
Video: How Hotdog is Made

Hot dogs: you either love them or hate them! We all know that hot dogs are not the healthiest food, but many people will consume them regardless.

But have you ever wondered how hot dogs are made, and what is really in their composition? Do you know that they include pig snouts and chicken feet?


This video — from an episode of the Science Channel show How It’s Made — takes a close look at how hot dogs are manufactured.


Raw Vegan Chocolate Cream With Bananas & Almond Butter

This cream is great as a snack or as a cake cream. It has strong chocolate flavor and it is smooth and soft, with small crumbs because of the chia seeds. This is amazing gluten free recipe !



  • 2 flat tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 15 tablespoons of water (if you are making a cake cream, use 8-10 tablespoons of water)
  • 2-3 tablespoons of almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa
  • 3 bananas

Preparation time:

Less than 5 minutes. It can be prepared without any appliances.


  1. Soak chia seeds in water.
  2. Stir a bit and you can immediately add cocoa and mashed bananas.
  3. If you like to get a smoother cream, use a food processor for the bananas. You can mash 1 banana and slice the other two ​​- its a matter of taste.
  4. Add cocoa and stir until well mixed. Finally (actually, it does not matter when you add the ingredients, you can also prepare it by adding almond butter before bananas) add almond butter and stir again until well mixed.
  5. Let it rest for 30 minutes before you consume it.
  6. As a cake cream, you should make it more thick and use less water. You can add 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil to thicken it more.

You can use almond butter made of roasted almonds. It gives great aroma. You can prepare almond butter super easy at home, but it takes time, if the food processor is not powerful. It is recommended to prepare almond butter while doing something else. Home made almond butter is 3 times cheaper than store-bought.

Q: What variations can you come up with? How can you use it?

By adding hazelnut butter it would taste like Nutella! You can eat it as a snack after exercising. You can also make ​​a raw cake. Hazelnuts and dates and cream in-between. You can prepare the cream with a hazelnut butter and wallah – you have a Nutella cake!

Herbs & Oils

Mint – Magic Herb With Amazing Benefits

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Known to have originated in Asia and around the Mediterranean region, this aromatic herb is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Mint is also used as a medical remedy for digestion and healing wounds.

Even though most people use a small amount of herbs in cooking, nutritional benefits of mint and other herbs can contribute greatly to the quality of the food we eat.

There are many mint types and varieties, and peppermint and garden mint are the most popular. In general, mint has sweet and fresh flavor. The nutritional values listed ​​below are based on 100 grams of mint, equal to 7 tablespoons or half a cup of tea.



Mint is a low-fat plant and contains very few calories, like most herbs. 100 g of mint contain 48 calories and 0.6 grams of fat. Most of the calories come from carbohydrate sources, but mint also contains a small amount of protein. Mint contains 2 grams of fiber, which is very important for digestive and cardiovascular health. Nutritionists recommend a daily intake of at least 25 grams of fiber.


Mint is especially rich in vitamin C and carotenoids. Carotenoids are nutrients that give specific color of plants, and these nutrients are also know to be antioxidant precursors of vitamin A.

Beta-carotene is known as the most important carotenoid, considered to be helpful in cases of eye and cardiovascular diseases. Mint contains 1620 micrograms of carotenoids.

A standard mint serving contains 27 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is best known for its benefits for the immune system and growth and healing of tissues.

Some studies indicate that it can also provide protection against some cancer types, including colon and rectal cancer. International Institute of Medicine recommends daily intake of 75-90 milligrams for people older than 19 years.



Mint is also a good source of several essential minerals including magnesium, copper, iron, potassium and calcium.

Magnesium and calcium are also important for healthy bones. 100 g of mint provide 60 mg of magnesium and 200 mg of calcium. Phosphorus is also found in mint and it is responsible for maintaining solid bones.

Iron is another mineral important for healthy blood. 100 g of this herb contain 15.6 mg of iron, which is almost enough for the whole day and meets the daily requirement of this mineral. Vitamin C enables the absorption of iron, and makes it an excellent ingredient for a healthy diet.


Mint in cooking

Fresh mint provides great flavor for various dishes. Since this herb gives flavor without adding sodium, mint is especially recommended if you suffer from certain cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure.

Try adding chopped mint in sauces for grilled red meat or boiled vegetables including peas, green beans or young potatoes. It also gives an excellent taste to raw, fresh vegetable salads, especially cucumber and tomato salad.

You can also use mint as spice for refreshing summer drinks and fruit desserts. Dried peppermint tea is refreshing, and can help reducing digestive symptoms.


Boiled Beets With Mushrooms Salad Recipe

Beet is an important natural remedy because of the large quantity of iron it contains and it also has high nutritional value. But beet is a vegetable with the highest amount of nitrates.

Beets can be bought throughout the whole year, although it can be mostly found in winter.



  • 400 g mushrooms
  • 400 g beets
  • pinch of salt
  • 10 ml vinegar
  • 1 onion
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper


Preparation time: 30 min
Cooking time: 30 min

Stir-fry finely chopped onion. Add sliced ​​mushrooms and let the mixture stew in its own juice.
Add water to stewed mushrooms, then add bay leaf, salt and pepper. Cook it on a low heat.
In the meantime boil and cut beets into thin sticks, then add beet sticks to the mushroom mixture. Add the vinegar and sprinkle some finely chopped parsley, then let it stew until it is ready to be served.

Beauty Diet & Weight Loss

Foods That Cause Cellulite

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If you do not want your body covered in skin that resembles orange peel, you just have to stay away from some foods, no matter how sweet and delicious they seem.

Experts explain that our body accepts and stores certain substances that affect this phenomenon, so you should most carefully avoid these foods. Many factors affect the appearance of cellulite, including hormonal imbalance, genetics, improper diet, lack of physical activity.


If your concerns are part of this group, then you should not consume sugar, fat and salt, responsible for causing water retention in the body, and thus increasing the amount of fluid in tissues. Therefore, you should avoid foods containing these ingredients.

This food group includes dried meat and fish, meat products, seafood, shellish, instant soup and canned food. Fats in body cells are essential for maintaining overall health. These foods are high in calories, and are not contained in fatty foods only.

In fact, even two -thirds of the fat we consume originate from so-called “hidden” sources – red meat, different kinds of cookies and milk products. It is important to avoid these products if you are following special diet regimen.

To sum up, the list of banned products includes cheese, moldy or blue and green cheese, all kinds of cakes and cookies, potato chips and other snacks, breaded meat and fish, mayonnaise and any similar spreads and sauces.This group also includes black olives, dried fruit, jam and alcoholic beverages.


Get Rid Of Stretch Marks – Use Chamomile & Avocado

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If you follow a special diet regime before summer comes, you should be aware of the fact that sudden and rapid change in weight can affect skin which results in uncomfortable stretch marks.

Stretch marks occur as a result of sudden skin stretching and is considered to be one of the worst appearance problems women have. If you have at some point lost a lot of weight, you most probably had to deal with stretch marks on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks and thighs.

Get Rid Of Stretch Marks - Use Avocado & Chamomile

The appearance of stretch marks usually depends on your genes and the elasticity of your skin i.e. it depends on the quantity of collagen and vitamin E your skin contains.

You need to consume more food rich in vitamin K, E and C in order to remove stretch marks. At the same time, you should treat the stretch marks you already have, using some homemade remedies. We present you two completely natural ways to help you solve this aesthetic problem.

How To Use Chamomile

Mix chamomile with lavender oil and jojoba oil. Apply this mixture daily on the places where the stretch marks have appeared.

How To Use Avocado

Mix avocado, lemon and olive oil. Rub this mixture gently using gauze on places with visible stretch marks. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Health Natural Remedies Recipes

Fight Bad Breath Naturally With This Green Drink

Bad breath can be caused by various food products, tooth decay, indigestion or insufficient oral hygiene. But luckily nature is a great friend of health, so you can eliminate this problem with a few sips of this healthy, natural shake.

One of the most popular spices – cinnamon contains essential oils that eliminate bacteria in the throat, responsible for causing bad breath. Citric acid neutralizes the rest of the food, and spinach and parsley kill bacteria in the digestive system.

The mixture of these ingredients and some honey will save you from bad breath when you most need it.



  • 1 lemon
  • ½ tablespoon of cinnamon
  • 1 ½ tablespoon of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of spinach
  • 10 parsley branches
  • 1.7 oz/50 ml warm water


Wash both spinach and parsley, put them in a blender and add some lemon juice and warm water. Mix well all the ingredients and add cinnamon and honey at the end.

You can keep this powerful shake in the fridge and consume it in the morning before your meals.


Delicious Grilled Mushrooms Recipe

There are millions of ways to combine mushrooms in a delicious dish, and grilled mushrooms probably are the most delicious starter you could ever prepare. You can prepare this recipe at home – roast the mushrooms on a grill-pan, and enjoy this mouthwatering meal. Try it and have fun preparing this recipe!


  •  fresh mushrooms (500 g for two)
  • 2-3 garlic cloves (preferably young)
  • 1/4 bunch of parsley
  • 1/2 teaspoon of mixed spice
  • a few tablespoons of olive oil
  •  salt and pepper to taste (depends on how salty mixed spice is)


1. Rinse the mushrooms and squeeze the excess water out. If the mushrooms are too big, cut them in chunks. If they are smaller, use whole mushrooms.

2. Finely chop some garlic and parsley and add them to the mushrooms.

3. Add spices, salt and pepper to taste, and add some olive oil.

4. Mix well the ingredients and leave the mushrooms for ten minutes so they could soak up the oil and all the flavors.

5. Grill the mushrooms until they get a nice golden color. Instead of grilling you can also roast your mushrooms on a grill pan (as shown on images).

6. Serve the grilled mushrooms as a side dish to an omelette, rice, meat or just combine them with your favourite drink and enjoy their flavor.


Simple Trick To Remove Pesticides From Your Fruits

Lately we hear more and more about cases where fruits and vegetables exported from different countries are full of pesticides. Therefore the fear of how fruits and vegetables we buy are good for our health is totally justified.


We recommend you try this trick in order to relax and be sure that everything you consume is healthy: Put water and some vinegar (1 cap) in a container and soak fruits or vegetables in this mixture. Let them stay for 15 minutes and then wash fruits or vegetables well.

Vinegar kills 98 % of bacteria and pesticides stuck on fruits and vegetables. In this way, fruits and vegetables you enter will  be healthier for your body.


Delicious Pasta With Vegetables Recipe

Great idea for a light meal… You must prepare and try this delicious pasta with vegetables !



  • 450 g Fusilli pasta (“Twisted Spaghetti”)
  • 1 red pepper
  • 150 g broccoli
  • 150 g fresh champignons
  • 5 garlic cloves
  • mix of spices
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 25 g parmesan cheese
  • olive oil


1. Cook the pasta al dente..

2. Meanwhile, wash and chop the pepper.

3. Cut broccoli into small flowers. Put broccoli flowers in hot salted water for 5 minutes and let them dry on a towel.

4. Wash champignons in a bowl with cold water. Take the mushrooms out of the water and let them dry. Cut champignons into small pieces.

5. Chop garlic into thin slices.

6. Heat pan on medium. Add olive oil and garlic. Fry garlic until soft.

7. Before garlic turns brown, add champignons. Fry the mushrooms until they turn golden brown and a little dry.