
Cabbage And Carrot – Vitamin Salad

Delicious cabbage and carrots salad that is full of vitamins !



  • pinch of salt
  • 20 milliliters of vinegar
  • 500 grams Carrots
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 1000 grams Cabbage
  • bit small spoon black ground pepper


Preparation time: 15 min.

Clean the cabbage and chop finely on very thin strips.
Clean the carrots, wash and shred fine.
Mix the shredded carrots and the chopped cabbage and season with salt, a little black ground pepper, oil and vinegar.
Let it steer for about 5 minutes, and serve.


Christmas Food Decorations

This year, make your festive table to shine in the Christmas spirit! Food just tastes better when it looks all cute and Christmas-like. And the kids will be way more likely to eat something shaped

Surprise your dearest with wonderful served food in festive style. Make cucumber Christmas tree, or Santa cookies, and we guarantee that you will make the kids very happy!


Christmas Menu

– Appetizer: Porcini Mushroom Pie

We have pies on our menu every day, but you can rarely find a recipe for porcini mushroom pie. Porcini mushroom  is a mushroom full of vitamins, minerals and protein, which lowers the cholesterol in the body and thus is very tasty and aromatic.

Many years ago this small forest inhabitant was popular in our region and there are many legends. One legend says that when you look at porcini mushrooms, the mushroom stops growing. This is not true of course, but in practice, many collectors of mushrooms have seen mushrooms shrink after being found under the leaves and they named it shy mushroom.

Make this recipe as a appetizer and thrill your guests. This appetizer is too delicious, so do not eat much, take care and leave some space in your stomach for the main dish.



  • 500 grams of ready- pie crust
  • 500 grams of Porcini mushrooms
  • 1 Clove of purple onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 grams of no-fat cheese
  • Half a cup of yoghurt
  • 1 bag of baking powder ( 5-10 grams baking powder)


Shred the porcini mushrooms, boil and strain them well. Simmer the onions in olive oils and then add the chopped garlic.

Add the porcini mushrooms, salt and pepper to your taste and simmer for about 20 minutes. If the water evaporates, add a little. At the bottom of your baking dish place some baking paper and grease it with oil. Put the first pie crust over the paper, gently grease it with olive oil, then place the second  pie crust and grease it again. After that place the third crust. Over the third crust put a little of the porcini mushrooms mixture. Then add another layer of crusts and repeat the same procedure until you spend the mixture. The formula is simple: three crusts and filling.

The top layer should be a mixture of porcini mushrooms and therefore do not add a crust on the top. Meanwhile, mix the eggs, add cheese, yogurt and baking powder. Pour this mixture over the pie and place it in an oven heated at 200 ℃.

Bake for 40 minutes. After half an hour, lower the temperature to 180 ℃. When it’s ready, take the pie from the oven, cover it with a cloth and let it cool down. Cut the pie into pieces and serve.


Pumpkin, Carrots & Cauliflower Soup

Tasty, creamy soup recipe that is great hot meal in these winter days. Also, the smell and taste will completely delighted you. To prepare this healthy soup, you’ll need the following ingredients.


  • 1 clove of cauliflower (not very big)
  • 4 carrots
  • 200 g/0.44 lbs pumpkin
  • 1 clove of onion (chopped)
  • little sour cream
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • little parsley (chopped)
  • soup cube

Preparation time: 15-20 min.

Chop the cauliflower, carrots and the pumpkin into small cubes. Place the finely chopped onion in a pan with olive oil and fry for a while. Add the vegetables, water and soup cube.


Cook on medium fire until and after the vegetable get softer, put them in а blender and shred finely. Then return the finely shredded vegetables to the pot, add a little sour cream and season to taste. Before serving decorate with a little parsley.
Enjoy it !

Children's Food

How To Stimulate Your Children To Eat More Fruits And Vegetables?

Fruit and vegetable enjoy deserved reputation as great helpers in our daily attempt to stay healthy and slim and these food products are associated with the reduced risk of many serious diseases.

Studies have shown that there is a connection between increased fruit and vegetable consumption and reduced risk of cancer (including cancer of the oral cavity, throat, stomach, colon and respiratory system). Thus, diet rich in fruit and vegetable is associated with the reduced risk of developing diabetes type 2, stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure (hypertension).

Fruit and vegetable help prevent various diseases, but they are also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, contain little fat and contain folic acid (green leaf vegetables).

Experts say that it is not true that children do not want to consume fruit and vegetable, which is a common excuse. In countries where fruit and vegetable are traditionally consumed in large quantities, parents have no problem make their children eat their healthy five portions of fruit and vegetable per day.

Since children learn from their parents and they are consuming enough fruit and vegetable, then without any problem, their children will consume these meals, too.

It is best for children at the age of 2-10 to consume fruit and vegetable served in “relaxed” atmosphere, i.e. not to do “drama” about it. As addition to any other food, serve fruits and vegetables to your children with their favorite food.

Here are some creative tips on how to make children eat more fruit and vegetables:


Combined with vegetables:

  • Make mashed pumpkin or sweet potatoes instead of regular mashed potatoes.
  • Power up your pizza with tomato, peppers, mushrooms, pineapple, young garlic and spinach.
  • Add vegetables in the soup.
  • Fill roast potatoes with wheat grains, young garlic, mushrooms and red pepper.
  • Be creative when serving a salad. Do not just make a tomato and cucumber salad, add paprika, shredded mushrooms, grated ginger, onion chopped circles, spinach or any other favorite vegetables.


Combined with fruit:

  • Add fruit in green salads – try with pieces of pear, apple, grapes, mango, strawberries, almonds or blueberries.
  • Add blueberries or grated banana in pancakes dough.
  •  Add exotic fruits such as papaya, mango or pineapple in fruit salad.
  • Mix apples, ginger, carrot and orange in blender and serve it as a refreshing drink.
  • Pack fresh fruit in a plastic box, so the child can take it to school. Drain a little lemon juice over apples and pears so they would not turn brown.

With a little creativity and effort you can stimulate your children eat more fruit and vegetable and enrich their diet which will strengthen their body.


Vegetarian Goulash

Goulash or gulyás originates from the Hungarian cuisine, and is widely distributed. Goulash is mostly prepared in Central Europe and in the Balkan countries.

By tradition, the goulash is considered like a simple home cooked meal. In most of the countries the goulash is commonly eaten in restaurants, because it is needed long time for cooking this meal, so that makes the goulash an impractical meal for a busy family.



  • 200 milliliters of red wine
  • pinch of salt
  • 40 grams Butter
  • 1 Pepper
  • 500 grams of mushrooms
  • little starch
  • 2 cloves of Onion
  • 200 grams sour cream
  • 300 grams Tomato
  • bit small spoon ground black pepper


Preparation time: 20 min.
Cooking time: 40 min.

Clean the mushrooms and cut into larger pieces, then clean the spring onions and cut into wheels.
Wash the pepper, clean the seeds and cut into pieces. Melt the butter and on it fry the mushrooms, peppers and the spring onions. Season to taste. Pour with wine, cover and leave to simmer for 10 minutes.
Wash the tomatoes, cut them in a half, clean the seeds and finely shred them. Then add them to the goulash and leave it to simmer on a low heat. Then add the sour cream and resume with simmering. Add one spoon of starch and cook until the goulash thicken.
Serve with gnocchi or cooked macaroni.
Enjoy it!

Diet & Weight Loss General

Stimulate Your Metabolism To Burn More Fat

Metabolism rate is directly related to weight. Faster metabolism means quicker digestion and faster exchange of substances in cells, which favorably affect body weight regulation. People having a problem with overweight, often have slow metabolism. How to speed your metabolism up and stimulate digestion dynamic?

Drink a lot of water

Studies show that water is a crucial factor in metabolism accelerating. In other words, it is confirmed that consuming only half a liter of water per day significantly increases the intensity of burning calories up to 30 percent.

Take a walk after eating

Digestion and absorption of nutrients requires some physical activity. The more you are physically active, the more it affects the speed of your metabolism. Starvation has the opposite effect, it slows down metabolism. Your body, lacking in calories, reaches for its reserves stored in muscles, which leads to muscle atrophy.

Eat regularly

Scientists say that the best daily diet includes combination of three main meals and two smaller meals, like healthy snack, yogurt or some fruit. It is common knowledge that people who eat regularly and moderate are significantly less prone to obesity than those who eat irregularly and unreasonably.

Protein diet

The body uses more calories to digest protein than carbohydrates and fats. High quality protein,  including proteins in white meat, eggs, dairy products and fish, maintain the level of amino acids in the body, important for building and maintaining muscle tissue and burning calories.


Within the long term study at the prestigious Harvard University more than 19,000 men were tested for 12 years  and the results confirmed that men who consumed 200 milligrams of caffeine per day are significantly less prone to obesity, than those who do not consume caffeine at all. Caffeine stimulates the use of energy from fatty tissues, especially in combination with some proper exercise. When it comes to bodybuilding, widespread popularity includes caffeine-based drinks, which also have a positive influence on the breakdown of fatty tissue.


Baked Chicken Drumsticks

For today we have a meal that should be prepared in every kitchen. Very delicious and evocative.



  • 2 spoons ground Red Pepper
  • 2 Pepper
  • 500 grams of chicken drumsticks
  • 300 grams of rice
  • 100 grams Carrots
  • 3 tablespoons Oil
  • 2 cloves of Onion
  • 2 tablespoons Vegeta spice
  • 2 small spoons ground Black Pepper


Preparation time: 60 min.
Cooking time: 20 min.

Shred the onions, peppers and carrots and you can shred a little tomato and potato.
All these shredded vegetables fry in oil to soften.

Clean the rice, then add together with the above supplies, and all these fry briefly.
Optional you can add salt, vegeta spice, ground black pepper and ground red pepper.

Put the chicken drumsticks to boil for about 20 minutes just to become softer.

Place the pan in the oven to heat it.
In the heated pan put the chicken drumsticks together with the water and add the fried vegetables.
Bake 30 minutes until you get a yellowish color. Some people want to be more baked (crisp), then you should left to bake for a while.
Enjoy it!

Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Diet & Weight Loss

6 Biggest Mistakes In Your Diet

Sometimes when you follow some strict diet rules in order to lose weight, you get good results, but sometimes it’s helpless. One diet provides different results at different time. Which are the mistakes you make and what makes your diet effortless?

1. You forgot your training

– No diet will work without any exercise. Sad but true!
Even if you gain few pounds, it is very likely to gain them back, if you relax and afford some delicious and unhealthy meal for a moment. But when you are doing exercises along with your diet, you can lose weight much easier.


2. You skip breakfast

-You should not skip breakfast if you are following special diet program. In the morning you wake up 8 to 10 hours after your last meal. Same as your car, your body needs “fuel” to function normally as well.
Plus, when you eat your breakfast regularly, the chances to eat too much at lunch are minimal.

3. You do not get enough calories

-Your body needs a certain number of calories per day to function properly. Consuming less than 1000 calories can lead to some health problems.
Your metabolism will slow down and it will take several years to start normal functioning again.

4. Do not control the size of a portion

-The amount of food you eat during a meal is important. If you eat too much, your body may not be able to digest food well and if you eat a little, then you will not satisfy the needs of your body (vitamins, minerals, proteins, calories, carbohydrates, fiber etc…) Controlling the size of  your meals is one of the things you should always have on mind.
And remember that it is better to eat smaller portions five times a day, rather than having 3 large meals during the day. This is also boosting your metabolism.


5. You are not sleeping enough

-Sleeping has the same importance for your body as food and water do. If you do not sleep enough, your diet efforts will not give any results.
So do not be one of those people who spend their lifetime pactising weight loss diet  without getting any results, because of the stupid mistakes which can be easily avoided.

6. You eat in nervous and stressful situations

– You are under stress every day and problems constantly come out of nowhere. What are you supposed to do to feel better? You most certainly should not eat any junk food and drink alcohol! Find a new way to relieve stress and solve problems.
Free tips to relieve your stress: Do some exercise and activity, go out for a simple walk, socialize like going out with friends, calm your mind with some meditation and relaxing music, sleep well and eat food rich in Omega-3 acids.

Follow us, articles about food related to stress will soon be published, including: “Stress increasing and stress reducing food”.


Tuna And Rice Salad

Today we will enjoy in this healthy salad with tuna and rice. This salad can be eaten as hot or as cold appetizer.


  • 1 Cup of rice
  • Black olives
  • 1 Can of tuna
  • 1 Tomato
  • Pickles
  • Boiled egg (optional)


Preparation time: 15 min.
Cooking time: 30 min.

Step 1: Boil one cup of rice. After you cook the rice, place it in a large salad bowl. In the bowl add a can of Tuna and mix nicely to merge the two ingredients.

Step 2: Chop the olives in small pieces. Do the same with tomatoes and pickles. These three ingredients add to the salad and mix nicely.

Step 3: If you want, you can decorate with a boiled egg, chopped in circles.


Advice: Put the salad in the fridge and consumed later as a cold salad.