to ensure better physical and mental health in the later stages of our life, so we could enjoy our life after we retire and not be afraid of what awaits us”, said the general director of British Nutrition Foundation “Judy Buttriss” for “Daily Telegraph”.

-British nutritionists recommend heart-healthy food supplies including food products rich in healthy fats, fiber and potassium, such as: plant oil, potatoes, root vegetable, fish, nuts fruit and milk.

-If you do not want to have problems with your heart and brain be sure to Eat Fish , eggs, leafy vegetables, nuts regularly and this way of healthy eating will help the body get the necessary amounts of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Alcohol is also recommended, but in moderate amounts.


-In the new guide for healthy bones experts underlined the importance of vitamin K. This vitamin is found in green leafy vegetables, broccoli, spring onions, cabagge. On the other hand, fish, eggs, and cereals are great for your bones as well, because these products are rich in vitamin D.

– Iron is very important for good/strong blood, so in addition to the list of healthy food products experts recommend often consummation of beans and dried fruits.

-Lutein is eye-healthy and can be found in kiwi, Grapes, Spinach and kale.

Tomatoes, peppers, citrus fruit, cantaloupe, yellow and orange fruit and vegetable can be found in every list of healthy products good for every body function.

-Proper diet and moderate physical activity will extend your life and improve the quality of your life in the future. It is never too late to make some changes in your life and be sure to encourage your children and grandchildren on time to think about it. Be their hero, children can learn from you, give them a happier and healthier life. Stay Healthy!


Baked Ravioli

Ravioli (Italian – Ravioli) is traditional Italian specialty. In the Russian cuisine just like ravioli, and pellmeni are preparing in same way, but unlike them,  ravioli can be served as a dessert.
When it comes to ravioli, history shows that in Europe were accepted from China before the 8th century by the great traveler Marco Polo.



  • 5 Tomatoes
  • 1 clove of Onion
  • 3 cloves of Garlic
  • little Thyme
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 200 grams/0.4 lb Mozzarella
  • 150 grams/0.3 lb Parmesan
  • 1000 grams/2.2 lb ravioli
  • pinch of salt
  • pepper


Preparation time: 10 min.
Cooking time: 40 min.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
Meanwhile in a large frying pan heat the oil on medium fire. Add onions and garlic, add a little salt and pepper and mix occasionally until the ingredients become soft, for about 5 minutes.
Add tomatoes and thyme and wait to boil. When all that get boiled lower the temperature of the hot plate and then smash the Tomatoes with a spoon and leave the sauce to thicken, or to cook for about 20 minutes. Occasionally mix.

While the sauce is cooking, boil the ravioli in a big pot with boiled Water and a little salt. Boil until ravioli not begin to swim to the surface. Drain the ravioli and return to pot.
Add the sauce in the pot with the boiled ravioli, mix it well and that mixture place it in a suitable roasting pan, and sprinkle with mozzarella and parmesan.
Bake until the cheese become “gold”, about 20 to 25 minutes.
Cold it slightly before serving. Enjoy!

Dairy Health

Health Benefits Of Dairy Products

If you belong to a slightly older generation, you probably can not remember that when you were younger milk was more often included in your menu. At that time soda and all soft drinks were often reserved for special occasions – celebrations, family meal or picnic.

Perhaps today drinking a glass of milk is not one of your everyday rutines. But still, our parents  were right, because dairy products have a major positive effect on our health (always choose low calorie dairy products).

It is well known that most people like dairy products. Statistics show a decline in consumption of full fat milk and butter, but it is a fact that consumption of cheese and ice cream is growing.

– Low calorie milk

One of the latest studies reveal that if adults consumed more portions of dairy products during the day, the total amount of stored calories (derived from saturated fat), will be higher (which, of course, is not good). But, on the other hand the growing amount of imported dairy products brings an increase in the quantity of numerous fundamental substances – protein, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and vitamins A, D and E.

How to get all these nutritional substances contained in dairy products without all the negative affects on our body ? Low-Calorie dairy products are the real answer. If you reduce the amount of fat in your dairy products you are normally consuming, you will also reduce the amount of calories, saturated fat and cholesterol, but the amount of protein, calcium and many other vitamins and minerals remains high.

– Calcium and protein

Most dairy products contain incredible amounts of calcium and protein, nutrients with an important role in our body. Although, unfortunately, ice cream does not contain a large quantity of these substances, but low-fat milk, Yoghurt and cheese are packed with protein and calcium. For example, a cup of low calorie yoghurt, provides a third of the necessary daily amount of calcium and 17% of the necessary daily intake of protein. Irregular intake of calcium in the body of younger men causes health problems in later years.

– Vitamin D

Many types of milk are rich in vitamin D. Recently vitamin D has become one of the main ingredients of some types of yoghurt. Although this vitamin is very important most of us do not include vitamin D in Our Diet. Interesting is the fact that our body is capable to produce vitamin D, if we provide enough sunlight. However, this can be a problem for the people who spend most of their time in closed and dark places or people who live in areas with not many sunny days. A very good solution to this problem is the consumption of low-calorie milk rich in vitamin D, which will very quickly raise the level of this vitamin in the body.

– Stronger bones

The amount of calcium we get from food has the potential to positively affect the bones strengthening. A study conducted in Finland studied the change in the concentration of bones in girls at the age from10 to 12 years, whose Daily Diet was enriched with cheese, calcium or a combination of calcium and vitamin D. The girls whose diet was enriched with cheese had dramatically increased bone mass in comparison to other the girls consuming no dairy products at all.

– Stable blood pressure

Dairy products also have positive effect on blood pressure (low-fat milk and especially dairy products that are rich in calcium).


Soybean Goulash

Soy is unique for its high protein content (36%, which is twice more than meat).
Soy contains “health” in large quantity. Also contains multiple saturated fatty acids, significant concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acid that are necessary in the defense of the organism from diseases and the development of new cells.
Soy include lecithin, substances that act against cholesterol and stress.



  • 3.5 oz/100 milliliters dry white wine
  • 2 tbsp/30 milliliters soy sauce
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 cup/100 grams of Soy
  • 1.7 oz/50 ml Olive oil
  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • 1 leaf bay leaf
  • 3 cloves of Onion
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 13.5 oz/ 400 milliliters of tomato juice
  • 1 small spoon Pepper


Preparation time: 30 min.
Cooking time: 60 min.

Pieces of soy (soy steaks, chopped into pieces) and cleaned parsley root (white part) boil them in salted water.
On finely chopped onion and Carrot slices add salt than simmer in oil and 100 ml. of the liquid which has been boiled soybeans.
Long simmer, until the vegetables completely soften, and if necessary add more liquid.
Add the boiled and drained soy, Tomato Juice crushed garlic, white wine, carrot circles, soy sauce and spices.
Cook over low heat for another half hour to an hour.
Let cool slightly and serve.

Diet & Weight Loss Vegetables

Vegetarian Diet

Whether it comes to cultural, ethical or health reasons, vegetarian diet has been long practiced. With the right choice of food, vegetarian diet can be high in fiber and rich in nutrients. There are different degrees of vegetarian diet.  Some of them are stringent and include only plant food products (fruit, vegetable and nuts).

Lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products. Ovo-vegetarians and ovo-lacto-vegetarians include eggs in their diet. Semi-vegetarians may Eat Fish and poultry, but they should avoid red meat. Vegetarian diet may offer some health benefits which can not be obtained by practising other diets, but you should make a choice of healthy meals and snacks in your vegan diet and that is “key” to a successful vegetarian lifestyle.

Animal protein deficiency

Because a great source of protein comes from animal products, some vegetarians are worried about whether it will meet their protein needs. Proteins from plant sources are not often considered to be complete if they do not contain all essential amino acids in a certain amount. Eating varied fruits and vegetables, or a combination of fruit and a vegetable, can help include all amino acids in your diet. Cereals, legumes, soy products, Nuts and seeds contain healthy vegetable proteins.

Avoiding the lack of vitamins and minerals

Receiving adequate vitamins and minerals easily found in animal products is still a concern considering vegetarianism. Vitamin B12, iron and Zinc can be consumed through certain specified plant products, including some cereals and soy products. Vegetarians should also get alternative sources of calcium and vitamin D, which can be found in orange Juice and green vegetables.


Not quite all vegetarian diets are low in fat and calories. For example, french fries, chips and sweets are not the healthiest choice. But by choosing the right food products, healthy cooking and food preparation, vegetarian diet can significantly lower the level of saturated fat and cholesterol, than other diets which include animal products.

Find the right balance

Eating a wide variety of plant and vegetables will satisfy the needs for carbohydrates, protein and fat in vegetarians. When you make wise food choices, vegetarian diet can be one of the healthiest diet plans.

Dairy Fruits Health Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Foods To Boost Your Immune System

What we eat every day may severely affect the function of white blood cells, as a defense against infection and cancer units. White blood cells can be:
Neutrophils leukocytes that engulf and kill bacteria and cancer cells.
– Lymphocytes – T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes and natural killer cells.

B-lymphocytes produce antibodies, important for their ability to directly attack harmful microorganisms and agents from outer environment.

T-lymphocytes manage many immunological activities and materia which destroy bacteria, viral and tumor cells.

Natural killer cells are on the first defense line against cancer-destroying cells infected with the virus and cells with cancer changes.

Numerous studies have shown that using a variety of Healthy Food Products can regulate the number and function of white blood cells. The food stimulates the immune system and improves its function.

Foods To Boost Your Immune System:

1. Yoghurt contains body-friendly bacteria necessary in the protection against malicious bacteria and infections. Yoghurts with live or active bacterial cultures are best for boosting the immune system. Except being refreshing and tasty, yoghurt also protects you from cold and upper respiratory infections. Women have much more benefits, because yoghurt increases the resistance of fungal infections.

2. Tea is a rich source of polyphenols and other substances that protect the body against flu and colds. Substance EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), contained in green tea is a powerful antioxidant and a great ally in the fight against cancer. Some studies have shown that EGCG inhibits the proliferation of viruses, so it undoubtedly strengthens the immune system. There will be no mistake if you choose black instead of green tea.

3. Banana is helping in the regulation of glucose levels in the body. Has a diuretic effect, helps in the development of probiotics and rejection of excess fluid.

4. Mushrooms are low-calorie foods rich in iron, zinc, fiber, essential amino acids and vitamins. It has long been known that mushrooms stimulate the immune system and help the body defend better against viruses and infections. Studies have shown that mushrooms have antiviral, antimicrobal and anticancer effect.

5. Fish! Omega 3 fatty acids are necessary for the preservation of immunity. We recommend salmon, mackerel and sardines. Fish is excellent against viruses.

6. Nettle – Incredible, but true, nettle contains more vitamin C than lemon and orange. So it contains large amounts of iron and calcium.
It’s preparing like spinach.

7. Honey – Explaining its amazing properties is not necessary. Lavender, chestnut, sage honey or a combination of these are some of the best type of honey.

8. Garlic is a miraculous plant. It contains allicin, a substance with antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. Its smell is repulsive to many people, but taking care of your immune system is more important than worrying about other people being bothered with the smell.

9. Dried fruits – Dry plum, fig, apple, apricot, banana, raisins and cranberries. Represent a wealth of high quality individual vitamins and minerals especially vitamin C and B complex vitamins.

10. Legumes – the best boosters are: beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, soy. Each of these products has nutritional values that can assist the body in establishing equilibrium.

In these healthy foods for boosting our immune system should be added and sesame seeds, broccoli, carrots
If you are willing to improve your immune system, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, fat, sugar, white flour, and carbonated beverages and increase the consumption of water.


Roasted Vegetables

The term vegetable refers to the part of the plant that can be eaten. This definition is based on custom rather than scientific knowledge. It is arbitrary and subjective, because individual cultures have different customs of food and cooking.

Usually every green plant or part of a plant that people regularly consumed as food can be called vegetables. Mushrooms, though members of the biological kingdom Fungi, however are widely accepted in retail as vegetables.

Nuts, seeds, grains, and herbs and spices are generally not considered to be vegetables, with the exception of corn, though they are all parts of plants.

Generally, chefs use vegetables for savory dishes, although there are several exceptions such as pumpkin pie and cake flat. Some vegetables such as carrots, peppers and celery can be eaten live or cooked, while others such as potato can be eaten only cooked.



  • 1 small spoon of basil
  • 700 grams Tomato
  • 200 grams of low-fat cheese
  • 300 grams Potato
  • 300 grams Eggplant
  • 1 rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon Salt
  • 2 Zucchini
  • 1 Black pepper


Preparation time: 15 min.
Cooking time: 20 min.

Wash the vegetables, then peel them and chop them in wheels.
In oiled pan add the zucchini then tomato, potato, eggplant and finally add half of the amount of the cheese.
Add spices to your taste, like basil, oregano etc. and add two glasses of water, the rest of the grated cheese and bake it in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes.

Fruits Health

Dried Fruit – Health Benefits

For many people dried fruit is not as attractive as fresh fruit, but dried fruit has its advantages. It provides an exceptional source of energy body needs. Dried fruit can be divided into two groups: meat fruit and dried fruit.

When the fruit is ripe, if the inside part of the fruit is juicy like the outside part, then the fruit is placed in the group of meat fruit or fresh fruit. On the other side, dried fruit is characterized with dry inner and outer part , so it has no water and is not juicy.



Many studies have shown that dried fruit features can positively affect on people’s health.
Moreover, it is extremely rich in nutrients and can be considered as good energy source. Shortly, dried fruit represents naturally small Healthy Piece Of Fruit.

To maintain good health it is necessary to adhere to certain rules that include Healthy Diet, regular exercise and regular and productive sex life. Dried fruit contains large number of essential nutrients in adequate amounts.

Only dried fruit is a natural and rich source of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. It is easy to digest and has a stake in purification of blood, and the whole digestive system. So, the advantages are numerous.

Those who consume dry fruit every day have very good health. Another positive side of dried fruit is that it can be used to treat diseases whose main reason is eating unnatural food. Despite its small size, for example walnuts and raisins, they supply us with large amount of energy.


Best dried fruit products

-Raisins or “lowered” version of Fresh Grapes is recommended due to their extremely high nutritional value, accelerates recovery from some diseases and helps in conditions of great exhaustion, overburdening as well as problems with the digestive system. It is believed that raisins improves sex drive.

-Dates contain natural sugar in form of fructose and glucose. Dates represent a very nutritious fruit. Crushed dried dates soaked in water are good remedy which Strengthens Heart and its vital functions. Also dates are effective natural remedy for a hangover.

-Almonds are fruit with high calorific value. Almond Milk is the healthiest option because it has much more advantages and it is healthier than cow milk. It is much easier to digest and is recommended for babies that does not like the cow milk.

We remind you that in addition to previously mentioned dry fruit you should include prunes, dried apricots and dried figs in your diet as well.


Macaroni With Chicken And Tomato Sauce

Macaroni (Italian: Maccheroni) kind of pasta, derived from Italian cuisine. Macaroni are made from dough that contains eggs and cut into small empty forms.



  • 4 piece hot peppers
  • 100 ml/0.43 cups dry white wine
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 Peppers
  • 600 grams/1.33 lbs Chicken
  • 200 milliliters/0.85 cups of Chicken Soup
  • 200 grams/0.44 lbs of mushrooms
  • 100 grams/0.22 lbs of low-fat cheese
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 100 grams/0.22 lbs of Olives
  • 1000 grams/2.2 lbs of macaroni
  • 3 cloves of Garlic
  • 1 clove Onion
  • little bunch of parsley
  • 500 milliliters/2.11 cups of tomato juice
  • 100 grams/0.22 lbs of sweet cream (without sugar)
  • punch of black pepper


Preparation time: 10 min.
Cooking time: 50 min.

Shred the onion and mushrooms. In frying pan heat a little olive oil and place the chopped onion and mushrooms to frying. Add a little salt and pepper and fry for 6-7 minutes. Stir occasionally. Take the chicken and shred into pieces smaller than a mouthful, then add into the pan and fry until it becomes brown for some 5-6 minutes. Place 100 milliliters of wine and let it simmer for about 2 minutes. Then add the tomato sauce, 200 milliliters chicken soup and 100 milliliters sweet cream. All these stir nice, lower the temperature a little and let simmer 30 minutes.

Meanwhile take the peppers, hot peppers and olives and chop bigger pieces. You can also add other types of peppers according to your wish.
After you chopped these ingredient add it to the sauce (that should already simmering for 10 minutes) and cook another 20 minutes. Then add finely chopped garlic, stir nice and leave to simmer until the liquid evaporate and the mixture should become thicken. Few minutes before the end add the finely chopped parsley.
Let them to simmer quietly. In a boiling pot, add water add salt made the water salty, and add the macaroni to boil.

After you boil drain and return them in the same pot where you have boiled and over them add the sauce, stir and grate low-fat cheese, cover with the lid and leave it for 2-3 minutes so macaroni will receive the sauces.
Then serve in a bowl and to your wish grate more low-fat cheese and add parsley.