
Michigan Couple Finally Welcomes A Baby Girl After Having 14 Boys

After fourteen sons, a Michigan couple finally welcomed their baby girl, Maggie Jayne!

Every member of the family is equally important, and the birth of each baby is a reason to celebrate. However, we believe one Michigan family had a reason more to show their delight at the arrival of a healthy new bundle of joy – as she is the only girl in the family after nearly three decades and fourteen sons!

The adorable Maggie Jayne was born at 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was named after both parents, Maggie represents Margaret – her mother’s middle name, and Jayne is a variation of her father’s name.

The love story of the couple started back in college, when they were freshmen at Gaylord High School and Gaylord St. Mary’s. In 1993, they officially became a family, and their first three sons were born before they graduated college.

The excited dad said:

“We are overjoyed and beyond excited to add Maggie Jayne to our family. This year has been memorable in so many ways, for so many reasons, but Maggie is the greatest gift we could ever imagine.”

None of them expected the newborn to be a girl, after having 14 boys before. The brothers of the baby, Tyler, Zach, Drew, Brandon, Tommy, Vinny, Calvan, Gabe, Wesley, Charlie, Luke, Tucker, Francisco, and Finley were equally thrilled to meet their female sibling.

Over the years, whenever a new sibling was born, the family was making headlines, and the stories were mainly focused on the baby’s gender.

Well, now it’s high time for them to change the name of their own live-streaming TV show called “14 Outdoorsmen”!

The oldest of them, Tyler, 28, is engaged and lives in his own home. He admitted that the entire thing must have caught the family by surprise:

“I don’t even know if my mom owns any pink clothing — or anything.”

He even joked that his brothers will need much time to adjust to having a girl in the house- especially remembering to put the toilet seat down!

The father of the fifteen children previously explained that they never choose to know the gender of the baby before it is born, adding that his sons enjoy it.

Yet, he is now certain:

“I have said, steadfastly, that we are done having children. But I have been reminded that I said the exact same thing after Tucker (who’s now 4). And after Francisco. It just feels like we’re done.”

Yet, the proud mother simply enjoys her home filled with kids, adding that if they didn’t love their “full-house” style of life, they “ wouldn’t have continued to have this many children.”




Adorable Moment Cute Toddler Snoozes Peacefully Next To His Dog

Mother captures the adorable moments her 1-year-old son sleeps with their 2-year-old English Springer Spaniel.

Dogs are our best friends, that for sure, but can you imagine the bond developed after being raised together with your canine companion? Many dog breeds are perfect for families with young children, being incredibly loving, loyal, affectionate, and gentle.

Most pups form strong relationships with young children, and usually respond extremely pawsitively to their little fellows! Many young couples initially decide to get a pet before having a baby, and the dog then transitions easily into life with the newborn.

Fortunately, this was the case with this 2-year-old dog and the one-year-old Carson, and the two became inseparable ever since! Being only three months apart, the adorable English Springer Spaniel has instantly become Carson’s best friend!

The pair loves sleeping together every night, and Carson’s mother, the 21-year-old Kenzie Kennedy caught it all on video!

  • Every night, Carson,1, sleeps next to his best friend Reiney, a two-year-old English Springer Spaniel

Kennedy explained they were initially scared to introduce Reiney to the newborn Carson, but were later encouraged by her loving character.

She said:

 “The first time I saw them sleeping together, Carson was only a few days old and my heart instantly melted.”

Aww, they are a heartwarming sight indeed!



Depression-Era ‘Crazy Cake’ Is Made Without Eggs, Milk Or Butter

Since the start of the pandemic, many people have been mastering their skills in the kitchen- the Crazy Cake is something definitely worth trying!

Time spent in the kitchen can be incredibly fun. Yet, it makes everything much more worthwhile if the result is something yummy! Creamy, sweet, delicious! This vegan Crazy Cake is the recipe you need to try out next!

There are plenty of names, Crazy Cake, Wacky Cake, and War Cake, all invented for the same tasty recipe: a sweet and moist dessert without any eggs, butter, or milk.

While some versions existed during WWI (giving the name “War Cake”), it was brought back on the scene during the 1930s and the Great Depression, as Crazy Cake. It was rich, moist, and chocolatey, simply the top level of food substitution!

Many ingredients were scarce during the Great depression. With very little money on the line, housewives had to manage the available resources. This was especially true for the ones that didn’t live on farms, where you can find eggs, milk, or butter. They had to be creative if they wanted to make a dessert.

In such a situation, women learned how to use cheaper ingredients instead of expensive ones. Sugar and flour are a guaranteed way to provide calories without spending much money, and this led to the creation of the Crazy Cake.

The recipe contains cheaper ingredients that ensure the cake will rise and maintain moisture.

Chef Michael Zebrowski explained it all:

“Butter usually serves to keep cake soft and tender by coating the flour in fat. preventing it from developing a tough gluten matrix. In this specific vegan recipe, vegetable oil is the substitute with the same result. A mix of baking soda and vinegar substitutes the eggs. “

He added that this mix “foams up quickly, making the cake light and fluffy.”

You can add water or coffee for moisture. Coffee was, actually, very easy to find during the Great Depression. As a result of the lockdown in the spring of 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people turned to baking as a way to lower stress.

There was a lack of some supplies, and new ideas from the past were brought back, with jobs being lost and uncertainty coming to light. This amazing cake is a fast and easy option, and can be topped with frosting, cream, or ice cream for ultimate enjoyment!

Vegan Crazy Cake Recipe


  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 Tbsp. cocoa (unsweetened)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. white vinegar
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 5 Tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 cup water (or coffee)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Mix flour, cocoa, sugar, baking soda, and salt in a greased, 8″ square baking pan.
  3. Make 3 depressions in the dry mixture–two small, and one larger. Pour vinegar in one of them, and vanilla in the other. In the largest depression, pour vegetable oil.
  4. Pour water (or coffee) over the entire mixture and mix until the batter is smooth.
  5. Bake for 35 minutes or until a toothpick, when inserted, comes out clean.
  6. Cool and top with a frosting of your choice!




Beloved Marty The Cat Dies After 12 Years Of Patrolling Observatory On Mount Washington

Marty the Cat died after 12 years of patrolling New Hampshire’s Mount Washington as their mascot and helping the observatory staff. In an emotional tribute, they thanked him for his silliness, snuggles, and companionship

Our pets are the perfect companions in life- devoted, loving, loyal, smart, and fun. Therefore, their loss is always a deeply touching experience. After 12 years of patrolling New Hampshire’s Mount Washington as its weather observatory’s mascot, Marty, the beloved cat, has died.

The black Maine coon helped observatory staff, that maintain a weather station on the summit, which is the highest peak in the northeast US, and perform weather and climate research.

The weather station is operated by two alternating teams, who live there for a week at a time. During these long hours, Marty was their ‘special companion’.

According to Mount Washington Summit Operations Manager Rebecca Scholand, Marty succumbed to ‘an unforeseen illness’, adding:

“As a past observer who lived on the summit for four years, I can tell you Marty was a special companion, entertainer and so incredibly loved by observers and state park staff and will be sadly missed.”

  • After 12 years patrolling New Hampshire’s Mount Washington, Marty, a black Maine coon cat, has died

  • The reason for his death was ‘an unforeseen illness,’ according to Mount Washington Summit Operations Manager Rebecca Scholand

  • He was adopted from the North Conway Area Humane Society and moved to the Mount Washington Summit in January 2008

  • The staff said Marty was ‘a special companion’ and an ‘entertainer’

  • It was planned for the beloved cat to retire in early 2021

The observatory staff wrote an emotional post on Instagram dedicated to their beloved pet:

“For many years Marty has provided the summit staff of the Mount Washington Observatory and State Park with companionship and love. To Marty the Cat, thank you for all your silliness, snuggles, and companionship not only to the summit staff but to everyone who ever met you.”

  • The staff posted an emotional tribute to their cat, thanking him for his silliness, snuggles, and companionship

The Mount Washington Observatory staff have had a cat since 1932. Marty the cat was adopted from the North Conway Area Humane Society and moved there in January 2008.

He was supposed to retire from the 6,288-foot summit, or the ‘home of the world’s worst weather’, early in 2021. Yet, the Mount Washington Observatory stated they will continue their feline tradition and has already started looking for his successor.



Great News! Scientists Discover Two New Marsupial Species In Australia

“And just like that, the world became a lot better.” Australia’s scientists have identified two new mammals species, cousin species of the greater glider.

This year has been a tough one for the entire world, and especially for Australia, where massive bushfires killed or displaced around 3 billion animals in one of the biggest wildlife disasters in recent history.

Therefore, it was about time we heard some good news, and it comes from scientists in Australia! Namely, they have identified two new mammal species, that are cousin species of the greater glider!

As one animal lover wrote:

“And just like that, the world became a lot better.”

The glider glides from tree to tree and has characteristic looks: expressive eyes, large ears, and a long furry tail. Up until now, it was considered to be a single species.

Yet, a new study published in the journal Scientific Reports has confirmed that there are in fact three different species that live in northern and central Australia, far beyond Australia’s southern parts where the glider was known to live.

Prof. Andrew Krockenberger of James Cook University, explained that the biodiversity of the country has just got dramatically enriched, adding that “it’s not every day that new mammals are confirmed, let alone two new mammals.”

Even though experts suspected there may be several species, their diversity was considered to be a result of subspecies, and not completely different species.

Yet, the DNA sequencing from tissue samples taken from various gliders found in areas of Queensland, Victoria, as well as museum specimens, confirmed the differences in the gliders’ DNA.

Greater gliders fall into three distinct species that now include Petauroides minor and Petauroides armillatus, in addition to the original Petauroides Volans.

Researchers from Australian National University, the University of Canberra, CSIRO, and James Cook University worked together on the study, and study researcher Denise McGregor said:

“There has been speculation for a while that there were more than one species of the greater glider but now we have proof from the DNA. It changes the whole way we think about them.”

During the daytime, the southern glider is looking for a sleeping place in hollowed-out trees in the woodlands along the Great Dividing Range between New South Wales and Victoria.

Similarly to koalas, it survives on the leaves of eucalyptus trees, and at night, it can fly as high as 330 feet in the air in search of food.

The glider, which has the same size as a possum, was very common in the past. Habitat loss and fragmentation have significantly reduced the number of these marsupials.

Plus, it is additionally worsened by logging, drought, bushfires, and global warming, according to Victoria’s environmental agency. The International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List warns that these animals are vulnerable, particularly because they mainly depend on mature trees.

Now, conservationists have an even more important role- to take care of three different species, instead of one! The new-found species in the north lives in the eucalyptus forests, between Mackay and Cairns in Queensland.

It is the smallest glider, reaching up to roughly a foot in length – approximately the same as the little ringtail possum and about half the proportions of the southern glider.

The central species’ living territory spreads from southern Queensland up to Mackay, and size-wise, it stands between the other two.

Ecologist Kara Youngentob of the Australian National University said:

“It’s really exciting to find this biodiversity under our noses. The division of the greater glider into multiple species reduces the previous widespread distribution of the original species, further increasing conservation concern for that animal and highlighting the lack of information about the other greater glider species.”

Additionally, the discovery emphasized the astonishing diversity of the creatures in Australia, an island continent where 87 percent of wildlife is endemic to the country.

Typical examples are the exceptional southern corroboree frog, mountain pygmy-possum, kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, wombats, potoroos, bandicoots, echidnas, and many others.

Sadly, Australia has the highest percentage of species loss in the world, but scientists hope it can be changed with more accurate taxonomic classification.

The study noted:

“A lack of knowledge about the genetic structure of species across their range can result in an inability to properly manage and protect species from extinction. This is especially true in the wake of a natural disaster, when wildlife management decisions need to be made quickly and under challenging circumstances.”


Life Nature

Girl, 8, Becomes Youngest Person In Michigan To Hunt An Elk

An eight-year-old girl from Michigan is the only girl in the family interested in hunting- she successfully hunted an elk and became the youngest person to do so in the state.

Children are curious, easy-going, strong, and fearless. However, one little heroine from Michigan caught everyone’s attention! Can you imagine successfully hunting a massive animal at the age of eight?

Meet the youngest person in Michigan to hunt an elk- Braeleigh Miller! The 8-year-old beauty shot a 400-pound cow with a rifle from a distance of over 200 yards!

She is the only girl in the family interested in hunting, but the record she broke last December is even more exciting:

 “It’s cool for me because I’ve never set a record before, my Dad hasn’t set a record before, and my grandpa hasn’t set a record before, so I’m like to them, ‘Ha-ha’.”

The previous night, Braeleigh, her dad, Gunnar Miller, and the hunting team had to track down the elks with the help of a guide, Dan Connell.

Gunnar said:

 “They were all still in the field when it got daylight and we waited for legal shooting hours, and we snuck across the field and they were in a perfect position in the field, I mean it couldn’t have unfolded any better.”

The father added that he was so moved by his daughter’s accomplishments that he got choked up and had tears in his eyes:

“Yeah I got pretty worked up, I was pretty excited.”

While most people were happy for the little hunter, some argued the death of the animal, the size of the gun, and the age of the girl. Michigan created The Mentored Youth Hunting Program to teach children the rich hunting experience of Michigan.

Children learn the importance of conserving the state’s natural resources while keeping the hunting tradition alive. Gunnar explained that hunting is a crucial part of the culture of their state and it is therefore very important in his family.

He added:

 “Youth hunting in Michigan is a dying sport, and that’s why Michigan actually opened the mentor youth program after studies that have proven in Michigan is that the younger a kid is when they actually get into hunting, the more likely they are to continue it throughout their life.

So doing that study and everything obviously I would have gotten my kids into hunting at a young age no matter what, but to have the opportunity to have them be the one that’s pulling the trigger and actually harvesting the animal at a young age is a huge opportunity for them that we didn’t have when we were younger.”

Nowadays, there are over 1,000 elks in a herd in Michigan, but not so long ago, back in 1918, these relatives of deer were completely gone in the state due to poor habitat and harvest, and elks were brought in from the West.

To prevent any negative effects of having too many elks now, the state uses several tools, regulated hunting, proper management, and regulation. Every year, more than 30,000 hunters in Michigan apply to hunt elk, and 200 of them are lucky to get the elk license and legally hunt these massive animals.

The license is received via a draw, and the lucky winner still has to buy a base license and a receipt before going elk hunting.

There are three seasons for hunting elk in the state, the first one being between August and September, the second during December, and the third lasts just a few days in January. The goal of the last one is to ensure that the previous seasons have met the goals of the population control.

As elks are huge, they are an easier target to shoot than deer.

Yet, these are some tips to help you on the hunting trip and come home with the prize:

  • Their habitat is huge, so make sure you have comfortable boots, a guide, and proper gear
  • Find their food source, and then you will most likely find them too
  • The expedition might take time, so be well-rested before
  • Elks are weaker after mating season
  • Elks have a powerful sense of smell, so mask your natural scent to make it harder for smell you
  • You will have to shoot from a long distance, so practice target shooting



What Happens When You Don’t Wash Your Sheets Often

The infrequent washing of the beddings exposes you to numerous health risks.

Proper hygiene is one of the most important factors for good health. Washing the bed sheets regularly and properly is crucial, considering the fact that we spend over a third of our time daily in bed.

In those 49-63 hours between the sheets a week, we leave oil, sweat, bacteria, germs, dirt, and dead skin to the fabric, which start to accumulate.

Sadly, many people are not aware of the possible dangers of the infrequent washing of the bedding and fail to properly clean it to prevent health complications.

Here are several things to motivate you to throw the sheets in the laundry more often:

  • While sleeping, thousands of dead skin cells end up between the sheets, and they are incredibly attractive to dust mites. The tiny organisms that are nearly invisible to the naked eye, feed off of those cells, moisture, and dust, and can cause allergies, asthma, and eczema flare-up.
  • If you are waking up with itchy bite marks, you probably have bed bugs in the bed. These blood-sucking insects are actually attracted to you! Wash the sheets with hot water to kill them off.
  • The combination of sweat, dead skin cells, and saliva is the perfect home for bacteria. One study showed that after only one week, an unwashed pillowcase contains over seventeen thousand times the number of bacteria on a toilet seat!
  • If you love sleeping with your pet, the extra hair left between the sheets can attract even more dust mites. Plus, pets can pass on other irritants, such as mites.
  • The buildup of bacteria, dead skin cells, and dirt can clog your pores and cause acne breakouts.

Follow these tips to make sure your bed is perfectly clean and bug-free:

  • Wash the pillows at least twice annually, according to the directions on the tag.
  • Turn back the covers and let the built-up moisture dry for a few minutes before you make the bed in the morning.
  • If you sweat a lot, sleep with your kids or pets, eat in bed, or if you sleep naked, you need to change the sheets more frequently.
  • Wash the bedding once per week with the hottest water permitted on the label, to disinfect them. To preserve the color, turn pillowcases with a print or a color inside out.
  • Vacuum the mattress a few times a year
  • Wash duvets and pillows every 3-6 months.



Veteran Sentenced To Life In Prison For $30 Marijuana Sale To Be Freed After 9 Years

The Louisiana Supreme Court reviewed the appeal of a war veteran sentenced to life in prison for attempting to sell 0.69 grams of marijuana and set him free.

War veterans are the heroes of the nation. While ordinary people continued living their lives as normally as possible, these women and men sacrificed their lives, their families, all that was ever important to them, to serve the country.

Sadly, the majority of those who have survived the war and combat exposure was left with terrible, irreparable damage in terms of their physical and mental health.

Moreover, they are extremely unpaid for their priceless service, and many of them have spent all these years struggling to get back on their feet, having access to poor or limited care.

According to the estimates of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), “40,056 veterans are homeless on any given night.” The 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health showed that 1 in 15 veterans suffers a substance use disorder.

Moreover, about 20 to 30 percent of war veterans suffer PTSD, sometimes in conjunction with drug and alcohol problems. The story of one veteran can serve as a reminder to readdress the issue of the heroes, and ensure the welfare they deserve.

Back in 2008, one U.S. military veteran, Derek Harris, was arrested in Louisiana for trying to sell 0.69 grams of marijuana to an officer of the law for $30. The veteran was later convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

However, four years later, in 2012, his sentence was increased to life in prison under the Habitual Offender Law. The “3-strike” law gives convicts with prior charges stricter punishments, typically life in prison.

Yet, the prior offenses of this man were non-violent and had happened long before the last one. In 1991, he was arrested for selling cocaine, and in the next two years, he was twice convicted of simple robbery.

Harris also served time for simple burglary in 1997 and theft under $500 in 2005. At the resentencing, the judge estimated that the man had committed so many petty crimes that he had to condemn him to life in prison.

At the court hearing, Harris appealed against inadequate representation, and the case was reopened. The Louisiana Supreme Court reviewed his appeal and concluded that he had “ineffective assistance of counsel at sentencing on post-conviction review.”

Harris explained that his defense attorney did not protest the sentence or speak up in his defense as the judge sentenced him to life in prison for less than a gram (0.69g) of marijuana.

His new lawyer, Cormac Boyle, said that Prosecutors at the 15th Judicial District Attorney Keith Stutes’ office in Vermilion Parish have agreed to release his client because he has served enough time in prison already.

Louisiana Supreme Court Justice, John Weimer wrote in his legal opinion that the trial judge of Harris had confirmed that he did not fit the description of a drug kingpin or a drug dealer, and this was why he didn’t receive a maximum 30-year sentence at his first trial.

He wrote that his prior offenses “were nonviolent and related to his untreated dependency on drugs.” After his exit from Desert Storm, a U.S. military operation that oversaw Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, Harris returned to the U.S. and developed a drug problem.

His attorney is now coordinating with the Louisiana Department of Corrections to release him as soon as possible. It is expected that Harris will move to Kentucky to be close to his family and to stay with his brother, Antoine.

This case triggered debate surrounding the Habitual Offender Law and the treatment of war veterans across the country, and the HOL has been harshly accused of prejudice against people of color.

The HOL works with the so-called “3 Strikes, You’re Out” rule, imposing a mandatory life sentence on criminals who have committed certain crimes repeatedly.

The law was enacted in 1994, and over the years, many have accused it of dragging the American judicial back several centuries.

It has been claimed that it leads to overpopulation in the prisons, disproportional sentences, and racial prejudice against minorities and people of color.

Cormac Boyle, of The Promise of Justice Initiative – a New Orleans-based NGO that helps people who have become victims of the complexities of the US criminal justice system, said that the details of the case of his client were not unusual, and concluded:

 “It is certainly time for Louisiana to rethink how it uses the habitual offender law. While in theory, such a law may be fine, in practice it perpetuates and exposes some of the worst aspects of the criminal justice system.”

He also added that the release was just the first step in helping Harris start a new life. During his time in prison, he worked in the prison’s hospital, but he will leave the jail in need of a job, medications, and other basic necessities.

He stated:

“Supporting Derek did not end with overturning his egregious life sentence and it did not end the day he walked out of Angola. Righting the harms done to a person through incarceration includes supporting their health, housing, and adjustment to their long-deserved freedom we need all the help we can get.”

Similarly, back in 1997, Fair Wayne Bryant, a 62-year-old African-American man, was sentenced to life in prison by the Louisiana Supreme Court for stealing a pair of hedge clippers!

He had been previously convicted of petty crimes like possession of stolen items, check forgery, and breaking into an uninhabited building.

After spending 23 years in prison, his appeal for a review of the sentence was rejected by the Supreme Court in a widely criticized ruling. The only African-American and the only female of the six judges on the panel was the only one who voted for an overturn.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Bernette Johnson later said that “the sentence imposed is excessive and disproportionate to the offense the defendant committed”, and wrote:

“Mr. Bryant has already spent nearly 23 years in prison and is now over 60 years old. If he lives another 20 years, Louisiana taxpayers will have paid almost one million dollars to punish Mr. Bryant for his failed effort to steal a set of hedge clippers.”



2 Friends Showed How The Same Outfits Look On Women With Different Body Types

Two friends from New York with different body types decided to make the world a more body-positive place, by posting videos and photos of them wearing the same outfits.

Throughout history, women were pressured to look “perfect”, and tie their self-worth to weight and things related to their looks. The last few decades have seen a major step towards the acceptance of all body types as equal and beautiful.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Body positivity is crucial for our mental, emotional, and physical health.

Two friends decided to make the world a more body-positive place, so they share their photos in the same outfits to show their bodies look beautiful despite all differences.

Living in New York, two best friends started sharing videos on TikTok of the two of them wearing the exact same outfit. The plus-size model Denise Mercedes, is a size 14 Dominican model who has launched a TikTok challenge titled “Style Not Size” with her friend Maria Castellanos.

Their bodies are very different, so clothes look different on each of them, but the result is the same- they are both gorgeous!

Denise runs a campaign #becauseitsmybody dedicated to women of all shapes and sizes, and she has collaborated with numerous fashion brands and boutiques like Forever21, Target, and JCPenney.

The posts of the two girls started going viral, and they soon became so successful that they even started the #stylenotsize hashtag campaign.

@denisemmercedesMy mini series with my bff @mariacastellanos_ri called “Style, Not Size”! Looks from #Zara Which outfit was your fav? 1, 2, or 3?! #fashion♬ Say So – Doja Cat

Ever since, other women have been posting photos with this hashtag, and often, they take pictures with their best friends.

True body positivity!

Weight body stigma can lead to depression and low self-esteem, and the stress it causes can create a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering.

What we should all accept is that our bodies come in all sizes and shapes, and what matters is how healthy and happy we truly are.

Incorporate healthy habits into your daily routines, like drinking plenty of water, exercising, following a balanced diet, and sleeping well, and you will learn to love your body.


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It’s us again! #stylenotsize ❤️ All looks from @asos ❤️ Shop the link on my bio ! Which one is your favorite look?

A post shared by Denise Mercedes 🇩🇴 (@denisemmercedes) on

There is nothing wrong in wanting and trying to lose weight, look, and feel better, but it is crucial to appreciate your body first.

Treat your body with love and care, provide it with the nourishment it needs, and fight all negative thoughts with encouraging, positive ones. Choose clothing that fits your body type, and don’t beat yourself- we all have bad days.

Learning to love yourself is an ongoing process, but the sooner you start, the more and the quicker you will improve.



Mom Turns Heads When She Brings A 4-Month-Old On Board Flight And Starts Handing Out Baggies

A thoughtful mother wanted to ensure that her baby won’t disturb other passengers on the plane and thought of the nicest way to make their flight enjoyable.

Many people find flights stressful, so they need their peace and silence while on the plane to be able to enjoy it and avoid fears. On the other hand, being on the airplane can be equally nerve-racking for parents of small children.

Kids know how to mess it up in a very bad moment, especially when you are way off the ground and surrounded by strangers. Even a “perfect baby” can sometimes become real trouble!

A woman experienced those things and decided she must do something to fix it. She took a flight with her baby, and not just short- distance one, but to the other side of the world.

She was worried about the possibility that her baby would disturb the other passengers. Therefore, she got a fantastic idea- she decided to give them some gifts and they were touched by the gesture!

On February 12 last year, Dave Corona was flying from Seoul, South Korea to San Francisco, USA. The flight was packed and he was going to be on the plane for 10 hours. Among them all, there was a four-month-old baby.

The expectations were, of course, that the baby will do at least a little fussing, considering the length of the flight. It never came across Dave’s mind that he will be gifted a small bag with some treats from the mother of the baby.

Inside the bag, there were some Korean candies and earplugs.

The note included encourages sympathy and understanding:

 “Hello, I’m Junwoo and I’m 4 months old. Today I’m going to the U.S. with my mom and grandma to see my aunt. I’m a little bit nervous and scared because it’s my first flight in my life, which means that I may cry or make too much noise.

 I will try to go quietly, though I can’t make any promises. Please excuse me. So my mom prepared little goodie bags for you! It has some candies and earplugs. Please use it when it’s too noisy because of me. Enjoy your trip. Thank you. :)”

All passengers were positively surprised! It’s not common for parents to be this concerned about everybody else’s comfort.

Dave was working as a cameraman for a TV station, KGO, in San Francisco.

He took many pictures of the gift bag, the note, and the mother with the baby, and shared them on Facebook. The post went viral. People were thrilled by the gesture and asked if he needed to use the earplugs.

Despite all the worries, the baby was calm and made no noises, and slept almost the whole time. This impressed people even more!
