Fruits General

Unbelievable High Prices – List Of The Most Expensive Fruits In The World

In the world there are many types of fruits that are managed as a luxury and are selling for extremely high prices. FirstWeFeast published a list of the most expensive fruits in the world, with countries of origin and their prices.

Here are eight fruits around the world that make a $6 banana look like, well, just a banana.

1. Densuke Watermelon
– Price: $ 121
– Origin: Japan


2. Sekai-Ichi Apple
– Price: $ 21
– Origin: Japan


3. Yubari King Melons
– Price: $ 225 (2 pieces)
– Origin: Japan


4.This Pinneaple
– Price: $ 1,600
– Origin: Cornwall, England


5. Strawberries Arnaud
– Price: $ 1.4 million (one plate)
– Origin: New Orleans, Luiziana


6. Ruby Roman Grapes
– Price: $6,400
– Origin: Japan


7. Dekopon (hybrid of orange and tangerine)
– Price: $ 79 (for 6 pieces)
– Origin: Japan


8. Northern Territory Mangos
– Price: $ 50,000 (12 pieces)
– Origin: Sydney, Australia


Source: FirstWeFeast


See What Happens When You Drink Water On an Empty Stomach

People in Japan usually drink water right after they wake up. Numerous studies have confirmed the advantage of this habit. This morning routine has healing effect and provides positive results regarding different serious diseases.

There is evidence proving that drinking water on an empty stomach can be amazingly helpful in treating numerous diseases, including: headache, pain in any part of the body, cardiovascular disorders and diseases, tachycardia, epilepsy, increased blood fat levels, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney and urinary tract diseases, vomitting, gastritis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diabetes, constipation, eye and vision problems, uterine diseases, menstrual disorders, diseases and conditions effecting the ear, nose, and throat.


Treatment Methods

  • When you wake up in the morning, before brushing your teeth, drink 640 ml of water (4x160ml)
  • Brush your teeth, but do not eat nor drink anything in the next 45 minutes
  • After 45 minutes you can have your regular breakfast
  • After breakfast, lunch and dinner, do not eat nor drink anything in the next 2 hours
  • Older and sick people who are unable to drink 4 glasses of water on an empty stomach should start with the amount of water their body can accept, until they get used to the recommended amount, and increase the dose every day until they get to the necessary 640 ml of water.

This method will help you treat any health condition you may have, and healthy people, on the other hand, would enjoy the energy this routine provides.

How Many Days Should The Treatment Take?

  • High blood pressure – 30 days
  • Gastritis – 10 days
  • Diabetes – 30 days
  • Constipation – 10 days
  • Tuberculosis – 90 days

It would be best if drinking water becomes your life lasting routine. In that way you will be healthier and full of energy.

Attention: People diagnosed with arthritis should apply this method in the first three days of the week only, then make a break for a week, and start again, but this time every day of the week. This treatment will not have any side effects, except the frequent urination. So, drink water and stay active!

Beauty Natural Remedies

Best Ever Natural Remedies Recommended By Doctors

What do dermatologists use to treat burns? How do dentists relieve toothache? Doctors not always have the remedy at hand. Sometimes they have to improvise just like you do at home.

Here are some examples:

Natural Remedy For Acne

“Gently clean your face using salt (an antiseptic) and a few neem oil drops”, advices doctor Hema Sundaram. Rinse with water, apply plain yogurt mask and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Yogurt contains lactic acid known as a popular natural peeling that makes your skin shiny, but also removes acne, and reduces the color changes of fine lines.


Calm irritated skin quickly

“Sprinkle some mineral water”, says doctor Christopher Dannaker, dermatology professor at the California University in San Francisco. Numerous studies have shown that the water is rich in minerals, and actually spring water relieves pain caused by burns or dermatitis, and it is also used in treating redness and itchy feeling after a laser treatment.

Eczema and Psoriasis

Treat eczema and psoriasis by applying some olive oil directly on the affected area. Gently massage every square inch using a teaspoon, until the skin dries completely. Olive oil does not contain any chemical substances that may irritate your skin, and it is the main ingredient in many skin care creams. If you are dealing with a serious problem, skip the initial therapy and go to your doctor immediately.

Natural Remedy for Mosquito Bites

When attacked by mosquito, doctor Dannaker reduces the swelling and the itchy feeling using aspirin paste. Crush some aspirin and add enough water to dilute it. Apply the paste directly on the mosquito bite. Aspirin has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces bite, sting, pimple and ingrown hair redness, because it contains salicylic acid, an active ingredient that cures acne.

Common Mosquito (Culex pipiens) adult female, feeding, sucking blood from human skin, Italy

Remedy For Minor Burns

“Regardless of whether you have fallen asleep while sunbathing or just touched the wrong side of the pot, cold green or black tea compress can heal minor burns”, says doctor Maria Saward, professor at the Medical School in Pennsylvania. Soak a clean towel in a freshly prepared black or green tea and apply it directly on the burn in order to reduce the inflammation.


“This kind of dermatitis can be caused by vegetable oil, perfumes or even heat”, says doctor Andy Spooner, Director of the Department of Pediatrics at the Health Science Center in Tennessee. Rule number one says you must go to the nearest pharmacy and get an antihistamine. Be sure to check the proper dosing.


Numerous medicines sold in pharmacies mostly contain sugar. Take a fruit syrup (choose peach). It prevents morning nausea caused by large and heavy meals. A glass of carbonated drink can also help you.



Doctor Gennady Raskin, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Bastyr University, treats diarrhea using herbal tea.

“Mediterranean rosehip bark tea really calms the stomach”, says Raskin. Next time you buy some pomegranates, keep the peel on a dry and dark place up to six months. Add a teaspoon of dried pomegranate peel in 2 dl of water and wait for 3-4 minutes until it is done. Then wait for half an hour and filter the tea. This will stimulate the production of gastric mucosa and it will also reduce the irritation. Drink 4-6 tablespoons every day.


“Cloves (Eugenia caryophyllata) can relieve toothache quite efficiently. This ancient medical treatment really works”, says doctor Jack Dillenberg, Dean of the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health.

Soak a piece of cotton and apply it directly on the tooth. Keep it for a few minutes. You will feel some relieve until you go to see your dentist.

Beauty Natural Remedies

Stop Hair Loss Naturally – See How To Use The Amazing Coconut Oil For Hair Growth

If you are going through magazines and websites to search for natural hair care products, you will often see coconut oil listed as a “super-food” for your hair. This comes because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties and it is also rich in minerals and vitamins.

Coconut oil stimulates hair growth because its proteins and oil prevent the loss of proteins, which usually leads to hair weakness and breakage. By using it twice a week, followed by a scalp massage, you will notice an improved circulation and hydrated scalp.


How to use it?

People who try to stop hair loss should use it warm, by massaging it gently on the scalp. In this way, coconut oil penetrates deeply in the follicles, nourishes and strengthens the hair.

To achieve maximum results, you should warm it up a little before applying on the hair. Apply the oil generously to your scalp and rub the scalp gently to ensure that the oil spreads adequately to the entire area. Continue massaging the scalp for 5 minutes. Leave the oil on your hair for at least 1 hour (or up to 2-4 if you want to achieve maximum results) and then wash the hair off with a mild shampoo containing natural extracts.

You should endeavor to wash your hair properly as improper washing can lead to the oils clogging together on the scalp and that way inhibiting hair growth.

Coconut oil for alternative therapy

It is considered to be an effective remedy against head lice, and it is also amazingly efficient in treating the pimples that sometimes appear on the skin of your head. It not only stimulates hair growth, but also makes your hair look healthy and shiny, cleans dandruff, head lice, and acts like a natural moisturizer.

Using coconut oil to stimulate hair growth is the best solution if you want a beautiful, vibrant and sexy hair. If you still have any doubts, just look how many hair care products contain coconut oil.

Diet & Weight Loss Recipes

The Most Efficient Drink For Losing Belly Fat

Cynthia Sass, the nutritionist that actually “invented” this drink, called “Sassy” in her honor, says that this magical water has amazing effect on the digestive system and significantly relieves bloating.


  • 8 glasses water
  • 1 tsp grated ginger root
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber, peeled and cut into slices
  • 1 medium-sized lemon cut into slices
  • 12 fresh mint leaves and 1 tsp dried mint


Preparation and Consumption:

Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl, leave them overnight, and it is best if you keep the bowl in the fridge. Consume 4-5 glasses during the whole day.

You can start drinking it in the morning before your breakfast for better and instant results. You will feel like you have lost 1 pound after the first two hours.

Nutritionist say that by regular consumption of this drink and moderate physical activity, it would melt the belly fat and help you finally get that flat and sexy stomach.

People who consumed this drink regularly say that the results they achieved are more than fantastic if you take in consider that you could lose up to 12 kilograms, of course by following a proper diet regimen as well.

This “Sassy” water is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, nor for people having stomach problems or allergy to any of the ingredients listed!

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks Recipes

Get A Flat Stomach – This Delicious Drink Can Help Blast Your Belly Fat

The calories you eat often deposit as a fat around your waist. This so-called “rubber-belt” can deform your body and makes it look attractive. Today’s delicious cocktail will help you get your ideal waist size back.

All the ingredients balance perfectly and most of the products stimulate and boost the metabolism.



  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp ginger, grated
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 30 g fresh spinach
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 handfull mint
  • 1 handful parsley
  • 1/2 glass of lukewarm water


Dice the avocado and blend it well with the rest of the ingredients (wash both mint and parsley). Blend on the highest speed. Shortly before the end add ginger and honey and continue blending until you get a smooth texture.

Drink this cocktail in the morning before your breakfast.
It is rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This cocktail gives you a feeling of freshness and helps you recover faster.


Study Finds: Caffeine Can Improve Your Memory !

According to the latest studies, a cup of coffee in the morning will help you improve your memory.

A research published in the “Nature Neuroscience” magazine, showed that respondents who received caffeine pills, had better memory than the respondents who did not receive the caffeine dose.

The research involved 160 respondents, aged 18-30, and at the beginning of the research the experts showed them photos of different objects.


A day later, the same photos were shown to the respondents, plus some new photos respondents have not seen before.

While both groups were trying to find the difference between the old and the new photos, the researchers found that the respondents who took caffeine pills did significantly better in determining which photos were shown in the first round.

Scientists can not answer how caffeine affects our memory, but they still assume it could interfere with some hormones associated with the decision making.

However, consuming large amounts of caffeine can have some side-effects, such as insomnia.

Beauty Fruits Natural Remedies

How To Whiten Your Teeth With Banana Peel: 3 Simple Steps (Video)

Washing your teeth after your meals and avoiding coffee and cigarettes will sure help you get a brighter smile, but you should also try this trick at home and get a real Hollywood smile.

In your kitchen you can find a completely natural and efficient remedy for free.

  1. Take a banana peel
  2. Rub its inner side on your teeth and gums for two minutes.
  3. Then brush your teeth as you usually do.

Calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin D found in the banana peel are great for your teeth and these minerals can really help you whiten your teeth.

Also check this Banana Peel Teeth Whitening Tutorial !


Beauty Recipes

Anti-Aging Carrot Face Mask – It Is Even Better Than Botox !

Fast lifestyle exhausts each of you completely, and the wrinkles on your face show how really tired you are. We have the perfect solution for you – a homemade anti-wrinkle face mask.

Its effect is almost equal as the effect you get after a botox treatment.

To prepare this mask you need a tablespoon of cornstarch, some fresh carrot juice (about 5 tablespoons) and a tablespoon of sour cream.



First, mix a tablespoon of cornstarch and some water (about 1/2 glass). Boil 400 ml / 14 oz of water and let it cool for a while, but not completely. Add the cornstarch and cook on a low heat until the mixture gets thicker.

At the end, after it cools, add some fresh carrot juice and the sour cream. Stir well and apply the mask on a clean face. Leave it for 25-30 minutes.

Rinse well with warm water and apply your favorite face cream. Keep the rest of the mask in the fridge.

The best results are obtained by repeating this procedure for three days in a row. It removes both tiredness and wrinkles from your face and your skin is more firm, elastic and soft.

This homemade mask hydrates the skin on your face and provides almost the same effect as botox.

Natural Remedies

Finally Is Created an Amazing Recipe – Now You Can Make Your Own Natural Antioxidant at Home !

You all know the benefits herbs provide and most of you are totally aware of their healing power. Different herbs affect numerous health conditions and cure different health problems, and by combining herbs you can actually get amazing healing bomb

Homemade Antioxidant Recipe

You can prepare this recipe at home, and by combining these ingredients you will get a mixture that will improve the condition of your blood cells in just two weeks.


This natural antioxidant will also drastically increase the iron in your blood and make you look fresh again. It is an excellent antioxidant and immunity booster.


  • 200 grams / 7 oz of honey
  • 250 grams / 7.05 oz of nettle seeds
  • 250 grams tahini (paste made from ground, hulled sesame seeds)
  • 150 grams /0.33 lbs lemon (one large lemon)


By simple mixing of all the ingredients together you will get an excellent antioxidant. Leave the mixture for 24 hours and start consuming a tablespoon every morning before your breakfast. It is advisable to consume this antioxidant using a plastic spoon.