Healthy Drinks Recipes

This Amazing Drink is Real Natural RedBull

Your body constantly spends energy, necessary for its proper functioning. For this reason and many more you have to think of the energy your body need and how to provide it. American scientists published a recipe for a delicious smoothie, and the ingredients you need will fill you up with energy for the whole day.


  • 3 oz/ 90 ml soy milk (you can use regular milk)
  • 1 ½ banana
  • 4 oz /125 ml low-fat yogurt, frozen overnight, or low-fat yogurt and 4 ice cubes
  • 2 tsp chopped almonds
  • 1 tsp chopped walnuts
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 ice cubes


Blend all the ingredients together and process until you get a nice and creamy texture. Pour the smoothie in glasses and always serve it freshly prepared.


This homemade energy drink is rich in vitamins B2, B5, B6, B7, B12, C, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphate, potassium, zinc, iodine.

A glass of smoothie also contains vitamin B1, folic acid, copper, as well as vitamin B3, beta carotene, iron, fiber, selenium.

Fruits General

Video: How To Cut Watermelon – A Simple Yet Brilliant Technique

We all cut watermelon in the same way, so the pieces often crack or fall on the ground.

So, why do not you try doing it in a completely different way?

Cut the watermelon in half, carefully remove the rind and cut the halves into cubes. Cover it with a deep bowl or a container, whatever you may prefer, then turn it upside down. Be careful when turning the bowl, because the watermelon is quite juicy.

Serve and enjoy this refreshing delicacy!



6 Healthy Reasons to Eat Avocados Every Day

Avocado originated in Mexico, and its health benefits and great taste make it one of the most popular food. Regardless of whether you prefer fresh avocado slices or avocado juice, try to consume it at least 5 times per week.

If you still hesitate to include this delicious food in your everyday diet, we give you six reasons to do that.

1. Avocado is Rich in Carotenoids

Carotenoids protect against eye problems and disorders, and healthy diet which includes avocado salad or sauce is ideal for older people who need to take more care about their eyesight. Protect your eyes without taking any pills or food supplements.

2. Reduces Cholesterol

Fatty foods and sugar are the main cause for high blood cholesterol, and you can keep them under control by consuming a few avocado slices every day. Folic acid reduces the risk of heart diseases.

3. Great Ally in The Fight Against Excess Pounds

If you are trying to lose some weight, there is no easier way than consuming an avocado every day. It is rich in fiber that gives you a feeling of satiety. For that reason, whenever you feel like eating a huge and juicy sandwich, you better eat half an avocado, and you can also spice it with your favorite herbs and spices.

4. Reduces High Blood Pressure

Millions of people throughout the world are diagnosed with hypertension, and it is often neglected mostly because of its invisible symptoms. Avocado contains nutrients that will help you reduce high blood pressure responsible for this health condition, and it is also rich in potassium and magnesium – known as the most powerful combination when it comes to hypertension therapies.

5. Improves Circulation And Protects Brain

Few avocado slices are the best prevention against bad circulation, even though it is considered as a high-calorie food. Avocado is especially recommended for adults, because proper circulation is important for normal brain function.

6. Avocado Reduces The Risk of Breast Cancer

Thanks to the high levels of oleic fatty acids, vitamin E and lutein, half an avocado per day can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.

However, be careful when consuming avocado, because of its high fat content. It is best to consult your doctor or nutritionist before making any changes in your diet.

General Health Tips

Get Rid Of Fruit Flies Naturally With This Simple But Very Effective Trick

Summer is always full of joy and happiness, but what about all those insects buzzing around you, even in your home. You will sure agree that flies are the most irritating insects, and they can easily spoil your perfect family lunch or your goodnight’s sleep.


Duct tape is not the best solution, and you should not use any spray near the food.

If you do need to eat your lunch on the porch without any flies buzzing around your food, we suggest you to try this simple solution.

Stick 20-30 cloves in an apple. Place the decorated apple in the middle of the table.

You will be amazed from the unexpected results, and pleasant scent that will fill your home.

Natural Remedies

How To Heal Cold Sore Naturally

Oral herpes can be really unpleasant. It is not only irritating and long-lasting, the infection on the lips can be a real esthetic problem. Even though you can find a lot of products in the pharmacies, but you will still get those small scars on your skin after the infection is healed.

Oral herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, and it can be transmitted by kissing, hugs and using same eating utensils. Once you are infected the virus remains in the body, hidden in the nerves around the mouth and nose, and appears always when your immunity is weak.

Make a thick mixture using 3 big garlic cloves and 100 g of honey.
Smash the garlic cloves, add the honey and mix it well.
Apply this remedy directly on the infected area.

Pumpkin oil, available in every healthy food store, or 3% hydrogen peroxide can also help you heal oral herpes wounds. Lentil flour is another efficient remedy. Simply, cook a tablespoon of flour and 2 cups of hot water for a while and apply the remedy on the infected area.

Combine a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of baking soda, then add some water, enough to get a thick paste, and apply it several times a day.

Aloe vera, mint and propolis can also help you heal the infection.

Healthy Drinks Recipes

Green Kiwi Smoothie To Boost Your Energy

If you still do not know how to handle high temperatures, hydrate the body and fill yourself with energy for the day ahead, do not hesitate to try this delicious kiwi and yogurt shake.

Kiwi fruit will give you the necessary amount of vitamin C, and it will improve your immune system. You will feel fresh, and this green fruit is an ideal remedy for your tired and exhausted body.

Yoghurt is amazingly efficient in the regulation of the intestinal flora and boosts the immune system. Its refreshing taste is something that everybody likes.

To prepare this energetic and refreshing bomb you need:

  • 3 kiwi fruits
  • 7 oz /200 ml of yogurt
  • lemon juice (use 1/2 lemon)
  • teaspoon of honey


Peel and chop the fruit. Blend it together with the rest of the ingredients.
Add a few ice cubes and drink this kiwi shake in the morning, instead of coffee.

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks Recipes

8 Amazing Infused Water Recipes To Drink Instead of Soda

Every doctor or nutritionist will agree that water is the source of health. If you carefully study every special diet regimen, you will notice that drinking 10 glasses of water per day is the most important rule.

Drowning in water is not the best idea, and probably you need something more delicious.

You can simply add some fruits and herbs to your water, and it will not only refresh your body, but also boost your metabolism.

1. Lemon and cucumber – Combine 10 glasses of water, a cucumber and some lemon slices. You can also add a few mint leaves.

2. Strawberries and lemon – Blend 10 glasses of water, 6 strawberries, lemon slices and mint leaves.

3. Dill and lemon – Cook 3 dill stems in 150ml of water for 5-10 minutes. Then add 10 glasses of water, lemon juice, peeled orange and 12 mint leaves.


4. Blackberries and sage – It is a real antioxidant bomb. Combine 10 glasses of water, a cup of blackberries and 4 sage leaves.

5. Rosemary and watermelon – Combine 10 glasses of water, 2 rosemary stems and a few pieces of watermelon. It may sound strange, but it is really refreshing.

6. Pineapple and mint – Blend 10 glasses of water, a cup of diced pineapple and 12 mint leaves.

7. Apples and cinnamon – Apples are healthy, so try to eat at least an apple every day. You can combine 10 glasses of water, some apple slices and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon.

8. Ginger and black tea – This exotic combination will remind you of the hot summer days in Turkey, high waves and oriental joy. It is enough to cook a tablespoon of black tea, a tablespoon of dried ginger and 10 glasses of water.

Health Health Tips Natural Remedies

How to Improve Blood Circulation Naturally

Bad circulation is especially unpleasant when the weather gets a bit chilly. Use these 8 tips to protect your feet and hands from freezing.

1. Physical Activity

Exercising or any other physical activity improves circulation. Muscle contractions improve the blood flow to your legs, and regular walks or aerobic exercises will sure keep your body warm.

2. Normal Body Weight

It is easier for the blood to circulate in a healthy body, compared to people who have problems with excess weight.

3. Do Not Stand For Too Long

Avoid long static activities such as standing or walking.

4. Deep Breaths

Deep breathing helps you increase the capacity of your lungs, and your body receives more oxygen, necessary for the metabolism and body cells.

5. Stop Smoking

Smoking damages vascular endothelial cells that line the entire circulatory system and is often considered as the main cause for the creation of cholesterol.

6. Relax

Prolonged breathing, autogenic training and a massage are some of the tips you could use to relax.

7. Heat Holders, Scarfs

Warm clothes, heat holders and scarfs will help you maintain the body temperature.

8. Hot and Cold Treatment

Soak your feet in tepid water for a few minutes, and then do the same using cold water. Repeat the procedure for several times. This will stimulate the blood circulation.

Prepare this efficient natural remedy to improve circulation and protect the blood vessels

We suggest you to prepare this amazing natural remedy, and people have been using it for the last decades. It is popular for its efficacy to improve blood circulation and protect the cardiovascular system. The ingredients are cheap and easily available, and when combined, they can do miracle for your body…


  • 1.5 oz /40 g dried calendula
  • 1.5 oz /40 g dried thyme
  • 1.5 oz /40 g dried nettle
  • 3 rosemary stalks
  • 3 common yarrow stalks
  • St. John’s wort (3 stalks)
  • 4 cups/ 1l rakia (beverage with 40% alcoholic content )


Put herbs in a mason jar. Add a liter of rakia and leave the jar in a dark room for 30 days. Consume a teaspoon every morning and evening.

Fruits Health Tips Vegetables

What Do Those Codes On Stickers Of Fruits And Some Veggies Mean?

Maybe you have not thought of this before, but the stickers attached to the fruits and vegetables are not only there to help the cashier scan the price.

The PLU code, or the price lookup number on the sticker also stands for the way of production, meaning by reading this code you will know if the product is genetically modified, organic or produced with chemical fertilizers, fungicides or herbicides.

1. If you can see only four numbers in the PLU, then the product was grown conventionally or “traditionally”, and pesticides were used during the cultivation process. The last four letters of the code represent the kind of the fruit or vegetable you are buying. For example, bananas are always labeled with the code of 4011.

2. If there are five numbers, and the first is “8”, then the product is genetically modified. Genetically modified foods trump being organic, and you can not eat organic fruit or vegetable grown from genetically modified seeds. The label on genetically modified banana (GE-genetically engineered of GMO) would contain the numbers 84011.

3. If the PLU code contains 5 numbers, and the first is “9”, the product you are buying is organic. Organic bananas are labeled with 94011.

The material used to attach the labels is considered food-grade, but the sticker itself is not edible.

Read the full list from the Environmental Working Groups of fruits and vegetables with the amount of pesticides each of the products contains. This list will help you choose organic products, which are listed at the bottom of the list.

Here is the full list from the Environmental Working Groups of fruits and vegetables with the least to most pesticides:


Fruits Health Natural Remedies

How To Use Watermelon As a Medicine

Watermelon is not only your most favorite and refreshing fruit during the hot, summer days, it also contains an amino acid, called ‘L-citrulin’, which reduces the time necessary for muscle recovery after any hard workout, meaning it helps sportists achieve better results.

Fresh watermelon or watermelon juice is a real solution for sensitive muscles and muscle pain, explained the scientists from the University of Cartagena, Spain.


They found that ‘L-citrulin’ contained in watermelon speeds the elimination of excess lactic acid from the muscles, writes “Daily Mail.”

Lactic acid is actually responsible for the itchy sensation and muscle tightening which appears after any intensive workout. Scientists conducted a study and involved volunteers who were supposed to drink unpasteurized and additive-free watermelon juice an hour before the physical activity. The results showed that this fruit is an amazing “friend” during hard physical activities, which is another confirmation that watermelon is sportists most favorite drink.

Moreover, scientists believe that this amino acid is beneficial for faster muscle recovery, and the consumption of this summer delicacy will help sportists achieve better results.

120g of watermelon contain about 150 mg of ‘L-citrulin’, which is much more than any other fruit.

Health Benefits of Watermelon

It is proven that watermelon is an excellent diuretic, because it stimulates the function of the kidneys, and it is also important for the cardiovascular health, thanks to the vitamins A, C and B6.

Watermelon also contains magnesium which helps in the regulation of high blood pressure.

Watermelon Seeds Are An Excellent Remedy For Kidney Stones

It is true that there is nothing better than a piece of fresh watermelon when you are thirsty but, have you ever heard about the health properties of watermelon seeds?

In Chinese folk medicine the practitioners use these seeds as the most powerful remedy for kidney stones. Watermelon seeds are rich in magnesium and potassium, known for their benefits in the fight against this disease.

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