
Golden Milk Recipe – Secret Of The Ancient Indian Medicine

Golden milk is a remarkable part of the ancient Indian medicine. It is believed that it was kept as a secret for centuries. According to the Indian medicine, golden milk and golden color itself are a symbol of health and healing power.

Of course, this milk has proven to provide many health benefits for your body, immune system, joints, bones, spine, and almost every vital organ. Today we present you the original golden milk recipe…



  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/8 tbsp turmeric
  • 1 cup goat milk
  • 2 tbsp almond oil
  • 1 tbsp honey


Let water and turmeric cook for 6-8 minutes. Add milk and almond oil. Let the mixture cook until it boils. After reaching the boiling point, immediately take the milk aside. Add the honey after it cools down, and drink it warm.

Indian medicine recommends drinking golden milk in treating problems with bones, joints, immune system, arthritis and many other diseases. There are no side effects and you can consume golden milk whenever you need it. It is good to drink a cup of golden milk in he morning since it provides energy throughout the whole day.

Natural Remedies Recipes

Banana Tea Recipe For Better Sleep

Famous doctor Oz says that banana tea is an ideal drink for better sleep. It is quick and easy, tastes amazingly and it is really effective. You will not make a mistake trying it!

How can you prepare it?

Boil 33 oz (1 liter) of water. Cut off ends of a banana and put it in the water, without any peeling or chopping. Take the banana out after 10 minutes, filter the tea and let it cool.

If desired, you can also add some cinnamon or honey – forget about sugar.


If there is any completely natural product as a alternative to sleeping pills, than it is the banana. It contains magnesium which calms your body and relaxes your muscles.

So, try this quick advice every time you have a tough day. You will not regret it!


Healthy Foods That Reduce Stress

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We live under constant stress. Actually it is all about the way we live and work. Some people relieve stress doing sports, with effective work or even food.

When being stressed, some people do not eat at all while others just eat a lot. We guess you all know, the second type of people is more common.

Different stressful situations occur constantly, and that impacts our organism and metabolism. At the same time, stress weakens our immune system. Every individual handles stress in a different way.


Practical Advices

Some practical advices can help you reduce and relieve stress through food.

How to start your day?

Namely, start your day by eating 5 walnuts. Walnuts are rich in B vitamins essential for the function of your nervous system.

Citrus Fruits

First drink fresh orange or grapefruit juice and you can also add 1 tablespoon of honey. Citrus fruits contain vitamin C important for maintaining normal secretion of the hormone causing stress.

Honey with its 63 micro elements helps you relax and reduce stress. After this morning ritual, drink a cup of chamomile tea. It is proven that chamomile tea helps your organism fight stress.

Chamomile balances stress-hormone secretion and supports organs responsible for production of stress-hormone (hypophysis, hypothalamus, adrenal gland). Drinking a cup of chamomile tea three times a day is recommended in periods with constant tenseness.


Consume Complex Carbohydrates

Speaking of food with powerful capacity of reducing stress, we must say complex carbohydrates are the most important. Potatoes are on the top and it is best to prepare this vegetable with its skin.

In this group we would include all cabbage types, celery, carrot, kohlrabi. Beans also play important role – beans, lentils, peas, string bean.

Halved Avocado

According to the latest researches, avocado is number one nutritive food product, because it contains specific carbohydrate called mannoheptulose. This sugar type does not stimulate insulin secretion, on the contrary it stops its secretion.

Phosphatidylcholine found in soybeans strengthens nerves. Soybeans are also rich in vitamin E, helpful in reducing stress. Vitamin E is also found in olives, plant oil, corn.

Maybe you have noticed that many times you happen to eat olives in a stressful situation. You can reduce stress by consuming nutrients rich in selenium, such as seafood, grains and nuts. Leafy vegetables rich in folic acid also relax the nervous system.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh enzymes found in fruits and vegetables have to be included in your stress-reducing diet. Consuming fresh fruit revitalises organism. Strawberries, cherries, pineapple, kiwi, watermelon and pear are most helpful in reducing stress.

The most efficient stress-reducing vegetables are radish, celery, carrot and ginger.

What should you avoid?

Unfortunately, we have to mention nutrients responsible for additional development of hypersensitivity, increasing stress. This group includes alcohol, coffee, caffeine beverages and sugar.

Consuming healthy food will help you reduce stress. Eat healthy and keep your health.


Chestnuts Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

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Do you ever think how healthy chestnuts are when you feel the smell of roasted chestnuts? They contain small amount of fat, lots of fiber and chestnuts are also gluten-free!

Chestnuts were first cultivated in China, Japan, Italy and Spain, and there are more than 100 chestnut types. Chestnuts are usually consumed roasted or boiled, and this delicious food is often used in various recipes. Chestnuts are also used in the production of flower.

You can find fresh chestnuts mostly in autumn and winter, and processed chestnuts can be bought throughout the whole year.


Chestnuts Nutrition Facts

Chestnuts are known for their sweet taste and texture. 100 grams of fresh chestnut (edible parts) have 170 calories, which means a lot less than nuts, such as hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts which contain three times more calories.

Chestnuts, same as the nuts we previously listed, do not contain cholesterol. This amazing gift of nature contains small amount of fat, mostly unsaturated fat and which is more important, chestnuts are gluten-free.

This is the main reason why chestnuts are ideal for patients diagnosed with celiac disease.

Chestnuts contain similar amount of carbohydrates as grains (wheat, rice), and twice as much starch as potatoes. They are rich in sugar, even 8% of the edible part contain various types of sugar, including glucose, fructose and others.


Raw Vegan Chocolate – Hazelnut Recipe

Super easy chocolate with hazelnuts, delicious and no one could really say what it’s made ​​of.


  • 2 pcs little avocado
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa
  • 60 grams hazelnuts
  • Honey to taste (vegan alternative: stevia leaf powder or raisins)



Kibble hazelnuts in a food processor with S knife.

Add avocado and process again. Since the mixture will stick on the walls, press it down using a spoon and then process again until avocado is finely mixed with the hazelnuts.

Add honey and cocoa, process few more times and that’s it!
Be careful of not keeping this chocolate for a long time, even though we are sure that you will eat it right away. You can also use it as a cake cream.


Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

This jam is incredibly easy to make and contains no sugar like other store-bought jams, it’s also dairy free and gluten free !


  • 0.9 lbs (400 grams) strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds (ground flaxseed)
  • 1 handful of walnuts
  • Optional – 1 tbsp cocoa, honey


You can prepare this jam in two layers – strawberry and chocolate. Blend the strawberries and pour half of them in a bowl, and add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds. Let the mixture rest for 20 minutes to get a nice jam.

Add cocoa, walnuts and 1 tablespoon of chia seeds to the rest of the strawberries. Blend the ingredients for a few seconds, just to stir the cocoa. Pour the mixture over the strawberry jam. Keep it in the fridge for an hour. If you like your jam thicker use less strawberries.


The exact proportion to soak chia seeds is 1:9 – chia:liquid. If you are baking cookies it is important to use the accurate amount of chia seeds and liquid. If you use a spoon to measure chia seeds, measure with a flat tablespoon, because later when chia is soaked in the liquid there is no way for the spoon to be tipped. Another option is to use a cup or measuring container. 1:8 or 1:7 is also a good proportion if you want a super thick jam.

If you do not have chia seeds you can also use ground flax seed (grind it in a coffee grinder). Flaxseed absorbs less liquid than chia, and the possible proportion is 1:3 or 1:4.

You do not have to add cocoa, but the walnuts give an awesome taste to the jam.


Gluten Free Food List – What To Eat And What To Avoid

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Frequent stomach cramps, and symptoms including weakness, loss of weight and allergy indicate gluten intolerance. Gluten is wheat protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and all products made of grains or containing grains in small traces.

Processed and canned food, vitamins or medications, but children food as well, contain gluten, unless its strictly stated on the package that the product is gluten-free.

Today more and more product labels include the fact that the product is gluten free, because the number of people having health problems caused by gluten is growing.


Symptoms of celiac disease or gluten intolerance can be present without causing some serious problems, and experts agree that the disease is hereditary, but it can also appear in children if they start eating grains like wheat before they are allowed.

It is really important to know this, and pediatricians and nutritionists constantly appeal to young parents to adhere to the feeding calendar for babies and small kids.

People who suffer from celiac disease have the most serious problems, so the only thing they can do to lead a normal and healthy life is complete deprivation of all gluten containing products.

This task is not too difficult, although at first glance it might seem so. The hardest thing, at least initially, is finding out which products are gluten-free, including the gluten-free products on the shelves in the closest supermarkets.Wheat in general is added to almost any food to increase its amount. Therefore, gluten can be found in processed food, cans, cookies, etc.


Baked Zucchini With Cheese Recipe

You can prepare this gluten free recipe in both summer and winter. You can also prepare it in large quantities, so you will have enough for the next day as well. It tastes so good right after you take it out of the fridge. The ingredients are optional, some like it with more cheese.



  • 2-4 lbs (1-2 kg) zucchini
  • 1.5 lbs (700 grams) low fat cheese
  • 6-7-8 eggs
  • (fresh grape leaves)
  • dill
  • garlic


Cut the zucchini in 2 halves and each half in 3 strips. Dice the strips into 1.5 cm long cubes.

Bake the zucchini in the oven and mix them after 20 minutes. It is not necessary to add oil and butter if you have a nice baking pan.

You can add some butter after baking the zucchini. If you have filled the baking pan to the top, it will take 60 minutes (3 breaks after every 20 minutes to mix the zucchini cubes) to dehydrate zucchini and get a nice golden color. If you use 2 or 3 zucchini, 40 minutes will be enough (mix the zucchini after 20 minutes).

Bake the zucchini at higher temperature in the middle of the oven, not at the bottom. This recipe is quite easy to prepare, but you need to have enough time to roast the zucchini cubes, so they lose all the water. It’s not tasty if your zucchini are too moist.

You can shorten the baking time if you first dice the zucchini and then squeeze the cubes using both hands to drain all the moisture of the zucchini. In this case you will need to stir the zucchini cubes every 10 minutes so the upper layer will not burn.


You can make the recipe using shredded zucchini and both ways are super delicious. Fresh grape leaves give excellent taste to the zucchini. Add chopped grape leaves after you have baked the zucchini cubes and bake for another 10 minutes (be careful not to burn the grape leaves).

Grate the cheese on the large-scale of the grater, or you can just dice it.
Add the eggs and stir quickly to get a mixture as if you are preparing stuffed peppers.
Add some butter after the cubes are baked and dry, mix them and then add the cheese and eggs mixture.

Stir so the eggs are mixed well with the zucchini and bake for another 5-6 minutes.
Sprinkle some dill and garlic after you take the baking pan out of the oven. Tarator is an excellent addition.

Baked zucchini and cheese after you keep it in the fridge for a while. It thickens and tastes as if you are eating pizza, and you can also put some yogurt over the top.
Adding grape leaves gives this recipe a flavor of stuffed grape leaves. 

Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies Recipes

Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Smoothie

Whether you have pain and inflammation from strenuous exercise, working on your job, joint pain, arthritis pain, pain from unexpected injuries, or migraine headaches, you want to get relief so you can start feeling better.


Try this delicious smoothie recipe to relief inflammation and pain:


  • 1/2 Cup Coconut Flesh
  • 1 Cup Frozen Cherries
  • 5-8 Basil Leaves
  • 1-2 Cups of Coconut Water or Water
  • 1 tbsp. Chia or Hemp Seed

Put all ingredients into a blender and blend for 20-30 seconds until smooth.

Fruits Health

Health Benefits Of Aronia Berries

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It is widely discussed that aronia berries are rich in antioxidants, but after it was scientifically proven that aronia berries have the highest antioxidant capacity among all berries and nuts, aronia was declared as super-fruit.

Ripe aronia berries contain large amounts biophenol, tannin, falvonoids and anthocyanins. Aronia is an excellent source of vitamins including vitamin A, C, R , B9 , B6 , B2 , E and minerals like calcium, tin, iron, manganese, iodine and phosphorus.


We have listed all the health benefits aronia berries provide.

  • The best source of antioxidants – prevention of heart and blood vessels diseases
  • Purifies blood
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Improves the function of digestive system
  • It has a powerful effect against bacteria and viruses
  • Anti-inflammatory effect
  • Stimulates glands
  • Enhances memory and concentration
  • Regulates glucose level
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Purifies the body through the power of excretion of heavy metals and some radioactive elements from the body
  • Helps in wound healing
  • Slows skin and body aging
  • Protects from UV radiation