Health Natural Remedies

Amazing Natural Remedies For Women

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Natural remedies sometimes do help, at least when it comes to the most common female issues.

Bladder inflammation

You should drink at least two litres of mineral water and a cup of cranberry tea every day in order to get rid of all those dangerous bacteria in your body. This fruit reduces pH level in the urine, and stops any possible bacterial proliferation. Fill your hot water bottle right after you feel the first symptoms, and hold it on your stomach.

Premenstrual Cramps

Any massage using pleasantly fragranced essential oil stimulates your body to heal itself, and it also the strengthens nervous and endocrine system.

Jogging improves circulation and relaxes muscles. The happy hormone is secreted while jogging, so we recommend you running three times a week for at least half an hour.


Vaginal Infections

Add five drops of herbal essential oils in a cup of warm water, and use the mixture to wash your intimate zone.

Use a tampon soaked in yogurt and change it after four hours.

Avoid perfumed washing gels or intimate care sprays, because they cause acidic imbalance.

Menopausal Upsets

Lavander, orange and rose fragrances have calming effect. Add two drops of any essential oil in a bowl or use a special essential oil lamp. North American herb “Cimicifuga racemosa”, red clover and soy have similar effect as estrogen regarding the endocrine balance.


Put a handful of hops in two different containers. Fill the first container with warm water (38°C), and use cold water to fill the second container (10°C).

Soak your feet in the container with warm water for five minutes, and then keep them for ten seconds in the second container with cold water. Repeat the procedure four times. Drink sage tea, since it is effective in dealing with obesity, and it is also beneficial while doing any sport activity.

Fruits Health

Pears – Super-Fruit For Many Disorders And Diseases

As a child you have been told about the essential importance of fruit and pear is one of the most beneficial fruit for your overall health.

Pear is almost as large as apple, but unlike apples, pears are more difficult to peel and they can be yellow, green, brown, red or a combination of more colors.

This fruit usually tastes sweet and juicy, and Chinese pear is the most popular kind, which also has the most healing properties. Pears can be found throughout the whole year, but they taste best at the end of summer and fall.


Nutritional value

Pears are an excellent source of fiber, and they also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E, and folic acid and niacin as well. This fruit is rich source of copper, phosphorus and potassium, and it also contains calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, sodium and sulfur in smaller amounts.

Natural Remedies

The Best Homemade Cough Syrup Recipe

It is the season of flu and cold, and coughing is undoubtedly the most annoying obstacle in having a normal and peaceful day. It occurs as a defensive system the body use to get rid of toxins in respiratory tract.

You can buy different syrups and cough-relieving medicines, but still, natural syrups are more efficient, they are easy to prepare and anyone can afford this gift of nature.


We recommend you to prepare this powerful syrup, using the following ingredients:

  • 200 g/16 tbsp brown sugar
  • 200 ml/ 0.8 cups  water (7 oz)
  • 1 tsp flax seed
  • 1 tsp sage
  • 1 tsp marshmallow (althaea officialis)
  • 1 diced lemon

You can Buy Sage From Here: You can buy Sage from here: White Sage Smudge Stick 3-Pack (RS3WS) –

Also you can Buy Flax Seed from here: Now Foods Certified Organic Golden Flax Seeds, 16 ozs Bag, (Pack of 2)


Cook all the ingredients on a low heat. You can add some honey to flavor (few tablespoons). Store the syrup in a fridge to cool down and thicken. Consume few tablespoons each day.

Health Natural Remedies

5 Foods To Soothe Your Upset Stomach

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Did you know that there are many natural ways to help you calm your irritated stomach? Dealing with stomach ache can be stressful and usually happens in the most inconvenient moment.

Try these natural and easy ways to relieve stomach ache and start feeling better.



Drinking tea is one of the easiest ways to calm your irritated stomach. Prepare yourself a cup of mint or chamomile tea, and you can also add some ginger. Mint is recommended in cases of nausea or PMS symptoms.


Any kind of mint or peppermint flavored candy or chewing gum can help you sooth your irritated stomach or digest food more easily. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, mint relaxes stomach muscles, so it is useful in treating cramps and upset stomach.


Prepare yourself easy digestible vegetable or chicken soup. Since soup is easily digested it will not upset your stomach additionally, and it is also rich in many nutrients.

Double baked bread

This is an old natural remedy for stomach ache and diarrhea. Bake some stale bread in the oven or in a toaster and eat it. Baked, dry bread absorbs all toxic material in the stomach and reduces pain.


Ginger is another useful food product which has proven to be helpful in calming upset stomach or nausea. Prepare ginger tea for best results, and if it tastes too strong have some ginger flavored candies.


How to Use Dark Chocolate as a Medicine

Most of you avoid eating chocolate because of all the stories you have heard about chocolate not being healthy at all. But, it is a fact that this theory is not true, especially if it comes to dark chocolate, because a piece of dark chocolate every day can do magic for your organism.

We have listed some of the benefits chocolate provides.


High blood pressure

Many researches have shown that moderate consumption of chocolate every day lowers blood pressure and protects heart and blood vessels.


You have probably noticed that chocolate is an excellent antidepressant. It actually contains serotonin, known as excellent natural antidepressant. People who consume chocolate regularly run at a lower risk of experiencing chronic depression.

Chocolate is one of the most powerful foods in the fight against cancer

You have most probably already heard about garlic, green tea, blueberries and other similar food products, but did you know that chocolate provides similar effect? Many researches have proven that by consuming chocolate and a glass of red wine every day you have some of the most powerful anti-cancer weapons on your side.

Chocolate for a healthy brain

Studies have shown that dark chocolate protects brain cells and both directly and indirectly reduces the risk of stroke. If you need something sweet, do not hesitate to have a bite or two of your favorite chocolate, but be careful not to eat too much!

Dark chocolate improves mood

We all know this one. Chocolate improves our mood, and makes us more relaxed and calm, and this is as essential as any other benefit. Now you can understand better why we like eating chocolate when we are stressed or despaired.

Protect your heart

Studies have proven that people who like dark chocolate have reduced blood pressure, great blood flow, and a decreased risk of blood clotting. Eat dark chocolate at least three times a day to strengthen your heart.

Dark chocolate keeps you young

It is rich in antioxidants, and prevents radical cell damages caused by free radicals and toxins as part of the aging process. Chocolate will help you stay young and healthy.

Treat cough with hot raw chocolate

Theobromine soothes cough and provides a similar effect to codeine. Combine some almond milk and raw cocoa and relieve your cough.


Diet & Weight Loss

The Best 7 Foods For a Flat Belly

Flat stomach is a challenge for many women. If you once allowed your stomach grow, then you most probably know how difficult it is to bring it back in shape.

Exercising is necessary, but it is not enough if you want to maintain your stomach flat. Proper diet is also necessary. We have listed some food products to help you naturally accelerate the fat burning process.

In addition to this, these food products will provide a protection against many diseases and physical injuries. Include 2 or 3 of these foods in your everyday meals and at least one in your snack menu.


1. Almonds

Almonds are delicious nuts, rich in protein, fiber, magnesium and vitamin E, known as a powerful antioxidant.
Almonds help you fight obesity, loss of muscle mass, heart disease, wrinkles, high blood pressure.

2. Eggs

Eggs are a perfect source of protein. Studies have shown that people who consume eggs for their breakfast feel less hungry during the rest of the day, unlike people who eat breakfast rich in carbohydrates.

Eggs help muscle creation, fat burning and fighting obesity.


Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

Flush Your Kidneys – Natural Kidney Cleansing Drink !

Kidneys are vital organs in our body, important for the overall condition of our body and long life.

Kidneys filter about 200 l blood daily to get rid of all harmful toxins in our body consumed through food. They are a sort of defensive processing mechanism which removes about 2 l of waste material and excess water, excreted from the body through urine.

Too much toxic material can cause kidney or urinary tract and bladder diseases. Their most dangerous enemies are: animal protein, salt, genetically modified food, artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, dairy products, caffeine and cigarettes.


If you want to provide your kidneys function more efficient and clean your body from all the toxins, try this healthy and nutritious drink we have added below.


  • half a lemon or lime (cleaned)
  • 1 kiwi (peeled)
  • ¼ cup walnuts
  • 1 banana
  • ½ bunch fresh parsley
  • 1 cup water


Blend all the ingredients, add water and keep blending until you get nice and smooth texture.

Extra tip: If you want to enrich this drink additionally, add half of cleaned avocado and a handful of fresh spinach or kale.

Bon Appetit!

Fruits Health

Plum – Powerful Multivitamin For Your Heart

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Plum is considered as a real natural multivitamin. This fruit is rich in vitamins with low energy value, and their ratio is optimal for your overall health.

Plums have four times lower energy value than bread. Their great taste comes from the good ratio of sugar (five types) and fruit acids. The healing properties of plums are beneficial in treating kidney disease, gout, liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis and others.


Plums Nutrition Facts

It is recommended to consume plums because this fruit contain a combination of vitamins, including: vitamin C, vitamin B6 and vitamin E. None of this vitamins is contained in high amounts, but their combination is beneficial for your organism.

This is the main reason why plum is called real natural multivitamin.

The fresh fruit is the most healing part of the plum. It contains 84% water, 0.6% protein, 10% carbohydrates, 2.1 fiber, and it is especially important to emphasize that plums contain high amount of pectin, which makes it one of the healthiest fruits and a natural remedy beneficial in regulating digestion.


Plums are rich in beta-carotene, folic acid and minerals, including: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and copper. Copper is the most important mineral for the proper function of heart and liver. Plums also contain apple acid.

Today you can find around 2 000 kinds of plum varieties (yellow, green, blue and red). Prunus domestica or European plum and Prunus salicina or Japanese plum have the most healing properties.

Extra advice:

Plums should be used fresh, but you can use this delicacy to prepare delicious and fresh fruit salads, deserts, marmalade, sauce, juice and compote.

Plum compote is efficient in treating constipation, because it contains lots of pectin, helpful in stimulating intestine function.

Health Herbs & Oils Natural Remedies

Top 5 Natural Remedies To Treat Diarrhea

Many viruses can cause diarrhea, such as rotavirus, herpes simplex, hepatitis, and some bacteria known as enemy of the digestive system. Diarrhea can be a symptom of various diseases, ranging from easy-treating health condition to a more severe health problem.

Maybe the problem lies in a possible “spoiled stomach”, due to consummation of old food or unpurified water, infection, influenza or starving. Intestine and digestive disorders often result in diarrhea, and sometimes even parasitic infections can be the main cause.


Diarrhea is usually followed by dehydration, loss of appetite, nausea, stomach pain or cramps and fever. Diarrhea exhausts your organism and you lose lots of water, meaning you should drink enough water after experiencing such a health condition.

There are many natural food products which can help you treat diarrhea, offering their healing properties without any side-effects.

Coriander (Cilantro)

– This herb has numerous health benefits. Its leaves are rich in protein, fat, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates and water. It also contains lots of minerals and vitamins, including: vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, sodium, potassium, oxalic acids, riboflavin. Use dried coriander to treat diarrhea.



– This fruit is rich in antioxidants. You can improve its effect by combining blueberries with probiotics – good bacteria contained in yoghurt and similar food products. Fresh blueberries clean your organism, but dried blueberries, on the other hand, stop diarrhea.


– This plant has analgetic, antibacterial and sedative properties, and numerous studies have confirmed its efficiency in treating health conditions caused of chemotherapy, diarrhea and morning sickness. To avoid this uncomfortable conditions prepare ginger root tea. Put 2 tablespoons of ginger root in hot water and filter the tea after 15 minutes. You can add some honey and lemon.



– Mix mint juice and some lemon juice and add half a tablespoon of honey to avoid the bitter taste. Consume this juice mixture three times a day.

Healthy Drinks Herbs & Oils

Old Tibetan Tea For Long Life – Useful, Simple And Easy To Make

Tibetan medicine is widely accepted throughout the world mostly because the fact that people living in Tibet reach the oldest age.

People were interested in Tibetan culture and traditional Tibetan recipes, of course, and those who practice alternative medicine offer more and more healthy products, claimed to be efficient in prolonging life.

We recommend you try this tea which is regularly used in Tibetan medicine, and it is believed to be provide lots of benefits for your organism.



  • 2l water
  • 5g ground ginger
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp natural honey
  • 1 pinch ground hot pepper
  • 1 pinch fennel


Boil water for 5 minutes. Take it aside and let it cool for a while. Add all the ingredients one at a time. Let the mixture rest covered until it is completely cold. At this point the tea is ready to be consumed.

The most important thing is not to add the ingredients in hot water. The water should cool down to a point when you could hold your finger in it, in order not to lose the healing properties.



It is best to consume this tea during the whole day, sip by sip in an equal time intervals. You can also consume a small cup, half an hour before every meal. According to the recipe, 2l of this tea is enough for three people, which is the optimal daily dose.