Health Recipes Vegetables

Carrots – Health Benefits And Nutrition Facts

Carrots are rich in nutrients with beneficial impact on the organism, especially on the eyesight. Raw carrots can be difficult to consume, so it is recommended to shred or dice them before eating. Taking in consider carrots grow in soil, it is important to remove (peel) the outer layer.


  • Vitamin K
  • Beta-carotene
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Fiber


Carrots Nutrition Facts

Carrots are one of the richest natural sources of beta-carotene, important provitamin, which after consuming, turns into one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body – vitamin A.

Vitamin A helps cells strengthen and fight against viruses, supports the fight against cancer and prevents cardiovascular diseases.Vitamin A also takes part in the processes of producing eye pigment, so it is generally known that carrots are good for the eyesight.

As part of the nutritive group found in carrots we will also mention vitamin K, which has influence on blood coagulation and wound healing. Fiber help digestion, and also prevent colon cancer.

Fiber and chromium, contained in this healthy root vegetable play important role in stabilization of glycemia. This combination is particularly necessary when it comes to dealing with hunger attacks and diabetes control.


Health Benefits Of Carrots

Sweet and juicy, carrots are extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, and 100 grams contain only 41 calories, negligible amounts of fat and no cholesterol .

Carrots are extremely rich source of vitamin A and carotene. 100 grams of fresh carrots contain 8285 micrograms beta-carotene and 16,706 international units of vitamin A. Studies have shown that flavonoid compounds in carrots help preventing skin, lung and oral cavity cancer.

Carotenes are transformed into vitamin A in the liver. Beta-carotene is the main carotene contained in these roots. Beta-carotene is one of the powerful, natural antioxidants that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Additionally, it has all the functions of vitamin A, and the most important are: maintaining healthy eyesight, maintaining reproductive health (sperm production), maintenance of epithelial integrity, growth and proper development.


Carrots are rich in polyacetylene antioxidant falcarinol. Scientific research conducted at the University of Newcastle on laboratory animals showed that falcarinol in carrots may help in the fight against cancer, destroying pre-cancer cells in tumors.

Fresh roots also contain a certain amount of vitamin C, ie provide about 9 percent of the recommended daily intake. Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant.


How To Make Fresh Almond Milk

Fresh, real and very tasty almond milk. Making homemade almond milk is actually really simple, and produces a deliciously creamy beverage with minimal effort .

This recipe for homemade almond milk start with soaking almonds in water over night or for up to two days. Use your homemade almond milk in shakes soups or smoothies and other raw food dishes.



  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • water for soaking nuts
  • 2 dates (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)
  • 3 cups water


1. Place the almonds in a bowl and cover with about an inch of water. Soak the almonds overnight or for at least 10 hours (the longer you soak the almonds, the creamier the milk will be).
2. Drain and rinse the almonds.Blend(highest speed for 2 minutesor until the nuts are completely broken down)the 3 cups of water, almonds and dates until well blended and almost smooth.
3. Strain the mixture through several layers of cheesecloth or a nut milk bag.
4. Stir in the vanilla extract, if desired.
5. You can refrigerate the almond milk.Stays fresh for about 3 days.

Tip plus: You can dry the nut remnants in a very low oven (200F) to make almond flour.

Health Vegetables

Kale – The World’s Most Powerful Superfood

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What does “superfood” mean?

First it was blueberries, and spinach, and white tea, cranberry and broccoli. Lately, scientists and doctors, with the help of modern technology, found that many everyday and relatively cheap supplies can replace expensive pills and act preventively against many serious diseases. These food products are also called “superfood”.

Kale is part of the group of superfood. This leafy green vegetable can be consumed throughout the whole year. It can be mixed with fruit in a blender and drank as a juice, consumed as a salad, as a pottage or grilled as addition to other dishes or as a healthy main dish.


Kale Nutrition Facts

Kale is extremely nutritious and low-calorie food product. This green leafy vegetable provides many benefits for our health and beauty.

It is rich in micronutitients, including vitamins A , C and B6, some minerals – calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, copper, carotenoids and chlorophyll. Kale contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the health of the eyes.

These phytochemicals protect the eyes from all the harmful effects from the UV rays of the sun and other sources and prevent the occurrence of cataracts. Also, due to the large amount of vitamin C, kale is great for the skin, improves its tone, elasticity and youthful appearance.


Kale Health Benefits

Kale fights infections and helps reducing the cholesterol level in the blood.
The nutrients found in the kale are effective in the fight against some types of cancer, such as stomach, colon, and ovarian cancer.

Kale contains fiber that regulate digestion, prevent constipation and help preventing cases of overeating. It is rich in antioxidants, boosts immunity, maintains healthy bones and teeth, protects the reproductive organs and is one of the food products that take part in the detoxification of the body.

Kale is an excellent source of vitamin B which is soluble in water and rich in iron, which is the main reason why experts recommended it to anemic people.

Two American centres, the Drug Control Centre and the Centre for prevention and control of diseases, recommend a daily intake of 400 micrograms of vitamin B soluble in water for women.


Pregnant women should be especially careful of this intake, because the deficiency of vitamin B can cause serious neurological sequelae in the child. Kale is rich in calcium, which can be absorbed up to 30% more than the calcium in cow’s milk.

Because of its healing properties, experts recommend consuming mostly fresh kale, as a salad with some garlic as addition. It is recommended especially for people with rheumatism, high blood pressure or people who have digestive disorders.

Fresh kale juice is one of the favorite healthy beverages in Japan, and the banana-kale shake, with some cocoa and whey protein is the perfect breakfast.

Fruits Health

Tangerines – Health In A Small Package

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Compared to other similar fruit tangerines are a lot smaller, but equally powerful as orange, lemon and other similar fruits.

Experts say tangerine contains many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, protects against many diseases, and according to some researches, tangerine protects against liver cancer.

According to some researches tangerine is really powerful and has proven to be helpful in reducing the risk of cancer in people suffering from hepatitis.


Tangerines have the power to satisfy up to 80% of the daily needs for vitamin C and vitamin A, and we have already discussed about the benefits these two vitamins provide.

Tangerines are full of antioxidants – powerful guardian of all body cells.

All the studies conducted in order to prove the benefits tangerines offer show that this fruit is especially powerful in the cases of hyperlipidemia – higher level of bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

According to these facts tangerine is especially useful in prevention of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

Tangerines are powerful in the process of building the immune system, they contain high amounts of diet fiber which can easily satisfy your hunger. Tangerines are good for different diet regimes.

This fruit can quickly satisfy your satiety and make you lose the feeling of hunger. So it is not necessary to point out that tangerines are great for your and you should consume this fruit as much as you can, it is sweet, tiny, delicious and so powerful…


Tangerines “tonify your health”

We all know that these winter days require higher vitamin C intake, and this vitamin is mostly found in citrus fruits – tangerines, oranges, lemons and grapefruit. Since this fruit is in season, you should consume it as much as you can.

For this reason you should most certainly put at least few of these fruits on your daily menu.

100 g tangerines contain only 34 kcal and 30 mg vitamin C, which is twice as much as the amount oranges contain, and besides this fact tangerines contain beta-carotene too. Beta-carotene decomposes in vitamin A which is important for the eyesight and beautiful skin.

Tangerines contain folic acid, potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2 and B3, as well as diet fiber, important for the balance in the digestive system.


According to the researches, consuming tangerines can help you lower the risk of heart attack, diabetes, strokes. Nobiletin, pigment found in the tangerine peel is ten times as strong as the pigment found in the grapefruit peel.

Nobiletin is also beneficial in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, which can lead to heart attack and stroke. To sum up, it is important not to throw away tangerine peel if the fruit is not chemically treated.

If it is chemically treated, which is the case in 90% of the tangerine production processes, wash tangerines thoroughly using regular detergent, and then rinse them carefully.

Cut the tangerine peel in pieces and let it dry, and later you can add it in cookies, tea and even in your bathtub.Essential oils found in tangerine peel help regeneration of damaged skin and cure insomnia, and they also have antiseptic and tonifyic effect.

Health Low - Fat Protein Foods

Miraculous Mushrooms: Maitake, Reishi, Shiitake

People in Asia have been using three healing Japanese mushrooms – Shiitake, Maitake and Reishi, so-called medicinal mushrooms – in the traditional medicine, and these mushrooms are rich in vitamins (complex C and B), proteins and essential amino acids, fiber, calcium, iron and other minerals.


Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula Edodes)

Grow naturally on the tree bark in forests in Japan, Korea and other Asian countries, but because of their wide medical use, this mushrooms are commercially cultivated in the USA and worldwide.

Shiitake mushrooms are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and essential vitamins and minerals, which is the main reason why these mushrooms are recommended as additional medical treatment of Hepatitis B, stomach cancer, HIV infections, cardiovascular diseases etc.


Maitake(Grifola Frondosa)

is a kind of healing mushroom which grows in the northern areas of Japan, where people have been calling it “vitality mushroom” for centuries.

In modern alternative medicine, this kind of mushroom is known for it immunostimulatory, anti-cancer, anti-stress and antiviral properties, so it is recommended in the treatment of autoimmune, carcinogen, allergic and system diseases.


Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum)

is a kind of a red mushroom widely known for its healing properties – reduces chronic fatigue and and weakness, insomnia, coughing etc.

Reishi mushrooms contain few important chemical ingredients including:  polysaccharides, triterpenes, mannitol etc. This mushroom is especially beneficial in asthmatic condition, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases; helps in cases of high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides etc.


Health Benefits of Maitake, Reishi and Shiitake Mushrooms

  • Anti-cancer properties –  these mushrooms are used in treating localized and metastatic cancer;
  • Improve immunity and cardiovascular health;
  • Protect organism against viruses, bacteria and fungal infections;
  • Have anti-inflammatory effect and fight against allergies;
  • Help balancing sugar level in blood;
  • Reduce high cholesterol  and triglyceride levels in blood;
  • Help in asthmatic conditions, bronchitis, coughing and other respiratory diseases;
  • Help revitalization and detoxification;



10 Amazing Uses For Baking Soda

Even though you have this product in your kitchen, some of you still do not know the benefits baking soda provides.

1. Get ready for your favorite manicure

Take some baking soda and add some water. Use a piece of fabric and rub the area around your nails, then wash your hands. After you have done this, you can start polishing your nails.


2. Body scrub

Mix three equal parts of baking soda, water and ground oats. Apply this natural body scrub on your skin and remove any dead skin with gentle circular movements. After you are done with the peeling, take a hot shower and apply your favorite hydrating body lotion.

3. Baking soda softens hard skin

You can soften the hard skin on your hands and feet using baking soda. Fill a container with warm water and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of lavender oil. Soak your problematic areas in the water, then prepare a peeling by mixing three equal parts of baking soda, one part of water and one part of brown sugar. Rinse and apply some hydrating creme.

4. Wash your hair

If you want to clean your hair from all shampoo and conditioner remains after you wash it, you can add a few tablespoons of baking soda in your favorite shampoo. Apply the mixture on your hair, rub gently and rinse your hair with warm water.

5. Baking soda as a deodorant

Mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Use a brush to apply this on your armpits.

6. Spoil yourself with a relaxing bath

If you want to relax after a long and exhausting day, prepare yourself a relaxing bath. All you need is a cup of baking soda and hot water. This bath will soften and calm irritated skin.


7. Use baking soda to whiten your teeth

For a quick teeth whitening apply some baking soda on your toothbrush and rub it on your teeth. Then wash your teeth regularly using a toothpaste.

8. Anti-acne treatment

You can dry out acne and other similar skin imperfections by using thick paste made of baking soda and a few drops of water. Still, if your skin is too irritated, do not use this recipe.

9.Baking soda as a face wash

For those of you who dream of a nice and gentle face, experts recommend applying a mixture of one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of baking soda on the face. Rub this mixture gently on your skin. After a minute wash your face with warm water.

10.Your stomach is causing you troubles?

The last advice on our list is not directly connected to your beauty, but more to the wellness of your organism. Every time when you feel some stomach acids, or gasses, solve your problem using some baking soda. Take a glass of water, add a tablespoon of baking soda, stir well and drink it.

Fruits Health Vegetables

4 Most Powerful Food Products October Offers

Besides announcing cold weather, October brings the healthiest autumn food too. Read which are the most powerful super-foods in October…



Pumpkins are a food product especially rich in nutrients necessary and important for your organism, such as: Vitamins A, B, C, E, calcium, potassium, magnesium, lutein, manganese.

Unsaturated fatty acids, pectin, phosphorus, zinc, phytosterol, salicylic acid, carotene. Fibers. Apart from the previously mentioned, pumpkins contain many other useful nutrients found in every food product.



Apples does not have high energetic and calorific value. Apples are one of the most common fruits in different diet regimes. They do not contain many calories, and on the other hand, are rich in vitamins, minerals and many nutrients beneficial for the organism. 100 g of apple contain around 53 kcal, and 85% of a whole apple is water.

The most important nutrients found in apples which are useful for the overall health are: plant fiber and fat, vitamins A, B, C, iron and essential oils, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, carotene, pectin, proteins, sulfur, cellulose, sugar (fructose and glucose), oligo elements.



Similar to the previously mentioned food products, peppers are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Peppers contain vitamins A and C, but many other nutrients beneficial for the organism too. This product maybe should take the first place as the most nutritious super-product of October.



Pears contain fiber especially beneficial for the digestive system, and for the cardiovascular system too. This fruit is rich in pectin too, even more than apples. According to many researches, pears reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer. Experts recommend consuming pears in large amounts, especially for women in menopause.

With this article we wanted to remind you of the healthy food products October offers.


Halloween Food and Decoration Ideas

Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity, life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition.

The word Halloween is a shortening of All Hallows’ Evening also known as Hallowe’en or All Hallows’ Eve
Here are some scary and interesting food ideas made mostly from pumpkin.
























Halloween drinks - Vampire's Kiss Cocktail





Muscat Nut – Solution For Your Digestive Problems

Many chefs use this interesting food product to spice their specialities, but many people have not even heard of it. Read today’s article and discover the truth about muscat nut and its incredible power over the digestive system…

Muscat nut eases digestion, neutralises acids, gases, helps treating chronic colitis, diarrhea and gastroenteritis.

Muscat nut originates from India. People there simply worship it and have been using it ages ago as a medicine for many health conditions, especially for problems with the digestive system.


Even modern medicine bows to the effect muscat nut has on the digestive system, so experts point out its important role in the everyday diet. Muscat nut spice has antibacterial effect, it is efficient in the fight against infections of mouth cavity and gullet, and experts say it is a really powerful cure against gingivitis.

This divine spice relaxes muscles, coordinates the digestive system and gives a feeling of easiness, without bloating, gasses and acids – health conditions we are used to have.

According to many people, muscat nut is a powerful aphrodisiac with a strong impact on the sexual power of men – a fact confirmed by many who have conducted different studies of the effect muscat nut has.

Muscat nut has many more surprises for our body, and one of them is its impact on the lowering of bad cholesterol in the blood.

If you have not heard of this spice or you have only heard about it in one of your favourite cooking shows, it is time to be a little more interested in it.Muscat nut is a powerful spice, beneficial for the whole body, but above all, a powerful guardian for your digestive system.


How To Prevent Hair Loss Naturally ?

The hair you lose after every washing can be really scary if it is in large amounts, especially if your hair is fragile. Read this article if you are willing to learn some new and natural ways to prevent hair loss.


Ginger Juice

Sounds strange does not it? But ginger root is one of those great roots that actually stimulate your hair follicles and make your hair grow healthy and shiny. For the preparation of ginger juice you need to peel 6 ginger roots and place them in blender.

Add half a cup of water. Once the ginger is well blended, place it over two or three layers of gauze. Filter the ginger juice in a bowl, which you will later apply to your scalp. Leave it on your hair for about 10 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo as usual.

Protein Shake

Did you know that proteins are another way to help your hair grow and prevent its decline? Start consuming protein shake every morning and you will notice that your hair will be more lush, thick and healthy looking.

Vitamin B12

Another great way to prevent hair loss is to increase the vitamin B12 intake in your body. This vitamin is completely soluble in water and contains nutrients with essential importance if you are trying to maintain healthy cells.

Green Tea

Green tea is great! It offers many advantages and two to three cups a day can help you raise your immune system, clear your body from toxins and prevent the hair loss.