Healthy Drinks Recipes

15 Fruits & Vegetables Juice Recipes

Eating fruits and vegetables is as good definitely! But with juicing you can intake huge amounts that you wouldn’t otherwise, saving all that chewing and digestion.

Also, some veggies and fruits are difficult for some people to digest, so juicing is a great way to get their benefits- and it’s like instant cell food!


Here are some healthy juice recipes:


  • 2 green apples
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 3-4 leaves kale or 1 small bunch of “kai-lan”
  • 1/2 cup broccoli with stem
  • 1/4 lemon with peel or 1 small sour lime with peel
  • A thumb-sized piece of ginger


  • 2-3 grapefruit
  • 1 head kale or romaine
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 3 apples
  • 1/2 bunch cilantro and a sliver of ginger


  • 3 green apples
  • big handful spinach
  • 1/4 of a green cabbage
  • fresh cilantro and parsley
  • 1 slice lemon w/ peel
  • 3/4″ ginger
  • 3 celery stalks
  • 1/2 cucumber


  • 2 granny smith apples
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1 cup purple kale (milder) and 1″ ginger.



  • 4 golden delicious apples
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1-2 kale leaves
  • 1 celery stalk
  • Handful of spinach


  • Kale
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Spinach
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Lemon
  • Mint & Wheatgrass


  • 1 apple
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 3 leaves of collard greens (or kale)
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • ginger


  • 2 green apples
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 2 cucumbers
  • lime juice
  • ginger
  • ice


  • 2 Green Apples
  • 5 Carrots
  • and thumb nail size piece of Ginger


  • 2 Long sprigs Watercress
  • 2 Fresh Dandelion Leaves
  • 1 Beet
  • 2 celery Sticks
  • 1 Apple
  • To Boost this, add teaspoon of Apple cider or a squeeze of Lemon.


  • 3 leaves of kale
  • 1 apple
  • 1/4 beet root
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 1/2 carrot
  • small knob ginger
  • 1 nectarine and ice


  • Kale
  • spinach
  • apples
  • cucumber
  • carrots
  • orange and lemon


  • 1 beet
  • 1 apple
  • 2 carrots
  • half cup broccoli
  • 2 kale leaves


  • Juice 1/2 lemon (with peel if using masticating juicer)
  •  2 teaspoons ginger root juice (or less if you don’t want too pungent)
  •  Stir 1-2 tablespoon/s raw honey in 500 ml (or 1/2 quart) very warm water
  • -Tear a few mint leaves to release the minty aroma
  •  Mix all the above in a big glass and add ice if you like it cold.


  • 1.5 Frozen Bananas
  • Half of lime, peeled
  • 1 Orange, juiced
  • 1 Handful of mint
  • Half a cup of coconut water, or water
Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

Weight Loss Drinks – What To Drink And What To Avoid?

If you want to lose weight you should be careful of what you eat, but almost equally important is to look out for what to drink. The  drinks can be amazing fat burners, but also they can be  “an energy bomb” with a lot of hidden calories. HealthyFoodHouse advise you – which drink is in and which is out when you’re on a weight loss diet ..


The water has positive impact on our metabolism. We advise you to drink two glasses before each meal. It will prevent you to overeat and will also give you a feeling of satiety. Otherwise during the day you should drink an average of 8 glasses of water. Just beware of drinking to much water because excessive consumption of water discarding vitamins and minerals from the body.


You can freely drink coffee. But, of course, without milk and sugar. That would be ideal –  because coffee speed up our metabolism, and also has a negligible number of calories.

Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated Drinks – definitely should be avoided because they contain lots of calories and sugars.If you are a carbonated drinks lover you should replace them with fruit drinks or better yet with mineral water.

Fruit juices

Fruit juices – only freshly squeezed fruit. For sure you will know that is 100% natural juice, without added sugar. If it is too acidic you can diluted with water.

Vegetable juice – contain less calories than the fruit juice.


Be careful because most alcoholic drinks contain a lot of calories. The calories are mostly found in liqueurs and cocktails.


Tea is a healthy drink that can be drink freely, but without sugar. Especially it is recommended green tea which is an an excellent weight loss drink and also acts as a “cleaner” of the body and improves the body’s ability to throwing out the toxins.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar – is recommended to drink every morning a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in water. It gives a feeling of satiety throughout the day and speed up our metabolism.

Lemon Water

Lemon contains antioxidants, which regulate blood sugar levels and reduce hunger. Also, people who consume large amounts of lemon juice, they easily lose weight, because of the vitamin C that speed up the metabolism.


Quick Potatoes Stew

Delicious and healthy stew for your family. It is easy and quick recipe that you will like it.


  • little salt
  • 4 large potatoes, peeled and grated
  • 2 cups of sour cream
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 large carrots, grated
  • 1 stalk celery, grated


Preparation time: 20 min.
Cooking time: 30 min.

In a large saucepan over medium heat, heat the water, meanwhile add salt.
Then add the grated potatoes, carrots, celery, parsley and sour cream into the water and cook it for about 20 minutes.
Stir well and serve.
Enjoy it!


Spirulina – Health And Nutritional Benefits

Spirulina is one of the healthiest food supplements, and is used worldwide for its nutritional and medicinal properties.

Spirulina is a single-cell blue-green algae which live in freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes and rivers. This microscopic life form is very easily digestible, which allows all its nutrients to be absorbed easily into our body. Every pound of spirulina contain amazing amount of nutrients.

Spirulina contain over 65% complete protein (300% more than fish, meat or poultry, and this protein is without cholesterol). “Complete protein” means that it contains all eight essential amino acids that our body needs. These proteins are easily digestive and more concentrated from any animal protein.

It is also very rich in chlorophyll, iron (about 58 times more than spinach), calcium, magnesium, Cali, zinc, antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, all the B vitamins (including B12, which is almost never found in plants), beta-carotene and essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9). Also, spirulina contain twelve non-essential amino acids, nucleic acids and lipids, which play an important role in our health.

We all know that fish is a good source of essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9). But most of us wondered do the fish contain or produce these omega acids – the answer is “no.” The biggest part of the omega acids they get by consuming algae such as Spirulina.

These omega acids play an important role in the prevention of heart disease, reduce bad cholesterol, reducing the severity of osteoporosis, depression, diabetes and other diseases.

Spirulina is one of the best ingredients for detoxification of the body, including the treatment of heavy metal poisoning, mercury, drugs and chemical contaminants.

People who consume spirulina have increased energy and vitality. Spirulina is excellent remedy for anemia, bulimia, problems with digestion, also improves nutrient absorption in the body and improves the immune system through powerful antiviral function.

Some people consume spirulina in a way that they mix the spirulina powder just with water and without any other additives (and if you’re one of them, you are probably seafood lover!).

If you do not like the taste and smell of spirulina, we propose to consume spirulina in a way that you will mix the spirulina powder with some juices. Here are some examples for spirulina smoothies:

– Smoothie with oranges, spinach, kiwi fruit and spirulina powder
– Smoothie with oranges, kiwi, Swiss chard, banana and spirulina powder
-Smoothie with oranges, apples, pears, lettuce, basil and spirulina powder

If you want to buy Spirulina Powder Healthy Food House can help you!
On this link you can buy Organic Spirulina Powder: Nutrex Hawaii Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica Powder, 16-Ounce Bottle

For the end chose organic and genetically unmodified spirulina, to make sure that you get real super-nutrient.


Primavera Salad

Prepare and enjoy in this delicious salad !



  • pinch of salt
  • 100 grams cheese
  • 100 grams corn
  • 1 Pepper
  • 100 grams carrots
  • 250 grams macaroni
  • a bit of parsley
  • 100 grams green peas
  • 100 grams green beans
  • 200 ml yoghurt
  • tbsp black ground pepper


Preparation time: 10 min.
Cooking time: 15 min.

In water with salt add the macaroni and boil it.  When boiled take it away from the pot, drain it, rinse it with cold water and drain it again.
In another pot, boil the carrots, green peas, green beans and corn.
When the vegetables are boiled, take it out  from the pot and drain it. Chop the green beans and carrots in small cubes.

Clean the pepper and chop into cubes.
In a bowl put the drained macarons, add the vegetables, grate the cheese and mix everything together with yoghurt.
Season with salt and pepper and add the chopped parsley.


Health Vegetables

Tomatoes Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

Tomatoes belong to the group of fruits although commonly used as vegetables. They are a rich source of nutrients. They have existed since the time of the Mayans.

Tomatoes are source of numerous vitamins and minerals, but also tomatoes are excellent source of quick energy for your body. Tomatoes contain natural fruit sugars, glucose and fructose, which provide the quick energy for the body.  A cup of fresh tomatoes contains 28 calories, 2.5 grams of sugar and 1.5 grams of fiber.

Tomatoes have a very small amount of fat and their cholesterol level is 0. They are an excellent source of antioxidants, fiber, minerals and vitamins. Because of all the nutrients they contain, many nutritionists include them in any diet to reduce cholesterol levels and weight loss.

So here are the best nutrients that are present in the tomato:

Vitamins C, B and A

Tomatoes like many other fruits, such as oranges, strawberries etc… are great source of vitamin C. Consuming one cup of tomatoes are satisfying 32 percent of the daily needs for C vitamin for women and 13 percent for men. Vitamin C helps to absorb the iron in our body. Vitamin C is especially important for our health because it protect us against cold.

Also tomatoes contain moderate amounts of B vitamins such as folic acid, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and minerals. A cup of tomatoes provides 12 percent of the daily needs for vitamin B-6, which is really helpful for the brain function. Vitamin A is present in tomatoes with the antioxidants. All together improve the vision and maintain the health of the mucous membrane and bone.

Rich in magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc

All these nutrients that are present in tomatoes are stimulate the digestion, cleanse your intestines and maintaining your weight. Also tomatoes have positive affect on our mood. One tomato juice in the morning, gives you energy and help to reduce the stress.


Tomatoes are one of the best sources of lycopene. Lycopene is a red pigment that is present in tomatoes, and provides the color of the tomatoes. The antioxidant properties of lycopene can protect our immune system from destructive free radicals, molecules that can damage cell DNA. According to the American Cancer Society, lycopene may help protect against some cancers, such as lung cancer and stomach cancer.

If you are trying to reduce your weight, your diet is very important to your success. You should avoid foods that are high in saturated fats. Tomatoes are great for weight loss.

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

Healthy Fat Burning Smoothies

In the struggle with excess weight and melting fat, fruits and vegetables smoothie can help you. They supply your body with vitamins, gives you energy, and will easily become part of your diet.

You need to drink at least two cups a day to make it easier the fight against excess weight and to get your desired shape.


1. Tomato and cranberry smoothie

This drink will not only help you to get rid of toxins that contribute to increase your weight, but will satisfy the need for sweet. The recipe is very simple: in a blender mix it, ½ cup chopped tomatoes, ½ cup cranberry and one teaspoon of honey.

2. Pineapple and grapefruit smoothie

If you are a lover of drinks from tropical fruits, this is the real recipe for you. Regular consumption of this mixture will help you to lose your weight in a healthy way. Mix 4 pineapple slices with half a grapefruit chopped into small pieces, 1 teaspoon honey and ice if you want. This mixture will be a tasty addition to your breakfast, and true refreshment at any time of the day.

3.Strawberry Smoothie

Strawberries are used in each diet because of their power to flush out the toxins from the body. For this smoothie you need to put in a food processor 2/3 cup full of strawberries and a glass of soy milk or low-fat milk. You must drink this smoothie while you are having breakfast, and this drink will provide you with the necessary energy for the whole day, and to speed up your metabolism.

4.Bananas and pears smoothie

For this mix, you need two bananas and half a cup of finely chopped pears and ice. All these put in a food blender, and mix it. The positive weight loss effect of this drink you will feel after a few days. Make sure to use organic fruits!


Healthy Fresh Mushroom Soup

Delicious soup that will keep you warm in the cold winter days….



  • 1 clove of onion
  • 250-300 g /0.55-0.66 lbs fresh mushrooms (chopped)
  • 1 large carrot (chopped circles)
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic (chopped)
  • 1 potato
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1 soup cube
  • Bit salt, curry and black ground pepper


Chop the onion, fry it to get soft in a bit of healthy oil, made from plan sources. Add the chopped garlic and the mushrooms. If necessary, add a little water and leave to simmer for 10 minutes.

Add the chopped carrots, chopped potato (larger pieces) 1 liter/4 cups of hot water, soup cube and spices.

After boiling the potato, mash it and return to the soup.

Mix the sour cream with a little water and add this mixture to the soup. Optional, at the end, add chopped parsley.

Good appetite!

Fruits General

Food Trend: Which Is The Best Fruit For 2013?

Have you ever heard about the pitaya fruit? (The same fruit is known in America under the names of “Pitahaya” or “Pitaya)
This unusual fruit that is also called “dragon fruit” has been declared as a super food for the current year.

Pitaya belongs to the group of cactuses, has a distinctive pink look, can be eat fresh, and those who have tasted say that the dragon fruit had a light, mildly sweet and refreshing flavor.

This is a healthy fruit, that is low in sugar and high in fiber, also contains a lot of antioxidants, rich in vitamin C and calcium, which makes it an excellent food for all those who want to boost immunity.

Stimulates the excretion of toxic substances from the body, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and prevents the formation of free radicals, that can cause cancer.

Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Low - Fat Protein Foods

The Best High Protein Foods In The World

Proteins, in addition to fats and carbs are the most important components of any food. Experts still debate over proper protein intake, but generally most of the nutritionists have some consensus that women aged between 19 and 70 should consume not less than 46 grams of protein, and  men of the same age not less than 56 grams of protein.

Proteins play important role in diet in general, but mostly in diet of athletes, so we listed top 10 protein sources:

1. Cheese

100 grams of Parmesan, depending on the type, contains 35.8 to 41.6 grams of protein. If parmesan is too expensive for you, feel free to replace it with hard cheese. Choose dry and mature hard cheese. When you buy cheese gently press it with your fingers and select the hardest piece. It is a good sign that the piece has solids and proteins.

2. Roast soybeans

Roasted soybeans are an excellent source of vegetable protein. You can buy roast soybeans in any better equipped shop packed in small packages, ready to be consumed as great protein snack. 100 grams of roasted soy contain about 40 grams of pure protein. High protein level (50%) is highlighted on some roast soybeans packings, found in shops.

3. Veal and beef

It is very important to choose lean cuts of beef and veal. 100 grams of meat contains 36 grams of protein.

4. Pumpkin seeds and watermelon seeds! 

100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain 33 grams of proteins, 100 grams of watermelon seeds contain 28 to 31 grams of high quality proteins. We suppose you are surprised by the fact that watermelon seeds are placed on this list, but it’s just another proof that you are not familiar with eastern food habits. In some African countries including Nigeria, watermelon seeds are used in some soups and stews and people in several Asian countries collect and roast water melon seeds and the serve these roast seeds as snacks. But it is not recommended for people who are trying to lose weight to consume watermelon seeds because watermelon seeds contain 50% fat and have a high calorific value.

5. Chicken, turkey, lamb and pork

100 grams of chicken contain about 32 grams (white meat) of protein and 100 grams of pork contain 30 grams. Lamb and pork lean meat is a good source of protein.

-100 grams of tuna contain about 30 grams of protein and 100 grams of trout contain about 27 grams of protein.

7. Caviar
-If you can afford eating caviar… – 100 grams of caviar contain about 28 grams of protein.

8. Yeast Extract Spread
-Contain 27.8 grams of protein.

9. Crabs and lobsters
100 grams of pure crab and lobster meat contains about 26 grams of protein. We have no information about shell’s protein composition and we would not recommend you consume it.

10. Peanuts
-100 grams of peanuts contain 23.7 grams of protein. Unfortunately, the calorific value of peanuts is big and peanuts should be consumed carefully and not too often.