Health Vegetables

Surprisingly Healing Power Of Cauliflower

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Because of its energy, nutritional and medicinal values​​, cauliflower acts positively against many diseases that occur as a result of modern lifestyle. Cauliflower is a vegetable originated in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Cauliflower has been used in different forms and varieties for several thousand of years, and the current form of cauliflower used throughout the world was first included in diet in the 15th century. Since cauliflower is obtained by crossing varieties, and comes from the group of cabbages – together with the beneficial nutrients it contains, people often name it “cultural cabbage.” There is white and purple cauliflower, and both varieties are characterized by similar features.


Cauliflower Nutrition Facts

Cauliflower is similar to broccoli, and it provides the following nutrients:

  • beta – carotene
  • fiber
  • vegetable fat
  • biotin
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • iron
  • glucose
  • enzymes
  • isothiocyanates
  • indole
  • potassium
  • calcium
  • lutein
  • proteins
  • sulforaphane
  • sulphur
  • carbohydrates
  • folic acid
  • phosphorus
  • cellulose

Cauliflower Use

In diet cauliflower is used raw (like salad), cooked (soup or stew with meat or no meat), breaded, as addition to various dishes, and also sour as a winter salad (pickled). Since it is quite sensitive, it is best to keep cauliflower in the fridge, and it will stay fresh up to several days. Since it contains very few calories and a lot of useful nutrients, cauliflower is recommended for special diet regimes and provides a feeling of satiety for longer period of time, and it is also very beneficial in diet of pregnant women. It is not recommended for people suffering from stomach-bowel diseases.


Cauliflower Health Benefits

Given that cauliflower contains a lot of healing nutrients and antioxidants it is proven that it favors the body and helps its fight against the following diseases:

  • allergy
  • anemia
  • arthritis
  • asthma
  • diseases of the respiratory system
  • dental diseases
  • heart diseases
  • diseases of mouth cavity and throat
  • depression
  • inflammation
  • impotence
  • stretched muscles and ligaments
  • cancer treatment
  • menopause
  • multiple sclerosis
  • lack of appetite
  • infertility
  • insomnia
  • unstable blood pressure
  • osteoporosis
  • colds and flu
  • hair problems
  • problems with metabolism
  • problems with blood cholesterol levels
  • wounds and skin diseases
  • prostate problems
  • problems during pregnancy
  • weight Gain
  • sinusitis
  • stress
  • hemorrhoids
  • diabetes


Healing And Cleaning Power Of Cauliflower

Studies have shown that despite its antioxidant role, cauliflower has a significant role in cleaning harmful substances from the body (detoxification) as a result of unhealthy and poor diet, as well as environmental pollution and body radiation. Cauliflower is not a passing fad, but a very useful food product and beneficial natural remedy for prevention and treatment of many diseases and it is recommended to include cauliflower in your menu as often as possible.

Health Natural Remedies Recipes

The Best Home Remedy For Sinus Infection

Sinus inflammation accompanied by stuffy nose, wheezing and headache can be quite common, especially in the upcoming winter days.

If you think you have tried everything you could, and nothing helped so far, we recommend you try this homemade mixture and the best about it is that you do not need much time or money.



  • 1 small cup of honey
  • 1 small cup of lemon juice
  • 5 to 7 radishes
  • 1 small purple onion
  • 6 garlic cloves


Wash the vegetables and peel the onions and the garlic. Cut vegetables in quarters and use a blender to get a nice and smooth mixture. Add all the ingredients and stir again. Put the mixture in a jar and keep it in the fridge.


Adults should take about 2 tablespoons per day, or more if necessary. The recommended maximum dose for children is 1 tablespoon per day. The first reaction of this homemade remedy will be noticed in just 24 hours.

Health Natural Remedies Recipes

Simple And Natural Homemade Remedy For Sore Throat

Winter is the season of flu and cold, so no wonder you have uncomfortably burning and itchy throat.

Instead of taking antibiotics and pills you are not sure will help, prepare this efficient homemade remedy to heal your sore throat faster than you think.



  • 2 lemons thoroughly cleaned and sliced
  • 2 piece of ginger about the size of your pointer and middle finger together sliced into coin size pieces
  • Honey

In a clean 12 oz mason jar (2 cup size) put thinly sliced lemons and ginger and add honey. Stir well. Close the jar and place it in a fridge where the ingredients will turn into jelly.

Put a spoonful of the jelly in a glass and add hot water. Drink this tea whenever you wish and need it.

This homemade remedy can be used for three months, which is an excellent advantage. It is recommended for both children and old people mostly because it contains no artificial or harmful ingredients.

Health Natural Remedies Recipes

Natural Recipe To Improve Heart Function

You want to keep your heart healthy? Today’s recipe is simple and can help you reduce any pain or disorder due to a certain heart disease. All you need is…


  • 8 tablespoons of dried rosemary (crushed)
  • 3 lemons
  • 2 tsp Stevia liquid
  • 8 cups of water (2l water)

Cook water and crushed rosemary in a pot.
Let the mixture simmer until the liquid evaporates to 1 liter.
That would happen approximately in an hour.
Then add stevia and lemons. Lemons should be peeled and sliced.
After you add stevia and lemons, let the mixture simmer for another 30 minutes.

Keep the mixture in a jar. Consume a tablespoon of this health in a jar three times a day, every day.

Fruits Health

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Pomegranate

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Besides being nutritious fruit rich in antioxidants, pomegranate has been considered as a symbol of health, fertility and eternal life for centuries, and is especially popular for its juice, seeds and oil.

Records of pomegranate can be found in many cultures and religions, and pomegranate is considered to be one of the oldest fruit trees known to mankind.


Most studies confirm that it is one of the world’s most healing fruits due to its useful impact on cardiovascular, nervous and bone structure.

Pomegranate contains large amounts of vitamin C, it is an excellent source of vitamin B5, potassium, organic acids and sugar.

Nutrients found in pomegranate inhibit the growth of breast, prostate and colon cancer, leukemia, and prevent changes that encourage tumor growth.

It has been proven that a glass of pomegranate juice daily has a stronger antioxidant effect than a glass of red wine or green tea.

Pomegranate juice helps reducing the risk of some types of cancer, protects against osteoporosis, improves immune system, protects your teeth, destroys bacteria such as Escherichia coli and staphylococci.


For better immunity, experts advise consuming 2.5 deciliters of fresh pomegranate juice.

Also, pomegranate is rich in phytoestrogens that facilitate menopause and premenopause symptoms, mood swings, night sweats and lack of libido.

The use of pomegranate in household is wide-ranging, it is used in preparing cookies, syrups, juices, liqueurs, wine, vinegar and tea.

Pomegranate oil is ideal for massage and can be used orally and locally. It is used in production of ​​soaps, luxurious face cosmetics and other beauty products.

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks Recipes

Cinnamon & Honey Drink That Melts Pounds

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Are you overweight? You are doing everything in your power to control pounds? But still no results or all you get is minimal prise for your effort?

We offer you some help with today’s more than simple recipe. Take a look, its easy, simple and really healthy, you will lose nothing but pounds…

Miracle Cinnamon & Honey Drink That Melts Pounds



  • 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon
  • spoonful of honey
  • fresh lemon juice (use 1 lemon)
  • 300 ml/ 10 oz water


Put water on stove until it boils. After it boils, let it stand and cool for awhile. Do not add ingredients in hot water because they will lose their quality.  After water cools down add cinnamon and honey and let it rest for 15/20 minutes. Before consuming this drink add fresh lemon juice (take 1 or half a lemon). After it rests for awhile drink 150 ml in the morning and drink the rest 150 ml before bedtime.

Let this be your everyday routine because experiences have shown it helps losing weight.


Walnuts – Autumn Fruit With Amazing Health Benefits

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It is the season of walnuts. This autumn fruit is well known to all of us.

Some people do not even think about walnuts, other gladly use walnuts to improve the flavor of their cookies, and others simply adore this delicious autumn fruit because it is a loving memory of their childhood and the green fingers they had after removing the fruit from its shell.


However, in this article we would like to present you some of the health benefits provided by walnuts, we named it “The King”, but do walnuts really deserve this epithet? Find out in the following article …

If you check our previous articles you will notice that we regularly list which vitamins and minerals are contained in the food product we write about, but to do so today we would really need a king-size table, so we will save your time and briefly explain that walnuts contains everything our body could use in order to stay fit and healthy.

Very few food products contain omega – 6 fatty acids and walnuts are part of this group. Our body really needs these fatty acids, as you already know. You should also be well acquainted with the fact that a handful of walnuts will provide the required level of omega three fatty acids for the day ahead.


Health Benefits of Walnuts

Speaking of immunity or anticancer potential, you will sure recall that we have mentioned this topic in many other articles so far. But walnuts are especially powerful when it comes to anticancer and antimutagenic properties, which is proven by numerous studies.

We would most certainly bust the belief that people with high blood lipids should not eat walnuts, because on the contrary, this autumn fruit has the power to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

This is the main reason why nuts are considered to be a real boon for older people, literally said, walnuts are real heart-keepers, keeping heart healthy and vital, and reducing the risk of a heart disease. Walnuts also have the power to help you relax and fall asleep more easily. They protect bones and help you regulate weight.


All the fruits we have mentioned before are healthy and contribute to your health. On the other hand, we have to give special credit to walnuts, because they do contain a lot of nutrients which simply can not be ignored.

The purpose of this article was not presenting you the nutrients walnuts contain, because it’s almost impossible.Our main goal is to remind you of this royal fruit because it is a true gift for your body, it is easily accessible and now is the time to pay the attention walnuts deserve.

Diet & Weight Loss Health Healthy Drinks

The Best Weight Loss Drink: Believe It Or Not, It Has “0” Calories!

If you are trying to find a natural way to boost your metabolism, we have the perfect solution for you. Prepare the magic calorie-free detox drink and enjoy its benefits.

Apple-Cinnamon Water contains very few calories, actually less than 10 calories in each dose. Forget about diet soda and juices, and let this apple-cinnamon water do miracles in a week.The results you should expect are a magnificent weight loss and amazing energy splash.


Use a big pitcher, re-fill water 3-4 times before replacing apples and cinnamon.


  • 1 apple thinly sliced (you can use any type of apples, but we recommend using Fuji and Honey Crisp apples as they are sweeter than other apple varieties)
  • 1 fresh cinnamon stick
  • Ice
  • Cold water
  • Large pitcher


Put the apple slices on the bottom of the pitcher(save some to put in your glass later) and then drop the cinnamon stick, fill half of the pitcher with ice and then add water. You should keep in mind that this tasty water has a hint of flavor, meaning if you want it to taste stronger, add more apples or slice them thinner.

Drink one glass before your meals. Keep apple-cinnamon water in the fridge not more than 3 days.

Here you can buy Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks: Indus Organic Ceylon Cinnamon 3″ Sticks Pack, (8 Oz), Premium Grade, Freshly Packed

Enjoy your Apple-Cinnamon Water!

Image Via:


Low Calorie Easy Breakfast Smoothies

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Start your day off right with these quick and healthy smoothie recipes…

1. Peanut Butter Berry

-1/4 cup 1% low-fat milk
-1/2 medium ripe banana
-1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter
-1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
-1/2 cup crushed ice



2. Ginger, Berries & Oats

-1/4 cup prepared oatmeal
-1/4 cup 1% low-fat milk
-1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
-1 cup fresh blackberries
-1/2 cup sliced strawberries
-1 teaspoon honey
-1/2 -p ice


3. Watermelon with a Hint of Mint

-2 cups seedless watermelon
-2 tablespoons fresh mint
-1/3 cup 2% plain Greek yogurt


Diet & Weight Loss General

How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day ?

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Even though water is considered to be a kind of elixir of life, something without which not a single day can go by, it is not always easy to determine how much water should you drink during the day and use all benefits it provides …

Many of us have grown up with the belief that it is necessary to drink eight glasses of water a day in addition to other beverages of choice. Some of the recent references indicated that we no longer have to worry about the necessary amount of water we should drink, and we can simply satisty our thirst with any other drink.


Other drinks can replace water

It is most certainly true that clean, refreshing and calorie-free water is the best choice. Studies have also shown that when it comes to hydration, you can use some healthy, fresh fruits or vegetable juices or make some refreshing lemonade. What puts water in the first place are the claims of some people that water also helps dealing with excess weight.

To truly verify claims for this type of health support, experts from all over the world gathered to witness the powerful effects of this fluid that nature gave us.

Drink when you are thirsty

A study published in 2002 in the American Journal of Physiology investigated the reliability and effectiveness of the old recommendation which pointed out how necessary and healthy is to drink 230 milliliters of water eight times a day.

After a thorough examination of this claim one of the researchers, Dr. Heinz Valtin, concluded that there was insufficient evidence that healthy people who live in areas with temperate climate and do not practice any complicated daily activities need more water.

Dr. Valtin advises average physically healthy people to drink water only when they are thirsty. He also noted that even caffeine drinks are good as additional alternative when it comes to satisfying thirst.


Special rules for people with health problems

What is important to say about this study is that in 2004 the International Medical Institute gave the public new recommendations which agree with the findings of Dr. Valtin.

Namely, the latest recommendations exclude the old routine of drinking eight glasses a day, and present a different way to determine the necessary amount of water which can satisfy our thirst.

This recommendations exclude individuals who suffer from certain medical conditions that require fluid intake control, then athletes and individuals who participate in physical activities that last longer or those living in extreme living conditions.


Different values for men and women

However, in the final report of the IMI it is not clearly established which is the basic amount of water you should drink daily. Still we have to mention that this report outlined some general recommendations based on the research that resulted in the theory of drinking 2 liters a day (about 11 cups of water a day) when it comes to women and 3.70 liters (about 19 glass of water a day) for men.

You should keep in mind that these quantities are related to the total water intake – taking in consider both drinks and food. Also, approximately 80 percent of the total fluid intake come from water and other beverages, and we receive the remaining 20 percent from the food we eat.