Health Tips

Here is What You Need To Check Next Time You Buy Bottled Water

Lately, when buying bottled water, consumers are advised to check the bottom of the bottle, in order to protect their health.

Plastic bottles labeled with letters like HDP, HDPE, PP and a few others, do not release any toxic materia in the water, and the remaining letters can represent the chemicals found in the water you are drinking. Every brand must label the content of the bottle, and we offer you a little help to recognize the toxic water bottles.


PET or PETE – stands for single-use bottles. These bottles can possibly release heavy metals and chemicals that affect the hormonal balance.

HDP or HDPE – plastic that practically releases no chemicals. Experts recommend choosing these bottles, when buying bottled water, because it is probably the healthiest water you can find on the market.

PVC or 3V – releases 2 toxic chemicals that affect the hormones in your body.

LDPE – this plastic can not be used in the production of bottles, but plastic bags, even though it does not release any chemicals into the water.

PP – another white colored or semi transparent plastic, used as a packing for syrups and yoghurt cups.

PS – releases some carcinogenic substances, and it is commonly used in the production of coffee cups and fast food casings.

PC or non-labeled plastic – the most dangerous plastic in the food production which releases BPA chemicals, and it is often used in the production of sports water bottles and food containers.

As of today, check the bottom of the bottle twice!

Health Health Tips

How to Balance Your pH to Heal Your Body

Many of you would most certainly agree that the pH balance is extremely important, while others would say it is essential. There are still a few who clearly state that the pH balance is a matter of life and death. The only people who never give great importance to the alkaline/acidity balance are those who practically consume pills for every change in their health condition, a drug for every bug.

Most people are too acidic, and returning to the alkaline state is actually a major piece of the healing puzzle.

pH means power of hydrogen, and it is the measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body. The pH scale ranges from 1 to 14, and 7 is considered as neutral. If the pH is less than 7 is acidic, and if we are talking about pH greater than 7, it is basic or alkaline. The ideal pH is slightly alkaline, ranging from 7.30 to 7.45.

You can easily test your pH level regularly, just put a piece of litmus paper in your saliva or urine in the morning, before you eat or drink anything.

Taking care of your health means taking care of both physical activity and diet, so try to include pH balance in your healing process, and see the results coming sooner than you think.

Try to learn more about your pH level, because this knowledge can help you rebuild both mind and body from a number of degenerative conditions that could not be cured in any other way. Take care of your acidic system and bring your body back to vitality, because this is the key to balancing every system in your body.

1. Digestive system

Digestive disorders, such as indigestion, nausea, bloating, gastric reflux and many others are often caused by excess acid in the digestive tract and lack of alkaline minerals in the intestines.

Insufficient intake of alkaline minerals contained in enzyme rich foods exhaust the pancreas, and it loses the ability to decode foods and inform the body what should me done with it. This leads to a degenerative spiral of entropy, and the organs become confused and inflamed.

2. Circulatory system

Acidity is the main cause of heart diseases, and many studies have proven that fats are extremely essential for the cardiovascular health. Good fats heal the inflammation associated with arteriosclerosis. It is not the good fats that cause the thickening of the arteries with plague, but the acidic environment that creates the inflammation responsible for this health condition.

As a response to acidity the body lines the vessels with fatty plague, in order to prevent life-threatening leaks which arrest imminent death, but strain the heart muscle, because the blood flows through narrower vessels. Heart attacks occur when the heart is completely exhausted.

3. Immune system

Acidic environment provides the perfect conditions for pathogens, and on the other hand, high hydrogen levels of rich body fluids stop the bacteria from being active. Antoine Béchamp, a great scientist, once said ‘The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.’ The ratio of the cellular pH is crucial when it comes to whether bad bacteria and pathogens incubate or stay inactive.

Medicine adopted the germ theory, a narrow view, and it conveniently relies on profitable surgeries, radiation and pharmaceutical drugs. This is an invasive and ineffective approach, because it goes against the nature and the body’s natural self-healing functions, and it only treats the symptoms, and not the main cause.

4. Respiratory system

When acidity starts to affect the organs and bodily tissues, the transport of oxygen in the body is strangled, meaning the cells are unable to breathe properly. For a proper function, every single cell in the body needs to clear acidic carbon dioxide and breath new oxygen. In cases of high acidity ratio, waste materia, such as mucus, infections and bacteria build up in the lungs, causing cold, bronchitis, asthma, etc.

Health Tips

Be Careful: Never Put These 5 Things In The Microwave

Microwaves sure make life easier. However experts warn that there are certain things that should not be heathen in the microwave. We have listed some of them.


Broccoli can be cooked pretty easily, so no wonder this vegetable is often prepared in the microwave. But every form of cooking destroys a certain per cent of the nutrients. Steam cooking works best, even though broccoli still loses about 11 per cent of the antioxidants it contains, and if you cook broccoli in the microwave by adding some water, the vegetable loses up to 97 per cent of the antioxidants.

Frozen Meat

Some microwaves rotate and some do not, so your food may not be evenly cooked. It is pretty difficult to defrost frozen meat in a microwave, because it takes a lot of time and often its ends could turn brown while the middle is still frozen.

Also, if you do not prepare the meat right after defrosting it, you may affect the balance of bacteria.

Breast Milk

Breast milk contains an important agent that helps babies fight bacteria. A research showed that heating can stimulate the growth of Escherichia coli up to 18 times more compared to the regular heating of the milk.

Frozen Fruit

Buying frozen fruit is not that bad, because usually people freeze it when it is ripe, so it keeps all the nutrients. Fruit starts losing its nutrients right after it is picked, and frozen fruit contains more vitamins and antioxidants than fresh fruit which is usually stored in warehouses for a long time.

Plastic containers

Keep plastic containers away from the microwave. When heating food in plastic containers, they release toxic materia directly in your food, which could possibly cause cancer. The bottles you use to warm milk also release chemicals when heated in a microwave. So carefully choose what you put in the microwave.

Natural Remedies

Natural Mosquito Repellent Spray To Avoid Mosquito Bites

Boring mosquitoes can really spoil your summer joy. We often buy different mosquito repellents to solve this problem, and sometimes these artificial means can be really nasty and even cause numerous side effects, usually when applied on sensitive skin, especially if we are talking about children.

If you really want to avoid using chemical based products, simply prepare this natural and cheaper solution to keep those awful mosquitoes away.


  • Dried mint
  • Chamomile
  • Water
  • Medicinal alcohol


In a cup of hot water add about 3-4 tablespoons of the herbs. Cover the cup and let it cool for a while, then add some of the medicinal alcohol. Keep the liquid in a spray bottle and there you have your protection against mosquitoes.

This recipe works best for adults only, and children should avoid using it, because the alcohol you are using is not recommended for children. If you still need something to protect your kids, use apple cider vinegar instead of alcohol.

This spray is amazingly efficient, same as the ones you are buying, the only difference is that you should apply it more often.

Skin-friendly mosquito repellent (also good for children)


  • 1 liter apple cider vinegar
  • 10 tbsp herbal mixture (of your choice): rosemary, lavender, thyme, sage and mint


In a large jar add your combination of herbs and the apple cider vinegar. Keep the jar at room temperature for two to three weeks, and do not forget to stir the mixture once in a while. After that period of time, strain the liquid and keep it in a bottle. For better results and long-term use keep the bottle in the fridge.


Everytime you prepare a mosquito repellent, in this case we are talking about sprays, mix the liquid with some water in the same proportion. For example, fill half a spray bottle with the liquid you have prepared, then add regular water to the top. Now you have a ready-to-use spray that will efficiently keep those boring mosquitoes away.

If you already have mosquito bites:

You can use lavender essential oil, bay leaves, lemon grass, aloe vera gel, chamomile cream, propolis, calendula or baking soda. Simply apply some of these natural remedies directly on the mosquito bite.

Note (for children):

If your child’s skin reacts violently to any of these remedies, stop using them!

Health Health Tips

14 Ways to Cleanse the Body from Chemtrails, GMOS, Flouridated Water, and other Environmental Toxins

You have most probably noticed those chemtrails sprayed over your neighborhood, or just heard the latest information about the high death rate in honey bee colonies due to the toxins released in the environment, and you will sure agree that we have to find a solution to this matter as soon as possible.

We have to take care of our health and stop the poisoning our greedy governments support, as a marionette of large corporations. Let’s not even start the topic about fluoridated water, oil spills, contaminated air and water.

A research conducted in the early 1900s showed that the human body itself can not put up with the environmental toxicity without any help, even though it is strong enough to handle every possible toxin, including even heavy metals.

Maybe it is just our body that is heavily burdened, and now the intelligence of humans is simply strained to its acme. It as if you either get used to the toxins that enjoy governmental support, or just die.

Waiting for a positive decision of both congress and senate is not the right thing to be done. Start using your power for your own sake! Get radical, inform your friends and the world, even if turns into rabble-rousing.

When this all started, we could just ignore the warnings about the dangers harassing our food, air and soil, but then EPA and FDA, puppet institutions that usually placate both farmers and citizens that their concerns are actually benign, announced that pesticides are harmful to our health, meaning it is time to straighten things up, even though this confession was actually something we knew much before.

If they still did not state what was already obvious, the would sure lose even the tiny respect in social and political circles. They have already lost the support of their most loyal followers.

Our Blood and Bones Contain Over 85,000 Different Toxins

We live in a toxic world, and a number of studies show that our blood and bones contain about 85 000 chemical pollutants. We are now exposed to depleted uranium from bombs, nuclear energy sites, and chemicals like Agent Orange and toxic mold, and the list seems to be never-ending.

Toxins are now part of the genetic make up and seep in our cells, causing cancer, depression, insanity and many other disorders.

These poisons affect the intelligence and immune system in a way it can no longer fight even a simple virus. Hormones also freak out and both boys and girls start puberty way too soon, and fetuses do not develop properly.

The number of children diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, and Autism is higher than ever. Our weight increases abnormally, and we often feel tired, because our toxic bodies can not metabolize fat and protein properly.

Health Health Tips

10 Reasons Why Cayenne Pepper Can Revolutionize Your Health

We all want to add some distinguishing flavor to our favorite dishes, and cayenne pepper is probably one of your favorite spices. People have been using this spice for both culinary and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Cayenne pepper not only gives heat and flavor to your dishes, it also provides a variety of health benefits.

It is part of the Capsicum family of vegetables, commonly known as chili peppers, and it was originally cultivated in South and Central America. Its spicy heat comes because of the high concentration of capsaicin.

We have listed the top 10 health benefits provided by cayenne pepper, including some of the reasons why you should be careful when it comes to including this spice in your diet.

1. Cayenne Pepper Reduces Muscle And Joint Pain, as Well as Inflammation

Applying cayenne pepper can be really effective in reducing muscle and joint pain, or even inflammation. This comes due to its counter-irritant effect: when applying cayenne on the affected area, it usually causes a mild irritation to the tissue, distracting you from the original pain. Cayenne contains an active ingredient called capsaicin, which relieves pain by affecting the sensory nerves. Actually, it hinders the transmission of the neurotransmitter which is responsible for transmitting pain signals to the brain.

2. Relieves Migraine

Once cayenne pepper hits your stomach, your brains starts releasing endorphins, known as natural painkillers. If you have no problems consuming this spice, add 1 to 3 teaspoons of cayenne pepper to a glass of water and there you have your instant remedy for migraine headache.

Read the full article here:

Health Tips

25 Tips for Naturally Cleaning With Vinegar

Have you ever thought of the ordinary white vinegar as a powerful cleaning agent? It is not only efficient, but also really cheap and natural, meaning there are no toxins usually contained in chemical-based cleaners. There are records that white vinegar has been used for cleaning and many other purposes besides cooking since ancient times.

White vinegar is often referred as a distilled vinegar – a misnomer, because it does not come as a product of the distillation of vinegar, but as a result of the fermentation of distilled alcohol to give acetic acid, which is later diluted. This product is not only used for medicinal, laboratory, and cleaning purposes, but also in cooking, baking, meat preservation, and pickling.

White vinegar is a powerful disinfectant, and there is a number of studies proving its efficacy against microorganisms and dirt- it is 90% effective against mold and 99.9 % effective against bacteria.

You have most probably noticed that large companies now brand white vinegar specifically as cleaning vinegar. Heinz offers a product that is 6% acidic, which is slightly stronger than the standard product which is 5% acidic. Be sure to check the labels for any unwanted substances – you never know!

We have listed 25 most important uses of white vinegar, which is just a tiny part of the abundance of purposes it can be used for.

Thanks to the media and the nature-friendly campaigns, many people have changed their cleaning habits and now avoid harsh chemicals. Probably the best thing you have learned is that white vinegar is a wonderful cleaning agent – and it is all natural! Heinz now has a new cleaning vinegar, available in any bigger store.

Do not forget that white vinegar is a natural product you can use to get rid of bacteria and germs, thanks to its acidity. White vinegar is environment friendly and cheap, and Heinz cleaning vinegar is 6% acidic, which makes it even more effective than the regular vinegar which is only 5% acidic.

In addition to this, we suggest you to try the top 25 cleaning tips, where white vinegar is the main cleaning agent:

1. Countertop – use a rag and vinegar only.

2.  Drain / Garbage disposal – first pour 1 cup of baking soda, and then 1 cup of hot vinegar. Leave it for 5 minutes, and run hot water down the drain. (Attention: Some garbage disposals have bad reaction to this method, so be sure to carefully read the instructions first.)

3. Microwaves – mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a microwave-safe container. Boil the mixture in the microwave, then whipe the dirt off.

4. Fridge – mix equal parts of water and vinegar and clean your fridge.

5. Dishwasher – pour a cup of white vinegar in an empty machine and run it through cycle.

6. Plastic food containers – Dampen a towel with vinegar and remove any stains and smells.

7. Lunch box – soak a piece of bread in vinegar and leave it overnight in your lunch box.

8. Mini Blinds – Mix equal parts of vinegar and water and dip gloved hands in the solution, then run your fingers across each blind, on both sides.

10. Tarnished Metal – mix equal parts of vinegar and table salt, and use the paste.

11. Grease – use a sponge soaked in vinegar and whipe clean.

12. Grill – Make a solution of half water and half vinegar and spray it on the cooking surface

13. Sponges – put the sponge in a plastic container and add enough water to cover it. Add 1/4 cup of vinegar and leave it overnight.

14. Grout – Apply pure vinegar and leave it for a few minutes, then scrub it using an old toothbrush.

15. Germs – spray some full-strength vinegar and wipe clean.

16. Mildew and soap scum – spray undiluted vinegar and rinse.

17. Toilets – Pour a cup of more of vinegar and leave it overnight. In the morning scrub well with the toilet brush and flush.

The rest of the tips and the full  article is here:


The Surprising Reason You Have Wrinkles (and it isn’t the sun)

You simply can not look yourself in the mirror without noticing those tiny wrinkles and saggy skin. Glycation is the name of the major cause of aging skin.

What does glycation mean? Experts will agree that glycation is actually part of the aging process, but it does not necessarily have to result in deep wrinkles and loose skin, meaning many people can actually grow old and have barely notable wrinkles. Their knowledge does the magic… Namely, glycation is the name of the chemical reaction when sugar attaches to proteins in the body.

The abundance of proteins and sugar flowing naturally in the body create another feature of the glycation. Experts name it as Advanced Glycation End products or AGES.

The latest studies have shown that the sun is not the only cause of aging skin, but the glucose that circulates in the body can be also held as responsible for those wrinkles. Sugar or glucose plays an important role as the fuel our body needs for its vital functions, but over time the excess sugar can actually cause some pretty nasty damages.

People diagnosed with diabetes who do not observe their sugar level often struggle with a number of age-related health conditions and this should be the best lesson you can get regarding the chronic glucose exposure.

Glycation may be also referred as caramelization of the bodily tissue, or even ‘Browning Reaction.’ Roast potatoes and fried chicken can be excellent examples of what really happens in your organism, just at a slower pace. Same as these foods, you too have sugar and proteins that create this chemical reaction.

AGES does not apply to your physical appearance only, but also to the number of health issues, including heart diseases, kidney failure and cataracts. The most damaging aspect of glycation is its ability to change the shape and function of the bodily tissues.

For example, glycation caused by excess sugar can stiffen and harden blood vessels – arteries, simply through the circulation of the excess sugar in the body.

Flexible cardiovascular system is crucial for optimal health. The molecules in protein and fat have fixed structure and even a minor change in that structure, for example with glycation, can disrupt the normal function of both fat and protein.

What causes AGES?

– Excess sugar (in all forms)

– Excess carbohydrate intake – all forms

– Cooking on high temperature, including frying, baking, roasting, grilling, etc., meaning all those crispy potatoes, meat chunks…

– Insufficient intake of veggies, nuts, seeds, fruits rich in antioxidants that protect tissues

– Insufficient intake of supplements important for the prevention of oxidized cells and glycation

Original Article posted on:

Diet & Weight Loss Health

Here is The Secret of a Man Who Loses 154 Pounds And Overcomes Diabetes

Kerry Hoffman is six foot and one inch tall and used to weight 343 pounds. He was diagnosed with diabetes and constantly enjoyed processed and unhealthy food. “I ate anything that tasted good – chicken wings, pizza, stuffed burgers, tons of sweets and dessert,” says Hoffman.

His daughter was born shortly after his father passed away from liver disease, and these life events were actually a breaking point in his life, pushing him towards a new and healthier lifestyle.

Today, at the age of 32, Kerry lost 154 pounds and weighs 189 pounds. Cycling and triathlons are now his favorite activities, and he is enjoying a celebrity treatment because people keep asking him for health advices.

What is even more important than Kerry’s physical activity is the fact that now he is healthier than ever. Kerry will always remember when he heard his doctor announcing, “You have officially cured yourself of diabetes.” Moreover, he has no problems with cholesterol and blood pressure, and stopped taking medicines to control his health condition.

Proper diet is important if you do need to lose weight

This hero explains how fitness is not the only important thing, meaning you should also stop eating junk food, as he still avoids even today. “I eat mainly whole foods. I stay away from processed stuff as much as possible”, says Hoffman. “I never ate vegetables or salad before, and not two helpings of salad with homemade dressing is a staple every evening, as well as a fresh veggie.”

You will all agree that losing excess pounds is really beneficial for the overall health. This makes you feel super-light, full of energy, and your joints will be a lot less pressured. Losing weight at any age results in improved cardiovascular health, so start believing that you can actually be healthier, no matter what age you are.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are crucial for the weight loss process

Kerry Hoffman is not the only person that got rid of the excess pounds, thanks to the changes he made, regarding his physical activity and everyday diet.

Justin Willoughby shares the same destiny as Kerry. He lost over 550 pounds, attributing his success to replacing high-sugar food and processed meat with natural food and a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Luis Melendez lost 120 pounds, and stopped using medications, thanks to the raw food diet.

Jennifer Lilley was also successful in the weight loss department, losing 70 pounds, mostly because she started including fresh fruits, vegetables and superfoods in her diet.

Read The Original Full Article Here:


Apple Cider Vinegar For Skin Tag Removal

Apple cider vinegar can do magic when it comes to skin tags, moles and warts. It is not a surprise if you have any doubts about the outcome of this natural treatment, mostly because apple cider vinegar is something you use in the kitchen.

It is a common product used in the preparation of preservatives, dressings and marinades, but there is a number of people who use its health benefits to treat a variety of health conditions. The best thing about apple cider vinegar is that it is cheap and easily available.

The popularity of this treatment comes due to the success and the safety it provides while removing the tag, and you will not feel any pain at all. Apple cider vinegar contains acid that destroys the tissue responsible for the formation of the blemish, but still it will not irritate the skin around the area you are treating.

Even though some say that you have to use organic apple cider vinegar, many people have used cheap quality vinegar and still enjoyed amazing results, claiming that the cheaper varieties can be as effective as the more expensive brands.

After the first use, the tag will be slightly discolored. Repeat the treatment for a few days and you will get the results you expected – the tag will fall off without any pain. It is normal if you feel a mild stinging sensation after the first use. Be sure to consult your doctor in cases of inflammation or constant irritation.

People who have applied this method to remove any skin tag explain how actually you see the results sooner than you think and that the treatment leaves no scars. The good thing about the use of apple cider vinegar is that it is not as aggressive as other methods, but it takes consistency to get any visible results.

Here is how to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin Tag Removal
