Health Vegetables

Beetroot Health Benefits – Why Should We Eat Beetroot ?

-Beetroot has features which make him one of the most nutritious food products and is considered to be an ideal choice during winter months.

Besides being known by his anti-cancer substances, it is also well known source of folic acid. Beetroot contains organic pigments, carotenoids, and also contains antioxidants which protect our body from premature aging.

-Beetroot is rich in microelements such as iodine, copper and selenium and also contain minerals necessary for our body, including potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron.

-Beetroot cleans toxins out of our body and is the best natural remedy for treating anemia.

-Except these nutrients, beetroot is rich in betamin which is extremely important for blood vessels, liver function and also regulates blood pressure and reduces cholesterol level up to 40 percent.

-The color of his best antioxidant – anthocyanin prevents growth of tumor cells, so beetroots is great for protection against X-ray and radioactive radiation and is used as a medicine in treating consequences of these radiations.

Beetroot juice improves sport performance

Many athletes use energy drinks and caffeine as a stimulus before the match. A study led by the University of Exeter, published in 2009 in the “Journal of Applied Physiology”, said that beetroot juice contributes best when it comes to improving athletic endurance. This vegetable will not only result in strengthening athletic performance, but it also helps you boost your overall health.

Children's Food Recipes

Healthy Fruit Ice Cream

Follow these steps and make your own natural and healthy Ice Cream!



  • Low- fat vanilla yogurt
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Waffle ice cream cones

Wash both, strawberries and blueberries. Slice the strawberries.

In waffle cone, add a spoonfull of vanilla yogurt, then fruit, another spoonful of yogurt, and top it with fruit. I wouldn’t recommend doing more then 2 layers. It gets kinda messy if you do.
Put cones in the freezer, just until they’re chilled..right before they start to freeze (about an hour).

Then get them out of the freezer and enjoy this refreshing home-made ice cream.

Once defrosted, do not put them back into the freezer, as they will lose their taste and consistency.

Calories: Approximately 110 for one cone.

Other fun things to add: Dark choc chips, almonds, raspberries, white choc chips, endless possibilities…
Mmmmm Enjoy!


Potatoes Moussaka With Grated Cheese

Moussaka is traditional and popular dish in Balkan cuisine and Mediterranean cuisine. Prepare and enjoy in this tasty and healthy meal !



  • Pinch of salt
  • 250 grams of cheese
  • Little nutmeg
  • 1500 grams Potato
  • 250 grams sour cream
  • 250 grams sweet cream
  • Bit small spoon black ground pepper


Preparation time: 20 min.
Cooking time: 50 min.


Wash the potatoes and put them to boil in a salted water. Then drain, allow to cool, and peel them good . Cut into thin slices and arrange (one row) in rectangular but deep pan, coated with a nice layer of butter.

Make a mixture with the two types of cream cheese, season with salt, pepper and grated nutmeg.

Over the potatoes add the mixture, add another layer of potatoes, and so until as you’ll arranged all ingredients. The top shall be the potatoes covered with a grated cheese. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, and bake the moussaka for about 45 minutes.


Cinnamon And Honey – Health Benefits

Honey and cinnamon mixture can cure many diseases. This combination is used as a remedy for centuries. Cinnamon is one of the oldest known spices and the history of honey is almost as old as humanity…

Honey and cinnamon have curative properties and if you mix them together, you will get a cure with extraordinary power, aroma and taste. HealthyFoodHouse made a list of 10 diseases, which can be cured with the mixture of honey and cinnamon.

1. Hair Loss

People suffering from hair loss or baldness should prepare this mixture: mix one teaspoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply the mixture on  hair roots and wait for 15 minutes, then wash your hair. This mixture can be effective even if you keep it on your head for just 5 minutes.

2. Toothache

Make a mixture of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey. Place the mixture on the tooth and keep it for about 4-5 minutes. Repeat this 3 times a day.

3. Infertility

For thousands of years Greeks believed that consuming two tablespoons of honey every day before bedtime can cure infertility in men. People in China, Japan and the Far East believed that women should apply mixture of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon on the gums using their fingers. Absorbed in the saliva, this mixture will enter into the body and cure infertility in women.

4. Digestion problems

Mix one tablespoon of cinnamon powder with two tablespoons of honey and eat this mixture before meals. This will help your body digest even the heaviest meal.

5. Long life

It is believed that drinking tea with honey and cinnamon can prolong your life. Mix 4 tablespoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water, boil these ingredients and your tea is ready. Drink 1/4 cup, 3 to 4 times a day. Your skin will be soft and fresh and this tea will keep wrinkles away.

6. Acne

Mix 3 tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this mixture on acne-prone skin before bedtime and wash it well next morning, using warm water.

7. Skin infection

Mix honey and cinnamon, put the mixture on your skin, more precisely on infected places, wait for about 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

8. Cancer
-Recent research discovered that honey and cinnamon can help treating gastric cancer. Patients suffering from this type of cancer should eat a spoonful of honey and a spoon of cinnamon powder, every day, for three months.

9. Fatigue
-Mix half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass of water. Drink it in the afternoon when your fatigue is disabling all your activities. Daily consumption of this beverage would increase vitality within a week.

10. Bad breath
-Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with hot water. Every morning, rinse your mouth and your breath will stay fresh throughout the day.

Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition

Best Muscle Building Foods

What do you think, which food is the best to get ripped fast, nuts or fish? Most of the people know that protein intake is important because it helps building muscles.

But muscle growth is a process requiring nutrients other than proteins. Lifting weights and spending energy stored in the form of muscle glycogen, should be offset by a healthy portion of carbohydrates, which replenishes muscle glycogen reserves and increases insulin – a hormone important for delivering amino acids to muscles.


Therefore, we listed a few products rich in nutrients useful for muscle growth.


Many people do not eat meat, but how can you bring the desired protein amount in your body if you do not eat meat? The answer to this question is quinoa. It is a healthy grain that grows in South America and is considered to be rich in proteins, because it contains each of the nine essential amino acids. Quinoa also does not contain gluten, can be easily digested and contains fiber, magnesium and iron.

Having in mind all these nutrients, is not surprising that Incas called quinoa mother of all grains.


Almonds are another product rich in proteins as well. Just ¼ cup of almonds contains nearly 8 grams of protein, which is nearly 2 grams more than the value in one egg. Almonds are also an excellent source of unsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy.

Almonds also contain magnesium, a mineral, used in more than 300 biochemical body reactions and is also known as a helping hand in protein synthesis.

Low fat Mozzarella and Cottage cheese

Probably there is no bodybuilder who avoids including mozzarella or cottage cheese in his diet. Read the product label and you’ll know the reason. Just ½ cup of cheese contains 14 grams of protein, less than 80 calories and less than 2 grams of fat. Combine mozzarella or cottage cheese with every meal and consume a meal rich of protein.


When it comes to building muscles, fish is the biggest rival of chicken. If you take salmon for example, 100 grams of fish contain 25 grams of proteins.

Fish also contains other health-friendly nutrients. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids. It is also an excellent source of vitamin D. So, fish like tuna or salmon are simply the best choice of protein food for muscle growth.

The article continue on page 2…


Baked Drumsticks With Garlic Sauce

Seemingly it looks like breaded drumsticks or fried in deep fat fryers, but it is not. These drumsticks are slightly cooked and then baked in the oven, so these drumsticks are the best choice for your lunch or dinner with your family or with your friends. Enjoy!



  • 3 tablespoons salt
  • little rosemary
  • 4 tablespoons bread crumbs
  • 2 kg/4.4 pounds chicken drumsticks
  • 100 grams/0.2 pounds of Parmesan cheese
  • little oregano
  • 3 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • little Parsley
  • bay leaf (1 leaf)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2000 milliliters/8 cups of water
  • 10 grams hot spice (chili spice or cayenne spice)
  • 80 ml/1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
  • little red ground pepper
  • 2 small spoons black ground pepper


Preparation time: 15 min.
Cooking time: 60 min.

In a pot with cold water add the salt, balsamic vinegar, bay leaf, dried parsley, dried oregano, dried rosemary to boil. Then place the pot on the hotplate and when the water start to boil add the chicken drumsticks in the pot. It will take another 4-5 minutes for the water to start boiling again, and then allow the chicken drumsticks to be cooked for 15 minutes.

In this way, will give them a bit of “speed” in baking, and while boiling, they will receive tastes and will squeak more after being baked.

After 15 minutes, remove the drumsticks from the pot, allow to cool, and to dry as much as possible.
Meanwhile you can prepare the sauce.
Heat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
In a garlic bowl add the garlic, season with salt and slowly mash it until you get a nice creamy mixture.

Add the garlic in a large bowl, olive oil, a little red pepper, black pepper, hot spice, and mix them all. When the mixture is done, roll the drumsticks in a bread crumbs, and add them in the bowl. All this, mix it nice and grate some Parmesan cheese.

In a baking pan add a little olive oil and place the drumsticks across the entire pan. Before closing the oven, add a little more Parmesan cheese on any drumstick to get extra squeak.
Put them in the oven that is preheated, and bake for 25 minutes. Allow to cool and serve it.

General Recipes

Valentines Day – Full Menu, Cocktails, Sauce And Aphrodisiac Spices

We are all happy for the upcoming holiday celebrating love and wine. There is no need to buy expensive gifts, because like we all say, “love goes through the stomach”. It is time to start experimenting with food and be prepared for one of the most romantic and most beautiful days of the year.

Your partner will be happy and you will spend less money. We offer you full menu, breakfast, lunch and dinner, seasoned with spices providing aphrodisiac effect, salad sauce and some cocktails.

Full Menu

Romantic healthy breakfast:
-Boil few eggs, follow the steps in the picture below and surprise your beloved. It would be nice if you have heart-molded pan, put eggs in and make your desired hearts. If you have no breakfast, except heart-shaped eggs, prepare these healthy breakfasts.

-If you decide to surprise your partner with lunch, peel 3-4 potatoes and cut them in heart-shaped pieces. Add olive oil and your partner’s favorite spice and put the potatoes in oven. You can also prepare some chicken. If you have no idea, here are some healthy lunch ideas, but do not forget heart-shaped potatoes. Prepare some healthy salad with this healthy and romantic lunch.

-If your partner likes eating pizza, you can prepare pizza for your romantic dinner, but this time in a different shape. Use lots of cheese, chicken breast, tomatoes (in the 18th century tomatoes were considered to be an aphrodisiac and French, the famous lovers, nowadays call them “apples of love”), onions, oregano. After you bake it, cut the pizza in heart-shaped pieces. This will surprise your partner.

-If you dream of perfect Valentine’s day, do not forget healthy cookies and surprise your beloved with his favorite. You can cut them in heart-shaped pieces or add some decoration associated with love.

-Toast in the name of love with a glass of good wine or prepare some of these cocktails. But do not use too much alcohol.



1.  Love is…Margarita


-75 ml of chocolate milk (cold)
-25 ml of tequila
-25 g of mashed strawberries
-1 strawberry topped in chocolate

In thick glass, pour chocolate milk, tequila and strawberry puree. Stir good to obtain a homogeneous mixture and decorate with strawberry topped in chocolate.


2. Pink Margarita

-45 ml of tequila
-10 ml of Campari
-15 ml of fresh lemon juice
-15 ml of honey
– Ice

Add all ingredients in a shaker and shake them good. Put the mixture in a big bowl, decorate with lemon slice and mint leaf.

Salad dressing with garlic and onion

Heat in garlic lights up the fire of passion. It is best to consume it in couple – so you do not have to worry that bad breath will bother your partner!


  • 1/3 cup of lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup of honey
  • 1/3 cup of olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 large tablespoon of chopped sweet onion
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon of basil
  • Salt (not necessary)

Preparation time:
10 minutes

Add all ingredients in your blender, turn it on and quickly increase variable speed and then turn turbo speed for about 30 seconds, until you get a homogeneous structure of your dressing.
Pour it over fresh salad and enjoy.

Aphrodisiac Spices
Cinnamon has mild flavor and strengthens heart and restores body strength. Its aromatic smell and taste evokes a picture of youthful love.

Cinch is actually dried seed of an evergreen tree which grows in warm regions throughout the world. His sensual fragrance gives special flavor to your dish.

One of the most popular Eastern spices which gives food strong and piquant taste. It can be used fresh, or dried and ground.

This greasy walnut fruit from an Asian herb has strong aroma and should be used in small quantities.

Indian herb with aromatic seeds. Use it as a whole seed, because the ground cardamom quickly loses its flavor. In Asia, cardamom is also added in coffee.

We hope that our menu will help you have a special and healthy Valentine’s day and will also increase your desire for love. Healthyfoodhouse team is always here for you and we wish you HAPPY & HEALTHY VALENTINE’S DAY.

Fruits Health Vegetables

Foods Rich In Minerals And Their Benefits

Diet rich in vitamins and essential minerals can reduce cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, speed up wounds healing and increase fertility in men. Minerals are important components of all cells.

They are necessary for creation of blood, bones and in maintaining the health of the nervous and endocrine system, muscles and blood vessels.

The lack of any essential mineral, for example potassium, could cause heart problems.


Potassium plays an important role in body processes, such as nerve and muscle function, and maintenance of fluid balance.
If you suffer from high blood pressure or if you have heart problems, consuming potassium rich food is very important for you.

There is evidence that potassium lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of arrhythmia. Potassium is also protecting bones from osteoporosis and reduces the risk of kidney stone.

Although potassium is not directly associated with cholesterol, eating food rich in potassium can help reducing cholesterol levels in the body.

Potassium can be found mostly in orange juice, potatoes, bananas, avocados, tomatoes, broccoli, cantaloupe, apricots, strawberries, spinach and milk.

But, potassiumm can be also found in cabbage, eggplant, figs, plums, mushrooms, almonds, peanuts, cucumber, tuna, sardines, most meat products and fish.

Magnesium is important for healthy nerve and muscle functions (including heart functions). Magnesium has vital importance in proper bone growth. Whole grains, legumes, seeds and vegetables, soy products, nuts and mineral water are good sources of magnesium.

Bones contain even 98 percents of all calcium components in the body. The rest can be found in the blood, participating in metabolic functions. Calcium also plays an important role in controlling nerve potentials and muscle contractions. Dairy products, almonds and fish are the richest sources of calcium.


Zinc helps maintaining a healthy immune system. It is very important for the health of  reproductive organs, especially in men. Zinc can be found in meat, fish, peas, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms.

There is no cell in the body that does not contain sodium, so it can be found in all body fluids including blood, tears and sweat. Together with potassium and chloride, it provides proper liquid control, controlling muscle contraction and nerve cells function. Salt, salty foods and soya sauce are some of the food products containing this nutrient.

Iodine is responsible for proper development and function of thyroid gland, which is one of the central glands in the human body. Lack of iodine can cause an increase of thyroid gland, known in people as goiter. The best source of this mineral is iodized salt and yogurt and sea grass are quite good sources as well.

Healthy Drinks Recipes

Homemade Lemonade

Lemonade is the name given to the different types of juices. In the United States, Canada and Denmark, lemonade refers to not carbonated drink with sugar and water.

In the UK, Australia, Switzerland and New Zealand, the term refers to the colorful, lemon-flavored soft drink.

In India limonade (also known as “limbu paani”, refers to not carbonated drink with lemon juice, sugar and water, in which sometimes is added salt.


  • 300 milliliters/1.3 cups Mineral Water
  • 100 grams/0.220 pounds Honey
  • 3 Lemons


Preparation time: 30 min.

Get a zest grater or just a cheese grater, take 2 lemons and grate it with the grater, the third lemon peel into spirals and place it in one bowl.
Drain the lemon juice from the lemons and mix it with honey, add the lemon zest, cover it and leave it for 1 hour.

Drain the mixture (lemon juice,honey and lemon zest) and then take medium-sized cup and fill it to half with lemon juice and the rest with mineral water.

Enjoy in this refreshing healthy juice!

Health Natural Remedies Vegetables

Cabbage – Natural Cure For Stomach Ulcer!

Cabbage contains natural ingredients acting like drugs used in ulcer treatment. The fact that cabbage can help treating ulcer, was proved in the 1950′s, in the attempts of Dr.Garrett Cheney, at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Stafford.

He showed that about 1.1 liter of fresh cabbage juice a day, helps alleviate the pain and treat the gastric(stomach) ulcers,which is successful and better than standard therapies.

One if the benefits cabbage provides strengthening the resistance of stomach mucosa against acid attacks. Cabbage contains gefarnate -compound similar to carbenoxolone, a remedy used in ulcers treatments.

In fact, these compounds stimulate cells form a thin barrier given the role of a shelter, protecting them from acid attacks. Indian Central Drug Research Institute healed guinea pigs suffering from ulcer only by using cabbage juice.

During the treatment, microscopic images of cells experienced extensive changes, proving that cabbage juice speeds up mucus activity which rebuilds damaged cells, leading procedure to full recovery.

Cabbage has antibiotic properties as well. Laboratory experiments, proved that cabbage destroys an array of bacteria, including bacteria Pylori, which is considered to be the main cause for stomach ulcer.

So, prepare some cabbage juice or prepare cabbage and serve it as a fresh salad for your healthy lunch!