
Use These Natural Foods To Stop Acid Reflux And Prevent Heartburn

Almost everyone has felt that unpleasant feeling acid reflux brings, that uncomfortable and burning feeling right behind the chest bone. We present you several natural tricks you can do in your home to help you get rid of the burning sensation more easily.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is on the top of the list of home remedies for acid reflux. Mix some water and some baking soda, and drink it right away. This simple recipe neutralizes stomach acids immediately.



Turmeric is not only known as an antiseptic, but it also stimulates food digestion, and reduces the secretion of acids in the stomach.

Cold Milk

Cold milk provides a strong effect in the treatment of acid reflux. Therefore, drink a glass of cold milk anytime you feel that burning sensation in your stomach.

Cinnamon Tea

It has powerful effect in reducing stomach acids. Use cinnamon tea regularly and your problem may soon become history.


A simple and easy trick to stop acid reflux. Eat a banana anytime you have this problem, because it gives a calming effect.


Natural Coloring – How To Dye Easter Eggs Naturally !

You probably did not know that you can color eggs in a completely natural way, without using any food colors. It is easy to do, it is fun and you can also show your children the power of nature in the kitchen, or you can just bring some colorful eggs to work and make people wonder how you got the color.

It is easy to do, and we have listed different colors and the products you should use to get the desired color. “Boiled” means that you must boil the ingredient to extract the color you need.


Wash well hard boiled eggs in warm after to remove any oil left, which can affect the dyeing process. Let the eggs cool for a while.

Note: You do not have to use every ingredient to get the color you need, we just listed all the ingredients you could use for each color.


  • Small Amount of Purple Grape Juice
  • Violet Flowers + 2 tsp Lemon Juice
  • Red Zinger Tea bags (Celestial Seasoning brand)

Violet Blue        

  • Violet Flowers (no lemon juice)
  • Red Onion Skins (boiled)
  • Red Wine
  • Hibiscus Tea


  • Canned Blueberries
  • Large Amount of Purple Grape Juice
  • Red Cabbage Leaves (boiled)
Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies Recipes

Miracle In A Glass: This Juice Fights Almost All Allergies!

Lately, allergies have become a common and unpleasant health condition. Allergies are actually reactions of the organism in people with weak immune system and thin i.e. damaged mucous membrane in both respiratory and digestive system.

Even though allergies cause headaches, you can make some small, but significant changes in the diet on your own.



  • 1 medium-sized carrot
  • 2 large oranges
  • 1/2 medium-sized cucumber
  • 5-10 fresh mint leaves
  • fresh ginger (1.5cm)


1. Peel and wash well the fruit.

2. Cut carrot and cucumber in pieces, and separate oranges in quarters.

3. Place the ingredients in a juicer following this order, and add the mint leaves between the fruits and vegetables.

4. Store the drink in a fridge and drink it before having your meals.


Spinach – One Of The Healthiest Vegetables In The World

Nutritionists recommend eating more spinach to think faster, to improve both eyesight and blood, and also to boost digestion.

Spinach is one of the most valuable foods, it gives strength, protects from cancer and cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, cataracts, cholesterol…

Nutritionists call it “king of vegetables”, because of the large amounts of minerals and vitamins it contains. Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene. It is enough to consume a cup of steam-cooked spinach to satisfy your daily needs.

Fresh spinach iin a wooden bowl on a cutting board

Spinach contains folates, B vitamin, which plays important role in reducing homocysteine levels in blood, a component believed to cause a heart attack if present in high concentrations. Spinach also contains magnesium, a mineral which protects heart and plays important role in keeping the blood pressure normal.

Consuming spinach is good also because of the vitamin K it contains, which is essentially important for the proper mineralization process, i.e. healthy and strong bones. This vegetable is rich in calcium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc, iodine, cobalt…

Spinach also contains a lot of cellulose, so it is beneficial for both digestion and detoxification.

Spinach originated in Persia and Afghanistan, and the Moors brought it in Europe in 11th century, and later in the US. It tastes best when cooked and mixed with finely chopped garlic, fresh lemon juice and olive oil. Gourmets like it covered with some grated parmesan cheese.

Healthy Drinks Recipes

Alkalize Your Body With This Delicious Alkaline Smoothie

You might ask, “What’s healthier than a smoothie?” Well… there’s smoothie and then there’s Alkaline smoothie !

This smoothie retain the fiber from the fruits and the vegetables you use. Fiber helps your body naturally rid itself of toxins and also fiber can improve digestion. Also helps you feel satisfyingly full, and stay that way.



  • 500 grams /1.1 lbs apples
  • 2 medium grapefruits
  • 4 carrots
  • 2 oranges
  • 500 ml / 2 cups filtered water


Place all ingredients into high speed blender and blend until really smooth. Also you can add a little filtered water if needed for consistency.

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks Recipes

Melts Fat Like Crazy: This Amazing Drink Guarantees Great Results

Trying to get fit, but nothing seems to be efficient so far?

You may not like the taste of this amazing drink, but the number of people who have tried it provide enough evidence for its benefits, saying it helped them come down to the size they have always wished for.

After listing the ingredients used in the preparation of this drink, we will try to explain why it is so effective.


  • 1 tbsp apple juice
  • 1 tbsp ground chili pepper
  • Lemon juice and lemon zest (use 1 lemon)


Peel the lemon, and cover the lemon peel with 8 oz  ( 240 milliliters ) of hot water.

After 10 minutes, add some lemon juice, apple juice and ground chili pepper. Stir well before every sip, and consume this drink after every meal.

You Can Buy Ground Chili From Here:
Spicely Jar Organic Chili Chipotle Ground, 1.7 Ounce


Why is this drink that good?

Ground chili pepper boosts digestion and metabolism and stimulates the fat burning process. Namely, capsaicin, an ingredient found in chili peppers, stimulates the nervous system to produce warmth in the body, which stimulates the calorie burning process.

Lemon contains the only ingredient which slows the deposition of fat, and lemon peel contains policosanol, beneficial in the fat burning process.

Apple juice, actually the regular consumption of apple juice in moderate amounts, helps in the dilution of fat.

Health Vegetables

Eat Cucumbers And Heal Yourself – 14 Superb Health Benefits of Cucumbers

Cucumbers are rich in minerals, especially potassium, which is great for detoxification, since it eliminates toxins, but you can also use it for many other purposes.

Hydrates your body – If you have memory problems and do not drink enough water during the day, eat some cold cucumbers.

Cucumbers are good for the stomach and wounds – Besides they are excellent in calming upset stomach, in case of cutting yourself, you can place a cucumber slice on the cut and you will soon feel some relieve.


Eliminates toxins – Water in cucumbers has beneficial effect on internal organs, cleaning them from all the toxins. There is also evidence that it can break kidney stones.

Cucumbers are rich in vitamins – Cucumbers, especially the peel, are rich in vitamins necessary for the overall health, including vitamins A, B and C, also known for their power to strengthen the immune system.

Cucumbers are rich in minerals – They contain large amounts of potassium, magnesium and silica. A lot of spa treatments include cucumbers in the therapies.

Health Herbs & Oils Natural Remedies

10 Natural Remedies In Your Kitchen

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Most of us are use to grab a pill after the first cold or pain symptom. Some even keep thousands of pills, creams and healing liquids in their homes. But before you jump to your little private pharmacy, nature can help you solve your problem.

The interest of people in natural cures found in kitchen grows constantly, because this kind of cures can be an excellent change for artificial cures and it can help you with various health problems, without causing any side effects. Let The Kitchen Be Your Pharmacy !


Mosquito Bite Remedy

To relieve the unpleasant and boring itchy feeling mosquito bite causes, take an overripe banana and place a piece of its peel over the mosquito bite. Banana peel helps in treating any insect bite.

Remedy For Eczema

Apply some olive oil on irritated skin. In this way you will make a layer that will prevent skin from drying. If eczema is more serious, wrap skin in nylon paper after you have covered it with olive oil and keep it throughout the night.

olive oil

Natural Remedy For Urinary Tract Infection

To relieve pain of urinary infection as cystitis, mix 1/4 tsp of baking soda and 250 ml water and drink this mixture. Do this every time you notice the first signs of the infection and prepare this beverage once a day until you notice any improvement or until you start taking antibiotics.

Drinking blueberry juice can also help, because it contains substances capable of stopping Escherichia coli, bacteria responsible for causing cystitis. Homemade blueberry juice is much better than the blueberry juice you buy in stores.

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks Recipes

Get Rid Of Cellulite Now – Make This Delicious Cellulite Melter Juice

Summer is right behind the corner, and same as you get rid of all that winter clothes, many of you try to eliminate all the fat.

Instead of hiding yourself in long dresses and trousers, try this grapefruit juice, which has proven to be effective in the fight against cellulite.

Thanks to the grapefruit, you will burn excess fat, boost metabolism,  improve blood circulation and eliminate


All you need is:

  • 1 grapefruit (use big one)
  • 2 oranges
  • 1/4 lemon
  • ginger

First wash well all the fruit. Peel and blend it. Strain the juice and keep it in a glass bottle.

Drink a glass of the juice every morning before your breakfast, or between the meals.

Try it and share the results!


Purify Your Home Naturally – 6 Amazing Air Purifying House Plants

1. Bamboo Palm

 As proven in numerous studies conducted by NASA, bamboo palm removes formaldehyde and it also provides the effect of natural humidifier. This plant should be kept in the semi-sun area in your home, and it is best developed in temperatures of 60-75 degrees, and not less than 50.


2. Snake Plant

According to NASA, snake plant absorbs nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde. You may also find it as “mother-in-law’s tongue”, and it is considered as one of the most effective plants used to filter forlamdehyde, found in cleaning products, toilet paper, tissues and products for personal care.

Experts recommend keeping one in the bathroom – low light and humidity are excellent for its development, and at the same time it will clean out all air pollutants.
