Children's Food Dairy Fruits Health Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Which Vitamins And Minerals Do We Need

We present you a list of top 6 vitamins and minerals you need most for proper body function.

Vitamin B-6

This vitamin regulates our sleep, appetite and mood. It also contributes to proper function of our nervous system. There are many food products rich in vitamin B-6.

Bananas, sweet potatoes, chicken, grains are some of the food products containing largest amounts of vitamin B-6

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient which helps keeping nerve and blood cells healthy.
This vitamin improves our concentration and removes fatigue. It also increases production of hemoglobin – a protein found in red blood cells.

Yogurt, boiled egg, beef, turkey are some of the food products containing highest level of vitamin B-12

Folic acid

It is particularly important in the first weeks of pregnancy because it is responsible for proper development of baby’s brain and prevents deformation of baby’s spine.

Many fruit and vegetables are rich in folic acid. But lentils, spinach, leafy vegetables, peanuts, orange juice, broccoli, are some of the food products containing largest amounts of folic acid.


This vitamin strengthens our bones, teeth and muscles. Vitamin D-3 also protects us against various autoimmune diseases and breast and ovaries cancer.
The most important sources of Vitamin D-3 are: egg yolk, sardines, shark liver oil, soy products.


This mineral strengthens bones and teeth, and it also regulates blood pressure and relieves PMS symptoms. Calcium also contributes to consuming more calories and your body can store less fat.

Eat products rich in calcium more often to prevent osteoporosis, which usually occurs after the age of 50 and is more common in women than men.

The most important sources of calcium are dairy products including: Milk, yogurt, tofu… and almonds, salmon.


Key factor for proper brain function. Increases energy levels, prevents anemia and fosters creation of red blood cells.

Steak, peas, shrimp, sunflower seeds are some of the food products containing highest level of iron.


Steamed White Fish In Sauce

This is a really simple fish recipe, in which we mix the cucumber and the sweet gherkins with butter and white wine sauce. The origin of the recipe is from France, and it is excellent for the preparation of all kinds of fish, and even chicken.



  • 2 fillets white fish
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 large clove white onion
  • Full hand sweet gherkins
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 2 cups white wine
  • Potatoes
  • Salt and pepper
  • Olive oil


Step 1: Time for Chopping: chop the white onion. Next, chop the sweet gherkins on large pieces.
Then take the Cucumber and with peeling knife make a long strip cutting along.

Step 2: Melt the butter and add little oil in pot. Add the white wine, and simmer to mix the different strong flavors. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 3: Add the white onion, sweet gherkins, cucumber slices and let them to simmer. These tastes really great fit. Did you feel it, aren’t they?

Step 4: In a different pot, and the potatoes and boil them.

Step 5: Time to put fish fillets. Simply, add the fish in the pan and cover the roasting pan with the lid to create steam that will cook the fish. Let the fish to boil for 10 minutes.

Step 6: Serving: After boiling the potatoes, cut them, add the fish, and complete the serving by topping the fish and potatoes with sauce on top.

mmmmmmm Tasty…Have a good appetite!

Diet & Weight Loss Health

The Amazing Lemon Benefits

Lemon belongs to the group of citrus fruit, which includes orange, tangerine, grapefruit and many others fruit kinds. You can buy lemon in every market, it is cheap and multipurpose. Lemons are especially useful for our health. This yellow fruit contains a lot of high quality vitamin C and other vitamins (vitamin B, riboflavin) and minerals, including potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Lemon also contains proteins and carbohydrates.

Lemon peel is very helpful, because it is rich in vitamin P, and substances capable of destroying microbes. Lemon peel contains essential oils beneficial for normal blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis, strengthtens the immune system, cures headaches, nausea, fatigue, improves memory and concentration.

Lemon And Its Health Benefits

Lemon is used since ancient times because of its healing power. Experts recommend its use, because lemon can help lowering blood pressure, disposal of toxins from liver, reduces pain in arthritis, fights infections, prevents flu, fights against diseases of oral cavity and tongue, etc.

Lemon is also cure for stomach ache, because of its laxative effect. It also strengthens the immune system. If you have a flu or you’re cold, you must drink lemon juice. It will help you in the fight against cold and will also stop infections development. This happens because of its antibacterial and antiviral properties.

The Power of Lemon Water

It is very simple to prepare lemon water. All you need to do is mix lemon pulp and juice of half a lemon in warm water and then drink it. Lemon water is be very helpful for your body, i.e. it can detoxify your body.

Lemon water improves the ability of cleaning toxins out of your body

  • Acts as blood “cleaner” and improves the ability of cleaning toxins out of our body. Your skin can not look healthy if your body is full of toxins. When your body gets rid of toxins, it will first reflect on your skin. Your skin will look clean without any visible acne.
  • Helps with digestive problems – nausea, stomach acid, constipation and parasites and also in digestion.
  • Due to the large amount of vitamin C, lemon water is used in treatment of infections, wounds, allergies and sore throat.
  • Lemon water is a diuretic agent. This means it is very useful for people having urinary tract infections. Lemon water helps people with arthritis or rheumatism, because it is cleaning out toxins and bacteria.
  • Lemon juice and water mix can be very beneficial for pregnant women, because it helps the development of baby’s bones. Calcium contained in lemon is great for bones and teeth. Lemon contains potassium, which is beneficial for the brain and nerve cells.

Lemon And Your Body


5 Most Popular Nutritional Supplements For Better Health

There is a huge number of pharmaceutical and natural supplements people “swallow” to improve their health. In U.S. and Europe you can buy more than 6,000 natural supplements and according to local research fish oil, multivitamin, vitamin D, calcium and antioxidant “Coenzyme Q10” antioxidant are five most frequently consumed and popular supplements.

1. Fish oil

Incredible 76% of respondents are using fish oil containing omega-3 fatty acids regularly. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effect, proved to be beneficial to human health because help against cardiovascular disease and arthritis and even reduce the risk of cancer. Medical research shows that there is a lot of evidence for many positive effects of omega-3 fatty acids and almost no negative consequences.


According to study conducted in 2010, 70% of the respondents consumed multivitamins everyday (for comparison: in 2008 – 74%). Multivitamins are always useful and can not cause any side effects. The only thing you need is select mutlivitamins proper for your age and sex.

3. Vitamin D

More than 56% of the respondents are regularly consuming vitamin D (for comparison: in 2009 – 48% and in 2008 – 37%) and women are using it more than men. This vitamin is essential not only for easier absorption of calcium, but also helps in the prevention of cancer, particularly breast, colon and ovary cancer.

In addition, it is proven that Vitamin D helps regulating the immune system, reducing the risk of diabetes, even against depression. If you consume multivitamins, the required daily intake of vitamin D is included in the dose you take and for proper function of this vitamin we need 15 minutes of sun exposure every day.

4. Calcium

Calcium consumption is growing: it is consumed by 55% of respondents and most of them are women. Strengthens bones and reduces risk of osteoporosis.

Medical research shows that calcium also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and helps with normal blood pressure, against sharply weakening even in prevention of colon cancer. 25-45% of the daily required dose of calcium can be provided by consuming low-fat dairy products and vegetable.

5. Coenzyme Q10

“Coenzyme Q10″, also known as “CoQ10″ is used by 55% of respondents and most of them are men. It is created naturally in the human body (heart, liver, pancreas and kidneys) and is considered to be important for improving energy production in cells, especially for normal heart function. It has been proven that “CoQ10″ is heart-healthy and useful in preventing high blood pressure.


Most Delicious Winter Salad – Mexicana

Make this delicious salad. A real pleasure in these cold winter days.


  • 450grams chicken meat
  • 250grams feta cheese
  • 150ml yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon chili
  • 1 tablespoon red ground pepper
  • A bit black ground pepper
  • 1/2 tablespoon of tomato puree
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 chopped onion
  • sliced 1red and 1 green peppers
  • 175grams corn
  • 175 grams cooked rice
  • 1 lemon


Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cut the chicken meat into strips, simmer it in water and olive oil, drain it and place in salad bowl. In another bowl, mix the yogurt, spices, tomato puree, onions and pour over  the chicken meat.

Add the sliced peppers, corn and stir slowly until the dressing cover all the ingredients. The cooked rice place it in a bowl and the mixture of the chicken place in the center.  Then, over all that, add the feta cheese cut into cubes, and serve it with a green salad seasoned with lemon juice and dressing of oil mixed with spices.

Children's Food

How To Get Your Kids To Eat More Fruits And Vegetables?

Experts say that it is not true that children do not want to eat fruit and vegetable, which is a common excuse. In countries where fruit and vegetable are traditionally consumed in large quantities, parents have no problem making their children eat their anticipated and useful meals of fruit and vegetable every day.

Since children are learning from their parents and they are consuming enough fruit and vegetable, then without any problem, their children will consume these meals, too.

It is best for children at the age of 2-10 to consume fruit and vegetable served in “relaxed” atmosphere, i.e. not to do “drama” about it. As addition to any other food, serve fruits and vegetables to your children with their favorite food. Certainly it is not a good idea to force your children eat vegetable and fruit (or any other kind of food).

Also, you should not “blackmail” your children as we all know: “If you eat peas, you will get chocolate”. In this way, you are sending them the wrong message – that eating fruit and vegetable is bad but the award follows after they eat it.

If you have children older than 10 years, the best way to create an eating habit for them is keeping fruit and vegetable always “on hand”. That does not mean that the fridge should  be full of carrots, apples, kiwi, peach and other fruit and vegetable,  but you need to wash and clean them, then put them in a bowl and your child can eat whenever it feels hungry.

Keep in mind that most of the teenagers do not like to eat fruit and vegetable, because of the preventive affect on chronic diseases. If they are healthy, they are quite logical and normal and do not think much about diseases and eating fruit and vegetable.

Instead, indicate some other factors, such as: you will have more energy if you eat more fruit and vegetable, thus you will avoid further exposure of some weight loss diet and you will have a nice tan.

Be nice and kind with your kids and make “eating fruit and vegetable” be just another healthy habit for them, and remember, one day they will be grateful.


What Are The Health Benefits of Vitamin B3?

VitaminB3 is one of the 8 B vitamins that is also known as niacin.

Niacin belongs to the group of the B complex vitamins and act great on our overall health. It’s quite efficient when it comes to reducing and controlling the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The niacin is a vitamin with therapeutic qualities and can help us to treat many complaints and illnesses. Simply say, niacin is a vitamin B3, which is extremely important for the proper functioning of our body.

The most common shapes which is represented the niacin are: Nicotinic acid and niacinamide. When it comes to maintaining proper cell metabolism and absorption of carbohydrates, niacin is considered one of the crucial substances.

– Positive effects

This vitamin is mostly present in dairy products, poultry, fish, nuts and fatty meat. If you are a vegetarian, you should eat much larger quantities of nuts, to have no problems with the lack of niacin.

Also foods that are rich in niacin are: potatoes, corn, avocado and peas. When it comes to the numerous positive impacts of this vitamin to our general health it is necessary to mention improving circulation, maintaining the health of skin and encouraging and strengthening mental abilities and memory.

Niacin is also highly useful factor in the process by which it comes to creating additional energy necessary for work cells and body. It is effective for the treatment of respiratory and circulatory disorders and diseases.

– Digestion and increase the secretion of stomach fluids

Another in a series of positive characteristic of this vitamin is its potential to make even better functioning of the digestive system, and it is known that improving digestion, leads to beautiful skin and shiny appearance.

Niacin plays an important role in normalizing the secretion of stomach fluids, so it contributes to better digestion. Except that, stimulates our appetite, and work on the nerves.


– Regulation of blood cholesterol

It is known that a number of persons who suffer from heart disorders and heart disease are recommended higher dose of niacin, as it helps in reducing and regulating bad cholesterol in the blood. Niacin also helps in the prevention of useful cholesterol levels, which can prevent disease of the artery walls.

– Other positive effects of niacin

Apart from the mentioned positive effects, this vitamin is crucial in the treatment of palegra, as well as numerous skin and nervous disorders.

Fruits Vegetables

5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Multiple Colored Fruits & Vegetables

Most people know that eating fruit and vegetable during the day is very important for our health, but not many people know that fruit and vegetable should be varied and we should choose products in different colors and our body will fully absorb their health benefits.

Fruit and vegetable are very important for our health because they are complete food, created by nature and are also very rich in natural ingredients. Processed foods we commonly eat can never compare to the health benefits provided by strawberries or apples, tomatoes and broccoli, which contain fiber, vitamins, enzymes embedded within themselves.

The phrase “Eat the rainbow” is an easy way to remember that you should eat fruit and vegetable with different colors and maximize the intake of all useful ingredients.

1. Green
(Kale, Spinach, Melon, Kiwifruit, Green peas, Broccoli, Cabbage, Leafy Greens, Lettuce, Asparagus, Celery, Green Grapes, Green Onion…)

-Green vegetables contain chlorophyll, fiber, lutein, zeaxanthin, calcium, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Ingredients found in these vegetables reduce cancer risk, purify blood simulating blood transfusion, reduce harmful LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, also normalize digestion time of food, support eyesight and put the immune system in full activity.

(Red Raspberries, Watermelon, Strawberries, Cranberries, Red Apples, Beets, Red Beans, Sweet Cherries, Fresh Tomato, Kidney Beans, Red Cabbage)

-Fruit and vegetable with red color contain ingredients as lycopene, ellagic acid, quercetin and hesperidin. These ingredients act preventively against the risk of prostate cancer, lower blood pressure, reduce the growth of existing tumors and LDL cholesterol. Fight free radicals and in cases of arthritis provide support in joint mobility.

Children's Food Recipes

Vegetables Broth With Chicken

When cooking vegetable dish for the baby, you should use fresh foods because they have a better taste and smell, and are richer in nutrients.
Also if you prepare properly, they would to be richer in minerals and vitamins.
When your baby will start to eat a solid food, such as fresh fruit or vegetable, it is best to start with root vegetables, such as carrots, because it is naturally sweet.


  • 100 grams Pumpkin
  • 100 grams of spinach
  • 10 grams of butter
  • 30 grams Chicken
  • 100 grams Carrots
  • 500 milliliters of water


Wash and clean the vegetables. In a pot with water, add the cleaned vegetables, add the chicken meat and butter, and let them to boil.
All this once go soften, blend it, until you get a smooth mixture. Give it to your baby with small spoon.


Pizza Salad


  • 1 pizza dough
  • 50 grams baked Chicken
  • 50 grams Olives
  • 1 clove Onion
  • 100 grams of cream cheese
  • 100 grams Cucumber
  • 100 grams Tomato


Preparation time: 15 min.
Cooking time: 20 min.

Heat the oven, and bake the pizza dough. Once cooled, spread with cream cheese (thicker layer is nicer) and arrange the salad, but without the fluid prepared from chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and olives. Add the baked chicken meat.

This is a simple recipe and delicious.