Diet & Weight Loss

People Get Crazy About This “8 Hour Diet” – Lose Up To 15 Pounds In Just 6 Weeks

This 8-hour diet allows you to eat any food you like, provided you eat it between 9 am and 5 pm. So, no food after 5pm!

Americans are crazy for the new book, “8 Hour Diet! Watch the pounds disappear, without watching what you eat.” David Zinczenko and Peter Moore are the authors of this book, and they swear that this diet works.

What attracted people most is the fact that this 8-hour diet allows them to eat whatever they like, provided they eat between 9 am and 5 pm. Zinczenko and Moore explain how the most dangerous threat of a fit body is the excessive consumption of food after 5pm, meaning in the late night hours when most of the people lay in front of their TVs and eat.


“Our bodies can not process the food consumed at the end of the day and these calories end where they should not – on the butt and the stomach”, was written in their book.

They claim that people who follow their special diet regimen of just eight hours per week can lose around 10 pounds in a month. You can eat anything between 9am and 5 pm, but nothing after this period. There is an alternative, starting from 11 am to 7 pm, but they find the first solution to be more efficient.

Start Today- Watch the Pounds Disappear Without Watching What You Eat!
From Here You Can Buy “The 8 Hour Diet” Book:
The 8-Hour Diet: Watch the Pounds Disappear Without Watching What You Eat!

Their approach to diet is not something sensational and new. Nutritionists also argued previously that you should not eat after 6 pm. Experts explain that you should not eat literally anything, meaning try to avoid junk food, which is not quite health-friendly.

Diet & Weight Loss

7 Bad Habits That Cause Belly Fat !

No matter how hard you try, your belly fat is still here? Maybe it is because you practice these 7 bad habits.

To get rid of it, you just need to do the opposite of what you read below.

1. You Often Drink Soft Drinks

Just 1-2 glasses of soft drink daily accelerates the creation of belly fat for 5 times, compared to those who drink fresh juices. The forbidden category also includes “diet” soft drinks.

2. Eating From A Large Dish

Always carefully choose the plate you eat from. Eating from a large dish gives you the feeling that you have eaten less, compared to a small, but packed dish.

3. You Eat Late At Night

Even though it is true that the body burns calories while sleeping, it will not be efficient enough if you go to bed right after your meal. This can cause indigestion, meaning deposition of unburned fat.

4. You Eat When You Are Sad, Angry Or Upset

Next time you try to calm yourself with food, remember that actually you are not hungry, but upset. Instead of a quick meal, drink a glass of juice or water, talk to your friends and or out.


5. You Often Eat Low-Fat Food

Some people live with the believe that full-fat foods are responsible for the fat deposition. The truth is different. Olive oil and avocado are actually amazingly efficient if your goal is to get rid of belly fat.

Low-fat products are usually packed with sugar, so take them off your menu immediately.

6. Insufficient Sleep

Adult and physically active people should sleep 7-9 hours every night. Insufficient sleep increases cortisol levels and thus the need for junk food to comfort you.

7. Insufficient Protein Intake

Adults should include 20-25 g of protein in each meal, but this still depends on your physical activity and weight. By increasing the protein intake you can balance the blood sugar level and reduce the insulin levels, which boosts your metabolism.

Natural Remedies

Get Rid Of Kidney Stones Naturally By Using This Drink

Usually millet is a simple and really amazing remedy you could use to treat kidney disorders. Many claim to have experienced its benefits regarding their problems with the kidneys.

  1. In the folk medicine millet is used as a natural remedy to treat urolitiasis (creation of kidneys in the urine).
  2. It cleans kidneys efficiently, eliminates sand and mucosa (lining), helps in treating female diseases and cures cystitis.
  3. Millet is one of the most widely used grains with high nutritional value and healing properties.


We recommend you try this amazing and effective recipe from the Russian folk medicine. It is efficient in treating kidneys, helps in their detoxification, cleans sand and small stones.

  • In the evening wash a cup of millet (0.5 pounds /200 grams) with warm water.
  • Put the millet in a larger jar (100 oz/ 3 liter jar) and pour 8 cups/2 liter of hot water.
  • In the morning you will see some white liquid. That is your cure!
  • Put the liquid in another container. Drink it during the day without a limit, meaning you can drink as much as you can and whenever you want.

Do not throw the millet. Prepare yourself a healthy millet porridge for breakfast (1 cup of millet, 3 cups of water – you can prepare it in 15 minutes).

In the evening prepare another portion for the next day, following the same steps of preparation. Repeat the procedure for 10-15 days.


What are the results?

In 10-15 days the stone will melt completely. The body will eliminate it through the urine, and the kidneys will be completely cleaned from all the sand. The inflammation will also be eliminated, and both kidneys and tissue will be renewed.

This food products is quite cheap and easily available to everyone, and it definitely protects the kidneys. So, clean yourself in a totally natural way!

Health Recipes

Whiten Your Teeth Naturally WIth This Homemade Whitening Toothpaste Recipe

You can try this homemade toothpaste and get a shiny white Hollywood effect.

We all wish to get that incandescent white Hollywood smile. However, whitening your teeth at your dentist’s office can damage your teeth, and especially your budget.

You will probably prepare this toothpaste using some cheap and affordable ingredients you already have in your home, it will not damage the tooth enamel, and you can see the results after a couple of treatments.



  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 lemon or lime
  • 1 toothbrush


Add the baking soda in a bowl and squeeze the lemon or lime juice directly over it. Give it a good stir until you get a smooth mixture. Wait for a while until the mixture stops forming bubbles. Apply the paste on a toothbrush and thoroughly wash your teeth as usual. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

Fantastic Natural Sleep Aid – This Drink Will Help You Fight Insomnia !

Fast and stressful life, bad food choice and insufficient physical activity affect your good night’s sleep. Insomnia bothers a lot of people, and it is well known that the lack of sleep has negative effect on the everyday life.

First, you have to sleep enough, and your body has to relax and detox. We advise you to try this green juice, made of six natural ingredients.



  • 1 Cucumber
  • Ginger (1 medium sized piece)
  • Lemon juice (use 1 lemon)
  • 1 Green apple (Not peeled)
  • Asparagus (9 pieces)
  • 2 Celery stalks


Soak asparagus in cold water (soak the asparagus for about 1 hour), and chop cucumber, lemon and apple into pieces. Blend the fruit pieces, ginger and celery well. Discard the asparagus water, and throw the asparagus into the blender too.

Since this drink relaxes your body, it is best when consumed after lunch. These veggies positively affect the most common causes of insomnia, indigestion, high blood pressure and stress.


Shocking Results: A Woman Was Drinking Too Much Tea – Her Bones Started Breaking !

Henry Ford’s medical team, from the hospital in Detroit, connected the pain in the lower part of the back, the arm and the leg of a 47 years old woman to her daily routine of drinking super-strong tea – she was using too many tea bags in one single cup, thinking the tea would be healthier that way).


After living with the pain for 5 years, the doctors finally discovered that the pain appeared as a result of her 17 years old habit to drink tea, every day, when she was using from 100 to 150 tea bags.

Doctor Naveen Kakumani found high levels of fluoride in her tea, which caused bone fluorosis, usually occurring in areas with high levels of fluoride in the water.

The fluoride did not caused only pain, but also damaged her teeth, so dentists had to remove them.

Doctors advised her to stop consuming tea so she could get better.

Health Healthy Drinks

Woman Drinks 3 Liters Of Water Every Day, And The Final Results Were Shocking

Sarah Smith, a 42 year old British and a mother of two, experienced constant headaches and indigestion. After the recommendation of her doctor, she decided to do an experiment, to drink 3 liters of water every day, in a period of 28 days. The results were amazing!

She admits that at the beginning she looked as if she was 52, meaning 10 years older than she actually is. The dark circles around her eyes made her look exhausted, and she also had deep wrinkles, red spots and glow-less skin. She practically looked dead, explains Sarah.


Even her lips were wrinkled, which is a classic sign of poor hydration. Every process in your body depends on water. It flushes toxins from the vital organs, transfers nutrients to cells, eliminates waste material…

Insufficient water intake weakens the organism. This gave her the will to start drinking 3 liters of water daily for 28 days, and the result was incredible!

“I felt much better after the first week.”

After the second week she noticed that the headache was gone, and even her digestion improved.

After 4 weeks her face looked completely different, like she was another woman. The dark circles were completely gone, so was the redness. Her skin became smooth and shiny, just like it had been when she was young. The transformation was astonishing.

She felt healthy, full of energy, with a few pounds less, which is incredible, because she did not change a thing, except she was drinking 3 liters of water everyday, which soon turned into an everyday routine.

Sarah advises every woman to do the same – drink 3 liters of water daily and enjoy the results!

Source (with before and after pictures) : DailyMail

Health Herbs & Oils

Control Your Anger – Always Use These Herbs If You Lose Your Temper Easily

If you are part of that group of people who can easily lose their temper and act inappropriately in certain situations, we advice you to always have on hand some of the following scents…


Inhaling lavender scent has soothing effect on the nervous system. You can always carry a small bottle of lavender essential oil in your pocket. Besides its calming effect, lavender scent can help you beat insomnia, its amazingly efficient…

You Can Buy Organic Lavender From Here: Starwest Botanicals Organic Lavender Flowers (Extra Grade), 1-pound Bag

Lavender herb and essential oil


Originated in India, today jasmine can be found everywhere. Its the scent what you should be interested in. Smelling jasmine will not only calm you, but it will also bring your mood up.


Chamomile is one of the super-herbs found throughout the world. Regardless of whether you use it as oil, or tea, chamomile scent has relaxing effect, and chamomile tea affects the body amazingly…


In some countries rose scent is a regular therapy for hysteria, depression and other mental disorders. Scientists explain how rose scent is powerful to the extent when it can regulate the menstrual cycle. You can use it as oil, but also as an air freshener.

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks Recipes

Simple Slimming Drink With Powerful Effect !

Use green tea, orange and some mint to prepare this drink which is ideal for those trying to lose weight and detox the body. This is the main reason why nutritionists recommend its consumption as a support for the overall optimal health.

Green tea boosts metabolism and helps the absorption of fat. A cup of green tea daily reduces the risk of heart diseases and stroke, skin cancer, rheumatic arthritis, increased blood sugar level, cold, flu, etc.

Orange is exclusively appreciated because of its nutritive and antioxidant properties. It contains no saturated fat, and is is rich in fiber which is amazingly beneficial for people with excess weight. It has positive effect in cases of arthritis, cancer, heart diseases, etc.


Mint is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and potassium. This herb boosts food digestion, helps the organism burn the fat you consume and prevents stomach bloating.

Steps of preparation:

  1. Boil a liter of water for 2-3 minutes. The water should reach a temperature of 80°C to 85°C.
  2. Take the water off the stove when it is done.
  3. Add 5 filter bags of green tea.
  4. Leave it for 3-5 minutes to cool down.
  5. Remove the tea bags.
  6. Wash well the orange and chop it in small pieces, using its peel as well.
  7. Pour the tea in a clean jar, add the orange pieces and some fresh mint leaves.
  8. Close the jar well and leave it in a fridge overnight.
  9. Take a cup of this amazing drink before every meal.
Diet & Weight Loss Health Healthy Drinks

Lose Your Pounds By Drinking This Amazing Drink Combined With Exercise

The first thing most of us do in the morning is prepare a cup of coffee in order to wake up, but not many know that there is another drink which is recommended rather than coffee. It is really beneficial for the overall health and try to make it an everyday routine.

The recipe is quite simple – squeeze half a lemon in a glass of lukewarm water. This will help you strengthen your immune system and boost metabolism, detox your body, and it will also help you reduce the feeling of hunger.


But the most important, it will help you to lose weight ! You can lose up to 5 pounds a week just by drinking lemon water ! You must drink it every morning before your breakfast.

This drinks is rich in vitamin C and therefore, it strengthens the immune system and thus helps the organism fight against colds. At the same time, it eases digestion and helps in cases of stomach bloating.

Since lemon is rich in antioxidants, its consumption prevents premature skin aging. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen, which makes your skin look young and fresh.

This drink will also freshen your breath. But, its benefits do not stop here. By consuming this drink you will protect your health, and it is also good for the bones. It reduces stress and calms inflammation.