Health Healthy Drinks Herbs & Oils

Chamomile – Universal Natural Remedy

Chamomile is a panacea, said the fans of traditional medicine. Chamomile tea is well-known to us, we all use chamomile tea, and this tea is recommended for many health problems. Is chamomile an universal natural medicine and so helpful, read the text that follows …

-Chamomile is an annual herb that grows up to 30 cm. It has a white-yellow flowers and can be found in almost all fields and meadows. We all know that chamomile is a synonym for tea, but except that chamomile is used for making many preparations that are used
especially in cosmetics.

Benefits of chamomile tea:

    • It stimulates digestion
    • It lowers body temperature
    • It relieves pain
    • Acts against rashes
    • Conjunctivitis
    • Dermatitis
    • Depression
    • Migraine
    • Acne etc..

Chamomile tea is especially good for calming the nervous system. If you are under constant stress at work or home, you should regularly consume chamomile tea. After a few days regularly consuming, you will notice a drastic change. You will feel more relaxed and happier.

Chamomile tea is especially effective for people who have problems with hair loss. If you’re one of those who have this problem, wash your hair with chamomile tea. It is proven that hair loss is significantly reduced by this treatment.

If you are in the group of women who regularly have menstrual cramps during the menstrual cycle, then soak a clean cloth with hot chamomile tea and place it over the belly. According to some research this method relieves menstrual cramps, and is good to be combined with drinking chamomile tea. This is much better and much healthier than using strong analgesics.

So also we can say that the drugs made of chamomile tea are really effective. We live in a time where stress is an inevitable part of our daily lives, so let the chamomile tea be always in your hand.

Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Healthy Dinner Ideas

You should keep in mind that the dinner should be the smallest meal in the day. Keep to the following plan: Have a breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Sounds like unrealistic and hopeless “task”, but it’s perfect if you want to avoid the excess pounds.

Idea 1: Salad

Prepare yourself a healthy salad in which you will use a lot of green ingredients like spinach, broccoli or lettuce. Then add some tomato, cucumber, pepper, onion and some other vegetables of your choice. You can add fat free cheese, seeds, olive oil and lemon juice.

Idea 2: Eggs

It is well known that the body needs carbohydrates before noon, but in the afternoon and in the evening your body needs protein. Egg whites are almost pure protein , so boil some eggs or make scrambled eggs with lots of veggies.

Idea 3: Yogurt with wild berries

This combination refers to pure yogurt and fresh fruit, not the bottled fruit yogurt. In a low-fat yogurt add fresh strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and grapes. It’s not recommended to add bananas, because the banana is quite calorific.

Idea 4: White meat or fish

White meat or fish is recommended to combine with a large amount of fresh or cooked vegetables. Avoid calorie supplements such as sauces and dairy products.

Idea 5: Pasta

The main sources of calories that make pasta a caloric meal are: full fat cheese and sour cream used as sauces. If you want to prepare healthy pasta, it is necessary to use just  pasta and mix it with healthy olive oil, tuna, vegetables and chopped olives (optional).

Healthy Drinks Recipes

Weight Loss Smoothie Recipe that Fight Cellulite

Many people on an anti cellulite diet have found that they can enjoy the benefits of delicious weight loss smoothie recipes.  Here’s one of them:


  • Yogurt – Regulates the digestion, and melting the fat
  • Blueberry, strawberry, raspberry or currant – Powerful antioxidants rich with vitamin C, which is helping in collagen production
  • Ginger -Improves circulation
  • Banana – Contains large amounts of potassium which keeps the water retention in the body


-In a blender add the cold yogurt and optionally a few cubes of ice.

Add little ginger and your combination of fruits chopped into cubes. Mix it well and serve it in a bowl.

Ginger has a strong flavor, so use small pieces. Feel free to add natural juice in this frappe, or add little cinnamon or peppermint.

Start your morning with this frappe, and have a hand of dry nuts and grains.

Try to make your weight loss smoothies to fight cellulite have lots of berries in them, or other antioxidant rich foods, such as: bananas and oranges.

Healthy Drinks Recipes

Kale Smoothie Recipe

Kale as an excellent source of vitamin B, and should be used more often in the diet. Apart from being very healthy and nutritious, this vegetable is very rich in antioxidants. Follow these steps and make a delicious & healthy smoothie.



  • 300 ml/1.27 cups water
  • 1 large green apple, cut into pieces
  • 1 large pear, cut into pieces
  • 200 grams of kale, washed and cut into large pieces
  • 60g fresh mint
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey
  • Juice of one lemon or lime


Put all ingredients in a blender(water too) and blend while get uniform fluid. Add the mixture in a glass, and enjoy in this healthy and tasty smoothie in any part of the day.

Fruits Health

Bananas – Amazing Fruit And Cure

Bananas are mainly perennials plants, that grow in the tropics. An interesting fact is that bananas are bush/ grassland plants regardless of the fact of their growth which definitely resembles of tree. According to the experts, there are approximately 50 different types of bananas.

Nutritional info of banana

Banana fruit/herb perhaps is the most ideal to improve the diet. Average, one banana contains about 100 calories. It is rich with many nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and here are the most important:

  • Copper
  • Plant oils
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C, B12, B6, D, E
  • Iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese
  • Carbohydrates
  • Folic acid, phosphorus
  • Sugars (fructose, glucose)


-Banana has a great usage in the diet. It’s great to make juices, sweets, desserts, fruit salads and much more. Anyway it is a boon to the whole organism and its physiological functions.

-Banana’s experts and lovers say that it’s extremely practical, according to some research, one banana gives the required energy for hour and a half active physical work. Especially for the athletes, the banana should be in their daily diet, because there is no fruit which is more powerful then banana. Besides this, banana is recommended for breakfast and dinner, because it’s the fastest and easiest way to get all your required nutrients, but certainly is welcome as a snack.

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Healthy Drinks Recipes

Detox & Cleansing Juice Recipes

Adding fresh juice to your diet is the best choice for detoxification because it supplies an abundance of cleansing nutrients which are able to attach to harmful toxins and remove them from the body.

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices have ability to detoxify. Also a fresh fruit and veggie detox can be a great way to give an immune system a nutritional boost, as well as give the digestive system a likely much needed break. The following juice recipes have amazing natural cleansing power and excellent ability to detoxify your body:

1.Blood Tonic

  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 cucumber
  • 4 carrots
  • 2 stalks of celery

2. Melon Aid

  • 1 whole lemon
  • 1/4 watermelon


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 of each type of apple
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 beetroot

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Several Simple Tricks For Well Shaped Butt (Video)

The dream of every woman is to have a tight and well-shaped butt. There are many exercises that will help you in achieving your dream, but today, we give you some simple tips on, how easy and simple to maintain and shape this part of your body.

Walking on toes

You can do this exercise more often, because it’s not required to spend some special time. Go on toes about 30-40 seconds, then rest and repeat it several times. Do this exercise every day.


Maybe the bicycle is the most powerful weapon against cellulite in this part of the body. Riding a bike will help you to improve and maintain your stamina, and to shape the muscles of the buttocks. Spring is on the “threshold”, so you can switch your car with your bike.


“The golden rule” for maintaining the shape and strength of the muscles of the buttocks, is the exercise with kneeling or squats. By doing this exercise just 5 minutes per day, you will see a great results in a few months.


Stairs are truly the best exercise for tightening and shaping the buttocks. From today onwards, try to avoid the elevator and the moving ladders, and try to quickly and forcefully going on foot. You’ll notice in a short time many advantages. Walking the stairs, shapes and strengthens the buttocks, improves the circulation and burn more calories. With regularly walking the stairs, you will keep stout body and tight body.

Exercises with pillow

In the evening while lying on your bed, put your pillow between your knees. After placing the pillow, try to squeeze between the knees, as it would keep the leg muscles tight. In this position try to stay as much as you can.


General Herbs & Oils Vegetables

Parsley – More Than Just A Simple Spice

Parsley is one of the far most used spices(widely cultivated as an herb and a vegetable) in the world. It has an excellent flavor, and a lovely green color. Therefore, parsley is used as a decorator of various dishes, especially salads. At the markets can be found throughout the whole year, but the healthiest way is, when the parsley will be grown in your garden.

Some of us routinely add the parsley in the preparation of food, others avoid it, believing as unnecessary, still others would gladly like to use it, but they forgot to get, because they do not put on the list of important supplies. Everyone knows parsley as a spice, but rarely who know that, the parsley is a plant with a lot of nutrients, and curative effect.

First of all, we need to mention the decorative power of parsley. It has interesting and nicely shaped branches, with striking green color, so each salad/meal, which is decorated with parsley, has irresistible look.

Parsley contains many essential oils, flavonoids and vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin A. According to some research, parsley increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood, which makes the blood more powerful in “fighting” against the free radicals, and also reduces the risk of cancer. Some essential oils, that contain parsley, also have antioxidant effect.

Parsley is known to people as protector of the heart and blood vessels. It contains a lot of folic acid, which is an important factor for the protection of the heart and blood vessels, and also has an important role in the processes of the organism, to be carried out properly.

Parsley is recommended especially for people who have a heart attack or stroke survivor, as well for those who suffer from arteriosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. According to some research, parsley is an excellent nutrient, which provides protection against rheumatoid arthritis, given to the ingredients that parsley contains, and the high levels of vitamin C.

Several tips plus:

  • Fresh parsley is much better than dry, if you have to buy dry, then choose organic
  • Buy parsley with conspicuous green color. Do not buy parsley with yellow color, because it is a sign of damaged and old one
  • Never throw the excess parsley. Shred it, and leave it to dry. It’s an excellent addition to some liquid meal, like soup/ stew
  • Parsley can be used in almost any dish, it causes no side effects

So, today we learned that, parsley is not just an ordinary spice as you might have thought so far. It is equally useful as well as other products from your garden, so it is okay to use regularly in your soups, stews or any other main dishes. It is a powerful guardian of your health, and it’s easy to procure. Therefore, use the parsley in larger quantities, and regularly in your diet.


Breakfast – Cereal Grains With Fresh Fruit And Seeds

This is fresh breakfast for those, who don’t like the thermally unprocessed foods. Despite the wealth of the nutrients that are well balanced, this breakfast is full with enzymes, that are real catalysts in the food processing.


  • 50 grams of prunes
  • 15 grams of sunflower seeds
  • 30 grams of honey
  • 100 grams of crushed cereal grains (wheat, barley)
  • 30 grams Almonds


Time to prepare: 10 minutes.


Add the crushed cereal grains  in a bowl, and wash them, with a gentle stirring with a wooden spoon. Thrown the water and, if is necessary, repeat the procedure once again.

Add the washed cereal grains in a bowl, and pour them with water. Leave the cereal grains all night.

In the morning, add the crushed seeds, chopped fruits, and walnuts/almonds.

Health Natural Remedies Recipes

Magic Drink Against Stomach Cramps And Gases!

Many of us suffer from a bloated stomach and gases. Upset stomach, painful stomach cramps and upset intestines…all these problems are caused by not properly chewed food, then we get more air in the stomach than necessary.

Also, on  the occurrence of this problem, affect carbohydrate and lactose by certain foods such as milk, cabbage and some cereals.


Many spices and herbs aid digestion,  so people who have these problems are recommended to use those types of spices and herbs.

But the greatest impact on reducing these upsets, have professed carminative herbs which are rich in essential oils, and also these herbs have beneficially affect on our digestion.

They help in the creation of enzymes that improve the digestion, an among them are mentioned spices like ginger, anise, mint and thyme.

To maximize their calming effect, should be combined with chamomile, and additionally if you add probiotics yogurt, along with a slices of pineapple, which is rich in enzymes, you will get  a drink that will facilitate the digestion and will keep you fresh all day.

Here is the recipe that will help you to get rid of the digestion problems:

  • 1 cup cooled chamomile tea
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 cup pineapple chunks
  • 1 probiotics yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 cup ice cubes

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend it until smooth. After blending, put the mixture in a glass, and enjoy in this refreshing healthy drink.