Diet & Weight Loss General

10 Motivational Weight Loss Quotes

1. Do what is the best for you.

Julius Erving: “If you’re not doing what is best for your body, you are the one who lose.” This is one of the strongest motivational quotes for weight loss. The truth is simple, if you do not worry about yourself, and your own body, you lose! Your health will suffer, your line, your mind… Why?
-Just do what is the best for you!

2. “I can’t” is not the answer.

An unknown author: “Instead of looking for excuses why I can’t, I will look for reasons why I can.” Do not let the “I can’t” become too often used word in your vocabulary.

3. Do not give up.

Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never, never give up.” Churchill was one of the best orators, but in this short sentence, he said a lot. Therefore, except for other areas in life, also this applies to your weight loss. Do not give up, even when it seems most difficult.

4. Visualize!

David Viscott: “Just imagine that you are the person you want to be.” Frequently, visualization is the key to lose weight. Imagine yourself with your desired body, and work for it. At some point in the future, this wish will come true.

5. Try and try again!

Marvin Phillips: “The difference between ‘try’ and ‘beat’ is very small.” As long as you’re trying, you are already winning. The most important thing is to be determined. It is difficult to reach the desired weight, but ultimately worth it.

6. Stay healthy!

Lay Hunt: “The basis of all happiness is health.” If you’re healthy, you’re happy. When you lose weight, you need to focus on improving health, and with healthy body, the weight loss becomes a natural process, and later healthy eating will become your lifestyle.

7. Start now!

Carl Sendburg: “Now is the time. It is never too late to start something. ” It’s easiest to postpone the obligations for tomorrow. If you find it hard to start, read one of the quotes. Remember that the present moment is all we have, so start now.

8. No waiver.

Roger Bannister: “The man who goes on, even when it’s the hardest to be the winner.” Compete only against yourselves. Diets and weight loss is a difficult process, but even when it’s most difficult, just remember the goal, and continue with full force.

9. Do not feel inferior.

Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior, if you do not let him.” When you are overweight, you may feel less attractive than anyone else, but it all depends on YOU and your self-image.

10. Mind over the material.

Vince Lombardi: “God gave you a body that can lodge almost. Only need to convince the mind”. Weight loss is a victory of the mind over the material. First of all, you have to start to lose weight in your mind, and later to see the results on a physical level. If you feel good inside, it will be transferred to your physical appearance.

Sometimes we all need some motivation. These quotes gave me the required motivation, and I make my goal. Now I’m fit, I’m eating healthy, and I’m happy!
I recommend to read these motivational quotes more often, and to stay motivated through your weight loss.

You can make it!
Just believe in yourself,
Eat healthy, exercise regularly,
Never give up, try to smile often, and reach your GOAL!

Beauty Health Herbs & Oils

Amazing Herbal Oils For Skin Care

Most of the people do not like the idea of herbal oil massages, because it reminds them of oily, shiny skin. But they are wrong, because the herbal oils are the basis for the proper feeding of the skin.

Herbal oils are rich in a whole range of ingredients and vitamins, which help you to care and feed your skin, whether you have dry, oily, sensitive or skin prone to acne.

For proper care, you need to use high quality herbal oil. This means that in the process of preparing the herbal oil, the temperature must not exceed more than 65 ° C, because it would also damage all molecules and vitamins that are found in the herbs.

Also all of these herbal oils have a very affordable price, and you do not need any knowledge on how to use, so forget about the all excuses, and start to take care for your skin properly.

Argan oil is rich in oleic and linoleic acid, carotene and vitamin E. Suitable for dry, mature skin, helps in regeneration, so it is often used to control dermatitis and psoriasis.

Avocado oil – rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E and beta-carotene. It has dark green color, sweet taste and can be quickly absorbed by the skin. It is ideal for the care of dry, dehydrated and mature skin, and skin prone to infections.

Almond oil – it is recommended for sensitive children’s skin care, and also helps in the care of dry and sensitive skin, prone to itching and irritation.

Hazelnut oilis one of the best natural tanning oils. It is also one of the best fast absorbing oils. Suitable for oily skin, skin prone to acne, sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation.

Walnut oil – fast-absorbing oil with a mild aroma. Contains palmitoleic acid, that is contained in the sebum (natural fatty substance in the skin), so it is ideal for the treatment of dry and dehydrated skin.

Wild Rose oil – this is one of the most precious cosmetic oils. This oil will provide you with amazing results in the regeneration of damaged skin, scars, burns, stretch marks, wrinkles, acne … Because it is very difficult to find this oil, you can use oil of St. John’s wort, because they have very similar features.

Sesame oil– rich in vitamins, minerals, lecithin, linoleic and oleic acid. It is ideal for the care of sensitive skin prone to irritation. The main function of this oil, is to remove dirt from the pores, so it is recommended for smoker’s skin care, and for those who fight against cellulite.

All these oils are very useful for our skin, but that does not mean that you have to limit yourself, so you can always add some essential oil of your choice. These oils are suitable for face skin and body skin and also are excellent for hair care.

Our helpful advice: if you are afraid of beeing all over in oily layer, you can make your own mixture consisting of half a bottle of herbal oil by your choice, and the other half recharge with water. Always shake it before use. You’ll have no oily traces, because the oil will be absorbed faster into your skin.

Health Vegetables

Horseradish – A Powerful Keeper Of Your Health

Horseradish is a powerful keeper of human health, especially in winter days. It is a natural antibiotic, useful for improving circulation, and it’s a good protector of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

Horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia) has been used for centuries, and is believed to have originated in Eastern Europe or Western Asia, and also its root since ancient times has been known to the people. Alternative medicine experts say that horseradish is one of the most powerful natural spices and a true gift from God.

When the horseradish is young, it has spicy and “hot” taste, no smell, but during chopping the horseradish, almost always causes tears in your eyes.

The nutritional status of horseradish

Young and fresh chopped horseradish contains about 100 mg of vitamin C in 100 grams horseradish, so this nutritional status place the horseradish high on the list of foods rich in vitamin C.

Horseradish is really beneficial antibiotic, and except that, it improves circulation, participates in the detoxification of the body and speeds up metabolism.

Also, it contains high levels of calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, glutamine, glucose, acid sulfate and essential oils. Nutritionists are recommending horseradish especially during the winter, and in seasons of flu and colds.

Horseradish use

However horseradish can be used throughout the whole year. From horseradish are prepared teas, syrups and various coatings.

Especially is useful when it comes to the digestive system – only 15-20 drops of horseradish juice can significantly improve the digestion, in a way that stimulates the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices, to helps in repairing of digestive epithelium, and most importantly helps in restoring the normal intestinal bacterial flora, which is a key condition for good digestion.

Horseradish has been used since long ago against lung inflammation, sneezing, coughing, gout and scurvy. Alternative medicine experts especially recommend the horseradish for people with kidney problems and for diabetics.

They say horseradish should be in the top 5 most popular foods especially in winter, because its benefits are really great. An interesting fact is that many people backward through the ages, believed that horseradish has aphrodisiac powers.

The article continue on page 2…

Diet & Weight Loss

Get Rid Of Cellulite – Use Cinnamon

Cellulite is a problem that affects 90 percent of women, according to the CNN article “Elusive search for cellulite cure continues.” Dermatologists have confirmed that cinnamon melt cellulite. Also it has been proven that cinnamon extract improves the look of your skin.

Sounds like a dream, right? But dermatologists at the University of Grenoble say that the extract of cinnamon is one of the most effective cellulite removers. In the conducted experiment were involved 80 women who had this cosmetic problem. And the results were excellent.

Half of the participants were exposed to a special anti-cellulite masks and massages, while the rest of the women were treated with cinnamon oil obtained from the dried bark of the plant.

It has been shown that in the second group, cellulite was decreased for 60% and only for 10% in the first group.

The amazing effect of this spice, is due to the rich concentration of antioxidants and other beneficial substances. Cinnamon extract stimulates the regenerative ability of the cells, improves the supply of nutrients and energize the cells. Cinnamon has the ability to normalize the exchange of substances in the skin, which leads to burn more calories and losing weight, so  get rid of cellulite – use cinnamon !

Our advice is to add regularly little cinnamon in your juices or coffee and you will see the effects of this amazing cellulite removal.

Diet & Weight Loss Health Herbs & Oils

Top 6 Herbs And Their Health Benefits

These top six herbs will help you in the detoxification of the body,speed up the metabolism, reduce the appetite, and help in weight loss.

The leaves and roots of nettles are the most important ingredients of tea and herbal drops. They help to purify the blood, stimulate the liver to work better, clean the fat from blood, and help to increase the circulation. Also, the nettle helps in the digestion of fatty foods.


-Chamomile essential oil helps in gastritis and hepatitis, stimulates perspiration, boost the metabolism, helps in bloating and nausea. Chamomile is the first herb that has a mild sedative effect – helps against stress, anxiety, hunger, soothes and improves sleep.

– Also called balm gentle, or lemon balm. Used as a scent in perfumery, as a flavouring in such foods as soups, salads, sauces, and stuffings, and as a flavouring in wine, liqueurs, and fruit drinks. Calms and relaxes the body, reduce the pain and spasms and also improve your sleep. Balm was used in medicinal teas, as a diaphoretic.

-Blueberry leaves contain a large amount of anthocyanin and Vaccinium angustifolium Ait – substance that regulates the blood sugar, stimulate the pancreatic work, and in general the whole metabolism. Blueberry fruits increase the blood circulation and improve the function of kidney, liver and bile.

Hibiscus tea contains 15-30% organic acids, including citric acid, malic acid, and tartaric acid. Hibiscus flowers usually contain a large amount of fruit acids and vitamin C. It also contains acidic polysaccharides and flavonoid glycosides, such as delphinidin and cyaniding, that give its characteristic deep red colour.

-Fruits of anise, with their essential oils help in bloating, gastritis, stomach and liver pain. Anise helps in the digestion of fatty foods. It’s used in respiratory diseases: inflammation of the throat, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma. Anise also has been used to treat menstrual cramps.
Anise Tea(how to use)
2-5 grams of dried and “crushed” anise fruit pour with 150 ml boiling water. Leave it covered about 15 minutes, and drain it. During the day drink 2 to 4 cups of fresh tea between meals.


Healthy Tuna Pizza

Tuna, salmon, sardines and other seafood that are rich in omega-3 fatty acid have been proven to help in reducing the body fat, especially belly fat. Studies have shown that people who eat tuna twice a week, lose fat more efficiently, and without changing customary diet and lifestyle.

Tuna is a fish of the family Scombridae. Unlike most fish, which have white flesh, the muscle tissue of tuna ranges from pink to dark red.


  • 300 grams tuna (canned)
  • 1 thinly sliced red onion
  • 200 grams of shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 package softened cream cheese
  • 1 package pre-baked pizza crust
  • Tomato sauce
  • Oregano


Preparation time: 20 min.
Cooking time: 40 min.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
Drain the tuna nicely, and cut with a fork. In a bowl, mix the tuna, tomato sauce and oregano. Spread the softened cream cheese on the pizza crust and then sprinkle the tuna mixture over the pre-baked pizza crust. Add the sliced onion and shredded mozzarella cheese.
Bake in pre-heated oven at 200 degrees C until the cheese started to brown.

Have a good appetite and enjoy in this healthy and tasty tuna pizza!

General Health

Facts You Need To Know About Coffee

Lovers of the coffee know well that caffeine is a stimulant. Drinking too much coffee can cause health problems, but many studies proved that moderate consumption of coffee can have a good impact on your health. Here are some interesting facts you need to know about coffee.

The good side of caffeine
-Caffeine stimulates the production of dopamine, which activates the brain area, which is responsible for productivity and alertness. Cup of coffee can improve your mood.


The bad side of caffeine
-After drinking more than 500 milligrams of coffee, which is approximately amount of four cups of coffee, caffeine may cause nervousness, sleeplessness and irregular heartbeat.
Some studies have shown that caffeine can reduce the ability of the bones to absorb calcium, and also to increase the blood pressure(in short term), so we are advising to people with high blood pressure to watch their intake of caffeine.

Caffeine may reduce risk of stroke
-In a recent study which were involved 83,000 women, was found that women who drink coffee, have a lower risk of stroke.

Caffeine can help in hyperactivity
-Although, once thought that caffeine is the cause of hyperactivity, now is considered that it could be a potential cure for this disorder, because in small amounts, caffeine increases the ability to concentrate.

Caffeine does not help in losing weight
-Although it is believed that coffee without the calories is a great part of the diet, researchers have not yet confirmed that coffee helps in losing weight. Caffeine can speed up the metabolism, but large amounts of caffeine on the other hand causes a higher production of cortisol, the stress hormone that is related with obesity and of course, stress.

Caffeine by inhalation may be the future
-One of the latest methods of consuming caffeine is “AeroShot”, inhaler with the size of a lipstick that contains vitamins B, and 100 grams of caffeine, i.e. the amount of a cup of coffee.
How is using?
-You need only to take a breath from it(dust form), and it will melt in your mouth immediately.

Beauty Health Herbs & Oils

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and Its Uses

Simply said, coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils that can be used in the diet, the safest cosmetic product in the market, and required component of everyone’s drug locker. Today we will learn more about the health benefits of coconut oil and its uses.

Coconut is composed of about 50% of lauric acid, the same acid found in breast milk, which actually is the only other good known source of lauric acid. This acid, gives the coconut oil an amazing antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, and is useful both, for internal and external use. Coconut is rich in nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals.


-Many studies have shown that, the consumption of coconut oil can be very useful to our body, to build resistance to viruses (which cause influenza, measles, hepatitis, herpes) and bacteria (responsible for ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and gonorrhea), also fungal infections and candida. It also positively affects on the thyroid, and controls the blood sugar.

Coconut oil contains a healthy form of saturated fat, which means its consumption helps in speeding up the metabolism, while giving more energy (fuel for the brain and muscles) and greater stamina. All these affect in the loss of excess weight, and maintain a healthy and balanced weight.

Fruits Health

Orange – King Of Fruits

Orange is richest source of antioxidants of all fruits, stimulates the digestion, lowers the cholesterol and protects against cardiovascular disease – orange is the real king of fruits.

“Citrus aurantium” or orange, is a citrus, and we simply can not say a bad word for this fruit. People often know to eat whenever they are sick, but it is even more useful if it is used daily. Orange is not recommended for people with gastritis, and other stomach problems because the acids can irritate.

Interestingly, among the orange is useful the fruit and bark, and whenever you make orange juice never remove the bark. In the world people eat the oranges with bark, while in Afghanistan, for example, the table was unthinkable without orange. This just confirms that the power of orange is known to people since long ago.

Oranges are full of vitamins and minerals. From all vitamins oranges contain the most vitamin C, B, A and E, and from minerals it contains a lot of calcium, but also magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It contains many trace-elements and sugars, which makes the oranges a good source of energy for your body.

Thanks to the really high level of vitamin C, it has a significant contribution to reducing the anemia, improve the healing of wound, and the elimination of free radicals from your body. Scientists are recommending the orange as indispensable to all, but especially for smokers.

However, the orange must be used fresh. Any thermal processing of the orange, means destruction of most of its medical usefulness. According to some research, regular intake of orange, reduces the risk for heart attack and stroke by 19%, this is due to its power to reduce cholesterol levels and improve the work of the entire cardiovascular system.

Orange is one of the largest reservoirs of antioxidants from all other fruits, contributes to the detoxification of the body and reducing the risk of cancerous tissue changes.


Apple And Carrot Salad

This is a healthy and delicious salad, and is very easy to prepare . This salad is full of vitamins.



  • 100 grams carrots
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 400 grams  apples
  • pinch of salt


Preparation time: 5 minutes

Wash the apples and carrots. Clean the carrots and apples and then peel it with a sharp peeler, removing a very thin layer. Core the apple. Then grate it the carrots and the apples in one bowl.
Add pinch of salt, stir well and then add the lemon juice of half a lemon.
Add olive oil and stir well again.