
10 Great Anti-Aging Foods You Need To Start Eating Today

Anti-aging foods can help counteract the aging process. Check out our list of the best 10 anti-aging foods and start to eat healthier today.


This colorful tiny fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants which support skin and brain protection. Actually they have lots of antioxidants that help you to clean up free radicals to associate with disease and aging. That is not the only reason you should eat it, this has a lot of nutrients and it tastes good too.



Older people experience reduced brain function. Omega-3-fatty acids, similar to those found in fish, protect skin, brain, eyes, heart and joints.



These small green fruits are more useful than any other nut, because they grow in shells and contain lots of nutrients important for both skin and brain.

Protein Powder

As we grow older, muscles start reducing their mass for about 1% every year. This lost turns into a magic circle. Muscle loss means poor metabolism, loss of coordination and balance.

Fortunately, combining magical milk by-product (whey protein isolate) can make miracles.


Coffee has a bad reputation, but it is not that bad as you thought. It can cause some side-effects if you add sugar or cream. Some researches show that people who often consume coffee are less likely to have a heart attack.

Coffee reduces the chance of getting Parkinson’s disease or type 2 diabetes.


Most people do not usually have oatmeal. Consuming oatmeal helps your organism absorb nutrients more easily. It also helps you maintain your weight as you get older.


Red Wine

No, it is not a mistake. Red wine contains a strong antioxidant called resveratrol. Researches show that high amounts of resveratrol can prevent death caused by stroke or heart attack.

Women can consume 1 glass daily, and men are allowed to have 2 glasses of red wine per day.


This leafy green plant is a real nutritive center. It is too simple and easy to add spinach in your diet, combining it with eggs, rice or as a salad base.

Spinach is rich in lutein, which is proven to be efficient in the anti-aging process.

Green Tea

Green tea will help you look younger regardless the way you consume it – hot or cold, or maybe you use it to freshen your soup or stew.

Actually, it was the Chinese researchers who discovered that people who drink 3 cups of green tea daily slow their aging process down. The main reason for this is the fact that green tea can improve your DNA structure and affect cell aging.


Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, carrots are rich in beta-carotene, and watermelon is heavily equipped with both vitamins which protect your skin and help repairing skin damages caused by sunlight.


Hazelnuts – Amazing Health Benefits And Nutritional Facts

Do you remember when was the last time you ate hazelnuts? Have you ever wondered why this nut is so popular ingredient used in numerous sweet recipes? If these questions made you think for a second, we recommend you read the following article.

Hazelnut grows on a bush reaching a height up to 8 meters. It has egg-shaped leaves, and its fruits grow in a cluster of few hazelnuts.

Hazelnut is one of the food products which is practically the protector of Christmas feasts, same as walnut, and many Balkan families still collect large amounts of hazelnuts and store it for further use during the whole winter.


Nutritional Facts of Hazelnuts

Let’s have a brief look on the nutritional value hazelnuts have. 100g hazelnuts have estimated energy value of 628 kcal – 61% fat, 17% carbohydrates and 15% protein.

Minerals: calcium (114mg), magnesium (163mg), phosphorus (290 mg), iron (4,7 mg), zinc (2,5 mg), copper (1,8 mg), manganese (6 mg) and selenium (2,4 mcg);

Vitamins: vitamin C (6,3 mg), thiamine (0,6 mg), riboflavin (0,1 mg), niacin (1,8 mg), pantothenic acid (1 mg), vitamin B6 (o,5 mg), choline (45,6 mg), betaine (0,4 mg), vitamin E (15 mg), folic acid (68 mcg) and vitamin K (14 mg).



How To Make The Best Homemade Natural Air Fresheners

Who does not prefer a nice and pleasant scent? Our homes have distinctive smell, but since we live there, we can not feel it.

Shops sell different air fresheners, sprays, scented candles, and some have fresh, pleasant scent, while others have strong and deep aroma. In addition to this, they are not cheap at all.

But the good news is that you can make an air freshener at home – it is easy, costs less and you can use your fantasy.


1. Air freshener In A Jar


  • Jar
  • Saucepan
  • Water
  • Fruit, herbs and spices

Put chopped fruit in a jar and add water. Add the herbs and spices you have chosen. Store the jar in a refrigerator or a freezer for maximum 2 weeks.


Before using it, put the mixture in a saucepan and let it boil. After it boils, turn the heat down to a medium low and let is simmer for a while. The scent will spread all over your home.


You can prepare several different jars and keep them in the fridge for a further use whenever you wish to bring freshness in your home. After using it, you can bring all ingredients and the water as well in a jar and re-use it 2 or 3 more times.

The water will be a little blurred, but you can smell it before re-using it, and if it is fine, use the mixture again. Add some water if necessary in order not to get the contrary effect – burning smell.

You can use: orange, lemon, lime, pineapple, peppermint, rosemary, coconut extract, cinnamon sticks, ginger, vanilla, almond extract, cloves, mint, thyme.


2. Air Freshener Spray


  • 1 clean spray bottle
  • 1 tbsp baking soda
  • 500 ml distilled water
  • Essential oil of your choice (10 drops)

Preparation: Using a fork mix baking soda and essential oil in a bowl. Pour the mixture in the bottle and fill it with distilled water. Shake the bottle before every use.


These homemade air fresheners are an excellent way to keep your home smelling nice and fresh, and not only they are cheap, but you would most certainly avoid spraying all those dangerous chemical substances in your home.

Health Healthy Drinks

Healing Power Of Walnut Leaves Tea

Walnut is priceless gift of nature. We have already discussed the benefits walnuts provide, but that is not all this tree can provide. Walnut leaves can be also used, maybe even more you can imagine. Read this recipe on how to prepare walnut leaves tea and learn more about its benefits.

You can find fresh walnut leaves during a longer period of the year, but it is best to pick them in June, because at this point they can provide the best effect.


Using walnut leaves you can make compress, but also a tea for internal use. According to those who know folk medicine well and use its remedies, walnut leaves tea is considered as possible anti-inflammatory remedy.

It can be used in treating serious fungal and bacterial infections, it is beneficial in treating skin inflammation, but also inflammation in the digestive system and acne.

You can prepare tea using walnut leaves, and it has the power to calm intestinal infections and acne, which are considered as a serious problem of younger people. You can also use this tea to make a compress, but you should have on mind that the tea should be completely cold.


Preparation Of Walnut Leaves Tea:

Add 2 tablespoons of crushed dried walnut leaves in 250 ml of water. Let it boil for 4-5 minutes. Filter the tea and drink not more than 2 or 3 cups a day.

Some people might be sensitive to walnut leaves tea and experience symptoms as nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain. If you notice any of these symptoms after the first cup of tea, stop using walnut leaves tea.


Amazing Drink That Melt Pounds Away

Lemon and honey based diet can help you finally beat obesity and lose those extra pounds.

Honey is an excellent natural remedy that moves fat stored in your body and lemon and honey based diet helps you lose weight without feeling hungry.


What should you do?
Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. Add a cup of cold water. Never heat water before using it. Drink a cup of this drink in the morning before your breakfast and after heavy and greasy meals.

Of course, you should eat less if you are trying to lose weight, but this drink will make this process easier. If you often eat too much, maybe it is better to have this drink before your meals. That will reduce your appetite.

Natural Remedies

Juice Recipes For Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual periods can be quite uncomfortable and cause pain before or during the period. Menstrual pain makes household and school activities more difficult to perform.

Many women also experience difficulties at work during their menstrual cycle. If you did not know, menstrual cramps are the contractions of the uterine muscles causing pain. Preparing these juice recipes can help you relax your muscles and relieve menstrual cramps.


1. Peachy Power Juice


  • Basil (fresh) – 3 leaves(7.5g)
  • Carrots – 14 medium (854g)
  • Lemon – 1/2 fruit (42g)
  • Peaches – 5 medium (750g)

Put all ingredients in a juicer and process good. Stir or shake and serve.

2. Pineapple And Carrot Juice

Pineapple juice is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that helps in relaxing muscle pain and cramps experienced during menstrual cycle.


  • -Pineapple 1- 2 cup
  • -Carrots – 2 large or 3 medium

Put the pineapple and carrot in a juicer and process good. Stir or shake and serve.


3. Mix Power Juice


  • Apples – 2 medium (364g)
  • Carrots – 14 medium(854g)
  • Oranges (peeled) – 2 small (192g)

Put all ingredients in a juicer and process good. Stir or shake and serve


4. Hear Beet Juice


  • Apple – 1 medium (182g)
  • Beet Root – 1 beet (175g)
  • Carrots – 12 medium(732g)
  • Lemon – 1/2 fruit (42g)
  • Oranges (peeled) – 2 fruit (262g)

Put all ingredients in a juicer and process good. Stir or shake and serve.

5. Water-Blueberry Juice


  • Basil (fresh) – 3 leaves(7.5g)
  • Blueberries – 1.5 cup(222g)
  • Cayenne Pepper (spice) – 2 pinch(0.22g)
  • Lime – 1/2 fruit (33.5g)
  • Watermelon – 5 cup, diced(760g)
Natural Remedies

The Best Homemade Remedy For Sore Throat

Sore throat is the main problem we have in this period of the year. Many people try to put up with the pain even though sometimes it takes too long to cure a sore throat.

There are many natural recipes, maybe most of those you have tried showed no effect, but still we recommend you try this homemade recipe before you go to the closest pharmacy.


Put 2 or 3 potatoes in 1liter of water and boil it. After the water boils, add a handful of mixed dried herbs, and you can add some more, depending on the variety of herbs you have (sage, chamomile, linden), add few drops of eucalyptus essential oil or any other you have.

Cover your head with a towel and bend over the steam right after you start feeling the aroma of the boiling mixture. Inhale for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day.

Diet & Weight Loss Herbs & Oils

3 Amazing Fat Burning Herbs

Reducing the calorie intake and increasing the calorie burn rate is the key of losing weight. However, if you already try following this advice, you most probably wonder if there is any way to speed up the weight losing process.

In the last few years scientists have discovered that some herbs speed up metabolism and enhance fat burning. Still, none of these herbs does magic, but combined with healthy food and physical activity, this gift of nature will help you get the desired results as soon as possible.



People knew about the healing properties dandelion has back in ancient times, and fresh young dandelion juice improves health condition. Furthermore, this herb will help your body dissolve carbohydrates faster. Dandelion also regulates blood sugar level and stops sudden changes in blood sugar level. In this way you will not feel a desire to grab something sweet or a snack that often.

Eat fresh dandelion leaves as a salad or prepare dandelion tea. Boil 2 tablespoons of dandelion root for 10-15 minutes and drink this tea three times a day.



Flaxseed is an excellent additive in every diet regimen. Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help the organism regulate blood sugar level and boost metabolism.



Ginger is part of many studies, and scientists discover new healing properties with every research they conduct. Ginger has amazing effect in boosting metabolism and body detox. You can add it as a spice in your meals or use it to prepare tea.


DIY: Homemade Healthy Gummies Recipe

You do not need sugar and additives to make homemade gummy candy. If your children love gummy candy, offer them a healthier version. They will for sure love them!

To make gummy candy you need: gelatin, honey, fruit and decorative silicone ice molds.


Strawberries Gummy Candy


4 strawberries
3 tbsp gelatin
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup water
3 tbsp honey


Blend strawberries, lemon juice and water together. In a saucepan on a low heat add honey and gelatin to the strawberries mixture. Stir well until you get nice and smooth mixture. Take the saucepan aside and fill the molds using a saucepan. Keep the molds in the fridge for five minutes. You will take the gummy candies out of the molds easily.


Coconut Gummy Candy


  • 3 tbsp gelatin
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 1/3 cup coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp coconut flower


In a small saucepan on a low heat mix all the ingredients except the coconut flour. Stir well until you get a smooth mixture and add the coconut flour, stir again and fill the silicone molds using a teaspoon. Keep the molds in a fridge for five minutes.

Natural Remedies

Natural Homemade Remedy To Boost Your Immune System

Immune system is extremely important for your organism. If you are experiencing reduced function of your immune system, your overall organism is running at a risk of developing different diseases.

Your doctor can often say that your immune system is down and you should pay more attention to the food you eat. Yes, food is important, but today we recommend you try this effective homemade remedy to strengthen your immune system in a quick and simple way.

There are many supplements sold in pharmacies, containing immunity-strengthening compounds. All those supplements are effective, but natural remedies always take the first place. Natural remedies are first on the list in treating every health condition.

Medication is the first solution you have only when it is not possible to improve your health using natural remedies or it is just too late to ask nature for help. We present you today’s recipe on how to improve immune system function in a quick and completely natural way.



  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 orange
  • 1 apple
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tbsp natural honey


Blend all the ingredients until you get nice and smooth texture. Consume this fruit mixture every morning. Consume 1 teaspoon at a time, slowly for an hour. Be persistent and consume this fruit bomb for at least a month. Check the results after a month – this homemade recipe provides successful outcome.