Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks Recipes

Detox Drink Made of Just 2 Ingredients To Cleanse The Body of Toxins

If you do like eating fatty food once in a while, then you are probably worried about all the fat that is accumulated in your body.

We suggest you to prepare a simple drink to cleanse your organism, using 2 ingredients that you always have on hand. You will need celery root and lemons.

Shred  14 oz/ 400 g of celery root.
Add 7 oz/ 2 deciliters of water and some lemon zest.
Cook for 20 minutes and let the liquid cool for 5-6 hours.

You also need 2.2 pounds/ 1 kg of lemons. Use the juice of the lemons only and add it to the liquid you already prepared. Strain and there you have your fat cleansing drink. Keep it in a glass bottle.

Drink about 3.5 oz /1dl of the beverage before your meals, three times a day. You can also add some mineral water.

Remember, always keep this drink in the fridge!

Beauty Healthy Drinks Recipes

This Amazing Drink Will Help You Tighten The Skin On Your Face

Caffeine acid and vitamin C contained in cucumbers give its calming effect, and silicon acid improves skin tones and makes your skin look healthy. Cucumbers are rich in water, and it hydrates your skin and gives it a nice and healthy glow.

B vitamins contained in celery stimulate the exchange of carbohydrates in the body. Coumarin prevents any harmful effect of the free radicals, and keeps the healthy glow of your skin.

Green tea, the third ingredient, contains high per cent of antoxidants, as well as vitamins E and C, meaning it slows the skin aging process, and regulates the body weight.


  • 2 cucumbers, peeled
  • 4 celery stalks
  • 2 cups organic green tea


Blend all the ingredients together, and add some water if the texture seems to be too thick. Never keep this drink in the fridge, and drink it right after you prepare it.

Fruits Health Tips

How To Make Homemade Apple Wax Remover

Apples are probably the most amazing gift from Mother Nature. This fruit has a lot of health benefits, and it can prevent even stroke.

Even though the apples you see at the supermarket may look fresh and shiny, sometimes the fruits are not that clean and healthy as you may think.

Apples contain a lot of water and produce natural wax to protect it. When processed, apples lose some of this natural wax, and to prevent any rotting, artificial wax is often added. This wax is sometimes petroleum based and the toxins contained can be harmful for your organism.

The best solution is to buy organic products at the local market, where farmers grow the fruits they sell. If you are still unable to do this, be sure to remove any wax from your apples.

We suggest you to try this simple method, and the best thing about it is that you have all the ingredients needed in your kitchen.

You need:

  • Veggie brush
  • apples
  • Baking soda
  • Lemon juice


1. Fill the sink with lukewarm water

2. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of baking soda

3. Add the apples and brush them well using the veggie brush

You should see the wax coming out of the apples as the water becomes cloudy.


Health Health Tips Natural Remedies

The Best Natural Cures For 3 Common Types of Headaches

Some of you just love those long and calming rainy days, but what about those who get nervous even by the very thought of it? Wonder why? Do you actually know how many people suffer from a headache when its raining and cloudy?

1. Headache Causing Pressure in The Head

It is most often caused by stress or a lack of sleep, and there are a few natural solutions to relieve the pressure in your head.

Mint Oil – Gently massage your forehead and temples. Its cooling effect will relax the muscles in your head and neck.

Ginger Tea – Cover a piece of fresh ginger (2-3 cm long) with some hot water. This tea has the same ability to relieve inflammations as aspirin.

2. Migraine

The pain usually appears in one side of your head, and these tips can help you get some relief:

Chrysanthemum – Chrysanthemum tea slightly pressures the nerves and helps in treating migraine.

Acupressure – This ancient Chinese method involves gentle massage of the area between your index finger and the thumb.

3. Ice Pick Headache

In this case the headache is concentrated in one spot of the head and usually occurs as a result of temperature changes. Use a simple and natural remedy:

Red pepper – You can either consume it fresh or contained in different creams. Red pepper blocks the nerve signals for pain and it is the fastest solution ever found.

Fruits Natural Remedies

How To Use Lemon as a Medicine

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, pectin and calcium oxalate. Essential oils found in lemon peel have pleasant smell and bitter taste. They contain limonene, citral, sugar, potassium, phosphorus, lemon and malic acid.

Best results are provided when both fruit and leaves are ripe.


Preparation and Use

Lemon juice has a lot of healing properties, and the list seem to be never-ending. We have listed some of its most important benefits:

  • -Reduces blood sugar
  • – Reduces harmful acids and bacteria
  • – Cures colds
  • – Chest diseases
  • – Eliminates uric acid from the blood
  • – Cleanses the glands
  • – Prevents bleeding
  • – Prevents inflammations
  • – Prevents rheumatic pain
  • – Malaria
  • – Scurvy
  • – Improves heart function

Rheumatism: Consume lemon juice every day (use about 3 lemons per day). Lemon juice is also good in treating liver and kidney diseases, and it is also known as a powerful calming remedy.

Heart: Squeeze 3 lemons and add a teaspoon of salt to the lemon juice. Put the mixture in a small bottle and shake until you see some white bubbles on the surface. Drink a tablespoon of the remedy every hour.

Colds – Make yourself a tea using equal parts of dry lemon peel, dry orange peel and thyme. Add 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a liter of water and boil for 2 minutes. Cover the tea and filter after 20 minutes. You can also add a teaspoon of honey.

Lemon leaves can be combined with any other herb.

Dandruff and Seborrhea: Apply some lemon juice on the hair roots and gently massage the scalp. Leave the juice for half an hour then rinse. Repeat the procedure twice a week. To prevent hair breakage, add a few drops of any kind of oil (flaxseed, sesame, wort, thyme, etc.) in the water.

Natural Remedies

4 Homemade Mouthwash Recipes To Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally

Healthy oral hygiene habits are more than important, and you will sure keep your breath fresh by using some natural mouthwash products.

Studies have shown that regular use of antibacterial mouthwash twice a day in combination with regular brushing can significantly reduce the risk of oral herpes and other similar infections.

You can make your own mouthwash, using 4 different natural bases:

1. Lemon Based Mouthwash

  • 1.3 oz/ 35 ml water
  • 2 tsp aloe vera gel
  • 12 drops of lemon essential oil

Combine all the ingredients in a small bottle and shake well. Your lemon based mouthwash is ready for use.

2. Fresh Mint and Rosemary Mouthwash

  • 2.5 oz/ 70 ml water
  • Few mint and rosemary leaves

Cover the herbs with some warm water and wait for 24 hours. Strain the liquid and pour it in a small bottle. Keep the bottle on a dry place or in the fridge.

3. Honey and Cinnamon Mouthwash

  • 1/2 tsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 0z/ 30 ml warm water

Mix all the ingredients well and use this mouthwash every morning. Your breath will stay fresh during the whole day.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Mouthwash

  • 8 oz/ 240 ml water
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar

Mix the liquids in a glass bottle and shake well before every use.

Health Tips Natural Remedies

How to Painlessly Remove a Splinter With Baking Soda

Splinters are something you can not avoid, and often you have to handle a piece of wood, or a prickle which can sometimes penetrate deeper in the muscle tissue.

If splinters are often causing you problems, we have the easiest, most efficient and painless solution for you.

All you need is water, baking soda and a bandage.

Use enough baking soda and water to get a thick paste. Apply it on the splinter and cover the spot with a bandage. From time to time remove the bandage to apply more of the mixture.

Wait for an hour or even a day, depending on the depth of the splinter. You will be amazed to see how the splinter comes out by itself.

Healthy Drinks Recipes

The Perfect Coffee Alternative – This Drink Will Make You Feel Much Better About Waking Up in the Morning

If you are the kind of a person that avoids caffeine, and still needs something to wake up in the morning we have the ideal, fruity solution for you.

A caring mother shared this recipe on her blog, strongly recommending her followers to prepare this fruit bomb, since it works perfectly in the morning when you are moody, and it will also boost your metabolism.

Here is what you need to prepare this drink:

  • – a cup of sparkling mineral water
  • – 1/2 cup orange juice
  • – 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • – few raspberries
  • – 4-5 mint leaves
  • – 1 tbsp honey


Put all the ingredients in a glass and stir well until they are well blended.

Add the raspberries at the very end and simply smash them using a teaspoon or a drinking straw.

Let this drink be the first thing you do in the morning, and you are ready for your busy day!

Natural Remedies

Manage Your PMS And Relieve Pain With This Delicious Chocolate Smoothie

Most women strongly believe that chocolate would help them relieve all those frustrating PMS symptoms that repeatedly appear every month, and they often reach for a delicious and rich chocolate bar when the very first symptom starts bothering them.

In this period you simply can not ignore the need for chocolate, but you can still replace the regular chocolate bar with a healthier alternative.

This creamy chocolate drink will satisfy your desire for exotic flavors and it will also relieve every symptom, including spasms and pain.


  • – Fat-free yogurt
  • – Banana slices (about half of a small bowl)
  • – 1/4 avocado
  • – 1/2 cup spinach
  • – 1/2 cup dark chocolate
  • – 10 whole Indian nuts
  • – 1/2 cup water


Blend all the ingredients for 5-10 minutes, or until you get a nice and creamy texture.

A single glass of this drink contains calcium, vitamin B, magnesium, and when combined, these nutrients provide the same effect as analgesics, or painkillers do.


How To Eliminate Ants From Your Home Cheaply And Naturally

Its summer and those boring guests seem to visit your home more than ever, right? Well, it is the season when ants start collecting food for the winter, and your home is their favorite destination.

We have listed the top five natural and cheap solutions, and their smell and content will sure keep uninvited guests away from your home.

Thoroughly clean every room in your home

First, clean every gathering spot. Use your regular cleaning agent and water.

White Vinegar

You have most probably heard before that white vinegar is the most popular natural solution for ants. Mix equal amounts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle and use it on every possible surface in your home.

Cinnamon Powder

Sprinkle large amounts of cinnamon along the ant trails. Ants can not stand the intense aroma of this spice.


Mix a few tablespoons of salt and some hot water. Let it cool and keep the solution in a spray bottle. Salty surfaces stop the ants from entering your home.

Chalk or Baby Powder

Ground some chalk and sprinkle it near the walls – their favorite spot. You can do the same using baby powder.