Beauty Natural Remedies

Threat Dandruff Naturally With These 3 Amazingly Effective Remedies

The greatest enemy of healthy hair is dandruff. This is a problem which worries many women, and experts reckon that one in every three suffer from it.

There a number of home remedies for dandruff that can help you shake the flake, but today we present you the three most efficient remedies that will help you to get rid of dandruff.


Lemon Juice Remedy

Massage your scalp using two tablespoons of lemon juice and leave it for a few minutes. Then wash your hair with some lemon juice and water solution – add a tablespoon of lemon juice in 7 oz (200 milliliters) of water and wash the hair with this mixture.

If you have long hair, increase the amount of water and lemon juice, of course, in the same proportion. Repeat the procedure as often as you can, until the itchy feeling and dandruff completely disappear. Lemon juice cleans the skin on your head, and your hair will also smell nice.

Bay Leaf Tea

Boil a liter of water (4 cups) and add a few bay leaves. After the tea cools for awhile, strain it and wash your hair. Wrap it in a towel and leave it for an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It balances the pH of the skin on your head, so it is an amazingly efficient dandruff remedy, which should be in no way underestimated. After washing your hair, rinse it with water and apple cider vinegar solution (4 cups / 1 liter of water-100 milliliters / 3.5 oz apple cider vinegar). Do not worry about the smell, it will evaporate completely after your hair dries.


You Will Not Believe What Coffee Grounds Can Be Used For!

Sometimes you can still use some things you have already used once for some other purpose. One of these things are coffee grounds, which you can use not only to predict your future, but also for many other purposes.

Next time you drink a cup of black coffee with your friends, do not wash the cups right away, but keep the coffee grounds and use them for some practical purposes in your home.


Here are some suggestions:

Dry coffee grounds and keep it in the fridge to eliminate unpleasant odors. Coffee grounds can easily clean greasy surfaces. You can also use them in a combination with some detergent.

If you have flowers in your home, add some coffee grounds when you water them.

To keep your cat away from urinating all over the yard, sprinkle some coffee grounds and be sure that the smell will keep it away from your flowers.

If you can not get rid of the ants in your home, put some coffee grounds on the spots where they gather. You can also use coffee grounds to get rid of other insects.

Put some coffee grounds in hot water and you will get a brownish liquid, which you can later use to dye fabric.

If your wooden furniture is full of scratches, mix some coffee grounds, furniture polish and warm water, and rub the mixture on the damaged spots.

If you are cultivating carrots, mix some fresh coffee grounds and small carrot seeds before the sowing.

When cleaning the fireplace or the wood stove, sprinkle some coffee grounds over the ashes to avoid any mess you could make.

Health Herbs & Oils

Lower & Control Blood Sugar Level By Consuming These Natural Foods

Taking steps to prevent and control diabetes doesn’t mean living in deprivation. Much of the food we eat is converted into blood sugar, which is used by the body for energy.

There are a few common foods that help to lower blood sugar level if anyone is suffering from diabetes. The following foods can help keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Lower & Control Blood Sugar Level By Consuming These Natural Foods


A lot of studies involving animals have shown that green, black and white tea help the regulation of blood sugar.

Dark Chocolate

There is evidence proving that dark chocolate reduces the insulin resistance, a vital part that helps in the regulation of blood sugar level.

Apple Cider Vinegar

A surprising research conducted in the Arisona State University showed that apple cider vinegar provides the same effect as diabetes medicines do.


If patients diagnosed with diabetes eat walnuts instead of their meals rich in carbohydrates, they could reduce their blood sugar level.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds help patients diagnosed with diabetes control both blood sugar and blood pressure.


Beans reduce the risk of diabetes

Health Herbs & Oils

This Herb Will Help You Quit Smoking !

Stevia, a healing herb, “kills” the need for nicotine and also melts pounds, and the best about it is that you can cultivate it in your home.

Stevia not only reduces high blood pressure and cures throat inflammation, it is also a good ally in the fight against chronic fatigue.


The latest clinic research conducted in the USA show that this herb gives excellent results if you want to reduce the need for both cigarettes and alcohol. Stevia is also known as a natural sweetener and an amazing substitute for sugar. So, with a single shot you can kill 10 flies, or problems.

You can consume Stevia in any form you like – powder, juice or tea.

Give up smoking and drinking alcohol and lose weight at the same time!

This herb does not require any special conditions, so you can plant it in your own yard.

Diet & Weight Loss Low - Fat Protein Foods Vegetables

Cut Calories With These Foods – 8 Foods Under 40 Calories !

Peppers, kale, and cauliflower are not only popular low-calorie foods, these vegetables are rich in fiber, and they also offer numerous health benefits.

If you wonder which are the foods you could eat endlessly without fearing that you would gain weight, we give you the answer.

Celery – 1 cup of diced celery: 16 calories

Celery is most probably known as the product with “negative calories”, which basically means that the body burns calories from the food you eat.


Pepper – Medium-sized: 30 calories

You can eat it as you like, fresh – chopped in sticks or as an addition to a salad, and baked, just make sure peppers are part of your daily menu.

Kale – 1 cup of chopped kale: 33 calories

Kale found its place on the list of healthy foods. People who do not consume this type of food have problems with their weight.

Broccoli – 1 cup of chopped broccoli: 31 calories

It is not only on the list of low-calorie foods, but broccoli is also rich in fiber and phytochemicals that fight cancer. Eat a large serving of raw or steam-cooked broccoli and you will feel full for a long time.


Purple Cabbage – 1 cup of chopped cabbage: 22 calories

Every color of the food you eat offers a certain benefit. When it comes to purple vegetables, they are especially beneficial for your heart and the cardiovascular system.

Cauliflower – 1 cup of chopped cauliflower: 27 calories

If you want a snack, cauliflower is the perfect choice. If you do not like it raw, you can eat it steam-cooked, just add some olive oil (be careful about the calories – each tablespoon should contain 45 calories), spices and some lemon juice.

Cherry Tomatoes – 1 cup of diced cherry tomato : 27 calories

This is the only fruit on the list. In general, fruit contains about 60 calories per serving, but tomatoes are on the lower range when it comes to the number of calories, so instead of grapes, next time grab this low-calorie and healthy fruit.

Spinach – 1 cup of spinach: 7 calories

Leaf vegetables (greens) are always a good choice. Spinach is not only low in calories, but it is also beneficial for your body, especially if you work hard. By eating greens, your body recovers in an optimal way.

Health Natural Remedies

4 Easy Home Remedies For Dry Cracked Heels With Powerful Efficacy !

The skin on our feet is naturally dry, which can result in dry cracked feet. Today we want to share 4 amazing remedies for dry cracked feet. We recommend you to try all these remedies and some of these solutions will help you for sure.

First Remedy:

1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 8 l of water

Second Remedy:

1/2 tablespoon of baking soda and 4 l of water

Third Remedy:

4-8 l of warm water and few drops of Camellia sinensis oil (it is especially good for bacteria and foot fungus)

Fourth Remedy:

4-8 l of warm water and 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice



Each of the solutions has the same procedure. Once a week soak your feet in the mixture you choose for 30-45 minutes, then wash your feet. After you dry your feet, apply some hydrating cream and put on cotton socks.

You can also apply some olive or coconut oil, or any cooking oil. Always put on cotton socks, because cotton allows the skin to breathe.

Every time you can, apply a thick layer of oil, wrap your feet in a plastic bag and put on some socks. Keep your feet like this as long as you can, it is best if you can stay like this for the whole night, once a week.

But, if it is too much, and you can not sleep with the socks on, try to do this procedure at least for an hour, 2-3 times a week. This will keep your heels hydrated and smooth.


Homemade Anti-Wrinkle Cream: See The Results In Just 7 Days

Sometimes it is better to prepare your own cosmetic product, using natural ingredients that will nourish your skin.
We recommend you try this homemade anti-wrinkle cream.



  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tbsp almond oil
  • 1/2 tsp organic honey
  • 3 tsp coconut oil


  1. Add the coconut oil to the previously mixed honey, yolk and almond oil.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, until you get a nice and smooth texture.
  3. Keep it in a small cream container.
  4. Since the ingredients are all natural, keep the cream in the fridge.


Apply this cream in a thin layer on a previously washed and cleaned face, two hours before bedtime. The product is super-rich, so it is not necessary to apply it in large amounts, and if you do put too much, just remove the excess using a cotton pad.

Diet & Weight Loss

The Easiest Natural Way To Get Rid Of Cellulite : Anti-Cellulite Homemade Honey Massage

Honey massage stimulates skin renewal and improves blood circulation.

Honey massage stimulates skin renewal and improves the blood circulation in deeper skin layers and muscles, helps in removing cellulite and provides rapid recovery of muscle tone.

Honey massage is especially recommended in spring, because by hydrating skin it helps in the elimination of salt and toxins, and also improves skin nutrition.


Apply a thin layer on the problematic skin areas. For the thighs and the buttocks you will probably need about 2 tablespoons. You should just keep pressing your clean and dry hands on the skin covered in honey.

Since both skin and hands will be sticky, this method can be slightly painful.

The massage should last for about 5-10 minutes, every other day. The skin could turn red, you can even get bruises, but continue with the treatment until the honey turns completely white.

At the end wash your skin with warm water and apply some hydrating lotion.

Low - Fat Protein Foods

Pistachios – Small Nuts With Powerful Health Benefits

Botanically, pistachios are part of the Anacardiaceae family. They are not only delicious, but these nuts provide a real treasure of health benefits.

Here is why you should include these nuts in your diet:

Healthy Blood And Immune System

Pistachios are a great source of vitamin B6, basic for the creation of hemoglobin, which brings oxygen to cells. Vitamin B6 is also important for the immune system, the creation of red and white blood cells, and the maintenance of spleen and lymph nodes in healthy condition. In fact, vitamin B6 deficiency reduces the ability of the organism to fight infections.

Nice Skin

Pistachios enrich skin with vitamin E, which protects skin from premature aging, ultraviolet rays and cancer.


Good Eyesight

These nuts maintain healthy eyesight because of the carotenoids they contain – zeaxantine and lutein, rarely found in other nuts. Carotenoids have the same protective role as antioxidants, which stop the harmful effect of free radicals. Pistachios are also considered to have the ability to reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Efficient In Treating Diabetes

Pistachios are an excellent source of phosphorus, which is beneficial for the glucose tolerance and the conversion of proteins into amino acids. A handful of pistachios is an amazing remedy for diabetics

Good For Your Cholesterol

There is evidence proving that pistachios reduce bad and increase good blood cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart diseases.


5 Shocking Things Fast Food Restaurants Don’t Want You To Know

Reddit user asked this question: “Fast food restaurant employees, what not to order and why?” There were numerous answers and explanations from people who work in fast food restaurants, and here is what they advice and warn.

It is about people who anonymously answered the question, giving their experience as staff in world famous fast food restaurant chains. Here are their advices:

If the cheese is moldy, the next we do is cut off the mould and sell the rest to the customers.

If delicatessen (salami, etc.) look bad, we do not throw these away, we just sell them to the customers.


Mac and cheese sold as “fresh”, is actually frozen food, we just heat it in the microwave. The same goes for soups.

Chicken wings are never fresh – they can stay in the microwave for hours, until they are sold.

Coffee machines are never cleaned, since it is considered as irrelevant job no one has time to do.

When ordering chicken croquettes, etc., say loud and clear that you like them freshly prepared. In this case, in most of the restaurants you will get fresh croquettes, instead of those waiting to be heated for hours.