
Little-Known Functions Of The Lymphatic System And How To Improve Its Health

The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and it is considered to be the body’s “drainage” system. It does not get as much attention as the cardiovascular system, but actually the lymphatic system plays an important role in maintaining overall health and fighting diseases.

Parts Of The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system comprises of:

  • – The lymph – the transport fluid of the system
  • – A large network of capillaries which transport the lymph
  • – Lymph nodes located at different parts of the body, mostly at the neck, armpits and groin, and their function is to filter the lymph
  • – The tonsils, thymus and spleen – these produce white blood cells (lymphocytes, T cells and B cells of the immune system) important for the elimination of pathogens and toxins.

The vast network of lymphatic capillaries is parallel to the blood vessels, resembling a “tree” in the human body.


We have listed the most important aspects regarding the functions of the lymphatic system:

  1.  Lymphatic vessels remove blood proteins and excess water from spaces around the body cells – in this way the cells can receive critical oxygen. A congested lymphatic system results in oxygen-deprived cells, which can later lead to pain in some parts of the body and diseases.
  2. The lymph fills the spaces between the body cells, it transports nutrients to the cells and also eliminates any unwanted materials from them, including dead cells, bacteria, heavy metals, fatty globules, and other waste products.
  3. The main function of the lymphatic system is to remove the waste materials. The lymph circulates through the lymphatic system in the body, and carries the waste materials away from different parts of the body.
  4. In the next phase the lymph nodes filter the lymph, neutralize and eliminate bacteria and other pathogens, and also neutralize and eliminate other toxins. The nodes then transport these materials to the bloodstream, so the lymphocytes can pass through.
  5. Blood carries unwanted toxins to the kidneys and liver, responsible for the detoxification process, which are finally excreted from the body. Some of the lymph is transported straight to the large intestines, where it is excreted with the feces.

Lymph flows quite slowly, at a rate of about three quarts each day. Unlike the bloodstream and the heart with the function of a pump, the lymphatic system does not have this kind of a mechanism and uses other ways to keep the lymph circulating through the body, including general movement of the body, muscle contractions, lymphatic massage and other types of compression, as well as gravity.

If you are struggling with a disease, for example in cases of a cold, the lymphatic system increases its activity and the lymph nodes are often swollen due to the collected waste materials.

Holistic treatment regimens practiced by a lot of natural or alternative healthcare experts include reactivation of the lymph flow.

You should pay special attention to the lymphatic system, because it will sure keep you vital and help you fight even the most aggressive diseases.

7 Ways to Improve The Lymphatic Circulation

  • Deep breathing – numerous studies have shown that it is one of the best ways to activate the lymphatic system and keep the lymph circulating.
  • Exercising – regular body workout increases the rate of the lymph flow
  • Trampoline bouncing
  • Lymphatic massage
  • Osteopathic/chiropractic lymphatic drainage techniques
  • Dry skin brushing – a session of light brushing which, if done properly, is equivalent to a 20-minute body workout, regarding the stimulation of a healthy lymph flow
  • Reflexology/acupressure – requires pressure and massage of the relevant reflex points/zones in order to revive the lymphatic system. Do not forget to focus on the area around the center of the top of the foot, or the area behind the wrist.


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Fruits Health

You Must Eat This Super Berry – 10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Strawberries

You all know how delicious strawberries are and each of you simply adores this sweet fruit. After you learn more about its health benefits, you will love it even more.

The beginning of June is when the season of strawberries starts, so do not miss them while they are fresh.

Here is why:

1. Strawberries strengthen immunity and protect against infections, thanks to the vitamin C they contain.

2. This fruit is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that fight against bad cholesterol, so it prevents heart diseases.

3. The abundance of fiber it contains regulates blood sugar levels.

4. Strawberries are a low-calorie food, so they help you lose weight, and keep the hunger away at the same time.

5. Folic acid is important for the development of the baby and prevents any possible problem during the delivery, so doctors strongly advice pregnant women to eat more strawberries.

6. They are rich in magnesium, potassium and minerals, so if you have any problems with your bones, eat more strawberries.

7. Folic acid, vitamins B5 and B6 prevent hair loss.

8. Two to three servings of strawberries per week delay brain aging and improve memory.

9. Strawberries have anti-inflammatory effect and relieve pain.

10. They are rich in anticancer nutrients.

Fruits Health Vegetables

Food Pairings: These Foods Are More Powerful When Combined

Some foods are rich in vitamins, iron and calcium, while others are rich in completely different nutrients. You should do some smart combinations in order to use the maximum you can get.

These healthy products are more powerful when combined together, so try to consume these super-combinations at least twice a week.

Red Pepper and Dried Fruit

Combine foods rich in iron and vitamin C, to provide easier bonding of the nutrients.

So, if you eat liver, green vegetables, artichoke or dried fruit, add some red pepper, orange, lemon or tomatoes to your dish.

Also, combine whole grain cereals and blueberries, raspberries, cranberries or currants. In this way, you will increase the absorption of iron up to six times.

Green Tea and Lemon

Lemons increase the effect powerful antioxidants have, so add some lemon juice in every detox drink.

Dark Chocolate and Apples

The combination of quercetin contained in apples and the antioxidants found in dark chocolate provides an excellent protection for the blood vessels. It protects against heart diseases, thrombocytes and improves circulation.

Banana and Yoghurt

This combination is excellent in treating muscle pain, because it is rich in glucose and amino acids. Nutritionists recommend it after every long recreation or exhausting workout.

Salmon or Tuna and Broccoli

This combination is rich in vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids, and it is a powerful doping for the brain and its functions.

Diet & Weight Loss

4 Homemade Vitamin Waters For Detox & Weight Loss

Flush toxic materia, add nutrients, and lose those extra pounds!

Water is the most powerful ally when it comes to detoxification, and you can make it taste better and increase its nutritional value by adding simple ingredients rich in vitamins and minerals. We recommend you try the top 4 detox water recipes:

Detox Water Ingredients:

  • 1/2 gallon water
  • 1 grapefruit, sliced (you can also use lemon)
  • 1 tangerine, sliced (you can also use orange)
  • 1 large cucumber, sliced
  • 10-20 peppermint leaves
  • Ice – as much as you like


Wash well all the ingredients. Slice the cucumber, grapefruit, and tangerine. Then combine the slices and mint leaves together in a half gallon pitcher. Leave the ingredients as long as possible in order to use the maximum benefits.

You can see that it is really easy to prepare your favorite detox water, and the best thing about it is that you can choose any combination you like! Just take a large pitcher, or choose any other container you prefer, and fill it with fresh water.


You can Add:

  • – Fresh fruit (cut the fruit into paper-thin slices or small chunks) –  Add some mint  leaves for extra natural flavor
  • – Add stevia or organic raw honey to add sweetness
  • – Keep your detox water for 4-6 hours in the fridge and serve it on the rocks.

Detox Water Recipe Combinations:

1. Green Tea, Mint & Lime

It is and amazing aid in the fat burning process and digestion, relieves headaches and congestion, and it will also freshen your breath;

2. Strawberry – Kiwi

This combination improves cardiovascular health, protects the immune system, regulates blood sugar levels and stimulates digestion;

3. Cucumber, Lime and Lemon

These ingredients are supportive in the water weight management, and they will also help you reduce bloating, control your appetite, hydrate your body and improve digestion;

4. Lemon, Lime & Orange

It will solve any digestion problems, support the immune defense, and reduce heartburn; be sure to enjoy this detox water at room temperature.


Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

7 Refreshing Summer Drinks That Shrink Your Belly

Although you may be convinced that you should say goodbye to your favorite sweet drinks during your special diet regimen, you can still drink these 7 drinks anytime you like.

They are ideal for the long and hot summer days, and also a powerful ally in the fight against excess pounds.

1. Unsweetened Almond Milk – If you are following a special diet regimen, it is good if you replace regular milk with almond milk, which contains about 30 calories in a single cup, and no sugar, fat or lactose…


2. Stevia – Regardless of whether you drink tea, coffee, lemonade, Frappe or a cocktail, use stevia, because it is pretty efficient in the weight loss process. Stevia is made from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana, a herb that is 200 to 300 times sweeter and healthier than rafined sugar. Buy liquid stevia and sweeten every drink without any side effects.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar – A glass of cold water is one of the easiest and tasties refreshing drinks, but you can also enrich its flavor.  Add ginger, stevia, lemon of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar lowers blood sugar levels and prevents the deposition of fat.


4. Lemonade – One lemon contains less than a gram of sugar, so it is an ideal ally in the fight against excess pounds. Take some lemon slices and flavor your ice tea, fruit shake or cocktail.

5. Kefir – Fat free, regular kefir is an excellent substitute for milk and yoghurt in the shakes you are preparing. It is rich in protein, but also contains a lot of calories, so be careful. Fat-free kefir contains more probiotics than regular yoghurt.

6. Watermelon juice – It is a low-calorie juice and you can still mix it with some water and drink it every day. Watermelon will help you lose weight, but it is also an excellent protection against some cancer types, stroke and heart diseases.


7. Kiwi – Although kiwi does not affect the weight loss process directly, it is still an excellent antioxidant, rich in fiber and vitamin C. Be sure to add a few pieces in your fruit shakes – it will help you relieve stress and make your skin look younger.


Prepare The Most Delicious Homemade Strawberry And Banana Ice Cream

This is a simple and healthy alternative to traditional ice cream. It is very quick and easy to prepare this refreshing and healthy snack which is perfect for hot summer days.


  • 5.2 oz/ 150 grams strawberries
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) yogurt
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 banana


Blend strawberries and honey together. In a small bowl pour the yoghurt and add a tablespoon of the strawberry puree and another tablespoon of honey. Fill the plastic glasses with the yoghurt and strawberry mixture, and alternately add strawberry and banana pieces.

Put a wooden stick in the middle of each glass and keep the glasses in a freezer for 4 hours. Keep the glasses shortly in a container filled with hot water in order to separate the ice cream from the plastic glasses.



Stunning Photos Show The Ancient Tradition Of Honey Hunting In Nepal

Semiyearly, the brave Gurung people from Central Nepal accept nature’s challenge and collect honey from the world’s largest beehives, based on the highest parts of the Himalayan cliffs. Andrew Newey, travel photographer, captured this magnificient and challenging ancient art during his two-week stay. However, the number of honey hunters reduces every year, and this art could actually disappear in a short period of time.


“For hundreds of years, the skills required to perform this dangerous task have been passed down through the generations” wrote Newey, “but now both the bees and traditional honey hunters are in short supply.”

The only things honey hunters use are a handmade rope ladders and tangos – long sticks. The Gurung people also use smoke to drive thousands of angry and tempered Apis laboriosa – world’s largest bee.


The massive beehives are usually located on steep cliffs facing south-west, in order to avoid any possible predators and to increase the exposure to direct sunlight.


In autumn, the honey hunt lasts for three days, preceded by a ceremony which is supposed to soothe the cliff gods.




When collected, the honey is lowered to the helpers waiting below the cliffs.





Health Health Tips

How To Eat Right For Your Blood Type

Peter D’Adamo is a very famous neuropathic medic and wrote Eat Right for Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight.

He is a firm believer in the fact that blood types are crucial for our health and well-being and that certain food is harmful to one blood type but helpful to other. Also, he claims that even the manner of exercising can be closely connected to your blood type, or on the contrary, your blood type can cause you some illness.


Some experts do not agree with this method of nutrition but since his book was published, 7 million sold copies speak for themselves.

How Do Blood Type Diets Works?

D’Adamo has a theory that says that every person has his own way of responding to food, and that is closely connected to our blood type. Lectins (carbohydrate-binding proteins), in his opinion, can attach to different blood type in a different way. It can be extremely harmful for your health if certain lectins contact certain blood type.

Dr. D’Adamo thoroughly explains these changes and side-effects in his book, still, his main goal is to analyze which foods are appropriate for each blood type and in which amount should they be consumed.

The Four Basic Blood Types:


Twenty thousand years ago, when agriculture was developed, this blood type had the change of a lifetime. This means that blood type A should concentrate on having a vegetarian way of life- the people are also known as “the agrarians”.

People with type A blood should avoiding eating meat, and eat fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, and whole grains. To be more precise, organic and fresh foods, because as D’Adamo explained, these people have a sensitive immune system.


Being one of the oldest blood types, dating since 30 000 years ago, it requires a protein-filled nutrition, unlike any of the other blood types. The people are also known as “the hunters”.

These people should focus on eating more high-protein foods, such as lean meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables, and reduce the consumption of grains, beans, and dairy products. D’Adamo recommends different supplements that will assist in cases of stomach ache, and other issues these people usually have.


The people commonly known as “the nomads” possess the quality to be quite adaptable to dairy products and have the most versatile digestive system of all. This blood type first appeared ten thousand years ago.

People in this group should avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. According to D’Adamo, chicken may also cause certain problems. He recommends eating green veggies, eggs, certain meats, and low-fat dairy products.


Since this is the most recently developed blood type, their diet varies between Blood type B and A. Because this blood type is only a thousand years old, the people are called “the enigmas”.

Diet based on tofu, seafiid, dairy, and green veggies. D’Adamo explains that these people often struggle with stomach acid, and should avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked meat delicacies.


If you do not know your blood type, your medic or physician can easily determine it for you.



Consume: vegetables, whole grains instead of small ones (pasta or bread). Also, consume berries, figs, avocados, apples and nectarines. Proteins that are allowed are nuts and soy.

Stay Away From: Any kind of meat is not recommended as well as dairy products and kidney beans.


Consume: Red meat, poultry (chicken/turkey), seafood and other proteins are highly recommended. When it comes to vegetables kale, spinach, kelp and broccoli are a good choice.

Stay Away From: legumes (beans, peanuts, lentils), dairy and egg products, as well as wheat and grains.


Consume: fruits, green vegetables, certain grains, red meat, fish, turkey.

Stay Away From: seeds of any kind, chicken, peanuts, lentils and corn. Also try to avoid buckwheat.



Consume: turkey, tofu, seafood and fish. Also, vegetables, beans, watermelon, figs, apples and bananas and legumes are a good option.

Stay Away From: buckwheat, corn, red meat (you may experience stomach acid). Be careful with consuming too much alcohol and caffeine.

Organic food applies to all blood types but a nutritionist can help you expand your diet if necessary. Food groups generally are strict, so you if you are dieting you don’t have to worry about calories. Also, get informed about the positive and negative influences of your food choice. If you are dieting as a family, but have different blood types, the Atkins diet is the most recommended, because it avoids entire food groups.

Nutrition in accordance with your blood type can be fit for one person, but unsuitable for other. To get a grip of the whole concept, reading Dr. D’Adamo’s book may be very helpful. Your nutritionist or medic can also help in giving you proper advice for any change you want to make, especially if you have any medical condition.

Source: Natural Cures Not Medicine
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Beauty Natural Remedies

How To Cure Cracked Heels – The Natural Way

Neglecting your feet can easily lead to cracked heels. That is why moisturizing is very important as well as everyday care and attention. Since, summer is coming up, here are a few tips on how to solve cracked heels problems.

Our feet, in general, are one of the most neglected body parts and this can lead to hurting heels. There are not any health risks involved, unless deeper injuries or bleeding occur.

If some cases, like diabetes or weak immune system, problems like these need to be taken care of in time so that infection does not arise.

How To Cure Cracked Heels – The Natural Way

Supermarkets offer a huge choice of foot creams which usually contain a lot of chemicals that can cause skin irritation. So, here are some of the most natural and effective remedies that could help you out:

1. Dip your feet in a bowl of warm water for about 10 minutes. Dry the feet completely and put on vegetable oil on the hurting areas. Put on some socks and if you can- sleep with them on throughout the night. The warmth of your body will soak the oil and will be more effective. In a few days, the affected areas will be gentle once more.

2. Take a banana pulp and apply it on your cracked heels for about ten minutes. Wash with water and clean your feet. This method is harmless and you can do it daily.

3. Also, mix avocado or the inside of a coconut together with the banana until you get a creamy substance. Avocado and coconut are full of soluble vitamins, excellent for the skin. Other than vitamins, this will provide your skin with a lot of oils, too.

4. Put your feet in a lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Its acid (which is not harmful), will get rid of the dead and unnecessary skin. You can scrub your feet while in the lemon juice to get full effect.

5. Rosewater and glycerin mix will smooth and heal the cracked heels.


6. There is a belief that mustard oil mixed with paraffin wax can work miracles for your heels. Leave the mix overnight, by wearing socks once again. Wash it all out in the morning. You need around ten days to experience a full transformation.

7. For healthy heels the most important thing is exfoliation. If you combine honey, cider vinegar and rice flour you will get a mix that will cure the deepest of cracks on your heels. It is also recommended to add olive oil or sweet almond oil to the combination. Put your feet in warm water for 20 minutes and mildly rub the paste on them. This provides exfoliation and dissolving dead skin layers. You will also get moisturizing from the honey and olive oil.

8. Making your own foot cream can be very helpful in these situations. Mix a few drops of lavender oil together with lemon oil and olive oil in a small bottle. Add the exact amount of water and shake until it collides. Apply daily and remember to first shake the mixture.

9. Healthy skin is also a result of a good diet. Eat food containing lots of iron, zinc and omega 3 fats.

Always take care of your feet, and find no excuse to do any different.

Source: Natural Cures Not Medicine


8 Health Warnings Your Fingernails May Be Sending


Excellent health does not imply only having a great body, eating right and exercising. It may come as a surprise, but your fingernails can be one of the key pointers to a bad health. Here are some of those things:

Our nails, when look at the can seem very different: you may notice, white spots, change in color, cracks or bumps and others. These things usually do not matter but they can be extremely essential when it comes to your fingernails’ health.Because of that only a medic may notice these changes.

If you put your hand in front of your nose and examine nail after nail you can notice the thickness or thinness of your nails, their shape, shade and surface. Try to detect any differences in them. It is very important for you to spot and acknowledge these changes because they are the most common indicator of other health problems.

The 8 most frequent alerts are:

1. Ridges:

The normal nail is usually flat and smooth and does not have visible ridges on it. These ridges may indicate various problems with your health such as:

  • – Lupus ( red lines occurring at the root of your nail)
  • – Iron deficiency
  • – Inflammation such as arthritis
  • Vertical and horizontal ridges are both not to be overseen.

The article continues on page 2…