Health Low - Fat Protein Foods

7 Magic Uses Of Eggs

Surely you are well aware that eggs are an indispensable source of protein and are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

But despite being healthy, nutritious and can be prepared in many different ways, eggs are a great friend of your skin and your pet, and you can use eggs in the household. It is not only the egg white and yolk we are talking about, but the whole egg with its 7 magic uses.


1. Yolk for dry skin

Mix one egg yolk and apply it on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Egg yolk will hydrate your skin and make it softer.

2. Egg white for oily skin

Add half a tablespoon of honey in an egg white, mix well and apply the mixture on your face. Leave it for about 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

3. Egg white used as glue

Besides giving great finish to cookies, the egg white can be used as glue for paper, cardboard and fabric.

4. Eggshells as a cleaning product

Eggshell will help you thoroughly clean stubborn dirt and grease from your dishes. Mix crushed eggshell with a few drops of detergent containers and rub well the pan, the skillet or the oven.


5. Eggshell as supplement to dog food

Egg shells are a rich source of calcium and therefore you do not need to throw them away if you have a dog. Ground eggshells into powder and mix them with the food you give your dog. Eggshells are great for the health of the bones and teeth of your fur buddy.

6. Eggs for skin irritation

Dip fresh eggs into a cup of apple juice. Leave the eggs soaked for two or three days, then use the liquid to treat sore or irritated skin areas. It is an excellent protection against mosquito bites.

7. Food for your plants

Do not throw away the water in which you have boiled eggs. It is great food for the plants you keep in your home, so let it cool and water your flowers.

Health Vegetables

Tomato – A Powerful Keeper Of Our Health

Tomato, or red tomato (lat. Lycopersicon lycopersicum) is a garden plant with a mixed position between fruit and vegetable. There is no single person who has not tried and enjoyed it. Tomatoes are used in many recipes, salads, sauces, soups, different specialties…

Today we chose to present you the health benefits tomatoes offer and to discover to you how healthy and useful tomatoes are. Is the mass consumption of tomatoes beneficial? Read in the text that follows…

People had not heard about tomato until the discovering of America. At that time Spanish people brought tomatoes to Europe and there had been mass cultivation of tomatoes everywhere.

Even though its fruit is the most used and healthy fruit in the world, its leafs and stalks can not be used for anything, because of certain toxins they have, so tomatoes are classified in the group of poisonous plants.

Tomato is one of the low-calorie food products, it contains 18 kcal in 100g which places it in the group of food products ideal for weight-loss diets. Almost 95% of the tomato is water. Carbohydrates 2.6%, proteins 0.9%, fats 0.2%. Tomato is rich in copper, but interesting is the fact that tomatoes contain more iron than chicken, fish and milk.

Carotenoids are also important, mostly because tomatoes contain over 600 types of carotenoids. Lycopene gives the red color of tomatoes, watermelon and other similar plants. More than 85% of the total lycopene we consume comes from the tomato.

If we start discussing about the health benefits tomatoes offer, we would really have many things to say, so we would mention only the most important health benefits you can gain if you consume tomatoes regularly.

Due to the high level of oxalic acid, tomatoes are excellent choice for the people who suffer from joint pain, rheumatism and joint capsule inflammations. Tomatoes are also excellent choice for people with cardiovascular diseases, because tomatoes protect heart and blood vessels and reduce blood pressure.

We already mentioned lycopene, and if you wondered why, you should know that lycopene is the most powerful antioxidant, even twice as powerful as beta-carotene, and ten times as powerful as alpha-tocopherol.

So, high levels of lycopene in tomatoes make tomatoes a strong ally in the fight against free radicals and real antioxidant bomb, which according to experts reduces the risk of many types of cancer.

Try to use more fresh and organic tomatoes, but in autumn always preserve enough tomatoes in order to enjoy their flavour in every month of the year. Its best to keep tomatoes freezed, because the quality of tomatoes preserved in this way is closest to the quality of fresh tomatoes.

Speaking of ketchup, we must say that ketchup is healthy, but only the home made ketchup. Other types of ketchup are full with additives which go beyond the useful effect.

So enjoy home made ketchup always when you can, by adding natural ingredients only, in order not to lower the quality and to receive all the benefits you get when you consume fresh tomatoes.

As we already mentioned tomatoes offer a lot of benefits and we only mentioned the most important, so we think it is not necessary to repeat that tomatoes are undoubtedly the richest source of antioxidants, which makes them powerful keeper of our health.

Health Natural Remedies Recipes

Natural Homemade Remedy For Cold And Flu

This time of the year is usually associated with colds and flu – climate changes affect the body and that is the main reason why we are susceptible to different illnesses.

Therefore, we recommend you to use this Russian folk medicine to cure flu, and also treat angina, persistent headaches, asthma, tuberculosis, lung disease, large intestine disease, blood vessels inflammation, gout, heart diseases, high blood pressure, kidney disease and cervical cancer.

It is believed that this natural remedy will completely get you back in shape in 12 days.


Find some Aloe herb (Aloe Vera), (planted), not older than 5 years or younger than one year and do not water it for 5 days, use 300 g fresh leaves, grind them with an electric mixer, add 250g chicory (Cichorium intybus L), 400 g spring chunk honey, 700 ml natural red wine and 500 ml of pure alcohol.


Mix all the ingredients and firmly seal the mixture in a dark bottle; place the bottle in a dark and cool place and let it rest for 5 days. After that period of time, drain as much as you need for a week and leave the rest again in a dark, cool place.

How to use it:

In the first 5 days take a teaspoon of the medicine, 3 times a day, before each meal, and in the next 3 days take a teaspoon – 3 times a day, but one hour before your meals. The process should be repeated every week, not more than two months in a year.

Fruits Recipes

Vitamin Bomb – Fruit Salad Recipe

This fruit salad is real vitamin bomb. Make this vitamin fruit salad and enjoy.



  • 500g / 3 cups watermelon
  • 500g / 3 cups melon
  • 200g / 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped mint
  • lemon juice (squeeze just one half of the lemon)


Chop the watermelon and melon on small pieces. Place it in a bowl and add the blueberries lemon juice and honey. Mix it well.
You only need 20 minutes to prepare this salad. Serve this explosion of vitamins and antioxidants in a bowl or you can just serve it in a melon or watermelon bark…

Health Vegetables

Maca Root – Healthy And Beneficial For Human Body

Maca (Lepidium Meyenii) has tonic effects on biochemical body functions. The most important effect maca has is its ability to improve endocrine function.

Endocrine system includes all the glands and secreted hormones which control important processes, such as fertility, sexual function, digestion and physiological processes in the nervous system and energy levels.

Hormonal regulation is responsible for all physiological properties which allow you to enjoy numerous sensations, including those related to sexual arousal, physical activity and emotional states.

Maca is also adaptogen, which means it increases the body’s ability to defend against physical and mental weakening, hence against potential diseases.

It is believed that this is achieved by maintaining the function of the pituitary and adrenal glands, which contribute to proper function of the endocrine system. Maca contains phytochemicals, flavonoids, glycosides and Isothiocyanates showing antioxidant effect.

It also contains significant amounts of amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals including calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, and vitamins B1 , B2, B12, C and E.

Maca Increases Energy And Vitality And Improves Psychophysical Health In Both Sexes

Maca allows the body to deal with physical, chemical and biological stress. It shows no toxic effects and increases resistance to stress and fatigue. Different doses of maca extract have shown to be useful in increasing physical activity.

Maca can be used as an excellent alternative to anabolic steroids for athletes seeking muscle hypertrophy. Unlike many other substances used to increase muscle mass, maca does not contain chemicals that interfere with normal functioning of the endocrine system.

Maca can also help the recovery process considering muscle fatigue after strenuous physical activity, measured by the production of lactic acid.

Increases Libido And Improves Hormonal Balance In Both Sexes

Maca stimulates the body to produce its own hormones to restore balance, rather than bringing hormones in the body from outside. The popularity of maca grows from day to day because of its excellent effects, fertility enhancement and aphrodisiac qualities.

Men use it to enhance fertility and sexual function. However, both men and women discovered that maca significantly increases libido and sexual desire, increases energy, stamina and the sense of general well-being. The primary analysis of maca indicated that the effects on fertility are a result of glucosinolates.

Chemical analysis conducted in 1981 showed the presence of biologically active aromatic isothiocyanates, especially p -methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which is known for its aphrodisiac properties.

A small double – blind, placebo – controlled study which lasted for 12 weeks, found that use of maca in doses of 1500 mg or 3000 mg may increase male libido.

Improves erectile function, reduces symptoms of impotence, enhances spermatogenesis and testosterone levels in men’s body. Maca can be useful for erectile dysfunction by improving the activity of endothelial L- arginine – nitric oxide.

The latent period of erection was reduced after oral administration of 10 % ethanol suspension of purified lipid maca extract for 22 days. According to a report of 2001 in “Asian Journal of Andrology” maca also increases the number, quality and motility of sperm in normal men.

Reduces Symptoms Of Menopause

Maca helps women relieve the symptoms of PMS and menopause, it reduces hot flashes and night sweats, normalizes sleep and stress levels are reduced when maca is included in everyday usage.

Maca has positive effects on menopausal symptoms which was shown in a study conducted in 2008 at Victoria University, Australia and published in the journal “Menopause”.

Fourteen postmenopausal women were freed from anxiety, mental confusion, decreased memory function, depression and sexual dysfunction when they used maca. Maca did not affect the level of estrogen or other hormones in this randomized, double-blind, placebo – controlled study.

Also, laboratory tests have shown that the levels of estrogen or testosterone did not react positively when maca was added in the supplementation.

Antistress Effects

Maca extract administered in rats showed reduction in several markers related to stress: stress – induced ulcers, elevated levels of corticosterone, glucose-lowering process and increased mass of adrenal glands. Maca also eliminates the reduction of free fatty acids in plasma produced by stress.

Manuel Sandoval at Albany Medical College showed that a culture of blood cells in the laboratory, was protected from oxidation because of the use of maca extract.

You can buy Organic Maca Powder here: HealthWorks-Wild Organic Peruvian Maca Root Powder Wildcrafted Raw Superfood 1 Lb

According to a report published in “Chemical food ” in 2002, this result was shown due to the ability of certain components contained in maca, probably flavonols to prevent oxygen radicals. Isothiocyanates in maca extract also have antioxidant effects .

Fruits Recipes

Delicious Breakfast Fruit Salad

Wondering what should you eat for breakfast? Enjoy your favorite fruit salad. It is rich in vitamins, and will also give you the energy you need for your daily activities. We offer you the following recipe:



  • 2 cups strawberries
  • 1cup blueberries
  • 1 cup fresh or canned pineapple
  • 2 kiwis, cut into slices
  • ¼ cup of stevia
  • 1 tablespoons of vanilla extract


1. Cut the strawberries in halves, and the pineapple in smaller pieces.
2. Mix the fruit, add the stevia and the vanilla extract and let it rest for an hour in the fridge.

Serve the fruit in glasses, and enjoy.


Walnut Oil – Health Benefits And Uses

Have you ever thought about the idea of including walnut oil in your diet ? If not, now you have a great opportunity to find out how healthy this oil is and what are its different uses.

Walnuts and their oils are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids and triglycerides. Most researches have been based on the walnut tree as a plant, the edible part, but lately people are also more and more interested in walnut oil.

The benefits of walnuts and walnut oil are similar, if the oil is unrefined, fresh and uncooked.

Health benefits of walnuts were first observed in 1937, when researchers found that walnuts contain vitamin C. Eating a handful of walnuts eah day, on a regular basis, is quite beneficial for your overall health, and it also reduces the risk of heart diseases.

Adding walnuts and walnut oil in the daily diet can help maintaining a healthy body weight. Walnuts and walnut oil are incredibly rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that inhibit harmful radicals responsible for causing cell damage and accelerated aging.

Balanced consumption of walnuts and balanced diet which includes walnut oil and walnuts are considered to reduce the risk of diabetes and also regulate high sugar level.

Walnut oil provides many health benefits, including:

– Anti – inflammatory properties, (considering endogenous production), such as alpha – linolenic acid.

– Antioxidant properties beneficial in delaying the aging of cells.

Reduction of blood pressure and bad cholesterol and strengthening the integrity of cell membranes, increasing brain function and memory.

– Reducing the damage sustained from Alzheimer’s disease and other diseases related to the decline in the mental health and reducing the damages caused by the cancer as a disease .

– Reducing the risk of cardiovascular and coronary artery disease.


How To Recognize Pure Honey?

What is artificial and what is natural in this tumultuous age we live in? We all consume honey, but do we actually know how healthy it is and which are the different health benefits this sweet bee product provides?

During your shopping trip to the market, take a jar of honey and turn it upside down. If the honey sweeps from the bottom of the jar and drips slowly, you are holding pure honey in your hand. Artificial honey would detach from the bottom of the jar all at once.

In its natural form, honey is composed of sugars ( monosaccharides ), glucose and fructose, acids and various elements people easily absorb.

An important feature of the honey is that it contains iron, presented in a form which can be easily absorbed in the stomach and transferred into the blood.Therefore, honey is the number one food product when it comes to anemic people.

Propolis is another beneficial bee product. It is resinous, aromatic and natural substance. Honey bees gather it from buds and trees bark (poplar, willow, birch, pine, chestnut, etc.).

Tree resin is the main raw material bees use to produce propolis, which supported by its bacterial and bacteriostatic features presents a sanitary tool useful in disinfecting the inside of the basket.

The color of propolis depends on the herbs from which it is gathered and usually it is yellow – green, yellow or red, with resinous consistency and pleasant, low odor.

You can test real/pure honey in one of the following ways:

  • Take a spoonful of honey and lift it high above the jar. Let the honey drip into the jar. If the honey drips continuously, you have real honey. Artificial honey does not drip in a continuous sequence.
  • Take some honey and rub it between your palms. If you notice sugar crystals while it dries, the honey you have is artificial. Natural honey gets warm the very first moment you start rubbing it between your palms and becomes oil-like, so it does not stick.
  • Real honey will give you a tingling feeling in the mouth while you swallow it. You can not achieve this effect consuming artificial honey.
  • Take a cup of water and add 1 tablespoon of honey. Pure honey will gather and drop to the bottom, and artificial honey will start melting (make sure drinking a mixture of honey and water becomes one of your everyday habits for a healthier organism).
  • If you put a couple of tablespoons of honey in a microwave oven at high temperature real honey will caramelize quickly.
  • Artificial honey exposed at high temperature will be bubbly and hard to caramelize.
Healthy Drinks Recipes

5 Healthy & Delicious Smoothie Recipes

Meals in a glass became a real sensation. Besides containing many healthy and fresh food products smoothies can be easily digested and their nutritional values are so high that it is not necessary to cook them as special food for breakfast or dinner.

To make things in the kitchen easier all you need is a blender that will prepare your refreshing meal in a glass.

You can combine the ingredients, of your choice, just be careful of their nutritional value, and also take in consideration the amount of vitamins and calories.

These are the top 5 most delicious smoothies

Yogurt, Chocolate And Raspberry Smoothie

  •  ½ cup of almond milk
  • 1 yogurt
  • 1 cup of raspberries
  • ¼ grated chocolate, rich in cocoa
  • finely chopped ice

Salty – Sweet Smoothie

  • 2 cups of spinach
  • ½ cup of strawberries
  • ½ cucumber
  • few mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon or orange juice

Sweet And Nutritious Smoothie

  • ½ cup low-fat milk
  • ½ cup plain yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • ¼ ripe banana
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 4 ice cubes

Forest Fruit Smoothie

  • ½ apple
  • 1 cup of raspberries
  • grapefruit juice
  • orange juice

Tropical Smoothie

  • 1 grapefruit
  • ½ passion fruit
  • ½ pineapple
  • fresh lemon juice

For each of the combinations the recipe is equally simple. Chop the fruit in small cubes, place it in blender and blend it. Then add the juices, stir for a few more minutes and serve your smoothie in a glass. Optionally add cinnamon or vanilla extract .

Fruits Recipes

Pineapple Fruit Salad

No one, young or old, will be able to resist this healthy fruit salad. Try this refreshing salad as a delicious dessert !


Ingredients :

  • 200 g /7.5 ounces of cheese
  • 25 g /1 ounce walnuts
  • 100 g /3.75 ounces kiwi
  • 400 g /15 ounces grapes
  • 100 g /3.75 ounces banana
  • 1 pineapple
  • 100 g /3.75 ounces strawberries

Preparation :

Preparation time: 30 minutes

  1. Remove the core of each pineapple half. Chop the pineapple pieces and paste them into a large bowl.
  2. Add the rest of the fruit and put the fruit mixture in the concave pineapple halves.
  3. Mix the cheese and the walnuts in a smaller bowl.
  4. Add the chees and walnuts mixture over the salad served in the original container made of the pineapple bark.

Enjoy !