Health Health Tips Natural Remedies

How to Treat Kidney Stones Naturally – Kidney Stones Prevention

Both patient and doctor have the responsibility to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones, even after they are completely dislodged.

Diet changes are essential if you are trying to prevent the chance of having recurring stones.

The first thing doctors do when making the right choice of food for each patient is analyze the urine and the composition of the stone dislodged. Proper dietary and hygienic regimen requires chemical analysis of the stone in order to discover which is the dominant mineral, or in other words which foods contribute to its creation.

It is proven that by following a proper diet regimen only 20% of the patients have the chance of having recurring stones. On the other hand, if the patients do not follow any special dietary and hygienic regimen, the number of patients having recurring stones increases by 80%.

Specific dietary regimens are just part of the treatment, and there are other general prevention measures for colds and inflammations caused by the kidney stones. These measures include drinking enough fluids, at least a glass every two hours, and before bedtime patients should drink about three liters of water.

Large amounts of water can be only dangerous in cases of hypertonic diagnosis and heart or kidney diseases. At the same time you should try to prevent any possible loss of fluids through excessive sweating, heavy physical activities, tanning, exposure to high temperatures, excessive physical activity, and excessive use of medications for bowel cleansing.

It is important to avoid stress, alcohol, carbonated drinks, concentrated sugar, including honey and fruit syrup, sweets, artificial sweeteners and salt.

If the analysis shows that calcium and oxalates (calcium-oxalate stones) are dominant in the stone, the patients should avoid green vegetables, and beetroot as well, and from the fruits these patients should reduce the consumption of apples, grapefruit, currants, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and plums.

Lamb and mutton are also on this list, followed by coffee, cocoa, chocolate, Coke and strong tea. It is also important to be more careful when consuming homemade tea, including mint, chamomile, parsley and fruit tea.

If the kidney stones show large amounts of phosphates, the patient should avoid fish, yolk, eggs, milk (not more than 1 glass of milk daily and half a liter of yoghurt) and dairy products. It is especially important to avoid old full-fat (sheep) cheese and hard yellow cheese, including Edamer, Emmental and Parmesan cheese.

These patients should also avoid beans, peas, lentils, green beans, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, coffee and carbonated drinks.

In cases of urate stone and sand, the patients should avoid consuming internal organ meat, including liver, brain, kidneys, bone marrow (found in soups). These patients should also avoid eating peas, beans, lentils, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, soybeans and mushrooms.

Drink a lot of water
Water helps the kidneys eliminate toxins and stops the creation of kidney stones and infections, and the dehydration increases the risk of kidney disorders by 20%. If you still can not drink large amounts of water, carry a water bottle with you – this will remind you to drink more even in cases when you do not have it on hand.

Do not forget to drink more yoghurt and milk
High blood pressure can damage the small vessels in the kidneys, so they can not filter the waste materia properly. Maintain your blood pressure by including two glasses of yoghurt and a glass of milk in your everyday menu. Several studies have confirmed that low-fat dairy products reduce the blood pressure.

Health Health Tips

11 Common Diseases Caused by Vitamin D Deficiency

While you are still young, the intake of vitamin D may very well affect the body in the long run. The results of a study conducted by the University of Zurich confirmed that consistent intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin D is more than necessary for the bone health.

it is quite difficult to take vitamin D in sufficient amounts, same as some other vitamins, so you should often be more careful about the food you eat.

Butter, milk, sea fish, egg yolks and other foods are rich in vitamin D. If you notice at least 2 of these symptoms, keep these foods more often on your table.

Do I have vitamin D deficiency?

The best way to find out whether there is a vitamin D deficiency is a simple blood test that measures the level of the vitamin found in the blood. You can ask your doctor to do such a test or buy a home test kit and do the test by yourself.

However, you certainly have a vitamin D deficiency if you have any of these diseases, and you should consult your doctor for preventive and treatment options as soon as possible.

1. Influenza

A study published in the Cambridge journal claims that vitamin D deficiency predisposes children to respiratory diseases and vice versa, it can reduce the incidence of such disease.

2. Muscle Weakness

According to Michael F. Holick, a leading vitamin D expert, muscle weakness is usually caused by a vitamin D deficiency, because high vitamin D level is essential for proper function of the skeletal muscles.

So if you feel muscle weakness, and you do not exercise or you are not physically active, then your muscles and tissue most probably lack vitamin D.

3. Psoriasis

The study published by the UK PubMed Central showed that synthetic analogues of vitamin D are efficient in the treatment of psoriasis.

Health Health Tips Natural Remedies

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads And Blackheads Naturally

Whiteheads and blackheads refer to closed and open comedomes, which are a form of acne. To be more precise, there are two categories of acne: pimples and cysts in one group, and whiteheads and blackheads in the other.

Comedomes are not as blatant symptoms of acne, as pimples or cysts, but most certainly should be addressed. Usually they are more common and numerous on the face and shoulders, or back.

Acne appears as a result of an inflammation caused by the excessive sebum (skin oil) which clogs the skin pores.

Blackheads, or open comedomes, are actually hair follicles that are opened wider than regular folicles. They are filled with plugs of sebum and dead skin cells deposits, and undergo a chemical process which results in an oxidation of the melanin. This reaction gives the typical black color of the substance in the hair folicle.

Whiteheads, or closed comedomes, are hair folicles closed with the sebum, but unlike blackheads, they have only a microscopic opening to the skin surface. The air can not reach to the substance in the folicle, so it does not oxidize, and remains white.

Fruits Health

After Reading This, You’ll Never Look at a Banana in The Same Way Again!

Bananas contain fiber and three natural sugar types – sucrose, fructose and glucose. You probably know that this fruit boosts your energy instantly. However, energy is not the only thing you can get when eating a banana, moreover this exotic fruit can help you stay fit and healthy.

A number of studies have proven that bananas are quite efficient in overcoming and preventing a lot of diseases and health issues, and today it is the number one fruit with the world’s most popular athletes – after reading this article, you would probably start saying ‘a banana a day keeps the doctor away’.

We have explained some of the main health benefits you can enjoy with a single banana.


A recent research conducted by MIND (a well respected and popular mental health charity) involved a group of people struggling with depression. The results showed that the people surveyed felt much better after eating a banana.

Bananas are rich in tryptophan, which is later converted into serotonin, known for its ability to relax the body, improve the mood and make you feel much happier. This is an excellent back up for the research which claimed that the imbalance of serotonin can cause depression. Actually, serotonin is often called ‘the happy hormone.’


Bananas are rich in fiber, so the regular consumption can restore the normal bowel function, eliminating any need of laxatives.

Blood Pressure

The matching between high potassium level and low salt level contained in bananas is quite amazing, and it makes this fruit a powerful natural aid in the treatments of high blood pressure. US Food and Drug Administration has now permitted the banana industry as a whole to be able to make official claims, regarding the ability of this fruit to reduce the risk of stroke and high blood pressure.


Banana milkshake or smoothie is the perfect remedy for terrible hangovers. It is super quick, easy and healthy, and you can also add some honey to sweeten it. This fruit has a calming effect on the stomach, and when combined with some honey it can rebuild the depleted blood sugar level, and the milk will efficiently soothe and re-hydrate your organism.


Banana is the top food for people who suffer from intestinal disorders, mostly because of the soft and smooth texture. It coats the lining of the stomach and thus neutralizes any acidity and irritation.


Studies have shown that bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body. Try treating a bout of heartburn with a banana, and enjoy the quick, natural and soothing relief.


Some good news for all the ladies – throw those pills away! A single banana will sure improve your mood, because the high levels of vitamin B6 will regulate your blood sugar level.


Bananas are rich in several B vitamins, essential for the nervous system. The Australian Institute of Psychology conducted a study which found that the pressure at work can make you reach for a comfort food like chocolate or chips. The study involved 5,000 hospital patients, and the researchers found that the most obese patients had a high-pressure job.

In their report the researchers concluded that “to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady”. So be sure to take a banana with you when you go to work.


Bananas are rich in iron, which is essential for the stimulation of hemoglobin production in the blood, so this fruit is a natural aid in the treatments of anemia.

Mosquito Bites:

Banana skin can be an amazing alternative to insect bite creams when it comes to treating irritating mosquito bites -just rub the inside of a banana skin directly on the affected area.

This is a natural way of reducing swelling and irritations.

Temperature Control

Some cultures recognize bananas as a ‘cooling’ fruit, considered as powerful in lowering both physical and emotional temperature of pregnant women. In Thailand pregnant women eat bananas on a regular daily base to ensure that the baby will be born with a cool temperature.

Morning Sickness

Bananas are the perfect snack between your meals. They will help you keep the blood sugar level up and significantly reduce the morning sickness.

Brain Power

A study conducted in 2013, in a school in Twickenham, England, involved more than 200 students who had exams. The students ate bananas for breakfast, at mid-morning break and for lunch. The study found that this fruit significantly helped the students with their energy and concentration, which goes in favor of the research which found that high level of potassium helps the students learn better, by making them more alert.

Bananas are a natural remedy for different conditions. Compared to an apple, a single banana has four times more protein, two times more carbohydrate, three times more phosphorus, five times more vitamin A and iron, and two times more vitamins and minerals of other kind.

This fruit is super rich in potassium, and health experts recognize it as one of the most valuable and nutritious foods.

Source: Natural Cures Not Medicine


The Truth Has Been Spoken – Coca-Cola Admits Its Big Fat Problem

Sandy Douglas drinks one Coca-Cola a day. “Sometimes I have a Coke Zero in the afternoon, but not another regular one because it has too many calories. “That’s approximately my daily regimen.”

If it were anyone else, this would have no significance, but Douglas is president of Coca-Cola North America, At 52, Douglas has been with Coca-Cola (KO) for 26 years and is very much the company man.

This information has recently erupted in the US media and quite expectantly because this already is the second person who addresses the problem related to their product.

Last year, the Europe Coca-Cola Representative, James Quincy admitted that the beverage causes weight gain, after a certain journalist addressed him with the fact that one can contains 6 sugar cubes

Foreign media analyze that for quite some time, Coca- Cola is fighting sale deficiency, so they are working on consequent image modifications and facing problems which cannot be avoided.

For that same reason, Douglas openly speaks of the health issues caused by their beverages and, at the same time, directs his worry towards the internet speculations related to the product.


How To Get Rid of The Garlic And Onion Smell

The garlic and onion may be the tastiest sauce and salad additives, but there is only one problem- the unpleasant breath afterwards.

No need to panic. If you had garlic sauce or onion salad at lunch and an important meeting follows in the evening, there are a couple of solutions.

Aside from hygiene, these ingredients can efficiently eliminate that smell:

1. Mustard –Put a tablespoon of mustard in your mouth for a couple of seconds. Spit it out and then take one half tablespoon of mustard and swallow it.

2. Mint And Parsley Leaves– Chew on fresh mint and parsley leaves for several minutes then spit them up.

3. Large Amounts of Vegetables– potatoes, mushrooms, lemons and carrots – fresh or boiled- neutralize any smells. That is why the onion and garlic should be combined with these ingredients as a preventive measure.

4. Bread– a small amount of carbs will also be helpful in dealing with the unpleasant breath. Make sure you consume at least one piece of bread in every meal.

5. Green Tea And Lemonade– The fresh smell and taste of these beverages has the same effect as a simple chewing gum.

7. Milk and Yoghurt– the dairy fats are also very preventative when it comes to bad breath.

8. Lemon– fresh slices of lemon can be efficient in dealing with mouth bacteria. For quick result, chew on a couple of slices right after your meal.

Fruits Health Tips

A Million Dollar Solution – How To Pick Ripe Watermelon

Some people knock on watermelons to hear the sound within, others take a closer look at the stem color but experts advise several other things that you need to pay attention to.

The more symmetrical watermelons are tastier.


Nice, deep knock sound appoints to ripeness, but if you hear deeper echo like the one from a hollow object, it means that the watermelon is overripe.

The watermelon sweetness can be noticed by the stem- if you cut the stem and get sticky juice from it, it means that the watermelon is sweet.

The ripe watermelon has dark green color, and a noticeable mark on it, is also a good sign.

The ripe watermelon is heavy and the unripe watermelon seems light for its weight, due to the fact that even 92% of the watermelon is water.

When you buy a watermelon, take notice to the side the watermelon has lied on. That side should be creamy-yellow,  like the mix of banana and lemon color. If the side is white or light green, it means that the watermelon in unripe.

Health Health Tips

How to Fight Cavities and Tooth Decay Naturally

If you were to ask any dentist if the caries can be cured instead of removing it or putting dental inlays, the answer will be no. Still, many people claim to have successfully done this practically only by eating right.

After reading Dr. Weston Price’s „Nutrition and Physical Degeneration“, many have decided to try and cure the caries and just a few months, have succeeded.

How is it Possible?

Dr. Weston price is a dentist, who in the beginning of the 20th century had travelled the world searching for tribes living outside the modern society. He wanted to know the secret behind their healthy teeth, which had never beenbrushednor flossed.

After plenty of research, Price discovered that the true reason for caries occurrence is the lack of nutrients. Whenever the lack of nutrients disappears, the caries cures itself and the teeth begin their renewal.

Why Do Teeth Decay?

– Lack of various vitamins which are fat-soluble – such are vitamin A, D, E, and K, which, due to modern nutrition, are less present in our organism. Price discovered that these vitamins build the biggest immunity against caries.

– Lack of activator X, a hormone similar to vitamin D. Activator X can be found inside herbivorous animals. When it comes to food, the more yellow the butter is, the bigger amount of activator X it contains leading to faster teeth renewal.

Dental Caries Prevention

The easiest way for caries prevention is by combining two of the most powerful ingredients. Every morning, during breakfast, eat three capsules of butter oil and a spoonful of cod liver oil.

If you fail to provide these oils, the following products will do the trick:

  • Chicken liver
  • Goat cheese
  • Fat-full milk
  • Eggs
  • Fish and seafood
  • Butter
  • Cream
Diet & Weight Loss Health Tips

5 Unexpected Reasons You’re Gaining Weight

The feeling of gaining few extra kilograms or not being able to get inside your jeans can be very frustrating. But little do we know that various reasons can be the cause of all this – everything from hormonal unbalance to lack of certain vitamins. Having this in mind, our body reacts to the factors we cannot avoid.


Plenty of antidepressants can lead to undesired weight gain. So, it is likely to expect weight gain of 3-8 kilos, which can only increase in time.

If you are not taking any depression medication, than the depression itself is the “key” factor for gaining extra weight, and the sorrow and loneliness people experience, may contribute to the weight gain as a consequence of consuming large amounts of unhealthy and calories –rich food or physical inactivity.


Plenty of medication could also lead to weight gain such as contraceptive pills, hormonal drugs, steroid drugs, beta blockers or blood pressure, arthritis and migraine medication.

Slow Metabolism

If your metabolism is slow, it would be helpful if you feel the need for relief an hour or two after meal.  If you have stool once or twice a day, that is even better. If your stool is inconstant, the dehydration, meds, lack of nutritive fibers or your gut flora may be guilty for your weight gaining.

Lack of Nutrients

Some of the reasons for unusual weight gain can be the lack of certain nutrients such as vitamin D, magnesium and iron which affects your immune system, decreases your energy and slows down the metabolism.

Getting Old

Whenever something natural, as getting old occurs, than the slow metabolism is more than expected, as well as not being able to burn same amounts of calories at the age of 40 or 50 as good as you would have done it in your 20s. That is why you need to cut down the daily amount of food and exercise more.

Fruits Health Health Tips Vegetables

Improve Your Thyroid Gland Function by Eating These Foods

When choosing the best products that support the function of the thyroid (thyroid) gland, you need to limit the intake of foods rich in goitrogens in favor of the foods that stimulate the thyroid gland.

This group of foods includes food products rich in vitamin B and iron, fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, kelps, lean meat, fish, beans, olive oil and vegetable oil.

Foods rich in B vitamins are beneficial for the thyroid gland, and these include liver, turkey, beef, Brazilian nuts, potatoes, lentils, black beans and kefir. Fresh vegetables rich in iron, such as beets and parsley, also support the function of the thyroid gland.

Whole grains have positive effect on the thyroid gland, so try to include lentils, brown rice, barley, millet, popcorn, wild rice, oats and wholegrain wheat flour in your diet. Doctor Edward Bauman, from the University of Natural Medicine in Santa Fe, New Mexico, recommends regular consumption of sea vegetables, such as kelps. Thyroid problems are often caused by free radicals.

On the other hand, foods rich in antioxidants can protect you – or the production of thyroid hormones essential for many vital functions in your body.

If you want to keep your thyroid gland healthy, try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, tomatoes, cherries, zucchini and peppers. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, rapeseed, kale, turnips, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts may have goitrogenic effect.

Although these plants are considered as healthy foods in many other respects, they contain certain ingredients that could potentially impede the function of the thyroid gland. If you eat these foods in large quantities, they can even reduce the absorption of the thyroid hormones.

However, if you eat them cooked, preferably steam-cooked and not raw, the goitrogenic effect will decrease or disappear. Lean meat, cold-water fish, flaxseeds and beans are rich in useful proteins, and maintain the health of the thyroid gland. Organic foods are especially good, because they do not contain certain steroids and hormones which can reduce the natural production of thyroid hormones.

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the thyroid gland. Tuna and salmon are good sources of these fatty acids when it comes to fish caught in the sea rather than fish grown in ponds. In fact, the fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids only if it is fed with algae.

Flaxseeds are also beneficial for the thyroid gland (grind some in the coffee grinder and add these seeds to your yoghurt, salads and soups). When cooking, add flaxseeds after the food is fully cooked, but never while you cook it. According to the advice that comes from the University of Maryland, choosing healthy cooking oil is essential for the thyroid gland. Olive oil and canola oil are considered as good and healthy choices.

If you already have some problems with the thyroid gland, be sure to consult your doctor or specialist before you choose any of these foods.

Image Source: Natural Cures Not Medicine