
Stuffed Chicken with Vegetables

Stuffed chicken with vegetables is a dish that you should cook for your family lunch, and your family will enjoy the taste of this delicious dish.



  • 50 grams Corn
  • 50 grams Leek
  • One Chicken (about 1000-1500 grams)
  • 1 hot pepper
  • 60 milliliters of milk
  • little Parsley
  • little Thyme
  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • 500 grams Potato
  • 2 cloves of Onion
  • 1 tablespoon Curry spice
  • 1 egg
  • Salt
  • Black ground Pepper


Preparation time: 30 min.

Cooking time: 60 min.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Put the milk in a pot and boil it, then with the boiled milk pour the grains of corn and let it them to absorb the entire liquid.


Wash and clean the leek and shred into small pieces. In a pan heat a little oil, so fry the leeks until become lightly browned. Add the parsley and corn together and fry a few minutes. Add salt and hot pepper and add a teaspoon of thyme. Then add the egg and stir it well the mixture.

Wash and clean the chicken, rub it with salt and pepper, fill with the prepared mixture and truss the chicken. Pour with the rest of the milk and bake it for 20 minutes in the preheated oven.

Peel and wash the potatoes, onions and garlic and finely shred them. Turn the chicken on the other side, and in the pan, add the chopped vegetables. Season with salt and black ground pepper and bake another 30 minutes. Sprinkle the chicken with curry and serve.

Enjoy in your family lunch !

Diet & Weight Loss Health

Seven Worst Habits After Eating

One of the most difficult thing for everyone is changing a habit. If you want to improve your health and keep your body slim try following this list that experts have made including seven things you should never do after having a meal.

1.Cigarette after having a meal

Experts warn that this habit is more harmful than it seemed, because only one cigarette after a meal has the effect as if you have smoked 10 cigarettes. Our digestive system works through the entire body and nicotine binds to the blood oxygen.


2. Fruit after having a meal

Your body is able to digest fruit very quickly and if you consume fruit  immediately after your meal the fruit remains in the stomach for a long time and causes decay, releases gases and toxins, which, except this, can encourage formation of cellulite. So eat fruit when your stomach is empty or two hours before or after having a meal.

3. Tea after having a meal

This habit is not good, although many people are practicing this habit. Tea caffeine as the main ingredient binds to iron and slows digestion, which can be very bad for anemic people. Anemic people should not drink tea at least one hour after eating.

4. Swimming after having a meal

In this case, our grandmothers and mothers are totally right, but experts also warned that is not recommended to take a shower right after eating. Water improves blood flow throughout the body, but after eating our blood goes to the stomach where digestion takes place. When we have a shower our body experiences sudden changes in temperature, so blood is needed in the whole body.

 5. Waist exercise after having a meal

This is a habit we all have, but waist exercise after having a meal can lead to intestines entanglement and digestion delaying. Also there is additional reason why waist exercise after having a meal  is bad. It can lead to weight gaining.

6. Activity after eating

While everyone thinks that physical activity is good after having a meal, the truth is rather different. Physical activity is blocking your digestive system to absorb nutrients from your meal. It is recommended to take an easy and pleasant walk, but without any stronger efforts.

7. Sleeping after eating

This is another old myth proved to be true. When we sleep all body functions are “sleeping” together with our brain and it is not recommended to fall asleep after eating. Lying position is also not recommended and is not good for the digestion and gastric juices, so they are unable to do their job. This habit can lead to stomach problems.

Therefore try to change these habits. Avoiding these bad habits you will improve your health and you will keep your body slim.


How To Eat Healthy

Burgers, different flavored chips, cakes …It all sounds so delicious,until you mention the term “health food” and you immediately lose appetite. You think all those healthy foods are tasteless … So switching to healthy food looks like mission impossible, something that requires too much effort and it is not something you could do. But you are wrong !

You should make some small changes in your eating habits and you will be very close to what nutritionists advise. At the beginning, you have to avoid the stereotypical point of view that only fat-free and calorie-free food is healthy. It is certainly not true, sometimes that kind of food allow normal digestion.

But let’s start from the beginning. Here are some steps you should take if you want to start eating healthy:

1. Don’t use a microwave
-Yes, it is true. It heats food, but heating also destroys most of its nutrients. Microwave changes  molecular composition of food, so unless you want to heat up frozen food, which in no case contains any nutrients left, do not use your microwave.

2. Do not buy processed beverages
-Forget about soft drinks, “sport” drinks, ice tea and similar processed juices. The best solution is to make some fruit and vegetable juices and you can also try “Home-made” ice tea. In this way you will avoid refined and artificial sugar and synthetic vitamins and minerals. Why would you drink artificial drinks, when you can drink natural and healthy juices?
-Make yourself a healthy juice and stay healthy.

3. Healthy breakfast
-We all know that we do not have much time in the morning. Usually we just have time to get ready for work, so there is no time for any healthy breakfast, but it is recommended from time to time to boil an egg, make oatmeal or omelet. You can also prepare warm toast with jam and glass of milk.  Of course if you are willing to practise healthy diet, you know that you should forget bakery products and fast food.

4. Be careful with dairy products
-If you have to choose between margarine and butter, choose butter. Margarine contains processed fats harmful for your body. But you should not take neither butter in excessive amounts, because cows are given a lot of hormones and antibiotics. When it comes to milk and yogurt, do not buy low-fat products (except if you are not practicing any weigh loss diet). Our body needs milk and yogurt fat  for proper  digestion and sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

5. Your butcher should be someone you know:
-Do not buy meat from everywhere. Meet your local butcher and ask where they get the meat from-quite important information if you are willing to eat quality and healthy food.

6. Be careful what you buy:
-If you see ”fructose corn syrup, glucose, ‘HFCS’ ”written on the packing of the food product you are buying, do not buy that product. That product contains high percentage of fructose, an inexpensive sugar fee (glucose and fructose) and eventhough it has the same taste, it is difficult digested in the body and, of course, it is detrimental for our body. Buy organic food only.

7. Consume Dry food more than canned food
– Canned food is really bad for us. Emulsifiers are used to regulate acids or pH and to maintain the shelf life of the canned food…Studies have shown that they are contained in canned food and can be very harmful.

8. Hunger or thirst?
-Many people are confused of the feeling of hunger and thirst and decide to eat when they just need a glass of water. When you feel hunger, drink a glass of water and wait for 15 minutes. If you are still hungry then you can have something to eat.

9.Cook for yourself
-You do not have to choose some recipes that will take more preparation time, but cook something at home at least once or twice a week. Avoid eating “out”.
-Prepare some healthy recipes!

Learn how eating healthy can be simple, easy and practical and delicious food will improve your health and maintain your vitality, shape and energy at the same time.


Spinach With Tomatoes And Potatoes

Tomatoes originates from Central and South America. For the first time was described by the physician and botanist Matioli in 1554 year.

Tomatoes in the nutrition can be used as:

– Fresh
– Canned
– Like juice
– Like dressing
– As a spice

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, B1 and E1. Besides vitamins, tomatoes contain manganese, iron and copper.


  • 800 grams of spinach
  • pinch of salt
  • 150 milliliters Oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 clove of onion
  • 750 grams potato
  • bit small spoon black ground Pepper
  • 300 grams Tomatoes


Preparation time: 30 min.

Cooking time: 60 min

Chop the spinach into large pieces and boil it briefly in salted water, then rinse it with cold water, and drain it nice. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Peel the tomatoes, and cut into pieces.

Then fry the finely chopped onion in hot oil, add the tomatoes, and then let it simmer in its own juice, until the liquid starts to evaporate. Then add the potatoes, pour with water add salt and boil another 10 minutes. Then add the large chopped spinach, finely chopped garlic, black ground pepper, and let it boil until it’s well-cooked for eating.
Enjoy it!

General Health Low - Fat Protein Foods

Top 5 Foods To Boost Your Brain Function

These food products will not make you a genius, but will boost your brain function, power and energy and will help you stay focused all day long. So, we listed the best products for your brain.

1.Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega -3 fatty acids (fish is an excellent source, especially sardines) have favorable effects on health, but the latest research shows that omega-3 acids help even in construction of gray brain materia. In one examination, respondents who ate mostly food rich in omega-3 fatty acids had more gray matter (in three brain sections – responsible for mood) compared with the beginning of the examination.

The increase of gray matter during the examination was monitored by magnetic resonance. How did omega-3 fatty acids help the brain? Researchers are still looking for this answer, but until now all we know is the following: taking in consider all groups of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, is the most common essential fatty acid in the brain important for brain development and function.

2.Substance Choline

Choline is a substance, part of the relationship between each cell in the body. Researchers examined the effect of choline supplementation on monkey’s memory for decades. Monkeys which consumed a lot of choline in their diet had much better results in all tests and somehow choline reduced the occurrence of dementia.

Some studies performed in humans have also shown that taking sufficient amounts of choline improves memory in adults. Eggs are the best source of choline. Milk is an excellent substitute for people having problems with high cholesterol.

3. Anti-oxidants in black chocolate

Cup of hot cocoa sharpens your brain. Study conducted by nutritionists found that anti-oxidants have higher concentration in products containing cocoa, red wine and green tea. But excessive consumption of cocoa and chocolate leads to obesity, so beware of the quantities. On the other hand, raspberries and spinach are also rich in anti-oxidants and have less calories.

4. Food which helps you fight Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease

You probably know that folic acid (vitamin B9) is important during pregnancy for the baby to develop properly, but adults need it, too. One important examination performed in Netherlands, including people at the age of 50-70, showed that people who took folic acid supplements had better cognitive skills (thinking and memory).

On the other hand, one of the major problems chronic alcoholism brings is reduction of folic acid quantity, one of the leading causes for neurological disorders in chronic alcoholics. Food rich in folic acid(Vitamin B9) include:
meat (liver is the best source, chicken giblets),  legumes (dried beans, nuts, lentils soya products, almonds), whole grains, potato, sweet potato, fruits and vegetables (spinach, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, banana, oranges, peaches)

5. Currants

Currants reduce damage of brain cells after a stroke. Scientist have made lots of examinations and found that monkeys exposed to stroke after consuming currants extract had almost twice less damage than the group which did not consume currant juice.

Dairy General Health Recipes

Yogurt & Vitamin B6 as a Stress Reliever

There is an unwritten rule that people who are always under stress and who are constantly rushing to work do not have time for some healthy breakfast. These people usually sleep badly and instead of breakfast, they drink only coffee. If you need to drink coffee, drink caffeine-free coffee.

Essential B complex vitamins are necessary for feeding your nerves. In yogurt, you will find riboflavin (vitamin B2), cobalamin (vitamin B12) and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). They belong to the B complex vitamin group.

Vitamin B6 is particularly important for healthy nerves, better concentration and stress reduction. Vitamin B6 has “control” over many important body processes including composition of amino acids and thus control and construction of all protein structures (cells and tissues) in the body. In one word, vitamin B6 controls everything.

This means that hormones are under his control, i.e. other important “conductors” in body functioning. And also you should not forget that blood is a liquid tissue or protein structure which also needs vitamin B6.

There are no proteins without Vitamin B6, there are no hormones without proteins and without hormones all body functions are at risk. We can mention only serotonin, dopamine and melatonin, which all together regulate the biological clock, sleeping, cognitive function, feelings and your acting. So vitamin B6 is more than needed for your perfect body function.

Vitamin B6 participates in the construction of several neurotransmitters (substances that enable  transmission of nerve impulses). The lack of vitamin B6 leads to neurological and psychological disorders.

Healthy recipe for fast breakfast:

50 grams of oat flakes,
200 milligrams of low-fat yogurt,
one to two bananas,
3 tablespoons of raisins,
2 tablespoons of sesame seeds,
a teaspoon of yeast
and a little cinnamon. Mix these ingredients and you have a tasty and healthy breakfast, which will reduce stress, improve your mood and give you enough energy to start the day.
Eat & Stay Healthy!

Diet & Weight Loss Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

Green Tea – Health Benefits

You know that green tea provides many benefits for us and our health. Chinese knew about the health benefits of green tea long ago and they are using green tea to treat everything, from headaches to stress. We give you 18 good reasons why you should drink this magical herb.

1. Green Tea helps in weight loss

Green tea helps in melting fat, which is very good if we are willing to lose weight. Except burning fat, green tea also boosts our metabolism naturally. It can help us burn up to 70 calories in just one day. That means if we consume green tea regularly we can lose up to 3.5 kg (7.5 lbs) per year.

2. Green Tea reduces blood cholesterol levels

Green tea can help reducing blood cholesterol levels. It also enhances relationship between bad cholesterol and good cholesterol, by reducing bad cholesterol level.

3. Green Tea prevents heart diseases

Green tea helps preventing heart disease and stroke, thus reduces bad cholesterol level.  After a heart attack, green tea speeds up the recovery of the heart cells.

4. Green Tea reduces risk of cancer

Green tea helps reducing the risk of cancer. Antioxidants in green tea are more effective than vitamin C and also are considered to be much better than vitamin E. It helps your body protect cells from damage related to cancer.

5. Green Tea reduces the risk of arthritis

Green tea can reduce and sometimes help against the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. It protects the cartilage by blocking the enzyme that destroys cartilage.

6. Green Tea is good for treating Alzheimer’s

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but green tea helps in slowing down the process that releases acetylcholine in the brain, leading to Alzheimer’s disease, so it helps improving your memory.

7. Green Tea strengthens our bones

Green tea has high fluoride content. Fluoride helps maintaining bone strength. If you drink green tea every day, it will help you keep your bone density.

8. Green Tea for anti-aging treatment

Green tea helps against aging and helps us look beautiful and younger. This benefit comes due to the antioxidants known as polyphenols which fight against harmful effects of free radicals causing skin aging and wrinkling.

 9. Green Tea prevents obesity

Green tea prevents obesity by stopping glucose turn into fat cells. If you drink green tea and if you practice healthy diet, also if you exercise regularly, you will never be overweight and you will have nice sculpted body and excellent health.

10. Green Tea is good for patients with diabetes

Green tea improves glucose metabolism and prevents increasing of blood sugar levels.

11. Green Tea helps preventing high blood pressure

Drinking green tea helps keeping lower blood pressure by repressing angiotensin, which leads to high blood pressure.

12. Green Tea helps preventing Parkinson’s disease

People who drink green tea reduce the probability of having Parkinson’s disease. Antioxidants in green tea help preventing brain cell damage, which could cause Parkinson’s disease.

13. Green Tea is good for liver diseases

It helps preventing transplantation in people with liver failure. Green tea also destroys harmful free radicals in fatty liver.

14. Green Tea strengthens the immune system

Green tea contains flavonoids and polyphenols which help in strengthening the immune system, making your body become stronger and fight against infections.

15. Green Tea reduces blood sugar

Green tea contains polyphenols and polysaccharides that help us reducing blood sugar.

16. Green tea helps fighting flu and allergies

Green tea contains Vitamin C which helps preventing and also fighting flu. Epigallocatechin gallate which is found in green tea relieves allergies.

17. Green Tea reduces stress and helps against tooth decay

Green tea is rich in L-theanine – amino acid which can help reducing stress. Green tea also destroys viruses and bacteria which cause many dental diseases of teeth.

 18. Green Tea prevents food poisoning

Green tea contains antioxidant catechin capable of destroying bacteria responsible for food poisoning, green tea also kills toxins in our body.



Double Baked Potatoes

Potatoes are favorite food to lot of people. Who can say no to those pure gold mashed, cooked, baked or grilled potatoes?
Double Baked Potatoes are quick and easy recipe. Must try this delicious side dish recipe.



  • 1 egg yolk
  • 200 gr/0.44oz of cheese
  • 4 large potatoes
  • 1 scallion
  • 100 gr/0.22oz of butter
  • pinch of salt
  • 50 gr/0.11oz of sweet cream (without sugar)
  • little red ground pepper
  • little black ground pepper


Preparation time: 15 min.
Cooking time: 80 min.

Wash the potatoes and let them dry. Grease with little oil and place them in a pan with aluminum foil. Bake potatoes for an hour or until they soften, in heated oven at 200 degrees Celsius.
Once you remove them from the oven cut two-thirds of the wide side of the potatoes. Using a spoon, scrape out as much as you can from inside of the baked potato. Don’t throw the inside of the potato. Place it in a bowl which later will be added the other ingredients to fill the potato.

In the same bowl add the butter and finely chopped scallions. Stir with a fork, add a little black ground pepper, salt and red ground pepper. Add cheese, egg yolk and sweet cream. Stir nicely and taste it, if needed add spices.
Take the lid that you cut of the potatoes and put it at the bottom of the potatoes. Next take the mixture and fill the potatoes. Grease them with a little melted butter, add a little red ground pepper and bring them back another 20 minutes in the oven.

Enjoy in this side dish recipe.


Broccoli In Tomato Sauce

Broccoli does not form a closed bulbs flowers, their bulbs are composed of green to bluish light buds flowers, which are on conifers. Also, although very rare, but there are and other types of broccoli like:
– Purple
– Yellow
– And the rarest is white breed of broccoli
Broccoli, unlike of the most vegetables are less tasty if used fresh.



  • 30 ml Oil
  • little Parsley
  • 300 grams Tomato
  • 600 grams of broccoli
  • bit small spoon Pepper
  • pinch of salt


Preparation time: 30 min.
Cooking time: 35 min.

1. Boil the cleaned broccoli in salt water for short time. Then drain away, and store the water.
2. Add little oil in any pot, then add the juice from the tomatoes, season with salt, pepper and the finely chopped parsley, and mix it together.
3. Then add broccoli, and match the pot, boil over low heat, until the broccoli are fully softened.
4. If it necessary, add some water from the pot, which were boiled the broccoli.

Have a good appetite.

Children's Food Diet & Weight Loss Fruits Health

Apples Health Benefits

Whether you choose green, red or yellow apple, your body will thank you for every bite you take. Apples are rich in antioxidants, fiber and vitamins. Apples are remarkably rich fruit in vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and zinc and this juicy fruit contains fiber and many antioxidants that boost body’s defense system.

Therefore we can say that every apple is a mixture of substances with beneficial affect on your health and your look, explained as it follows:

  • Apples for whiter and healthier teeth

Eating and chewing an apple stimulates secretion of saliva in the oral cavity, which in return washes away bacteria and reduces risk of creating cavities. Presence of calcium additionally increases the positive effect of apples on your teeth.

  • Apples lead to perfect body line

Do not skip apples if you want to lose weight or maintain your body in a good shape. This fruit contains high amount of water and apples are also low in calories and rich in fiber which increases satiety. Experts say that it is enough to eat an apple before every meal to reduce the number of calories you enter.

  • Apples help digestion

If you go often to the bathroom or you can not get out of there, always take an apple. Apples are extremely high in fiber which improves the function of the digestive system. Apples are great remedy against diarrhea and constipation.

  • Apples strengthen the immune system

Your immune system will be grateful if you include apples in your diet regularly. They are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which fight free radicals in the body, thereby protect the body from many diseases.

  • Apples reduce cholesterol and act positively on heart and blood vessels  

The benefits apples have taking in consider the cardiovascular system come thanks to the pectin and unusual mix of polyphenols in the fruit. Apples reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and also the risk of wadded arteries and high blood pressure. Apples help in prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis.

  • Apples provide better breathing