
Frittata With Cheese And Eggs

Eggs are full with protein, they build muscle and burn fats. Thanks to the proteins you will stay longer fuller and they help you to consume fewer calories throughout the day. Cheese contains incredible amounts of calcium and protein, which we need a lot. Prepare this healthy recipe as a hot appetizer(starter).



  • pinch of salt
  • 150 grams of cheese
  • 200 grams Peppers
  • oregano
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 3 clove Onion
  • 8 eggs
  • bit small spoon pepper


Preparation time: 20 min.
Cooking time: 20 min.

Turn the oven to 180 degrees to warm up. In a larger bowl, mix the eggs, oregano, salt and pepper.

In a suitable bowl put and heat the oil, then pour the onions and peppers. Stir until the onion begins to soften. Add the egg mixture, and the mixture from side put in the middle. Fry for 2-5 minutes, or until the bottom becomes golden-red. On the surface add the grated cheese, so place the frittata it in the oven for 2-5 minutes.
Let cool slightly, cut into pieces and serve.


Spaghetti With Tuna And Garlic

No idea for some healthy meal?
–Make this easy and healthy Tuna Garlic Pasta.


  • 160 grams Tuna
  • pinch of salt
  • 3 Peppers
  • 100 milliliters Oil
  • 3 cloves of Garlic
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 320 grams Spaghetti



Preparation time: 30 min.
Cooking time: 30 min.

Drain the tuna and chop the parsley.

In a large quantity of boiling water put to boil the spaghetti. In a large pan put oil. Add 2 not peeled cloves of garlic, and one peeled and cut in half. Add pepper (whole or pieces) and fry over low heat. Add the tuna.

Drain the spaghetti, place it to the pan and mix them with 2 forks for 1 minute. Finally sprinkle with the chopped parsley and serve.
Enjoy it!

Diet & Weight Loss

15 Products For Weight Loss

No diet guarantees long-lasting nice body and hunger does not disappear even with the greatest effort. Food i.e. products that we recommend have positive effect on weight loss and retention on your body weight and therefore you need to consume these food products as often as possible.


Besides vitamin C, apples contain easily digestible carbohydrates and pectin which stimulates digestion and helps reducing cholesterol levels.


Green algae are the best algae type. They contain vitamins C, B and fiber which give you feeling of satiety and supply your body with iodine. Vitamin B has an important role in metabolism.

Bitter melon

Today bitter melon is mainly used in  diabetes treatment. According to studies, it activates secretion of hormones which turn into fat tissue and affects regulation of hunger and satiety feelings.


One of the most important elements body needs. Chromium deficiency causes impairment in glucose utilization. Food rich is chromium includes: grains, mushrooms, coffee, tea …

Amino acids

Tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, lysine, valine, threonine, methionine and isoleucine are the most important amino acids we import in our bodies while consuming food products. Large quantities of these amino acids can be found in fish (especially tuna), hazelnuts, meat, rice, beans, milk, eggs and potatoes.


Grapefruit melts fat, but the greatest effect is achieved by consuming young grapefruit. Consuming grapefruit leads to better circulation and has a significant role in reducing body weight.

Hydroxycitric acid

HCA (hydroxycitric acid) has a chemical structure similar to citric acid. Reduces our appetite, especially the desire for something sweet, or professionally speaking – reduces conversion of carbohydrates into fat inhibiting enzyme processes. It can be found in form of capsules.

The article continue on page 2…


Stuffed Potatoes

This is a delicious quick recipe that is very simple to prepare.



  • 20 grams Butter
  • 600 grams Potatoes
  • 50 grams of cheese
  • 1 small spoon black ground pepper
  • 1 egg
  • pinch of salt


Preparation time: 40 min.
Cooking time: 30 min.

Boil the potatoes, and when will be cooked take it from the pot to cool.  Cut the potatoes in half and remove the inside, leaving thick walls for about 1.5 centimeters. Grate the cheese and blend the egg. The removed part of the boiled potatoes mix it with the cheese, add the blended egg, butter, spices and a add little milk, if you think you need.

Fill the potatoes, fold the two halves, grease them with butter, and bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes.

Serve these cheesey stuffed potatoes with vegetables.

Health Healthy Drinks Herbs & Oils

10 Types Of Tea And Their Health Benefits

Tea is a favorite beverage that refreshes and warms in winter days, offering health benefits while you are enjoying in drinking. These benefits can be also felt in the hot summer days by home prepared iced teas.

Nettle Tea

►Cleans the stomach, intestines and liver
► Anemia
► Hemorrhoids
► Jaundice
► Malaria and all other types of fevers


Chamomile Tea
► Abdominal pain
► Colds
Infections of the skin and mucous membranes
► Remedy for insomnia
►Migraine headaches

Thyme Tea

► Problems with digestive organs
► Colds
► Bladder Problems
► Calming and good sleep
► Bad Breath

St John’s (Klamath weed) Tea
► Increase immunity
► Wash wounds for faster healing
►Better function of the digestive tract
► Better sleep

Green Tea
►Reduce the risk of cancer
Preventing heart disease and stroke
►Helps in melting the fat tissue
►Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.
►Helps to strengthen the immune system


Parsley Tea
►Helps with high blood pressure
►Lower the cholesterol
►Helps with allergies


Mountain Tea
► Better appetite
► Colds and flu
► Angina
► Helps with the disorder of the digestive organs


Hibiscus Tea
► High blood pressure
► Cholesterol
► Keep fresh and energetic throughout the day


Bars Tea
Improve metabolism and immunity
► Relaxes blood vessels
►Helps with high blood pressure


Mint Tea

► Reduce the abdominal pain
► Better appetite and digestion
► Respiratory problems


Why Should We Eat Dried Fruit?

Dried fruit is very healthy food because all nutrients are more concentrated, while the energy value is increased from six to ten times, depending on the kind.

It is a perfect heater for our body and provides extra energy so you need to consume this food products especially in the winter period. This source of energy reaches the bloodstream very quickly, so it is recommended especially for athletes after a hard workout.

In most of the countries,  the most usually consumed dried fruit is: plums, figs, apples, pears, apricots, grapes, pineapple, dates ..



Dried Fruit – Warehouse of potassium and magnesium 

Dried fruit is a warehouse of potassium and magnesium. 100 grams of dried fruit contains an average of 600 to 800 milligrams of potassium, dry apricots contain even 1370.100 grams and dried bananas contain even more – 1.490 milligrams. Dried fruit contains an enviable amount of iron and it is also a perfect antioxidant cocktail rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene.

How should you eat dried fruit? 

Modern nutritionists believe that dried fruit should be eaten in moderate amounts throughout the year. Experts recommend avoiding dried fruit after the main meal because it slows down  digestion and gives too many calories.

Dried bananas should be eaten because they are good anti-stressnutrients ans one hand raisin  saturates and reduces hunger and natural sugar from this dried fruit helps you endure physical and mental efforts easier.

For people willing to lose weight, we recommend prunes and figs, because they contain fiber. In case you are very hungry, take two or three figs because they are rich in magnesium and fiber, and less caloric than other dried fruit.

Dried apricots are recommended for professional athletes and people having regular physical activities, because they contain large amounts of potassium, which is important for normal muscle work. You need to know that a portion with five dried apricots covers 20% of the daily requirement for this mineral and part of the body requirement for iron.


Potato Salad With Sour Cream

Potato salad with sour cream is a cold appetizer that is easy to make and it’s a perfect lunch addition.



  • Bit small spoon black ground pepper
  • 1 Tablespoon salt
  • 100 Grams lettuce
  • Little parsley
  • 1 Lemon
  • 150 Grams potato
  • 150 Grams sour cream
  • 2 Tablespoons vegeta spice
  • Little basil


Preparation time: 40 min.
Cooking time: 20 min.

Boil the potatoes. Once cooked potatoes, chop them into cubes . Put them in a deeper bowl. Refine with salt, spice (Vegeta) and black ground pepper. Add chopped parsley and basil and then add the sour cream.
Stir it nice. Cut the lemon in a half. Take one part of the lemon and grate the lemon rind. Stir the mixture again.
Served the potato salad on a plate decorated with three list lettuce and pieces tomato and cucumber around the salad.
Enjoy it!

Healthy Drinks Recipes

3 Hot Drinks For Cold Days

Three simple and delicious hot drinks that will warm you and your loved one on these low temperatures, thus will restore the lost energy.

Citrus Banana Punch

1. Banana punch that will keep you warm

– 150ml juice from bananas
– 2 tablespoons brown sugar
– ¼ cinnamon stick chopped in circles
– ½ orange
– 40ml rum
– Pieces of banana

Boil the banana juice with brown sugar and cinnamon. After boiling let cool slightly. Drain half orange. Optional add rum and banana slices.

2. Winter coffee that will free you from stress

– 50g/2 oz black chocolate
– 300ml/1.5 cups milk
– 1 tablespoon brown sugar
– ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder
– 1 teaspoon of instant coffee
– 200ml/1 cup cream

Heat the milk and add the cooking chocolate until melted. Add the sugar and cinnamon. Boil it from 5 to 10 minutes, stirring constantly. At the end, add the coffee and stir 1 minute. Add the cream fluff and stir. Decorate with cream and grated chocolate or cinnamon. Serve it in large cups.


3. Energy lime

– 10ml/2tsp. lemon juice
– 20ml/4tsp. lemon syrup
– 40ml/8tsp. white rum
– 12ml/2.45tps. cranberry juice
– A few fresh cranberries
– Cinnamon powder

Boil the cranberry juice and lemon juice with lemon syrup. Once you remove from fire, add the rum to the mixture. Decorate with fresh cranberry and cinnamon powder.

Prepare, share, stay warm and enjoy!

Diet & Weight Loss Low - Fat Protein Foods Recipes

Seafood For Weight Loss

Fish belongs to the group of seafood products and significantly different than other food products fish is considered to be source of health in every home. Besides all unsaturated fats it contains, fish is a cure for many diseases.

Marine fish is rich in iodine, potassium, sodium and doctors recommend consuming marine fish twice a week if you are willing to maintain your health. If you need to lose a few pounds and preserve your health, seafood is the real solution. Therefore, include seafood in your menu more often.

Tuna, salmon, sardines and other seafood products rich in omega-3 fatty acids have proved to be helpful in reducing body fat, especially abdomen fat. Seafood also reduces the possibility of inflammation development, it calms your nerves and the nervous system.

Salmon contains a lot of fats, but it must be mentioned that these fats are healthy and help you stay sated for a long time. But you should not exaggerate eating salmon. It would be better if you eat only two small pieces of salmon.

Seafood, including salmon, mackerel, tuna and herring is improving concentration and memory.
We present you an idea for your next seafood meal:

Salmon in honey and soy sauce.


  • 30 grams of soy
  • 15 milliliters of vinegar
  • 2 piece of scallions
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 500 grams of salmon
  • 1 small spoon of ginger powder
  •  sesame


Preparation time: 15 min.
Cooking time: 20 min.

In medium-sized bowl place chopped scallion, soy sauce, vinegar, honey and ginger and stir until  honey melts nicely. Place the salmon in a plastic bag and add 3 tablespoons of the sauce and leave it marinade in the fridge for 15 minutes. Keep the rest of the sauce.

Heat a roasting pan and put a little oil. Take the salmon from its marinade and chop it in pieces of about 10cm. Fry your salmon for 6 to 10 minutes, then remove it, cover the fish with the rest of your sauce and sprinkle sesame over it.
Serve it with rice or pottage.

General Health

8 Foods You Should Never Eat Again

Junk food is unhealthy and has no nutritional value. It is oily, too salty, it doesn’t contain proteins, vitamins and fiber. It is packed with preservatives. Junk food can cause excessive weight gain, heart disease, diabetes and dental problems. But most of the people love fast food and usually consume it everyday…

1. Hamburger

Despite the fact that it is not popular as in the 1980s, when fast food industry was still developing, a slice of minced meat fried in a large amount of oil still has its followers today.
And today hamburger types have changed and former classic hamburger consisted of meat placed between two pieces of bread is now “upgraded” with a small amount of vegetables, eggs, cheese or bacon. Switch the hamburger that will only make you fat with some healthy lunch and healthy salad.

2. Soda
It is an ideal complement to the burger, which is kind of bubbling fluid full of unhealthy sugar, caffeine and other stimulant supplements. It causes addictive, unbearable headaches and different disorders in the digestive tract. But beyond all controversy, coke still has good selling percent.
Instead of soda, have some healthy drink.

3. Pizza
Today it’s lot more popular, simple and affordable than any other fast food. Pizza is made in many different shapes and flavors which camouflage its real unhealthy nature. It is the perfect “partner” of beer during a game or movie and people of all ages love it. Pizza is the new burger of today’s generation.

4. Chips
Substitute for people who whether due to laziness or lack of desire while watching game or movie are more willing to “deal” with crispy chips than pizza. Except the fact that chips awakens senses of taste, it also gives an amazing audio experience. From the poor edition in the 80′s, potato chips progressed to numerous aromatic varieties, so today’s packings usually have pizza, cheese, garlic, pepper, tomatoes, ham, hot pepper flavor.
Switch the chips with some healthy snack.

5. French fries
All nutritionists and scientist are analyzing it like toxic killer of the bloodstream, but for someone this reason is not good enough to refrain from this fatty, salty, topped with ketchup “evil potato.” French fries is one of the few products which can be consumed absolutely by itself, capable of meeting all needs and desires for consumption of “junk food”.

6. Chocolate cracker
It is no wonder that nowadays chocolate, eventhough looking small and insufficient, is capable to satisfy all needs for food with just one bite. I keep wondering why is chocolate so nutritious and the answer is simple: the sugar and fat, which after only a single bar “fill” our stomach like oiliest fries do.
Switch them with some healthy deserts.

7. Hot Dog
Even though people are trying to sell and tofu sausages in some kind of sauce, we all know that the option with a simple hot dog, a reasonable amount of mustard and white pastry is still acceptable. And still, no one tries to think about the manufacturing processes of wiener and similar meat products.

8. Baker’s product
Common first meal for those who do not have enough time and nerves to start the day well and thoughtfully with organized and healthy breakfast. Fatty balls filled with jam, chocolate, vanilla and similar stuff or puff pastry with cheese, nuts and a variety of croissants … all these glue to the wall of our hungry and exhausted stomach and the need for food will be suppressed in less than an hour. Prepare yourself some healthy breakfast. It’s fast and easy.

With this article, HealthyFoodHouse team is alerting you all to stop consuming these junk food products, and be aware of their benefits. Remember: Health comes through our mouth!